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Free Character Transfers Now Available On Select Servers


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think you got it wrong..you can move to another RP - PvP servers


as it states in the FAQ :-


Can I transfer my character from a PvE server to a PvP server, or vice versa?


At this time, as part of the initial Character Transfer Service, you will only be able to transfer characters between selected servers of the same server type. Effectively this means transfers will be allowed as follows:

Between eligible PvE origin servers and eligible PvE destination servers

Between eligible PvP origin servers and eligible PvP destination servers

Between eligible RP PvE origin servers and eligible RP PvE destination servers

Between eligible RP PvP origin servers and eligible RP PvP destination servers

Transfers will also respect the official server language, ensuring those players who are playing in French and German will continue to experience their server in their chosen language.




I believe the problem is that there's only one RP-PvP server.

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Every server has less then 10 republics of any level typically on at prime-time?


I have no idea. Look, I've been lobbying for my server to become a destination since the announcement of server transfers. No flame posts, nothing detrimental, I haven't ripped BioWare or the players or other servers. I don't claim that my server is better or worse off than anyone else's out there, and apparently it is not amongst the worst since we were not included in Day One of Transfermageddon. I'm simply trying to be proactive, nothing more, nothing less.

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I had hope for some of my peeps to come back but with this baby list of transfers and no timeline on when or if other servers will move to transfer status, I seriously doubt this will get many to resub.


I am not going to say much cause it seems post magically get deleted and get warnings as spam or other goodness is running rampant today.


So I wish everyone a happy Tuesday and hope the list of transfers will fill up during the week and if not well then .................

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I have a plea to Bioware to please not forget about the RP servers. I love my server The Ebonhawk and would love to be a destination server, but as one of the highest pop RP server we still probably don't have enough people to support both reg and a rated queue. I know other servers are of more concern because they can't get a queue to pop at all, while we generally have 1 to 2 matches going at a time. This makes me concerned for the lower pop RP who might not be so lucky.


So while I understand I must be patient and wait for more higher priority servers, please don't forget about your RP servers Bioware. I would love to see some new faces on the Ebonhawk.

Lord Adraas is the largest population for RP-PVE servers (even on by-faction basis - it's got the most Imperials and the most Republicans.). However, it still feels very small and there aren't usually more than 4-8 people in The Black Hole at one time (I can never get the weekly done -_-); it's almost impossible to get heroic groups together, and the new LFG probably won't help this if it isn't cross-server (and it isn't, if I recall right?).


So yeah, I can see why The Ebon Hawk would want more people; Lord Adraas feels extremely small in population despite being relatively large. It drives me crazy. :/

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Great job Bioware. Out of a Possible 124 servers you selected 4.... not 30.... not 25.... but 4.... I guess we will all have to wait until 1.8987346234 to finally get the servers we need.... and they wonder why they lose subs 6 months into this game.only game ive seen fail this hard is AoC.. and it takes 4 hours to transfer? Guild Wars 2 you can transfer all of your toons ready to play in SECONDS, AND IT'S STILL IN BETA. Bioware you are such a disappointment.
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So... I think we pretty much all agree that BioWare had way too many servers to begin with (and still has). People were getting upset that their servers were dying, because low population means nobody to group with, nobody to craft the things you need, and nobody to buy your crap, either in person or through the Galactic Trade Network.


Then we got a ray of hope: BioWare announced that in addition to developing the 1.3 patch, they were working on enabling character transfers. There were few details, so speculation ran rampant, but at least it seemed that those of us who'd left characters behind on dead servers might be able to unite one or more of those toons with the toon(s) we'd re-rolled on servers WITH AN ACTUAL POPULATION. For my own part, I speculated that character transfers would cost us, although maybe, with a little luck, we'd get our first transfer free. Regardless, I continued attempting to sell all my crap via GTN on my old server (Sword of Ajunta Pall), so that if and when I could bring a toon to the new server, I could bring everything on one character.


Then, as details begin to surface, we find that while, yes, character transfers will be free (for now), it's less a matter of desired character transfer, and more like optional server merges, with "select" origin servers having the option to move to "select" destination servers, and not even a choice of which server to move to. BioWare's idea, as they put it, is to "balance" the server population, and I guess hope that their upcoming LFG tool handles the rest of the grouping complaints. Oh, yay, that's all well and good, but moving a little bit of population among "select" servers doesn't really address the problem of having no population to craft sh*t for you, or buy the sh*t you're trying to sell, and it outright SCREWS anyone who had dreams of bringing their abandoned, orphaned toons into their new, populated server's fold.


I've only got ONE level 50, had a level 21, and have a level 12, with only a level 6 legacy, on my old (deceased) server, and **I'M** upset about the state of affairs; I can't begin to imagine how it feels for someone with two, or four, or eight level 50s, with a legacy level in the 20s or 30s.


Of course, BioWare does give us the [probably false] hope that down the line, they MAY eventually allow more open character transfers. The catch? As I expected, we'll likely have to pay for it. So, BioWare throws way too many servers at us in the first place, and then THEY prove, through a game that many seem to feel lacks much of an endgame, unable to retain active subscriptions, and after months of US paying the price in gameplay terms (no one to group with, no one to craft for us, no one to buy our sh*t), we're ALSO going to have to pay the price monetarily, if we wish to salvage the work we put into characters and legacies on servers that died through no fault of our own?


Sorry, BioWare, but I've gotta give you a big, glaring "F" on this test.

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I hope they get to my server soon. I was almost happy for today's transfers in or out of my server, but now I get to log onto my ghostland once again.


Same. But i have waited months for this day so I might as well wait a few days more. Just resubbed a little too soon though.

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Oh great.. so if my server will not be on the transfer list within the next 3 days...

If you don't have an active account why would you need to move? You need an active account to be able to benefit from the move in the first place so I don't really understand why you'd expect otherwise. Just cancel if you want and then re-activate your account and move when your server transfer becomes available.

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Patience is a virtue and ignorance is bliss... so if your an idiot who doesnt mind waiting around i guess your in heaven.


Personally I am TIRED of waiting to move my 50 sentinel from the ghostown that is Kressh to ANYWHERE thats better.. but wait Transfers arent available for my server... Great work!


How about 2 mega-pop servers and stop this screwin around!

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yes servers they will choose for you. Learn to read.


I don't see how this is a surprise, it was announced that it'd be this way ages ago.


Just have patience, most of us are in the same boat in regards to being on a server with a small population and raging doesn't get you anywhere.

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Lol we have periods of up to 11 hours with no pvp on Terentantak and we didn't get S&@# thanks for nothing Bioware FAIL!


so true. There well not be a PvP pop for another 6 hours or so. An even then there is only going to be the one group of people getting the pops.

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They really need to post the full list so guilds can inform their members that don't log on everyday. I understand the staggering of transfers, but why not a full list?


This, I just want to see a list of the origin servers.

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If you don't have an active account why would you need to move? You need an active account to be able to benefit from the move in the first place so I don't really understand why you'd expect otherwise. Just cancel if you want and then re-activate your account and move when your server transfer becomes available.


I want to move to another server now because I have 3 days gametime left and I just want to get off the dead server, and then continue with a new sub when there is an update which has anything new I want to play, e.g. Space Combat Exploration, minigames, day/night cycles, less static worlds, chat bubbles, ship customization, guild capital ships.. all the fancy stuff which did not happen in the last six months. :(

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so true. There well not be a PvP pop for another 6 hours or so. An even then there is only going to be the one group of people getting the pops.


That's not too bad yet. It's been over 5 weeks since the last warzone on Ula Wii :o

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Because the servers that are transferring to JC and TF are completely dead, so they deserve a thriving community.


Have you looked at TorStatus.net? All the servers are DEAD. We all DESERVE a thriving community. We haven't had PvP on Kinrath for weeks. No server is special.

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Well I can't say that this server transfer service couldn't come faster. Its been way past due to revitalize the servers with this service. I think this has been on of the things that should've happened from the start. Yet, I have to commend BW on the way they are structuring this transfer situation. It seems like they've marked several servers as critical and are watching to make sure they balance out the server destinations. If they like the number of transfers + the population number of the server before hand then they'll move on. IF not then it seems like they'll keep dumping more into that server. Instead of a total free for all of where to go and what not. Though with this strategy I'd have like to see a little bit more info being given to the SWTOR community on how they were going to handle the transfers this way and coupled with a projected date or so when they would be getting to servers.
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