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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Current Transfer Servers


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Just goes to show size does count.


It might not feel so bad if the page didn't tell us to check back in the coming days. How about coming hours or throughout the day?


Hilarious. I stayed home today... for this.


That IS hilarious.

You stayed home for this? Perhaps you need to reassess some life priorities, tbh.

Edited by islander
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Wow, this thread is really embarrassing to read.


I personally am glad that they are finally moving ahead with transfers, and look forward to my server being given that option hopefully in the near future.

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I can't say that I'm not disappointed...BW built this x-fers up to be the game-breaking release today, and what do we get? 2 west coast, 2 east coast.


Don't worry I know you'll "gradually" get all servers done with, over time.


Take your time, my friend and I on the space station are having a blast playing hide-n-seek.


-Zaalbaar player woo


Shame I cant use the same logic with them. I dont know when I will be paid next so I cannot tell you for sure when I will pay my sub. I want it kept active tho and I will update you when I have the money. Do not ask me for dates tho because money coming in is random and I cannot give you a firm date. Then finally I say look Ill pay my bill June 12th. I do pay something but only 4% of my bill. I know they are disappointed but how do I know when money will come in. I cant tell them anything but keep my acct active.


Lol they would cancel me 1 hr after my due date if I didnt pay. I am supposed to be this bastion of patience tho.

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What I don't understand, is why they are giving you the choice to transfer to a more highly populated server.


Who in their right mind is going to decline that option? And what happens to the people who are left on these already dead servers?


This would have had a much smoother outcome if they simply took a handful of dead servers and merged them together and repeated the process until they had several servers with healthy populations. Guilds and guild banks would have stayed in tact. The only thing people might have been forced to do was change their name or Legacy name, which will happen reguardless.


Instead, they will have some high populated servers with 200+ breadcrumb servers that new players might accidentally roll on and by then, will have to PAY if they want to transfer off.


BioWare will have absolutely no need for all current 217 servers ever again for the rest of this game's live. The dead servers should be shut down and removed from the server selection screen.

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What? They said transfers would be June 12th. They never said only 4% would be June 12th. They most definately promised transfers on the 12th. They just didnt tell us it would be 1 east coast pve server only. If they had then I wouldnt have a problem with it. Ah well no big deal you apologists keep going hell they have already lost 400k subs we know of. I bet today they lost easily 100k more. Pretty soon you will be wondering where everyone is.


Day is not over yet - if my server UTHAR WYNN is not on the list at the end of the day I uninstall SWTOR for good. Bioware has plenty of testers, Public Test Servers etc they could have all test it there and open transfers for all servers, they have resources why not use them?

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I made a thread specifically about server reccomendation list, a list to where people can transfer to and people jumped to a conclusion to check the FAQ, really? where in the FAQ does it answer my question? The transfers could either be a disaster or a success, due to no list being shown for a reccomendation list it has more of a chance to fail. Edited by Jonoku
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Posted a lot on the transfers....Now I have to stick to one thread :(


For all the whiners; Give it 2 weeks. The transfers are 2 hours in motion. Maybe they didn't want to fark up even more things that are already wrong with the game. After 2 weeks if you dont get what you think you deserve.....Quit?


I don't see why this has to be an 85 page thread.......it's just that simple. If your needs aren't met, then don't play.


(I play on a full server....had to rub that in the wounds of the whiners)


OH wait also....cross server pvp / raids / HM FPs / REGULAR FPS are coming? WHAT?! :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:

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That IS hilarious.

You stayed home for this? Perhaps you need to reassess some life priorities, tbh.


I didn't say what I stayed home from. Jogging was put off a little while. Thanks for the free life coach advice. You should do it for a living.

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(facepalm) and all people like me wanted was the ability to get off of a dead server. Its so fan making bets for the length of a PVP que on mine.:mad:

Just a not to bioware: uh you know blizzard had this novel idea just to let people go where-ever they want. No servers broke and the game didn't break.

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Someone says not, but I'd like to see this clarified too.


It was clarified in the FAQs.


Take EVERYTHING out of your bank. When you get to your new server, RE-GUILD and contact CS so they can give you the GB back.

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According to the above quote, the goal was to avoid people migrating to the biggest existing populations and spread the population into other destination servers so those two servers were not the only "mega" servers. Instead, this situation does the exact opposite and pushes people to the two largest populated servers (Fatman, JC) which are in the least need of balancing.


Left hand, meet right hand.

Now talk to each other and figure out what you're both doing.


The only way that server transfers make sense is if they condense the population onto fewer servers. Shuffling around the population on the same 220 servers accomplishes nothing. You'd just end up in the same situation with a low population on most of the servers. Why would I want to go from an empty server to an empty server??


It is also completely logical that the lowest population servers are merged into a high/higher population server. It's less work, inconveniences fewer people, is instant payoff, and is much smoother.

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I have a serious question that I have yet to find an answer to. First, let me give you some background. My guild (200ish people) want to transfer servers. Does the guild name and bank transfer with us? Is there a process that we should be following to ensure a smooth transition? Do we have to raise and spend the 4 or 5 million credits that we already put into the bank? What about the items in the bank - do they transfer with us, or do we need to put them on a "mule" and then transfer the "mules" to the new server?


While I'm thrilled to have been chosen as a server to move from, I would like to know how this will affect my guild. Thank you.




see the faq for more.

Edited by Lakhesis
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While I understand the need, from a production standpoint, to take a new system slow and ramp up over time, only allowing four North American servers at the start is a complete and utter joke. It should be double that, at minimum, with the list including the lowest population servers.


And dropping two of them into the two highest populated NA servers? They've got to be kidding, right? Because that runs completely contradictory to the very FAQ they wrote for this situation. Here, let me quote it (emphasis added):




According to the above quote, the goal was to avoid people migrating to the biggest existing populations and spread the population into other destination servers so those two servers were not the only "mega" servers. Instead, this situation does the exact opposite and pushes people to the two largest populated servers (Fatman, JC) which are in the least need of balancing.


Left hand, meet right hand.

Now talk to each other and figure out what you're both doing.




Someone actually using their BRAIN here. Bioware says ONE thing and then DOES THE OTHER.


The highest population servers should NOT be the ones that were even considered needing more players.


Instead Bioware is always thinking BACKWARDS.


I mean, COMMON SENSE isn't a factor at Bioware and anyone that defends this is just completely an idiot.


I'm sorry. There is nothing you can say that will make sense out of this.


Everything people think should be done in a simple fashion with Bioware is ALWAYS done in the most


tedious, unimaginable way possible. I just REALLY, DON'T GET it.


I mean, I used to think it was just a raging trend but COME ON...Transfering people to TOMB and FATMAN?


FOR WHAT? They are already HEAVY STATUS most of the time.


Even the fanboys please...this does not make ANY damn sense whatsoever.


I try to like this game but JEDI JESUS...are the current Bioware staff TRYING to force people to quit?

Edited by Tiaa
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A lot of the rage is because we do not get good info. Soon, staggered, over time these have no value to them. Tell us 3 days, 4 days, something, anything.

Do what I do at work and give them the Scotty answer.” It will take 4 days” and then when you are ready for the next wave in 1 day you are the super star.

You need to set our expatiations better.

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So I should sub for another month on the off chance they may select my server? Really? After Ive already been subbing for the past 4 months because they said they were doing transfers. If they had been upfront about it and said only 1 east coast pve server would be eligible I would have cancelled months ago. Bait and switch. I have every right to complain I am not paying them another month because they are too incompetent to program code which they get paid for. Any other business but MMOs this company would have went under months ago.


Don't give a flip if you sub or not. Cancel if you want, wait until they announce where your server is going, and then resub. We don't care what you do. The only problem here is that YOU DID NOT READ THE INFO.

Edited by YanksfanJP
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what i want to know is when they say check back do they want us to check back each day , each week every few hours when should i come back to see if i can move .


check back at noon then maybe around 5 but you wont see anything new

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Originally Posted by JovethGonzalez

Keep in mind that we're going to be updating this list with eligible servers on a regular basis. This just represents the first group of eligible servers. We're monitoring how well the service is currently handling the load and I'll have a more solid update for you folks later today, but you can take "regularly" to mean that it won't be a week or a month for the next update.


Ok all I want to know how much time is "regular basis" a week, a month, a day, a year, a millenia ... honestly I don't hold the patience of stones and the will of stars... I want to keep playing but I'm sick of waiting, I thought it would be at least 10 US servers on the list... please stop toying and tell us what the hell you mean by "regular basis".

Edited by RobertoThePot
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I can't say that I'm not disappointed...BW built this x-fers up to be the game-breaking release today, and what do we get? 2 west coast, 2 east coast.


Don't worry I know you'll "gradually" get all servers done with, over time.


Take your time, my friend and I on the space station are having a blast playing hide-n-seek.


-Zaalbaar player woo


It's sad that I know the Best spots for it. We played for hours on Crucible.

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Personally, if there is anything similar to go for it is the Early Game Access.. That also started with a small group and increased in size exponentionally over a short period of time.


It may not be enough now, but I do expect a lot more by the end of the week.

I'm not saying I am sure this will be the case, but personally.. I see a path like this in the future:


Now, 9%

Tomorrow, 18%

Day 3, 27%

Day 4, 45%

Day 5. 72%

Day 6, everyone.


It might even be faster than that. But if this is even close to what will actually be the case, I still feel it was the right decision to follow through in a staggered transfer.


I am praying that you are correct.

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You are not a developer and you do not have access to their information.


Think for a second. You are complaining about the most promising item in this entire process. That is the fact that they believe the Fat Man is not up to their population desires, which means that we now have an indicator as to how well they are going to populate the servers, which means all of our expectations are going to be men.


.....yet you are using this as a baseball bat to beat them about the head and shoulders with?


They are not raising server caps so no matter how many more people they put on it full is the same as full back 5 months ago.


What they will end up doing is keep putting one server at a time on JC and Fatman and then once that fills up to their liking they will pick a new server to do the same thing too. The problem is that those 2 servers will take up most of the people that anyone who gets pushed to the second choice server will still be on a low pop server.


Bioware hasnt looked at anything in reguards to transfers they are doing it on the fly. Are they really that bad that they cant crunch some numbers as to how many people play on each server to figure out a good combination of servers to group up to a destination server so as to have a good population?


It should have been:

Server A has 530 people play

Server B has 40 people play

Server C has 780 people play

Server D has 2 people play

Server E has 90 people play

Server F has 320 people play

Then do that for every server for each group and you will come out with a number. Lets say just for easiness 10,000 people play on a PVP East server. Now they have to figure out what they determine is a good population. Take that number and divide it from the 10,000.


Now the tricky part. Lets say the number was 3000. Youre not going to have 3 servers at 3000 and 1 at 1000. You could make them each 2500 and have 4 servers or make them 3333 and have 3. If 3333 is over the server limit then you most likely wouldnt want to do that cause that would lead to que times. But if 2500 was determined to low of a population then you would use the 3333 and havea que.


OK now you have how many servers and how many people you want on them. All you have to do is start dividing the servers into groups of 4 and getting them as close as you can to that number. There you go you have your origin servers set and now you just have to pick the 4 destination servers. Pick the highest pop server on each list so that it equals less transfers that you have to do.


There you go origin servers and destination servers set. Now if you want to make sure the transfer process works you say we will be testing out transfers to make sure everything is ready and if no problems arise then we will start the mass transfers. Not the wording that Bioware uses so when it happens people are pissed off they deceived them.


There are other issues but the main one is set to go unlike now.

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Ok all I want to know how much time is "regular basis" a week, a month, a day, a year, a millenia ... honestly I don't hold the patience of stones and the will of stars... I want to keep playing but I'm sick of waiting, I thought it would be at least 10 US servers on the list... just please stop toying and tell us what the hell you mean by "regular basis".


It would help if you actually read all of what he wrote.

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