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Free Character Transfers Now Available On Select Servers


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The customer isn't always right. Often the opposite. Anyone who's worked retail can attest to that.


Good customer service is not necessarily about the customer being right or giving the customer what they want. It is about making the customer feel like you care even when you cannot deliver what they are seeking. Think back to your own experiences as a customer...when were you the most satisfied? Even when you did not get what you want?


I had a student and his family who wanted to live in a residence hall he did not qualify to live in. I explained why he didn't qualify and then asked him a bunch of questions about what he wanted in a residence hall community. I made suggestions of residence halls based on his answers and took him on a tour of the halls I suggested. I listened to him and was responsive to his questions and concerns. I still said no but I tried to understand why living in that hall was so important. In the end, I said no and he didn't get to live in the hall he wanted but he still walked away feeling good about his situation, the hall he ended up choosing and about the customer service he received because I took a little time to help him understand that I cared.


That is all I am asking of BioWare...understand our concerns, acknowledge the issues, be responsive to our questions, give us accurate and true information that gives us some confidence that we won't be linger on dead servers for more than another day or two. If there is a problem, tell us about it and what solution they are working on. It doesn't take much and it costs virtually nothing to make your customer feel like you understand their needs and concerns and that you care.

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^ This. The customer is not only usually wrong, but also usually an a-hole.


Wow, sounds almost as if you work for Bioware! This is the attitude we face from support. This is the attitude that is driving companies into the ground.

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Good customer service is not necessarily about the customer being right or giving the customer what they want. It is about making the customer feel like you care even when you cannot deliver what they are seeking. Think back to your own experiences as a customer...when were you the most satisfied? Even when you did not get what you want?


I had a student and his family who wanted to live in a residence hall he did not qualify to live in. I explained why he didn't qualify and then asked him a bunch of questions about what he wanted in a residence hall community. I made suggestions of residence halls based on his answers and took him on a tour of the halls I suggested. I listened to him and was responsive to his questions and concerns. I still said no but I tried to understand why living in that hall was so important. In the end, I said no and he didn't get to live in the hall he wanted but he still walked away feeling good about his situation, the hall he ended up choosing and about the customer service he received because I took a little time to help him understand that I cared.


That is all I am asking of BioWare...understand our concerns, acknowledge the issues, be responsive to our questions, give us accurate and true information that gives us some confidence that we won't be linger on dead servers for more than another day or two. If there is a problem, tell us about it and what solution they are working on. It doesn't take much and it costs virtually nothing to make your customer feel like you understand their needs and concerns and that you care.



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Good customer service is not necessarily about the customer being right or giving the customer what they want. It is about making the customer feel like you care even when you cannot deliver what they are seeking. Think back to your own experiences as a customer...when were you the most satisfied? Even when you did not get what you want?


I had a student and his family who wanted to live in a residence hall he did not qualify to live in. I explained why he didn't qualify and then asked him a bunch of questions about what he wanted in a residence hall community. I made suggestions of residence halls based on his answers and took him on a tour of the halls I suggested. I listened to him and was responsive to his questions and concerns. I still said no but I tried to understand why living in that hall was so important. In the end, I said no and he didn't get to live in the hall he wanted but he still walked away feeling good about his situation, the hall he ended up choosing and about the customer service he received because I took a little time to help him understand that I cared.


That is all I am asking of BioWare...understand our concerns, acknowledge the issues, be responsive to our questions, give us accurate and true information that gives us some confidence that we won't be linger on dead servers for more than another day or two. If there is a problem, tell us about it and what solution they are working on. It doesn't take much and it costs virtually nothing to make your customer feel like you understand their needs and concerns and that you care.


Wait, you mean "We understand your frustration...." isn't good customer service?


Of course it isn't. Good customer service is responding to your customer base with actual answers instead of cut and paste responses. Asking them to be patient for days without any real form of dialogue is stupidity. The biggest problem in all of this is that they don't possibly understand our frustration because they're not on the same end as the rest of us. They've likely never been on this end and will never know what it's like to be force fed the garbage we've been given over the last week.


Perfect example is the fact that they opened a 3rd East Coast PvE server, which was something that a blind man could have seen needed to happen, and yet it took them until the end of Thursday to make it happen. This after filling two other EC PvE servers beyond capacity. Then, instead of pushing the last 2 East Coast PvP servers onto the only two EC PvP servers open, they decide they need to wait a full 3 days to figure out that issue? THERE'S ONLY FREAKING 2 OF THEM. How about coming up with a solution for the EU RP-PvP servers? Is it really THAT difficult? And if they have a solution, can't they let people know about it instead of keeping it under wraps? I don't think those people are asking to know where they're going, but offering them some form of solution to their problem would be a start. How about "We're going to offer you 1 of 2 destination servers, one is RP, the other PvP". Done and done. At least then they'd feel comfortable knowing they're going to be taken care of. It's like a group of monkeys are running this place.

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Good customer service is not necessarily about the customer being right or giving the customer what they want. It is about making the customer feel like you care even when you cannot deliver what they are seeking. Think back to your own experiences as a customer...when were you the most satisfied? Even when you did not get what you want?


I had a student and his family who wanted to live in a residence hall he did not qualify to live in. I explained why he didn't qualify and then asked him a bunch of questions about what he wanted in a residence hall community. I made suggestions of residence halls based on his answers and took him on a tour of the halls I suggested. I listened to him and was responsive to his questions and concerns. I still said no but I tried to understand why living in that hall was so important. In the end, I said no and he didn't get to live in the hall he wanted but he still walked away feeling good about his situation, the hall he ended up choosing and about the customer service he received because I took a little time to help him understand that I cared.


That is all I am asking of BioWare...understand our concerns, acknowledge the issues, be responsive to our questions, give us accurate and true information that gives us some confidence that we won't be linger on dead servers for more than another day or two. If there is a problem, tell us about it and what solution they are working on. It doesn't take much and it costs virtually nothing to make your customer feel like you understand their needs and concerns and that you care.


Yeah, it sounds like you are one of few who understand the root cause of why many people are upset with many Bioware's decisions. The lack of information and detailed explanations is what is killing this game more than any other factor. Wonderful post and I hope someone from Bioware reads it.

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I found 3 errors in your response to mine. Those degrees are really showing. I did not say not having an education means you have no right to voice your opinion. That was your inference to my post. I was stating that it is getting old sifting through multiple posts made by people raging over something they have no control over while I try to find posts that relate to the transfer service. You wish to complain? Do so. Once. Then end it. There is no reason what so ever that this thread should have exceeded 400 pages due to people bad mouthing Bioware and its employees.


Just as you have the right to voice your opinion, I have the same right. I fought for it as a matter of fact. I watched people die so you can have the right to come on these forums and whine and complain because you have to wait a few days to transfer servers because the one you picked turned to crap.


You say that like your the only one to fight for thier country , Guess what your not. And while i have did my share of complaining i havnt told anyone else they shouldnt. And its realy very simple dont want to read complaints dont click on the thread link. No one is forcing you to.

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In the end, Bioware is going to lose more subscribers over this then they gained from Re subscribers.


I know some people are saying "What no way" ... but its true.


Those people who who resubscribe to check out the server transfers, They're still just as likely to go to the next thing that comes along (Looks at GW2 direction), and since we know they unsubscribed before, we know they're able to do it again, and far more likely to when given a different option.


Those people who didn't get transferred, and got some canned response, who are forced to wait...It might not seem like it now, But when it comes time for their subscriptions to run out, They're going to be thinking of this one instance of being disregarded by Bioware. They're more likely to flat out quit even without that second option given to them.


They're also more likely to give bad reviews for a game, or bad mouth it to other people then some guy who just decides to play something else.


Basically, What bioware did was shoot themselves in the foot with the way they did this....It might not seem bad now, but give it time..

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The guy @BW that decided to merge the whole population into one single server per type (PvP, PvE, RP), at least Europe side, must be really, really smart (sarcasm inside).

The fail is all here: they need time to understand how to fix a situation that by now is not sustainable: I heard a lot of complaints from people playing in The Red Eclipse and Tomb of Freedom Nadd, for the lag problems due to overpopulation. People couldn't mind about the login queues (that are still a pain in the neck for a lot of people though), but PvP-side lag issues are another big no no no. And I imagine how things could go if more people will subscribe when an expansion will be released, or when we'll have 1.3 online....

So, BW took the whole weekend trying to find a way to fix the disaster they did, and I'm really curious to see how they'll manage it: they can't ask to people already transferred to do a step back, even more because they've left people playing a whole weekend and while BW was "monitoring", guilds have merged, players have found new friends to play with etc.

And it makes me sadly laugh more and more thinking about the few poor guys on US PvP servers and RP-PvP EU left alone to their destiny...

I've still 9 days sub left. I'm waiting at the window to see how BW will manage the whole story this week. If nothing will happen in this week, I'll do my player transfer by myself... to another game :D

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The fail is all here: they need time to understand how to fix a situation that by now is not sustainable: I heard a lot of complaints from people playing in The Red Eclipse and Tomb of Freedom Nadd, for the lag problems due to overpopulation. People couldn't mind about the login queues (that are still a pain in the neck for a lot of people though), but PvP-side lag issues are another big no no no. And I imagine how things could go if more people will subscribe when an expansion will be released, or when we'll have 1.3 online....


Sorry that you lag, but, this is the best decision ever made to move the people and make servers more populated. Also, the queue times, heck, I'll stand 10-30 minutes in queue just to play a populated game ANY DAY! In fact, I hope they will start the transfer process first thing in the morning from my server (Frostclaw) to any existing server, or make it a destination server. I don't care either way!


Also, compare how many players they lost due to non populated servers and the current situation where life has been brought back. I bet you they are gaining a heck of a lot more subs than they are loosing because of that people lag on the fleets.


C'mon Devs, give me my server transfer today!

Edited by Xarox
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I unsubbed once before and after I read about changes in 1.3 and servertransfers I subbed again. Now my server is stuck and nothing happens. If I dont get some answers today I´m unsubbing again. There have been nothing but trouble with this game since release.


Servers died months ago and people havnt been able to transfer their caracters to other servers. I sincerely hope that BW isnt sitting around wondering what caused the sudden drop in subs. "oh, people need other people to play MMORPG:s? We didnt know that?" In a video from BW I think its James Ohlen that says: "server transfers are coming, people want to play with their friends, we now that". Thats BS, if they really new that all along server transfers would have been implemented long ago. It was the community who complained so much that they finally decided to do something about it.


Only reason that I gave it another shot is that I dont have a good alternative to play 2day. I have pre purchased GW2 and secret world. Please let one of those games be good.

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some pals & I on Space Slug are still waiting on word of our transfers & the destination. which we've thought if it doesn't go to a heavy population just unsubbing til we can pick our destination, we were ASSIGNED to Space Slug, pre-launch guild & early access. now it we're going to get assigned again... /sigh.


love the game, big star wars fan, just not rly impressed with Bioware's expediency on core game issues atm.

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I don't see the need to throw everyone at one server. They could have condensed the servers down to 2 or 3 main Pve and 2 to3 Pvp and still have populated servers. A fair few of the servers were either light to medium on the Pve side. With a couple medium to heavy, did we need the servers at full to give us more population, I don't think we did, a few servers at Medium to heavy would have sufficed. That would also have allowed for people coming to or back to the game with 1.3 and future expansions. If we start having 30 mins to an hour queues again, like at launch, I can see people leaving as well.
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So whats ppl's opinions today on the transfers, do we think they will make a lot of servers available, or do we think there will be a small number added?


Not even sure how many servers are left tbh, i have 1 toon left on Frostclaw which i would like moving

Edited by kmufc
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So whats ppl's opinions today on the transfers, do we think they will make a lot of servers available, or do we think there will be a small number added?


Not even sure how many servers are left tbh, i have 1 toon left on Frostclaw which i would like moving


20% of the servers are left to transfer which is a decent amount still hopefully doesn't go on to 2 days

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I don't understand why almost everyone is complaining.


Sheesh give BW some time. SWTOR is just a half year old game. Adjusting needs careful data analysation planning and programming also takes time.


If you really do not understand, read last 20-30 pages... :confused:

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some pals & I on Space Slug are still waiting on word of our transfers & the destination. which we've thought if it doesn't go to a heavy population just unsubbing til we can pick our destination, we were ASSIGNED to Space Slug, pre-launch guild & early access. now it we're going to get assigned again... /sigh.


love the game, big star wars fan, just not rly impressed with Bioware's expediency on core game issues atm.


Space Slug ftw!

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I don't understand why almost everyone is complaining.


Sheesh give BW some time. SWTOR is just a half year old game. Adjusting needs careful data analysation planning and programming also takes time.


OMG are you really serious? Careful data analysation, planning and programming are a lot of useful stuff that you must do BEFORE starting the process, it's completely non sense if you do it after 80% of servers have been moved.


Without talking about the derespectful BW's behaviour for the customers in the way they are managing the communication in the last few days...

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If you really do not understand, read last 20-30 pages... :confused:

Of which only a few people posting actually make any sense. This thread is kind of like playing a random WZ where you have 1-2 sensible people calling objectives and correctly analyzing what needs to be done with a few others listening whilst the rest simply vent their frustration or spout abuse at those trying to lead. :D

Edited by RangerRobEU
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some pals & I on Space Slug are still waiting on word of our transfers & the destination. which we've thought if it doesn't go to a heavy population just unsubbing til we can pick our destination, we were ASSIGNED to Space Slug, pre-launch guild & early access. now it we're going to get assigned again... /sigh.


love the game, big star wars fan, just not rly impressed with Bioware's expediency on core game issues atm.



i would be one of those pals!

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