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Free Character Transfers Now Available On Select Servers


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Still no word on this so I ask again BioWare.


Please consider multiple destinations for origin servers so players have a West AND East coast option to transfer too. I'm on a low pop West server (that has inexplicably ... to me... not been chosen yet) and have moved, so I'd like to play on an East server. I'd like to be able to help you guys balance the servers if you can add in this minor tweak.


I'd like to hear your opinion on that. I think it is a clear win-win for everyone involved.


I harbor hope for this functionality. Multiple destinations at the player's choice would be ideal and perhaps cover the bases for many of us that unsubscribed. Allow all 151 servers marked and the subsequents ones as well to go into any single 1 of the 20 that were highlighted as destination servers.


This still achieves most of the BW strategy of player population consolidation, while allowing players to select their destination server from a pre-defined list such as they currently have. If some of the current destination servers are currently too full, based on the progress of transfers or the monitoring that BW is performing, then perhaps a limited list of player-selectable destination servers would also help address or meet most people's needs to some extent.


The majority of destination servers already highlighted is sound (again for the most part), allowing players to select from the destination list would be an immense plus in my book and I am certain that I am not alone in my perception based on what I can read on these and other threads.


Thanks again BW, making good progress and taking steps in the right direction!

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I'm curious that after the server transfers, if we haven't moved our characters, what will happen to the server?

Will we get an email telling us if our server will be merged? Will we be offered one last oppertunity to move our characters to the destination server?

Will there be a list telling us which servers are getting merged?


There are many of us that share similar inquiries. Let's hope that there is some communication from BW that specifically addresses the concerns for future plans in a clear and non-cryptic manner.


I like that these are, at least, steps in the right direction.

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Question to BW.. I got all my toons except 1 moved over, now the server is unavailable. will i be able to move it at least at a later date. Also most my guild was left behind, are they going to be able to transfer to same server. Or are we outta luck and just lost the majority of our guild we spent 4 months building?


This might be that 8th character bug. If you have room for the last toon, make a level 1 toon, go thru intro dialogue, log out, delete that level 1 and try to transfer again. This happened to me, I did the above and she was able to move to my destination server.

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Making good progress? are you kidding me? This should have been done two months ago and not some bull crap type of "server transfers", it should of straight out been server mergers with the option of character transfers. BW continues to drop the ball on many counts in and out of game. I have stayed, payed and played because I am a huge fan of Star Wars but continueing to pay to play "beta" is getting very old. I have been very patient the last few days waiting for my turn to be transferred and still no cookie, instead I will have to wait yet another day possibly threw the weekend knowing that 1-not going to the server i rerolled on because of server population (fatman) 2-absolute crap name choices. Ya now I am starting to get very upset with how they are handleing this "transfer process" that should have been done 2 months ago.
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still unhappy about the way all this has been communicated to us and handled but as a English pvp player i have just finished none stop enjoyable warzones (3.30 am) some thing i have never been ablke to do. I have to say thank you for this,now i'm off to mug some kiddies so i can resub on monday
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So you guys have a team monitoring the server populations after the transfers. Do you have a team monitoring the lag as well? I was just on a fleet of 290 people and lagged so bad that I can't even play the game. I know we all complained about dead servers and wanting more people to play with, but the key was to be able to play with them. This is nuts. Please fix the servers!!!!
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So you guys have a team monitoring the server populations after the transfers. Do you have a team monitoring the lag as well? I was just on a fleet of 290 people and lagged so bad that I can't even play the game. I know we all complained about dead servers and wanting more people to play with, but the key was to be able to play with them. This is nuts. Please fix the servers!!!!


when i was about to log off mine lagged a bit but it was fine for me.

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On behalf of the players that don't complain, hats off to BW for a smooth transfer process. I lost a couple of names, including my main's legacy name, but the game is alot more enjoyable. Keep up the good work.


Well since you got a transfer you have nothing to complain about. I wonder how patient you would be if after 151 servers your was still left out.

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Well since you got a transfer you have nothing to complain about. I wonder how patient you would be if after 151 servers your was still left out.


Chillax bro, it'll happen. My most geared character all alone on his own server hasn't been transfered out yet but I'm not sweating it since I know he'll either be booted out or have people coming in. Just be patient, they can only do so many servers at a time.


On the personal note, I'd also like to say this was a job well done by BW. Transfers were super quick, had no problems with anything at all. Lost one name which kinda sucked but what can you do? Kinda glad I "lost" my legacy name though, since I first chose it without remembering that it was permenant XD. Anyways, job well done BW, looking forward to really see what its like playing in a huge server now :)

Edited by z-monty
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In that case, middle of the road servers like Luka Sene will be left to die... because middle of the road servers are as good as dead now, too.


Am I wrong?.


Yes you are wrong, every server will be considered for being announced as a destination or an origin. Expect Luka Sene to be part of the merge of 4-5 middle pop servers.


They merged very low pop servers to high pop ones, seems reasonable as those low pop players were suffering the most from the inability to do group content.

Edited by Arlbo_Nabbins
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Question to BW.. I got all my toons except 1 moved over, now the server is unavailable. will i be able to move it at least at a later date. Also most my guild was left behind, are they going to be able to transfer to same server. Or are we outta luck and just lost the majority of our guild we spent 4 months building?


Which servers? BW stated that once a server pair was announced it would not change and you would be able to keep transferring.


My guess is that you have encountered the bug where it thinks you have 8 toons when you only have 7. Create a new character, run it through the intro sequence then delete it (I think that is the fix). Once you have done that it will recognise that you have a spare slot.

Edited by Arlbo_Nabbins
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Can anybody tell me if you can change your legacy name when transferring even if there isn't a conflict?


You have to create a new legacy name when you get to a new server. Your old name doesn't carry over. You can use your old name if you want and provided no one has it. I was able to get my legacy name even when I changed severs tonight.

Edited by ScarletBlaze
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Can anybody tell me if you can change your legacy name when transferring even if there isn't a conflict?


You cannot as far as I know.


*edit* nm guy above answered lol

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You have to create a new legacy name when you get to a new server. Your old name doesn't carry over. You can use your old name if you want and provided no one has it. I was able to get my legacy name even when I changed severs tonight.


The legacy level still carries over, though, right? I just want to make sure that, when I transfer my brother's characters to the other server, they all remain at the same legacy level regardless of the legacy name on that server.

Edited by RbAKAMalachi
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Since this specific topic is apparently already being discussed in this thread... :rolleyes:


The following post was recently made by BioWare on the matter of lost names:

While we regret that you are unhappy about losing your name, we'd like to remind everyone that these transfers were not "mandated," and were, in fact, completely optional. We also hope that having a large, active population of players to share your gaming experience with will help soften the blow.

My question to the community is this: Given that the transfers (mergers) were one-way transfers to targeted servers, wasn't the process more or less mandated?


It stands to reason that as people leave a server, those left behind are given more and more incentive to leave--not stay. Who wants to stay behind on a server where the population is declining? Wasn't the whole point of the mergers to improve or at least balance server populations? How can populations be balanced when light servers are transferring to heavier servers? People are leaving, not coming, so it just seems a bit disingenuous to tell us that the mergers were optional.


What do you all think about this?

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Since this specific topic is apparently already being discussed in this thread... :rolleyes:


The following post was recently made by BioWare on the matter of lost names:


My question to the community is this: Given that the transfers (mergers) were one-way transfers to targeted servers, wasn't the process more or less mandated?


It stands to reason that as people leave a server, those left behind are given more and more incentive to leave--not stay. Who wants to stay behind on a server where the population is declining? Wasn't the whole point of the mergers to improve or at least balance server populations? How can populations be balanced when light servers are transferring to heavier servers? People are leaving, not coming, so it just seems a bit disingenuous to tell us that the mergers were optional.


What do you all think about this?


Well, since I believe that BW is planning on closing the servers they are offering free transfers off of at a date sometime in the near future, I do think it a forced transfer.


Look at ever other MMO that has offered free transfers off a server. They close those servers to get the hardware back and reduce the resources those servers use.


Your option is transfer now or transfer at a later date or another way of saying it is be forced to transfer now or be forced to transfer when they pull the plug on your server. I guess you could say another option you have is to quit paying BW any money so maybe this is optional after all.

Edited by Gweyr
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