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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Free Character Transfers Now Available On Select Servers


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Sorry, but I'm not whining. I want us to be destination NOT origin. Before transfers were announced we had plenty of people to play with. Not as many as Jedi or Fatman or whatever, but we weren't at the bottom of the barrel.


If Bioware does decide to origin us, that's fine, but I'm not going to demand or nag. I just want to get it all said and done before this weekend. Not next week.


Really? I never had anyone to play with. Rarely saw more than 15 people on the fleet, planets are usually in single digits or I'm alone. I know there are servers with worse populations, but I think we're pretty bad off, and no where near JC or Fatman. Most likely Shadowlands will be the next EC PVE destination, but who knows?

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Is this a joke? Just how full are you going to pack JC and CO? After seeing the first round for today I'm rather happy Crevasse City is still in purgatory- I'd just as soon leave my legacy there and wait for paid transfers than go to one of those two, as jam-packed as they are now. For godssakes, please just open up a 3rd EC PVE destination :mad:


Dreshdae Cantina is nice this time of year, and the beer is always cold on tap!

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Just remember that your day 1 subscribers run out on the 18th

I'm really starting to hate Bioware


Mine runs out on the 18th :)

This is my official FIRST post where I am stating that I am considering unsubbing.

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Im out, this is the last straw. You put most "mid" population servers on fatman. Now the remaining PvP eastern ones are the "completely dead" ones, and you are sending them over to a server that has no population to begin with.


Good job creating a new ghost town. PotF will have, at most, a third of Fatman's population, and thats if ever active player does take the free xfer. Thus forcing us all to pay later of for our real xfer.


This was the last time I trusted a game made by EA. Activision was already up there, now thats simply a second company i will have to avoid like the plague. I just hope one day they learn that their cheap dirty money-grabbing strategies is actually making them lose customers.

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Making a small community larger is way easier than making a nonexistant one larger.


What... The hell.


I now have to wait for paid transfers.


Wouldn't it make more sense to wait and see what the populaiton on Prophecy of the Five ends up being like before throwing a tantrum about it?

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The weekend will also provide more data for us.


Let's hope it shows that the only remaining German PvP server works out ;)


I haven't really monitored it, but I guess the situation is similar for French and English (Euro) PvP servers.


Anyway, nice plus in population, even though we have that whole football dilemma drawing people out of the game at the moment.

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Wouldn't it make more sense to wait and see what the populaiton on Prophecy of the Five ends up being like before throwing a tantrum about it?


Or you could use maths and logic? You know, you don't need a wait-and-see approach when trying to add 2+2.

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I'm not going to throw a tantrum like so many want to, but I hope Bioware knows what its doing by moving the rest to Prophecy of the Five. Obviously I don't have access to any real numbers, but eyeball test says that Fatman will be stuffed and PotF will be underwhelming. Hope I'm wrong.
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Well, in EU English PvP Zone, only 3 from 21 servers are waiting... so... we really wanna to get transfered to Tomb. Its really annoying to have to wait now.... :-( We are sad.


That's exactly my feeling!

Not letting us join Tomb would be totally unfair so... what are they waiting for? I really don't understand...

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Wouldn't it make more sense to wait and see what the populaiton on Prophecy of the Five ends up being like before throwing a tantrum about it?


Of course not, that would be logical. Logic doesn't exist on the internet.


Man, I want to say something about the stereotypes of PvPers but I'm going to proverbially bite my tongue on this.

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Veela to some randomly named server instead of to Fatman where so many of us rerolled when Veela's population died. Wonderful. My subscription has been cancelled for months at this point and the only reason it still has time remaining is because of all the free time your company has given out. This move means that it remains cancelled and will not be renewed when it does expire because there is no way in hell I am giving your company even a single cent to consolidate my legacies once paid transfers are finally implemented.
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Well, in EU English PvP Zone, only 3 from 21 servers are waiting... so... we really wanna to get transfered to Tomb. Its really annoying to have to wait now.... :-( We are sad.


Since they opened a new PvP server for East Coast, I'm expecting to see the same in Europe. So, one of those 3 servers might be destination for the other 2. This sucks, to be honest, cause we'll end up in an empty server anyways (3 light servers combined doesn't deliver a heavy server)...

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I'm not going to throw a tantrum like so many want to, but I hope Bioware knows what its doing by moving the rest to Prophecy of the Five. Obviously I don't have access to any real numbers, but eyeball test says that Fatman will be stuffed and PotF will be underwhelming. Hope I'm wrong.

I dont think you are. TO me this is another EA-style quick-$ dirty little underhanded scheme. They make a shiny populated server to tentalize most of us, then dump us in a nowhere pos in hopes we'll all pay their fee later to xfer to fatman.


Myself, i aint. Unsubbing today, this was the last dime they got out of me. I call this bait and switch and im rather pissed.

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Is this a joke? Just how full are you going to pack JC and CO? After seeing the first round for today I'm rather happy Crevasse City is still in purgatory- I'd just as soon leave my legacy there and wait for paid transfers than go to one of those two, as jam-packed as they are now. For godssakes, please just open up a 3rd EC PVE destination :mad:


Yes... send them to Mind Trick. I don't want to move.

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Welcome to Prophecy of Five everyone who's coming. Guys I can tell you we have a great community, it's been hard because of the lack of pop so ppl are inactive. Catch you guys in game, Krobin. Edited by lumbeejc
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Mine runs out on the 18th :)

This is my official FIRST post where I am stating that I am considering unsubbing.


I already did... My sub expires on the 18th. That said, I didn't unsub because of transfers. I unsubbed weeks ago... server population wasn't even in my top 5 of the reasons I left.

Edited by TaramCaldar
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