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Free Character Transfers Now Available On Select Servers


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Don't know if it was posted here or not but, will post the current list that has been updated (or so it appears) on the character transfer section of the account *snipped list*


Thank you for doing this so I dont have to wear out my authenticator :)

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So please explain how you're gonna do with RP-PvP servers (If you did i missed it).


You said PvP will go to PvP right? So RP-PvP will go to RP-PvP...only problem is there are 3 EU RP-PvP servers and they all have different languages..


When and how will we see anything done with Lord Calypho's population?



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I want to get off Jung Ma and to an RP-PvE server, I hope they allow this soon as I really dont want to restart for the 4th time on a new server :(


I'm pretty confident that once a server is designated a "destination" server, it will stay that way. The only way off a "Destination" server will be through the paid transfer service.

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I think we can assume the following from the last couple minutes



Ajunta Pall to Jung Ma = 1 RP-PvP server total.


Vrook Lamar to Begeren Colony = 1 RP-PvE (West) server total.


3 more RP-PvE (East servers) to The Ebon Hawk = what will happen to Lord Adraas? Will Lord Adraas be merged to The Ebon Hawk to make just 1 RP-PvE server for East Coast?


More servers to The Fatman and JC = Server Population Cap increased already?


I don't know but I really hope all the East Coast/RP-PvE end up on Ebon Hawk... last night after just the inclusion of the Kath Hound folks fleet was a much more fun place and the other planets seemed to have more people wandering around them.


I am really happy so far with what the transfers are doing and provided they have upped the login limit, the more the merrier.

Edited by Elfindreams
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I was under the impression Fatman and Jedi Covenant were both already fairly high on the pop list, yet they are still getting more servers to them, while servers that are just under them aren't getting anything (and need it much more). I am sure there is a plan here, and I wish they would just come out and say 'We are going to only 5 servers for each type' or something like that. It is frustrating to see the 'rich get richer' so to speak.
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I was under the impression Fatman and Jedi Covenant were both already fairly high on the pop list, yet they are still getting more servers to them, while servers that are just under them aren't getting anything (and need it much more). I am sure there is a plan here, and I wish they would just come out and say 'We are going to only 5 servers for each type' or something like that. It is frustrating to see the 'rich get richer' so to speak.


Doesn't matter to me as long as they all have Fatman sized populations.

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Wow, pile more already in the last half hour. Notice Joveth saying they're gong to take a break to check everything's smooth before putting more up.


1630 BST 13/06/12 (new servers in bold)

Origin Server Destination Server

Kessel Run Battle Meditation

Lord Ieldis Begeren Colony

Vrook Lamar Begeren Colony

Krayiss Obelisk Canderous Ordo

The Courageous Canderous Ordo

Whitebeam Run Canderous Ordo

Dol Grenn Darth Nihilus

Mecrosa Order Darth Nihilus

Princess Galia Darth Nihilus

Darth Xedrix Drooga's Pleasure Barge

Fa'athra Drooga's Pleasure Barge

Perlemian Trade Route Drooga's Pleasure Barge

Gnawer's Roost Jar'Kai Sword

The Krath Enchanter Jar'Kai Sword

The Restoration Zone Jar'Kai Sword

Keller's Void Jedi Covenant

Sedyn Kyne Jedi Covenant

The Defenestrator Jedi Covenant

Ajunta Pall Jung Ma

Ven Zallow Jung Ma

Kissai Caste Mantle of the Force

Phateem Halls of Knowledge Mantle of the Force

Vodo-Siosk Baas Mantle of the Force

Nadd's Sarcophagus The Bastion

Rakata Mind Prison The Bastion

The Crucible Pits The Bastion

Kath Hound The Ebon Hawk

Sanctum of the Exalted The Ebon Hawk

Shien The Ebon Hawk

Cho Mai The Fatman

Hedarr Soongh The Fatman

Rwookrrorro The Fatman

Empress Teta The Harbinger

Krath The Harbinger

Soresu The Harbinger

Dreypa's Oubliette The Jedi Tower

Handmaidens of Atris The Jedi Tower

Stereb Cities The Jedi Tower

Shaltin Tunnels The Progenitor

Trask Ulgo The Progenitor

Eye of Ashlanae The Red Eclipse

Goluud Corridor The Red Eclipse

Ludo Kressh The Red Eclipse

Senator Contispex Tomb of Freedon Nadd

The Kumumgah Tomb of Freedon Nadd

The Shadow Runner Tomb of Freedon Nadd

Cassus Fett Vanjervalis Chain

Zayne Carrick Vanjervalis Chain

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I was under the impression Fatman and Jedi Covenant were both already fairly high on the pop list, yet they are still getting more servers to them, while servers that are just under them aren't getting anything (and need it much more). I am sure there is a plan here, and I wish they would just come out and say 'We are going to only 5 servers for each type' or something like that. It is frustrating to see the 'rich get richer' so to speak.



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So.. with 18 destination servers and currently 48 Origin servers, we have 66 out of 214 servers as part of the transferring as we speak.


That is a bit over 30% of all servers already involved in transfers a bit less than 36 hours into the system being in place. That is quite a nice pace Bioware. Keep this up and everyone will be eligible for transfer to Destination Servers before the end of the week. And that is a lot faster than my first way too positive estimate.


Sweet six pound eight ounce baby jesus, was there a positive reinforcement on a game I love in a forum basis such as this. You sir gain 5 internet points and a free kitten, courtesy of the sith council and EPLA, the Evil Pet Lover's Asscociation.

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I was under the impression Fatman and Jedi Covenant were both already fairly high on the pop list, yet they are still getting more servers to them, while servers that are just under them aren't getting anything (and need it much more). I am sure there is a plan here, and I wish they would just come out and say 'We are going to only 5 servers for each type' or something like that. It is frustrating to see the 'rich get richer' so to speak.


It may suggest that Server Population Caps have indeed increased already.

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Excellent!!! Keep those servers coming - by now the current count is 48 source servers that is almost half-way through the list!!


Let's see some love for Port Nowhere so that that ghost town can move onto other servers that actually have more than 20 people at peak time.



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So please explain how you're gonna do with RP-PvP servers (If you did i missed it).


You said PvP will go to PvP right? So RP-PvP will go to RP-PvP...only problem is there are 3 EU RP-PvP servers and they all have different languages..


When and how will we see anything done with Lord Calypho's population?




As of now, the plan is still to maintain transfers between PvP to PvP, PvE to PvE, RP-PvP to RP-PvP, and RP-PvE to RP-PvE. The fact that only one RP-PvP server exists for each language in Europe does not change this, so you are right: for this initial phase, there won't be any free character transfers available for these three servers in order to maintain the servers' designations as RP-PvP. However, as we mentioned before, this is all part of our initial service. Future versions of the character transfer service may allow more options in your choice of destination servers and may require a transfer fee.

Edited by JovethGonzalez
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I hope we are the next wave and go to Jedi Covenant


You and me both. I re-rolled on JC a few weeks ago and would love to be able to transfer all my characters from Telos. I am already in a guild on that server, so it would be nice to continue on.


With that said, as much as I would love to combine my characters, just having my Telos characters on a high pop server would be a huge plus regardless of what that server then end up on.

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It would seem Bioware is transfering servers by population is this true CSR? I mean if you tell us you are the people like myself while won't be happy wouldn't hold it against you due to saving bigger pop guilds from being broken up. Please just a bit of honesty for us on the worst of the worst servers.


Fingers crossed that Niman is on the next batch, usually 8-15 ppl in the fleet at primetime(thats for empire, rep side is even worse)


Try an active fleet pop of 2-3 empire.

Edited by NotSevv
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