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Free Character Transfers Now Available On Select Servers


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They arent we've already seen 5+ origin servers going to destinations.


Yeah, looks like they are doing one big server for each type (PVE/ PVP, etc) and each zone (East/West). They are also really expanding the pop caps, should be fun!

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QFT. This is someone who wanted to love TOR like a lot of us, but just got burned out and possibly even bored with it. Bioware didn't help the situation with this server transfer fiasco and 1.3. No interest/reason to keep logging in = dead servers = dead MMO unless Bioware turns this Titanic around somehow. How? I have some ideas, and I know we all have some ideas, but I have no clue what will truly work to save TOR.


Im a hunter, not a leveler ;)...burn out no, bored yes. I want to pvp, I want to build my legacy, I want to destroy the new content with my friends...and I just dont think that after 4 years of loyalty to this game that I or anyone else for that matter, deserve to be forced into paying through the teeth to build upon the legacy and characters that we have worked on...I LOVE MY SORC, despite their issues, the same can be said for my sniper, guardian, and my rauder...and while the story was good for most of them...I have absolutely zero interest in repeating any of that gaming on a new server. If bioware were to allow a few characters per account to transfer to a select server (not just one server to another), then they could monitor population volumes, keep their players happy and start getting rid of dead servers and free up those resources for servers that actually need the processing time. Just for now...let players select a new home for their account, give them a choice and then once they make it let them merge their characters on that new home...or if thats too complicated just a few unrestricted transfers per account, free or heavily discounted.


Total active Subs = TSubs

Optimal server volume = OSV

number of servers to allow transfers too = NS


TSubs / OSV = NS


open up transfers to the to top NS of populated servers and start from there...when a server reaches its OSV from incomming transfers, close it off and let the other top servers fill. There are problems with every solution, but at least this way guilds and players dont have to write off any of their characters, and the people who earned the legacy scores, gear crafting and levels will actually get to keep them.

Edited by Spequille
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You seem to equate the hour in which last do an update to the amount of work that we are all putting into this. Many weekends and extra hours have been worked in order to bring us to this point. Within the past 48 hrs, we've opened up 122 servers for character transfers in a service that has run (relatively and knock on wood) smoothly. We understand your passion and desire for a transfer, but know that we are taking many factors into account, including making sure that servers are stable.


I love these posts. Your effort and the amount of work it is would have been appreciated if it happened 1-2 months ago. Any long time player of MMOs knew mergers/transfers were coming the moment the game released, so one can only assume that people that work in the industry would also have that level of insight.


Instead you waited way too long and now your all 'we are going as fast as we can, look how hard we are working'. Well tough, my sympathy lies with the people that have stood around for days waiting for a que pop and for BW to address the problem.

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So, have we forgotten about Vulkar Highway ? Still no transfer available, and you had already started transfers this time yesterday... so I am assuming none today ?


I have to say, being one of the last servers to transfer is a major disadvantage compared to all the priviledged who have already gotten transferred, because this puts me last in line to get my name, which I pre-reserved when the game came out, and last in line to get my legacy name. Not to mention the fact that it is two less days that I get to play the game since I am still on a ghost-town of a server.


The LEAST they could do is tell us what server we will be going to so we can set up characters to reserve our names ! Seriously.


If my names are not available, there is no way I will continue playing this game, despite the fact that I really enjoy it. I have been using the same names in online games for over 15 years. For BioWare to suddenly take that away one day is deplorable.


P.S. To those who will inevitably say "No one would ever steal the name Haezze" I purposely did NOT post as my regular character name, because I did not want someone to steal it, in an attempt to be funny.

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So, have we forgotten about Vulkar Highway ? Still no transfer available, and you had already started transfers this time yesterday... so I am assuming none today ?


I have to say, being one of the last servers to transfer is a major disadvantage compared to all the priviledged who have already gotten transferred, because this puts me last in line to get my name, which I pre-reserved when the game came out, and last in line to get my legacy name.


My server Mind Trick was also a pre-launch server and I was there at early access, but we haven't been named yet. Give it time. You're not the only server yet to be declared origin or destination. We're only half way through. There's nothing unfair about that.

Edited by cipher_nemo
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So, have we forgotten about Vulkar Highway ? Still no transfer available, and you had already started transfers this time yesterday... so I am assuming none today ?


I have to say, being one of the last servers to transfer is a major disadvantage compared to all the priviledged who have already gotten transferred, because this puts me last in line to get my name, which I pre-reserved when the game came out, and last in line to get my legacy name. Not to mention the fact that it is two less days that I get to play the game since I am still on a ghost-town of a server.


The LEAST they could do is tell us what server we will be going to so we can set up characters to reserve our names ! Seriously.


If my names are not available, there is no way I will continue playing this game, despite the fact that I really enjoy it. I have been using the same names in online games for over 15 years. For BioWare to suddenly take that away one day is deplorable.


P.S. To those who will inevitably say "No one would ever steal the name Haezze" I purposely did NOT post as my regular character name, because I did not want someone to steal it, in an attempt to be funny.


Server transfers didn't start until 10:00 AM CDT yesterday, which is an half an hour.

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I'll post this here rather than make a thread about it just now, but I'm having one small issue.


I created a couple of characters on my destination server (The Bastion) to check names, and deleted one of them. I transfered 6 of my characters over, but I'm unable to transfer the 7th (The Bastion is down the bottom, greyed out, says 'unavailable' and notes that I have 8 characters there, despite there only being 7).


Any ETA on when the list will refresh to match up with the server?

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So, have we forgotten about Vulkar Highway ? Still no transfer available, and you had already started transfers this time yesterday... so I am assuming none today ?


You assume because its 9:30 AM in Austin that there will be no transfers today? You know what they say about those who assume?

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I love these posts. Your effort and the amount of work it is would have been appreciated if it happened 1-2 months ago. Any long time player of MMOs knew mergers/transfers were coming the moment the game released, so one can only assume that people that work in the industry would also have that level of insight.


Instead you waited way too long and now your all 'we are going as fast as we can, look how hard we are working'. Well tough, my sympathy lies with the people that have stood around for days waiting for a que pop and for BW to address the problem.


I love these posts. Your sense of instant gratification is staggering. If you're so much better than the Devs, I suggest you either go take their jobs or make your own game and show the world how much better you are. Otherwise, stop your yakking.

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I love these posts. Your sense of instant gratification is staggering. If you're so much better than the Devs, I suggest you either go take their jobs or make your own game and show the world how much better you are. Otherwise, stop your yakking.


Do you have to be a roofer to know your roof leaks?


Do you have to be a carpenter to know a wall isn't straight?

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I'll post this here rather than make a thread about it just now, but I'm having one small issue.


I created a couple of characters on my destination server (The Bastion) to check names, and deleted one of them. I transfered 6 of my characters over, but I'm unable to transfer the 7th (The Bastion is down the bottom, greyed out, says 'unavailable' and notes that I have 8 characters there, despite there only being 7).


Any ETA on when the list will refresh to match up with the server?




Create a new character on your destination server

Go through the opening stuff

Delete said character (empty mailbox if you wish)

List should reflect the correct # of characters

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Create a new character on your destination server

Go through the opening stuff

Delete said character (empty mailbox if you wish)

List should reflect the correct # of characters


On that note, to get "through the opening stuff", they can just Escape out of the whole thing to get dumped at the starter world. Doesn't take that long fortunately. :)

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Do you have to be a roofer to know your roof leaks?


Do you have to be a carpenter to know a wall isn't straight?


No, but if you can do a better job than the person who is paid to do the work, don't complain about it. Do something about it. If you do hire someone to fix it, don't complain that it takes longer than 2 days to fix the problem. THAT, my friend is instant gratification.


I said nothing about recognizing the problem. I was speaking on the multitude of people complaining that they're so much better.

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Create a new character on your destination server

Go through the opening stuff

Delete said character (empty mailbox if you wish)

List should reflect the correct # of characters


Cool, thanks for the tip (which I don't doubt has been posted several times already, sorry).

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So, have we forgotten about Vulkar Highway ? Still no transfer available, and you had already started transfers this time yesterday... so I am assuming none today ?


I have to say, being one of the last servers to transfer is a major disadvantage compared to all the priviledged who have already gotten transferred, because this puts me last in line to get my name, which I pre-reserved when the game came out, and last in line to get my legacy name. Not to mention the fact that it is two less days that I get to play the game since I am still on a ghost-town of a server.


The LEAST they could do is tell us what server we will be going to so we can set up characters to reserve our names ! Seriously.


If my names are not available, there is no way I will continue playing this game, despite the fact that I really enjoy it. I have been using the same names in online games for over 15 years. For BioWare to suddenly take that away one day is deplorable.


P.S. To those who will inevitably say "No one would ever steal the name Haezze" I purposely did NOT post as my regular character name, because I did not want someone to steal it, in an attempt to be funny.


As you I am on the same server as you, but I would rather get transfered to the Fatman because I don't think With what is left with the EC servers left to transfer will nowhere take it to what the higher pop servers are at this time.

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No, but if you can do a better job than the person who is paid to do the work, don't complain about it. Do something about it. If you do hire someone to fix it, don't complain that it takes longer than 2 days to fix the problem. THAT, my friend is instant gratification.


I said nothing about recognizing the problem. I was speaking on the multitude of people complaining that they're so much better.


They claimed to have a working transfer before legacy..they chose to put transfers on hold to push legacy.

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