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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Free Character Transfers Now Available On Select Servers


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Thank you for the transfers, but I have to ask: Still putting Eng EU into Red Eclipse?!? It said full long before new transfers opened. I've just gone from minimal people on fleet to having to wait to get in. Any chance I can transfer back (for free) & & you open up another server?!?


(I realise this may sound like moaning about one extreme to the other, but it's more to ask if Eng EU are getting any server other than Red Eclipse, to even things out a little).


- Thank you for your time, during this busy period.


The rest of us got sent to nightmare lands except 1, so it should calm down on the red eclipse once all the transfers are done.

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My guild and I were assigned a server (Darth Bandon) as a server by Bioware as we all per-ordered and set up our guild before the game started. Why is Darth Bandon being set up as an origin server? Why not make the 'new' servers that Bioware rushed to open after the game started because they under estimated the initial lure of the game?


I am upset because we are set up to go to Corellia Run and 3 of my 4 level 50's names are taken. Other guildies are having the same problem. We were assigned a server when we started. We were all able to get the names we wanted but now we get screwed.


I understand that from a business standpoint if the game has too many servers that they would need to be combined but was any thought given to how to treat customers that per-ordered and that have stayed with the game? Servers that you assigned customers to at the beginning of the game should have been given priority to be destination servers.


I see Bioware making some very novice MMO mistakes and are in danger of upsetting many people that have to go through this process. It reminds me of a novice driver over correcting when they hit a patch of ice on the road. Especially since I've been reading posts about destination servers becoming unplayable due to the new influx of players due to this transfer.


Beware Bioware. Do not forget what happened to Star Wars Galaxies when they made changes that upset many players. I enjoy the game very much just like I did SWG but like many others I will not pay to frustrated.

Edited by lowaak
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Here's hoping they can up the pop cap to the point where we don't see queues. I still think they should have left themselves more room for new players and returnees, but if they can increase the cap it should be ok.
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My guild and I were assigned a server (Darth Bandon) as a server by Bioware as we all per-ordered and set up our guild before the game started. Why is Darth Bandon being set up as an origin server? Why not make the 'new' servers that Bioware rushed to open after the game started because they under estimated the initial lure of the game?


I am upset because we are set up to go to Corellia Run and 3 of my 4 level 50's names are taken. Other guildies are having the same problem. We were assigned a server when we started. We were all able to get the names we wanted but now we get screwed.


I understand that from a business standpoint if the game has too many servers that they would need to be combined but was any thought given to how to treat customers that per-ordered and that have stayed with the game? Servers that you assigned customers to at the beginning of the game should have been given priority to be destination servers.


I see Bioware making some very novice MMO mistakes and are in danger of upsetting many people that have to go through this process. It reminds me of a novice driver over correcting when they hit a patch of ice on the road. Especially since I've been reading posts about destination servers becoming unplayable due to the new influx of players due to this transfer.


Beware Bioware. Do not forget what happened to Star Wars Galaxies when they made changes that upset many players. I enjoy the game very much just like I did SWG but like many others I will not pay to frustrated.


They should have taken the original pre-launch servers, and made them destination servers. That would have done a great job of increasing population without overloading them. I've been here a long time, and fulltime beta tested since March 2011. In that time, BW taught me that they're not really proactive, and rarely make wise decisions. This game would not be dying if they'd made different choices, and actually listened to testers other than the fanboys. It's really sad to see another popular IP game fail from lack of vision.

Edited by Hambunctious
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Well, I'm annoyed. I have a destination for my original server. And I already have a full roster there. (Jekk Jekk Tarr to Harbinger)


When I saw JJT going dark early on I rolled new toons on Harbinger and began playing there.... Now, without a minimum of 12 character slots - I can't transfer my toons without deleting some of them.


So. Annoyed.

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Server transfers : Both of my Origin servers assigned same Destination.



I had characters on two different servers and they both became sparsely populated, so i was quite pleased that transfers were in the works.

Everything went fine last week when i moved all seven Imperial toons from Empress Teta to Harbinger and was really having fun actually being able to group for heroics and FPs. Really looked forward to moving my Republic characters from Vornskr when able.

This morning I get email saying transfers available, but problem is, The destination for Vornskr server is same as I was assigned for my Imps from Empress Teta.


in short:

Empress Teta last week: 7 Imperial characters --> Harbinger All is fine and good.

Vornskr today: 8 Republic characters assigned to --> Harbinger not so happy.


I only see two workarounds for this:

Either allow 16 characters per server, which seems need of due to Bioware encouraging alts in Legacy or...

Give later rounds of transfer more than one choice of destination server. There seem to be other PVE destination servers I would be more than happy to move my full set of Republic characters onto.


I am sure I am not the only person in this situation, so any response for workaround or news of options would be greatly appreciated.


What I will not do, is renew sub to have 8 toons stuck on a now even deader Vornskr server.


Thank you for your time.


P.S. this is copy/pasted from thread I started that was immediately closed. :rak_03:

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WOW that transfer process was super easy. All my characters transferred within seconds of submitting the request and only 2 of the 8 needed to be renamed. I did lose my Legacy name, but to be honest I'm glad as I wanted to pick a better one anyway.


BW - thank you for the methodical and well thought out plan of attack on this process. WOW look at all the people!!! WOOT!

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Imperials on Gauntlet of Kreesh, Republic on Vornskr. Both transferred to Harbinger. This leaves me not enough room. I'm feeling a bit screwed. Hopefully they can either up the character slots, and/or allow some form of alternate transfer. Edited by split_light
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Gz to you and your full server, now how about you spare a minute to visit http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=485155 and show your support for our cause and help the rest of us get the feeling you have already.


Sorry to hear about this. I realized there were 3 Euro servers left wait for xfers but assumed that they were still ironing these last few out. Seems fair that they give you the option to move to move to a normal PVP or a RP-PVE at the very least. I'll gladly add a post if you think it'll help the cause.

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Well, I'm annoyed. I have a destination for my original server. And I already have a full roster there. (Jekk Jekk Tarr to Harbinger)


When I saw JJT going dark early on I rolled new toons on Harbinger and began playing there.... Now, without a minimum of 12 character slots - I can't transfer my toons without deleting some of them.


So. Annoyed.


It's not BW's fault you rolled a dozen characters. It's a choice you made and, honestly, that seems excessive to me. I have four characters and don't plan on another until I've gotten at least one more to 50. One thing at a time and all...

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It's not BW's fault you rolled a dozen characters. It's a choice you made and, honestly, that seems excessive to me. I have four characters and don't plan on another until I've gotten at least one more to 50. One thing at a time and all...


Considering the game content after the first time through is all about story, it makes sense to roll at least 8, if not 16 since you can see the story from light or dark sides. How one chooses to experience that story (all at once or in bits an pieces) is not up to you or me, or even Bioware. But the fact that to get the fullest experience from the game one should at least play all 8 classes is bioware's "fault" as that is the design.

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It's not BW's fault you rolled a dozen characters. It's a choice you made and, honestly, that seems excessive to me. I have four characters and don't plan on another until I've gotten at least one more to 50. One thing at a time and all...


I find it funny how people are able to belittle others who aren't quite like them and/or don't think quite like they do. I have more than eight characters too - and guess what, I don't find it excessive at all. It's actually a quite natural thing to do for a person who regularly doesn't like the so-called endgame in MMOs. Rolling alts is what I do to keep myself interested in the game, but the hours I put into the game are nowhere near casual, so go figure what happens over time! In Guild Wars I had more than thirty characters, so the dozen I rolled in TOR are actually quite tame by my standards.


But then again, in contrast to you, I don't go ahead an diss other people for having different playstyles and e.g. concentrating on just one main. But Bioware DID support making more than eight characters judging by the sheer fact they allowed creating more than eight characters per account, so in a way it IS their fault that some people cannot consolidate them into one single server now. But yeah, for fanboys/girls like you, the devs are ALWAYS right, no matter of how much they mess up anywhere, and someone who's questioning that is wrong by definition, I guess I am getting the picture.

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Corellian Run ... On the one hand, I'm a bit miffed because my server (Krayt Dragon) was the #4 East Coast PVE server and was an origin server for The Shadowlands, but on the other hand, I'm happy because the need for a 4th East Coast PVE destination server shows that the game is healthier than if one wasn't needed.


On the other, other hand, I have a lonely 50 Marauder on Colonel Tobin who wants to join his buddies on The Shadowlands. I hope BioWare will give us a heads-up soon on when that'll be possible.

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What is this? Nightmare Lands is the destination server of Bao Dur?? Well F and U and all that, why didn´t we get Red Eclipse like all others?


Because Red Eclipse is almost full, no way it could have taken all the people who moved to The Nightmare Lands (which hit Full for a while).

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It's not BW's fault you rolled a dozen characters. It's a choice you made and, honestly, that seems excessive to me. I have four characters and don't plan on another until I've gotten at least one more to 50. One thing at a time and all...


i have 24 and had to leve 8 behind they alow you to create 40 char so they should have alowed to transfer to diferend server for the leftovers

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They're leaving the transfers open and will give us ample notice before they stop transfers. As to what happens afterwards, they've not touched upon it.


Actually they have, there will be a phase of free promotional transfers, whatever that means(it may be a phase that allows people to move characters they had to leave on origin servers due to lack of slots on the destinations). That will be followed almost certainly by the introduction of paid transfers.

Edited by Arlbo_Nabbins
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i have 24 and had to leve 8 behind they alow you to create 40 char so they should have alowed to transfer to diferend server for the leftovers


Two destination servers for each group of origins probably would have helped keep overlap down. Have the same problem.

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i have 24 and had to leve 8 behind they alow you to create 40 char so they should have alowed to transfer to diferend server for the leftovers


24? Yeah, I'm going to call that excessive. But in any case, transferring is a choice and if you decided to go that way then the lose is the price of things.

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