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Free Character Transfers Now Available On Select Servers


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...now only to lose all of them to replace them with stuff we had to think up unexpectedly ON THE SPOT when presented with the log in screen, and all for mostly inactive players who took the names and legacies both and are no longer playing.


How would you have done it?

Edited by ChandlerL
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This is totally fail.


I was originally on the Veela server which now has about 5 to 10 people in fleet peak, 3 just now when I logged in. I started levelling a player on fatman a month and a bit ago since no one was ever on veela anymore. Now you are telling me Veela isn't available for transfer, and when it is, it will be to some predetermined server, so my characters will be split up?


Whoever thought doing it this way was a good idea should be fired.

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They wont say a word. Honestly I think at this point Bioware has proven they are 100% clueless. They have no idea what they are doing nor do they care. They have thought since day one they know better than us what we want. They have probably lost 800k subs since launch and it STILL is not sinking in they should listen for a change. How is is possible in 2012 to not be able to copy simple data back and forth? A small outfit like Turbine has had it forever and they didnt have 100s of millions of dollars behind them.


Just amazing they dont know what servers. They dont know when they will open them. Some stupid bug that while you are logged in your char wont transfer? Well tell people to log out! It takes 5 whole minutes to transfer. Instead they stop the entire process to do some 4 hour downtime fix that most likely will just screw up even more stuff. Just shaking my head at how they can be so inept.


thanks, that was eloquent.


I think it's a simple matter that they probably never planned for the worst, which is what we're in now. They never designed the servers to transfer data between them. If they had any foresight they would have made the servers dynamically linkable, which would mean that your account would remain on it's origin server, but that that entire server could be easily linked with other servers to combine them and restore population at will. Perhaps they just didn't hire the right people to set up thier network or hired people from another defunct game that closed right around the time that SWTOR opened that shall remain namless for my part. Whatever the reason we ain't got it available, and we should but they seem to want to push the character transfers and hope that people stick it out rather than push through server mergers, which would fix the issue en masse.

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I posted this somewhere else, but I thought it would be a good idea to post it here:


I have 8 characters on Shadowlands and 6 on Krayt Dragon. They are both east cost pve servers, so I'm worried they'll be merging to the same spot. What happens then? It would be lame to have characters stuck on a dead server because of something like this.

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This is totally fail.


I was originally on the Veela server which now has about 5 to 10 people in fleet peak, 3 just now when I logged in. I started levelling a player on fatman a month and a bit ago since no one was ever on veela anymore. Now you are telling me Veela isn't available for transfer, and when it is, it will be to some predetermined server, so my characters will be split up?


Whoever thought doing it this way was a good idea should be fired.


They havent done anything to help those who tried to save their game by rerolling on a different server. In fact we have been completely abandoned and will most likely have to pay for character transfers. They have abandoned us as usual.

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How would you have done it?


Other MMO's when transfering servers put a number at the end of your name and a credit to do a /namechange function ingame. So Tolmas would appear as Tolmas-1 until the name was changed. Upon logging in to the new server and finding the -# added to our name, we knew our name was taken, we could think about it, and when ready with a new name simply typed /changename <newname>



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I posted this somewhere else, but I thought it would be a good idea to post it here:


I have 8 characters on Shadowlands and 6 on Krayt Dragon. They are both east cost pve servers, so I'm worried they'll be merging to the same spot. What happens then? It would be lame to have characters stuck on a dead server because of something like this.



this is actually something I've been thinking about 'sort of'


obviously right now you'd either have to keep some chars on the old server - or delete the new ones.


so basically I'm wondering if there's a time limit for the transfer (if not one could transfer the 'old' characters when one is allowed to have more character slots)

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Thanks BioWare, for making it that much more difficult to for your core players (guildmasters/guild members) who stuck with you through this debacle, to successfully transfer thier characters/recreate their guild on other servers. To compound this issue you are rolling the transfers out slowly, which means that the logistics of transferring a guild that has many inactive players could take a very very long time as they slowly trickle back into the game.


I know you're going ahead with char transfers, albiet at snails pace, but I said it in an earlier thread and I"ll say it again here for the record, why don't you geniuses at BW just link the existing servers together that have low populations? that way i still log into tarro blood, but it has been amalgamated with 2 or 3 other servers. This way if the population recovers/explodes for any given reason (namely all the cool things you keep promising to put into the game), then you could simply split the servers back off and offer character transfers to a players desired destination of the originally linked servers once a split happens (that way if they joined a guild on the linked universe they can transfer their char back to that server after the split occurrs).


True. And we'd have a fair chance of retaining our Early Access achieved names and surnames. Well, the damage is done. They need to:


A) Fire the leadership and get some compentent leadership - we earned it and pay for it. Give it to us.


B) Give us /namechange credit to be able to think about our new names for a bit and then change them when we're ready, since we just had to think up garbage names on the spot unexpectedly when logging in for the first time.


C) Make surnames no longer unique, just like Smith in the phone book, so we can use our desired surnames again, most of which are taken on the new server by players who don't subscribe/play anyway, so why nail your paying customers? and what do I care if there's 3 Smiths anyway so long as I get the name I had and want. Also, my family members can take the same surname, and my alts on another account can take the same surname... the way it should be.

Edited by BlueDestiny
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True. And we'd have a fair chance of retaining our Early Access achieved names and surnames. Well, the damage is done. They need to:


A) Fire the leadership and get some compentent leadership - we earned it and pay for it. Give it to us.


B) Give us /namechange credit to be able to think about our new names for a bit and then change them when we're ready, since we just had to think up garbage names on the spot unexpectedly when logging in for the first time.


C) Make surnames no longer unique, just like Smith in the phone book, so we can use our desired surnames again, most of which are taken on the new server by players who don't subscribe/play anyway, so why nail your paying customers? and what do I care if there's 3 Smiths anyway so long as I get the name I had and want. Also, my family members can take the same surname, and my alts on another account can take the same surname... the way it should be.


As far as C I do not think that is possible. You have to remember they did not write this engine. If they had written their own engine like every other game they wouldnt have these limitations. A and B I 100% agree.

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Servers backup, let rip with the origin servers BW.....


I doubt we see anything about new servers until way later this afternoon. Its so complicated (at least for them) they cannot do it without the entire staff there to copy the data.

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Are you serious? You're spinning the corporate lie. A choice to transfer huh? We had 20 people on the fleet BEFORE the transfer in prime time. These transfers are a death knell for the Origin Servers. Soresu is DEAD now. A choice? That's so rediculous, it was offensive to customer intelligence when Bioware said it, it's something else entirely when a customer repeats it.


As for renaming, read the post above this one. I put great thought into my avatar names and surnames, we had months to prepare, and with early access benefits we paid for, we acquired them, now only to lose all of them to replace them with stuff we had to think up unexpectedly ON THE SPOT when presented with the log in screen, and all for mostly inactive players who took the names and legacies both and are no longer playing.



If you put "great thought" and "months of preparation" into your avatar and legacy names, then they should be so original that they won't be taken! So grats! If your names were taken, however, then I guess they were unoriginal dreck you shouldn't be sad about losing. If you've already been able to transfer, you should feel grateful since so many people are still dying for a transfer.

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If BW continues with the "status quo", either later today or tomorrow. Will also only see 4-6 servers added.


This is pathetic.


It's like winning the lotery i mean "lotto pick 4, 4 chances on 200 to get your server picked ! Buy your ticket today"

"Lotto pick 4! play responsibly"


my god, i'm on Veela and men i was disapointed when i saw 36 days remaining game time when i cancelled my account. I regain some hope with this transfer thing but i'm not so sure anymore. It seems to me that their game of patience with their custumers "Us the players" will cost them more than they can bargain for.


I'm very very sad for what became of this game after waiting many years checking their web site each damn friday looking at pointless little updates that honnestly didnt give much to look at, but still i was there because i believed in that game with all the potential it has. But then again very very sad with the results.


Clearly waiting the only real option for me being SC2 "heart of the swarm" can't wait to play a game that we all know wont fail miserably like swtor did.

Edited by Ferid
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No talk like that please, we should all be expecting them to start in the next 30 mins.


I would expect things to get rolling with another small batch of servers around 8 or 9 AM austin time, to see if whatever fix they implemented is working, and then I would expect the transfers to start going forward at a faster rate.

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I have a little question which torments my soul:

I have a level 50 character on a PvP server and I would like to transfer it to a PvE server, where my friends are and where I am actually playing.

What will be faster? Create another character from 0 or wait until my server transfer would be open?


I'm afraid I know the answer...

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