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Free Character Transfers Now Available On Select Servers


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Problem is its not being updated fast enough. He last updated at 10am cdt. More servers are added since then. Sorry if I sound impatient but Ive been waiting forever to finally be able to do operations. I can kick myself for not just rerolling months ago. Now I have all these legacy levels and multiple lvl 50s. I shoulda just rerolled to begin with months ago so my fault.

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This is the kind of desicion making that made you guys lose 400.000 subscribers, and you are going to lose much more than that if you continue acting like this.


Give your customers on RP-PVP the ability to transfer like everyone else!


The issue with RP-PvP servers isn't in the US (they're all going to Jung Ma if I recall correctly) it's in Europe where there are three RP-PvP servers but they're in three different languages. That's what the 'Lord Calypho' topic in the general forums is about.

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Well, I just got an answer. And the answer is "MAYBE we will allow you to transfer if you PAY us. Nevermind that EVERYBODY ELSE is getting it for FREE. That said we still hope that you will continue to give us more money for the premium treatment you have received from our end."


And yes, I have unsubscribed, but I still have a subscription till the end of the month. Since I'm not playing a game on a dead server, posting rights is all my 15 EURO can grant me now. And I'm going to use it, like it or not. ;)


Oh yeah, and I will spam their twitter so hard, that they are going to regret it. :)


Only problem here is that the answer you have stated is not the one you were given.

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This is the kind of desicion making that made you guys lose 400.000 subscribers, and you are going to lose much more than that if you continue acting like this.


Give your customers on RP-PVP the ability to transfer like everyone else!


Lol, there aren't 400k RP-PVP euro players.

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Thread updated for server transfers, FYI they put the destination servers in order this time, you can see all of the servers transfering to a single server. Kinda puts a hole in the they are hiding it, don't want you to see a pattern paranoia.
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List was just updated, here is a quick paste of it.

Kath Hound to The Ebon Hawk 1 character PRE-SELECT SERVERS

Gauntlet of Kressh to The Harbinger

Namadii Corridor to The Harbinger

Krath to The Harbinger

Soresu to The Harbinger

Empress Teta to The Harbinger

Shaltin Tunnels to The Progenitor

Lord Ieldis to Begeren Colony

Vrook Lamar to Begeren Colony

Rakata Mind Prison to The Bastion

The Crucible Pits to The Bastion

The Corsair to Canderous Ordo

Krayiss Obelisk to Canderous Ordo

The Courageous to Canderous Ordo

Kathol Rift to Canderous Ordo

Whitebeam Run to Canderous Ordo

Black Vulkars to The Bastion

Daragon Trail to The Bastion

Nadd's Sarcophagus to The Bastion

Trask Ulgo to The Progenitor

Dol Grenn to Darth Nihilus

Loramarr to Jar'Kai Sword

The Krath Enchanter to Jar'Kai Sword

Gnawer's Roost to Jar'Kai Sword

The Restoration Zone to Jar'Kai Sword

Pius Dea to Jar'Kai Sword

Hssiss to Mantle of the Force

Kissai Caste to Mantle of the Force

Phateem Halls of Knowledge to Mantle of the Force

Murakami Orchid to The Jedi Tower

Handmaidens of Atris to The Jedi Tower

Atris to Darth Nihilus

Princess Galia to Darth Nihilus

Zez-Kai Ell to Canderous Ordo

Mecrosa Order to Darth Nihilus

Baron Deathmark to Darth Nihilus

The Cinzia to The Jedi Tower

Dreypa's Oubliette to The Jedi Tower

Stereb Cities to The Jedi Tower

Vodo-Siosk Baas to Mantle of the Force

Ajunta Pall to Jung Ma

Perlemian Trade Route to Drooga's Pleasure Barge

Fa'athra to Drooga's Pleasure Barge

Cho Mai to The Fatman

Master Zhar Lestin to Drooga's Pleasure Barge

Mask of Nihilus to Drooga's Pleasure Barge

Shien to The Ebon Hawk

Sanctum of the Exalted to The Ebon Hawk

Darth Xedrix to Drooga's Pleasure Barge

Firkrann Crystal to The Fatman

Hedarr Soongh to The Fatman

Keetael to Jedi Covenant

Keller's Void to Jedi Covenant

Sedyn Kyne to Jedi Covenant

Khoonda Militia to Jedi Covenant

Kinrath Spider to The Fatman

Thendys Noori to The Fatman

Rwookrrorro to The Fatman

The Deadweight to The Fatman

Lord Adraas to The Ebon Hawk

Rubat Crystal to The Ebon Hawk

Ula Vii to Tomb of Freedon Nadd

The Exile's Crystal to Tomb of Freedon Nadd

The Shadow Runner to Tomb of Freedon Nadd

Kai-kan to Tomb of Freedon Nadd

Tassaa Bareesh to Tomb of Freedon Nadd

The Defenestrator to Jedi Covenant

Ven Zallow to Jung Ma

Kessel Run to Battle Meditation

The Kumumgah to Tomb of Freedon Nadd

Uthar Wynn to Tomb of Freedon Nadd

Eye of Ashlanae to The Red Eclipse

Cassus Fett to Vanjervalis Chain

Zayne Carrick to Vanjervalis Chain

Ludo Kressh to The Red Eclipse

Sluis Shipyards to The Red Eclipse

Senator Contispex to Tomb of Freedon Nadd

Goluud Corridor to The Red Eclipse

Rogue Moon to The Red Eclipse

Master Dorak to Canderous Ordo


It seems Canderous Ordo was predictably the east coast PVE server, woot woot.

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Problem is its not being updated fast enough. He last updated at 10am cdt. More servers are added since then. Sorry if I sound impatient but Ive been waiting forever to finally be able to do operations. I can kick myself for not just rerolling months ago. Now I have all these legacy levels and multiple lvl 50s. I shoulda just rerolled to begin with months ago so my fault.


Again, this was the 12 pm edit and it took about 6 min to get the forum post up. Chillax.

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So today i check the list of servers that can transfer


i see adjunta pall is pick for transfer, i was very shocked and curious..


and then i see, Adjunta pall to Jug ma...

now the concern, many of the people in Adjunta pall, currently have a server lag that goes from 50-120

and in jug ma it raise from 100-200, and sometimes even more, this obviously happen because of the place the servers are.

my point is, how it is fair and not game breaking that you are obligate to Ruin your performance because they coudent let adjunta pall go to a west coast PVP or pure RP?


this is NOT a solution is a joke of service, so now we will suffer more in performance just because BW cant give a good solution, this is totally BW fauld, they are preaty much screwing the experience of many people, including myself

this far from be a solution is a very good prove of how much lack of vision BW have.

and yes the lag raise in jug ma, is VERY important, for play the game in PVE and PVP even more with rated coming, this game is already laggy in PVP and now you add this?


oh well, farewell BW as done the last thing wrong they could for me and my guildies, so much hope put on this and it just become our dead sentence, Good luck to all that keep playing and paying to this company that have no idea what is doing.

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Again, this was the 12 pm edit and it took about 6 min to get the forum post up. Chillax.


We are talking about the player who made a list not the developer. Thread is now locked he cant update it if he wanted to.

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New Update ans still my server ¨port nowehere¨ is not in the list, they keep sending people to fatman, im really worried now that if we dont get fatman as a destination server, i´ll be playing on a death server again. i stll dont undestand why a top 5 of the lest populated server (port nowhere) is still waiting.
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New Update ans still my server ¨port nowehere¨ is not in the list, they keep sending people to fatman, im really worried now that if we dont get fatman as a destination server, i´ll be playing on a death server again. i stll dont undestand why a top 5 of the lest populated server (port nowhere) is still waiting.


Lets be honest the lowest pop servers (reality of bioware knowing the true numbers) will come last because they can top a server pop off easier then a bigger pop.

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Lets be honest the lowest pop servers (reality of bioware knowing the true numbers) will come last because they can top a server pop off easier then a bigger pop.

exactly, they need to move the higher pops first and see what they're working with.

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