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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Free Character Transfers Now Available On Select Servers


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I'd rather wait for a server que than wait an hour for a pvp que.


While I wouldn't go that far, I doubt any server but Fatman would ever have a queue, even if all non-Fatman pvp servers were merged together.


I know the feeling. Hopefully this "Jung-Ma" is better. Playing on Fatman has spoiled me. If I don't get a que pop in a minute or two I'm pissed.


a minute or two?!?!?!?!


BW, if Fatman is this good, then merge all the non-Fatman pvp servers already. Get it over with.

Edited by JefferyClark
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Why can't you tell us your tentative origin/destination servers?


Let us know who will transfer to where, and when. It's okay if this information changes. At least we'd be able to prepare to transfer (remove guild/GTN/mail items, etc).

they cant tell u, becuase non of them are set in stone, its dynamic server transfer's, they said ranked wz in 1.2 and look at the backlash they got for that.

everybody just grow a set and wait ( even the girl gamers).

Edited by casshern
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Names should be a first created character gets to keep the name. If you created the character during early access and the person on the destination server didn't create his character until after the new year then the origin person wins the name
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You can only transfer a character that hasn't transferred in the last 72 hours. So, what is the point of transferring now and then tomorrow seeing new destination servers for my origin server? I mean if the current destination server isn't my final landing spot then whats the point of transferring? By that same token whats the point of letting me stay on a server that you are only allowing players to transfer from and not to? Don't you think that's going to seriously skew the data you are relying on?


it is absolutely mind boggling how many people on this forum simply refuse to read and do research. the devs have already said, multiple times in fact, that the destination server will NEVER change. an origin server (or possibly several) is paired with a destination server, and you can either transfer to the destination server or stay on your origin server. it's not that complicated

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it is absolutely mind boggling how many people on this forum simply refuse to read and do research. the devs have already said, multiple times in fact, that the destination server will NEVER change. an origin server (or possibly several) is paired with a destination server, and you can either transfer to the destination server or stay on your origin server. it's not that complicated


Um... staying on a dead server that is going to get even more dead doesn't sound like an option worth exploring. Again your choices are Transfer, re-roll, or quit playing.

They should come up with a new popultion indicatior lights out

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Dear Bioware.


What about this thread:






At least they won't have to sacrifice their names? Those RPers should really be the only one's worried about keeping them anyways.


Cool thing is that i confirms that origins and destinations can only be paired with other like-servers (if it hasn't been stated elsewhere.)

Edited by sweederland
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Why can't you tell us your tentative origin/destination servers?


Let us know who will transfer to where, and when. It's okay if this information changes. At least we'd be able to prepare to transfer (remove guild/GTN/mail items, etc).


Please. If anything changed people would nash their teeth, scream "Incompetence!" and "Bioware lied!" with the usual "paying customer" and "I'm done!" nonsense. So show a little patience. :rolleyes:

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At least they won't have to sacrifice their names? Those RPers should really be the only one's worried about keeping them anyways.


Cool thing is that i confirms that origins and destinations can only be paired with other like-servers (if it hasn't been stated elsewhere.)


The ones that need to worry the most are all of the Raven or Fett based cloned names. lol

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Please. If anything changed people would nash their teeth, scream "Incompetence!" and "Bioware lied!" with the usual "paying customer" and "I'm done!" nonsense. So show a little patience. :rolleyes:


Is it really that much to ask for though? Why should he re-subscribe if his server isn't going to be up for another week or two and and his account runs out tomorrow?


He should be afforded the decency as a customer of being told when he can properly access his product.

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Is it really that much to ask for though? Why should he re-subscribe if his server isn't going to be up for another week or two and and his account runs out tomorrow?


He should be afforded the decency as a customer of being told when he can properly access his product.


He can properly access his product right now. If he wants to log in and play he can do it. Maybe not with the number of other players he'd like, but he can do it. And the problem is being fixed anyway.


So yeah, patience.

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He can properly access his product right now. If he wants to log in and play he can do it. Maybe not with the number of other players he'd like, but he can do it. And the problem is being fixed anyway.


So yeah, patience.


If it's proper then why is it being fixed?

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Just some food for thought to the QQ'ers (a.k.a. Ignore this post and keep ranting)


This transfer process has all been planned at nauseam. There's a project manager and rollout team assigned and working that plan and it's all being done in a way to limit risk. This is how business operates. As I PM myself I can tell you that you ALWAYS reduce the amount of risk when implementing something in a production environment, because down time costs money.


Do the math:

  • 1 million subscribers (conservatively based on the 1.4 number reported a month ago)
  • $12 avg a month per sub.
  • $400,000 a day
  • $17000 an hour.
  • Then subtract expenses like salaries, equipment, etc.


You want to lose $17K and hour? You want to go to your boss and tell him why your rollout plan was too aggressive and cost the company $17000 an hour? Or even something that affects 1/2 that amount? What about the additional costs breaking production cost (restoration, cust support increased calls, etc)? How many hours before the cost of down time equals your annual salary?


We have a saying where I work when people want to take a shortcut or do something aggressive in production: "Would you bet your job on that?" It's not done as a threat but as a way to make people feel and think about risk.


They aren’t flying by the seat of their pants here.

They aren’t out to get you.

They are trying to do things RIGHT and limit risk.


Okay, thank you for your indulgence - RAGE ON! Or as a funnier guy than me said: "Rabble Rabble Rabble" (insert Taun Taun icon here)

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Well I had my first post removed for an offensive phrase. So I will make it more politically correct.


When they said slow I don't think anyone had any idea it would be one server at a time. That's Mentally Challenged of Bioware. I really hope they pick up the pace soon hate to have to deal with a new patch and server transfers at the same time. Not that it might be too much for my guild but it might be too much for the Dev's to handle.


I stood by and even defended the company for it decision of doing optional server mergers. At this rate though it will take a month or more before all the needed servers are moved. It's great that they see we are paying money for a game that is falling apart and even giving us 30 days of game time for sticking it out. about 70% of my guild are pvpers and they are really tired of playing the same few people every single day and the fact that you can pvp about 4 hours of that day is really hindering them and myself. Any time I have an Operation night I completely miss the small window I have to complete dailies for pvp.


I sincerely hope that they start pushing a lot more servers soon. As there is only so many empty promises and alts people can make before they give up. I have lost multiple ops members due to this as well and I know I'm not the only one. I wasn't expecting to get to move today like many were but, at the current rate that you are opening transfers continues you are going to lose more subscriptions.

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Well I had my first post removed for an offensive phrase. So I will make it more politically correct.


When they said slow I don't think anyone had any idea it would be one server at a time. That's Mentally Challenged of Bioware. I really hope they pick up the pace soon hate to have to deal with a new patch and server transfers at the same time. Not that it might be too much for my guild but it might be too much for the Dev's to handle.


I stood by and even defended the company for it decision of doing optional server mergers. At this rate though it will take a month or more before all the needed servers are moved. It's great that they see we are paying money for a game that is falling apart and even giving us 30 days of game time for sticking it out. about 70% of my guild are pvpers and they are really tired of playing the same few people every single day and the fact that you can pvp about 4 hours of that day is really hindering them and myself. Any time I have an Operation night I completely miss the small window I have to complete dailies for pvp.


I sincerely hope that they start pushing a lot more servers soon. As there is only so many empty promises and alts people can make before they give up. I have lost multiple ops members due to this as well and I know I'm not the only one. I wasn't expecting to get to move today like many were but, at the current rate that you are opening transfers continues you are going to lose more subscriptions.


1 server at a time, hyperbole much? They did 18 pairs today.

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We will continue the process of monitoring and releasing new origins and destinations as long as we need to. I know that's vague, but it really is a process that requires us to proceed by reacting to the data we have. When we can get more specific, we will (it's always the goal to give details as soon as we're able to), but right now I don't have an estimate as to when we would be done opening servers to transfer.


- If youse guys decide to halt transfers.....can you please sneak in Infinity Gate first?

- If the server for Infinity Gate ever goes offline....can I buy if from BW so I can throw it in the Gulf of Mexico?

- If I do a good deed, like for charity or something, will youse guys push Infinity Gate to the top of the next transfer list?

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I really hope that this is only the start on the server transfers and not the only servers that are available for free transfers

I have 2 rep 50s working on a 3rd on Canderous ordo a healthy server , getting healhier.

I have 3 imp 50s on davikks estate that is rly dead server .

Everytime I check the server population list for Davikks Estate the population is listed as light

I longed on at 7:00pm two weeks on ago on a Saturnday nite and there was 8 ppl on.

Hopefully, This will change. I would rly like to play my imp toons again especailly my powertech.

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Server transfers are like offering a band-aid to a man with his arm cut off. They grossly misjudged the popularity of this game and started with way too many servers. At this point the only practical solution is to close servers and force transfers to far fewer servers. Which they don't do, as it would be openly admitting the game is just barely treading water at this point.


I'll keep my account for another month or so to see how group finder pans out, but I don't see myself paying for this game for much longer.

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Since my thread got killed when I asked this question in the CS forum, I'll paste it here, in the "CORRECT" thread topic. And if it's been asked before, sorry. Not gonna read 74 pages when my question could have been answered in it's own post rather than being closed.




Other than possible name issues (which will be there either way), I can not think of a single reason why they are not just merging a bunch of servers together instead of this optional transfer garbage.


I think BW needs to just admit that they goofed at launch by putting out way too many servers and step up and fix it right.


The only thing these optional transfers is going to do is leave a bunch of really dead servers to rot while they move most of the players to another server. No point in this. Just merge the servers together and be done with it. I know this was considered because in the video that was out a couple weeks ago merging to a few "super servers" was mentioned.


Get to it! Or at least give a valid explanation why you aren't...because I sure can't think of one.

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All I have to say is what a joke. People have been waiting for months to be able to transfer off of dead servers to a server of their choice and this is the best you all can come up with??? I would pay to be able to transfer my toon off one server to be put on the server I moved to. This is really sad, have you all even looked at your servers? I mean actually logged into one and seen how dead some of them are? I bet you haven't. I can see this joke of a service loseing lots of subs., You want this to work, let people transfer their toons where they want to go I want to be with my friends on a specific server not some random server you guys select.

Love the game and will keep playing, just this kind of half thought out service really is a joke.

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