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Free Character Transfers Now Available On Select Servers


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I think the transfer should be to a server of your choice and active to all servers, and not the way its going. There is plenty of dead servers waiting,, like kinrath spider... :eek:


They have said that this is just one phase for population control. There will be a paid service later for that. Chill out and be patient.

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If your 8 characters and his 7 are all on the same server, they would all be eligible for transfer (assuming your server was eligible for transfer). You don't have to pick or choose between what characters you want to transfer, unless you already have characters on the destination server -- at which point you would hit the 8 toon limit. Then you might have problems.


We are. I'm just deathly afraid I'll lose my legacy. Husband's not too worried as his is below legacy 10, but mine's legacy 33 and I have a few unlocks earned/paid for I don't want to lose. Plus my 15 companion stories I completed. I'm a nervous wreck wondering if everything will be good to go if we have to move.

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patience young jedi give them some time. rushing is what caused this problem in the first place



Patience? You do not think people have been patient enough with waiting months for mergers or transfers from dead servers? How long should they wait? Because too many servers have been dead four months or more. How long? How long to you keep paying $15.00 a month to not have fun?

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Wow, my server has been pretty dead for about a month, haven't had 16-man raids for a few weeks... I think I can wait another week.


LOL 16 man raids?? My server for a very long time you can´t find 4 people to do a flashpoint much less a 8 man raid... 16 man raids never existed in my server...

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Every time I see a thread with an interesting title about character transfers, I click on it and.... find that it's been closed and redirected here where there is some dude that chose to take up a whole page responding to every single sentence of someones post. Stop closing all threads that are even remotely related character transfers. Just close the ones that are duplicates. Edited by timidobserver
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Sounds like it. Not a big deal really, because you have to re-create the guild in your new server. But I would wait until you know that you are actually moving servers before you drop your leader status.


Thanks for the answer, found the Q&A afterwards i posted here lol.


I am sure that our guild will move to a new server, but yes seems like I have to step down, and reform our guild on Fatman.. What really annoy's me, is that the credit we used on a guild a bank is just gone (edit: nvm guild bank, got my answer) Our guild name might be taken, all the promises about how good the guilds will be in TOR is just air to me. We used so much time on this and it's just gone.... :(


I hope BW and the Devs will put a lot more time in our guilds to what we have seen so far. It's a shame.

Edited by Mindsweep
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LOL 16 man raids?? My server for a very long time you can´t find 4 people to do a flashpoint much less a 8 man raid... 16 man raids never existed in my server...


Yep, same on Terentatek... it takes hours to find a flashpoint group and takes a week+ of planning to do 8-mans, and even then, if 1 or 2 can't make it, the whole run is fubar. Not to mention the 30-60 min warzone queues for under-50. If you're 50, you're lucky to get 1 pop a night.

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Lord Ieldes to Bergeren Colony is a interesting move. Both were the Top RP-PvE West servers with the same population levels. Looks like BW chose Bergeren Colony to be THE RP-PvE server on the West Coast.


Having Fatman as a Destination server is interesting as well. It's already a full server so either BW has indeed increased Server Population Caps or they shot themselves in the foot. I guess we'll know when Fatman veteran players come on and complain about ridiculous ques.


I stated a few posts ago, it makes some sense to have Fatman/Jedi Cov on the list. Alot of rerollers reside there. If there "old" server is on the list to move, then you might see a slight decrease in players on Fatman/JedCov to counter the influx in being a destination server. It is a good idea to stabilize those, they need to remain "Heavy" throughout this process as a fail-safe, otherwise this game is in trouble...

Edited by L-RANDLE
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We are. I'm just deathly afraid I'll lose my legacy. Husband's not too worried as his is below legacy 10, but mine's legacy 33 and I have a few unlocks earned/paid for I don't want to lose. Plus my 15 companion stories I completed. I'm a nervous wreck wondering if everything will be good to go if we have to move.


If that happens just contact customer support.


Seriously Customer Support in this game is incredibly good.


Here is an example:


My guild did a hard mode run of Eternity Vault. We were slightly shy of the 16 people we needed so we took some people from another guild who hadn't done it yet. Unfortunately I died (along with several others) during the "puzzle" portion of the map. I was on my way back when someone thought everyone was back and went ahead and looted the chest. I couldn't get anything out of the chest because of it.


Our GM got a schematic though that I could use but couldn't give it to me.


He sent an email to customer support and the next day I got the item in my inbox with a note from customer support.


If you transfer and lose your legacy customer support can most likely fix the issue for you.

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some gold pleb said


This process will be gradual and staged over time. Despite huge improvements being made to the Character Transfer Service by our server team, there are millions of characters to be moved and there is a limit to how many can be moved daily. We want your character to be transferred as quickly as possible, but we will need you to be patient as the process completes.


am i the only one worried about the *********** blatent lie by a dev about millions of ppl to move?


ps im not transfering, lucky im an aussie and got to move all my toons to the oceanic servers, hope they really do a good job moving every1 that needs moving to a high pop server as the game really is so much better with ppl to play with


Over 1.2m recurring subscriptions (with more still in pre-recurring phase), multiple characters (lets say 2-3 per) assuming they are getting rid of over half the servers, probably not a lie.

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Every time I see a thread with an interesting title about character transfers, I click on it and.... find that it's been closed and redirected here where there is some dude that chose to take up a whole page responding to every single sentence of someones post. Stop closing all threads that are even remotely related character transfers. Just close the ones that are duplicates.


Forum mods need to earn a pay check somehow :p

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really? not Starstorm one?? are you f**** kidding me? our Q times last up to 30 min's to an hour... AND THATS DURING PEAK TIME


lol q times we have 1-5 ppl on fleet on avg, q times, lol really pal, we haven't had pvp in a month and Frykrann Crystal server isn't up for transfer... i would kill for 30 min q times LOLOLOL

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We are. I'm just deathly afraid I'll lose my legacy. Husband's not too worried as his is below legacy 10, but mine's legacy 33 and I have a few unlocks earned/paid for I don't want to lose. Plus my 15 companion stories I completed. I'm a nervous wreck wondering if everything will be good to go if we have to move.


You get to transfer your Legacy, but you might not get to keep its name.

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So the question is, and maybe it has been answered, but I have only read 1/2 of 2 threads about Xfers, can those of us on light servers such as "The Defencestrator" expect our server to die a slow and painful death while everyone is moved to a server that will have long waits in in a log on que? I think I can speak for many of the people on that server when I say we want our server to be a destination server. We have Great guilds, an awesome community and helpful people. Our server is pretty awesome, if you are looking for a place to reroll, give The Defencestrator a try. You won't be disappointed with your decision to join our community.
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Technically, they aren't transferring the guild bank, they are adding in the same number of tabs in your new server's guild bank that you had in your previous guild bank. The contents has to be removed and transported by individuals in the guild.


Wow. Did not see that outlined about the guild banks. Good to know and yet disappointing at the same time.

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This has been poured over many times, and there's a good reason as to why they aren't doing this right now in that it would create mass confusion, and splitting of guilds that aren't paying attention or mis-click, and causing even more mayhem. They also don't want everyone flocking to one single server and causing overloads and long queues.


That is why 5 or more servers merged to one would have been better.

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I have a message to Bioware.


Please dont listen to the whining and crying minority of yellers in here, shouting about "boo boo bee boo or I will unsub!"


Those are the people who cried at lanch and was yelling for more servers because of queues and got us in this situation in the first place.


I picked fancy color to show that my opinion is of higher value

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Honestly, I wouldn't worry about it. Since the point of the free transfers is to enable bioware to encourage people to do what bioware wants them to do (move to a particular server), I doubt they will do a "nope you transferred before" thing since they would only be making it free if they wanted it to happen in the first place.


Makes sense. I hope so..

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some gold pleb said


This process will be gradual and staged over time. Despite huge improvements being made to the Character Transfer Service by our server team, there are millions of characters to be moved and there is a limit to how many can be moved daily. We want your character to be transferred as quickly as possible, but we will need you to be patient as the process completes.


am i the only one worried about the *********** blatent lie by a dev about millions of ppl to move?


ps im not transfering, lucky im an aussie and got to move all my toons to the oceanic servers, hope they really do a good job moving every1 that needs moving to a high pop server as the game really is so much better with ppl to play with


He said Millions of characters. That includes alts. I have 8 characters. Lots of other people have multiple characters. I can easily see "millions" being correct if the game still has the 1.3 million subscriber base as of the last EA financial statements

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