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Current Transfer Servers


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It is easy to lose faith in BW's ability to listen to and mange their customers expectations.


Their gradual roll-out plan may be very well justified, but their inability to communicate what going to happen is laughable. Their PR staff is woefully out-matched.

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There are 45 European English-language servers, of which at present perhaps 3 or 4 are not permanently at "Light" load


Could be worse, over here on the US side all the servers are light with two that get to standard during prime time and one of them sometimes hits heavy for a little bit.


Basically only two servers on the US side that aren't dead.


After today, I suspect we will have a lot less subs also.

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I didnt say they did, i said, if 4 a day is what we are looking at, thats no different then doing it once a week or month. Thats how cryptic bioware is. They say things that reassure you that everything is going to be in an acceptable manner, but then when it comes out - its flipped on you. They said staggered, they didnt say HOW staggered. Its a broad implication. And when it finally comes out and people complain, they defend themselves by saying ...."well... we DID tell you".


That saddest part about this, and like everything else. This is suppose to be game that listens to the community. Here we are on a REALLY big day, and the only interactions we have had with bioware is a general forums with EVERY topic but 5 locked by the forum mod and ZERO communication from the developers, mods ect. Want to ease people, someone needs to get their butt on these forums and explain *** is going on. Server transfers being staggering? fine, gradual? fine.... BUT SERIOUSLY someone needs to communicate, explain the process so people can understand and shut up.

They always do this, and when the forum is finally in an uproar itll be another cryptic explanation. Bioware isnt any different that anyone else, if its bad or unappealing news they cant put a positive spin on, you wont hear it.


You can't always "listen to the community" because the community doesn't always have the game's best interest at heart. Each member of the community only has THEIR best interests in mind. And not for nothing, but come on, the community of this game is not exactly a super-intelligent conglomeration of the world's best minds. In fact, most of the people on these forums are pretty dumb. You really trust these people to make decisions? No thanks.

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I see folks arguing as to why transfers would be staggered, which servers should be origin servers and which ones should be destination servers, etc. However the real problem here is COMMUNICATION.


They never communicated their plan. They never set expectations for community. Next time maybe share a little bit more. Set expectations early. Set them clearly. Management 101.


This is like Tiggs all over again. Marry me Tiggs! I mean... come on guys. This is just terrible. See the several dozen locked thread on page 1? See the rage all over this thread? See the subs dropping? Learn how to manage the community or you will have no community to manage.

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To all the folks crying because they might have to wait a few more day's for their server to be eligible. Now you see why Bioware is pretty closed when it comes to information sharing. They probably should have not told us last week that transfers were coming today. Instead they could have just popped in this morning and told us that transfers had begun with these servers and more would be added daily. Then instead of people crying on the forums you would of had people celebrating.


I hate to say it, because I wish Bioware wasn't so tight lipped about development. But this is precisely why they are and should continue to be so.


I'll say it again, you must properly set peoples expectations or they'll constantly be disappointed.


The reason people are angry is because nobody set their expectations. Only four servers eligible the day of launch and comments like "check back often for an updated list". That just pisses people off!!

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I can't believe "The Defencestrator" didn't make the initial list of servers to Xfer TO. we NEED more people. We have a great community, awesome guilds and helpful people. We just need a higher population. I mean seriously sometimes my lvl 50 is the only person on a planet during primetime! Not to mention that you are having people xfer from a low population server to the highest population server in the east?? It sounds more ilk you want to kill off the low pop servers slowly and painfully...:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:


Havent you figured it out yet? Even Bioware doesnt know what its doing. How can they tell you what they plan next when they do not even know what they are doing right this moment? I just find it hard to believe they did this.

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It is quite obvious very few, if any of you have any experience migrating a production environment.


Inconvenient, yes. Most of you are acting like babies. Ok, so you are going to quit. You love the game SOOOOO much you are going to quit. Guess what. You were going to quit anyway. When your taun taun went missing. When your toon got nerfed. When the girl you met questing turns out to be a guy. At some point your irrational responses were going to drive you to quit.


There are numerous things to consider here. Customer service, name changes, people that did not read the notes for criteria, re-subbing now that servers are moved, merging data backups. Bandwidth to/from new locations.


You love the game or you don't. You want to play or you don't. Your reactions are irrational.


I love it so much I want to play now!!!! But your quiting?


I just do not understand.


PS: I simply re-rolled on a high traffic server. It was a little irritating leveling again. With no rare gear in this game, and no 'luck of the drop' hanging over my head, who cares. If you love the game that much. Play it twice.

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this has probably already been asked, but why transfer characters to servers such as Jedi Covenant and The Fatman, when those two servers are regularly listed as "Very Heavy" or "Full." Unless server space has been expanded, I guess we should start expecting server queues.


They are supposed to be massively increasing server capacity.

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you guys need to chill the fk out your so impatient its ridiculous must be little kids obv bioware gonna start off slow hell they even said they would because the high in demand of people probably wanting to transfer to different server with new update comes bugs so there taking it slow and compared to other games bioware has one of the best customer support teams ull find and people who played other mmos know this so chill out go outside and play if your that mad they'll prob add more servers to list when they work out the kinks
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I'll say it again, you must properly set peoples expectations or they'll constantly be disappointed.


The reason people are angry is because nobody set their expectations. Only four servers eligible the day of launch and comments like "check back often for an updated list". That just pisses people off!!


I'm going to agree with madjuan and hope I don't get penalized by the moderators who must hate the fact they have to work for such "nice" "smart" people.

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Because they probably increased the server cap so that what was Full is now Standard. Or there are only a few on the origin server and they expect some to leave fatman once they find out they cannot transfer there.


Stop with the increased server cap. They have never increased server caps yet in this game.


The reason they are doing it one server per area at a time is because they have to do it manually. They cant figure out how to do it otherwise.


They are also having the destination server as the largest server in that area because they have looked at the numbers and realize that they only need 1 server per area.

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I find it a little ironic that people were raging at launch over the fact that there's not enough servers, and during early access because they didn't get in on day one, and now people are still raging over their server not being in the first phase. You'd think people would have learned by now that raging only ever makes things worse because I'm pretty sure that if people didn't scream for new servers 6 months ago and just put up with the temporary queues that almost all mmos experience in the first few weeks, we probably wouldn't even be in this mess.


Patience people, they'll get to your server eventually. I'd sure as hell rather them roll it out in phases to make sure that it actually works correctly under heavy load than make it free for all from the start and lose characters or something.

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Bioware should have...


1.) Found a way to transfer guilds in-tact.


2.) Used account names, etc. as unique IDs to free up char names/legacies to allow duplicates (a la Blizzard)


3.) Announced the origin and destination list long in advance to let guilds and users plan ahead. None of this 10 servers (4 US) phase nonsense.


4.) Not phased it in, but started it all at once. Put people in one, single queue for transfers and then take their time with it. We don't want to keep checking back in with the community and guessing when the next "phase" is going to be or what servers will be in it. Not only does this cause confusion and waste our time, it also encourages us to complain about it on the forums while we wait for the unknown.


Bioware is treating its users like sheep. Herding us around, not giving us options (other than stay or go), keeping us in the dark on the whole process, and generally zapping us with tasers when we get out of line complaining about it.


To me that spells "fail" and shows a general disrespect for its paying customers.

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They can't come out and say you will be waiting probably a month or more to transfer people would quit in droves. They have to keep teasing you. If you just keep playing and do not cancel maybe tomorrow you can transfer. Tomorrow comes and they say ok this time for SURE tomorrow then again same excuse. Next thing you know you got the guy to sub another month. Sheer desperation out of this team.



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I don't know how you guys can't know what was going to happen!


As I said above I was not interested in these transfers, but I knew most of this. I didn't know specific servers to up first, but I did know it was going to be staggered, and I knew it was happening tonight. They have talked at length about this stuff, just not in the general forums.


They have made news posts, announcements, had community meting and all sorts of things! I saw most of these, I followed just a little, yet you blame them for not letting you know!? This is they did. The problem is you are not happy with the speed and that you aren't first in line!


They give good information and they roll stuff out in a timely manner. Stop complaining!


Sometimes I just feel someone in the community needs to voice the other side of these demented arguments.

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Thank you for that update.


I have to say that, if indeed additional servers will be added in very short order, that a tremendous amount of bad customer relations, "publicity," and perhaps most importantly that intangible taste in people's mouths could have been avoided by simply explaining ahead of time that servers would be rolled out over the course of a few days.


You mean something like:


"This process will be gradual and staged over time. Despite huge improvements being made to the Character Transfer Service by our server team, there are millions of characters to be moved and there is a limit to how many can be moved daily. We want your character to be transferred as quickly as possible, but we will need you to be patient as the process completes. Once your transfer starts we estimate it will complete in a few hours, but with the potential volume of transfers occurring, you may find your character is queued for transfer for a while as we deal with the high volume."


posted June 6th


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Conversely, it's possible that they've been told to cut the server bill and virtualize the ones that people have abandoned -- i.e. they're trying to squeeze as much cash as they can from as few physical servers as possible given the largely self-inflicted haemorrhaging of subscribers.


Ats not how it works. Doing that will not enhance revenue, or be a benefit to their long term mission statement. At the very least, the loss incurred through man-hours to pull off a hoax of this magnitude with very limited benefit would be absurd.

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How were the servers choosen? i play Cho Mia and i havent had any pvp like about 5-6 weeks. None of this crying about 30 min ques or 3 hour ques or even 12 hour ques. PvP does NOT happen on this server.
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Well BioFail has struck again, guess I'll wait for them to open other servers in another 6 months.


You people are incredibly impatient and rude.


They already said that the lists are GRADUAL and eventually all servers will be considered.


Here are some suggestions until your server comes up:


1. read a book

2. go outside

3. ride a bike

4. play a different game

5. get a second job and save some money





The next person who complains that their server isn't listed or that Bio"fail" is working too slowly should have their account banned. Their plan is obviously to pack the best/busiest servers full so we have a great population to play with. This is GOOD, not bad.

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