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Regarding server queues


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It's not surprising, the servers that were open for EGA are the ones that are full up, becuase people don't want to roll on a low pop server because of how this affects the economy, warzone pop times etc...


If all the servers that Bioware had available were up on day 1, you would have seen a much better distribution than bringing up servers when others got to Heavy and Full status.


It's a failed deployment that has caused these issues, people shouldn't be forced to reroll back to low pop servers as they are no doubt going to go full over the next few days, what then, reroll again?


Full servers need to be closed for a few days to new accounts. Free server migration would also help, especially for a facility to redeploy guilds.

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******** service if you ask me, waited 35 mins (431) in queue for scepter of ragnos, played no more than 10 mins then got a server dissconnect whilst browsing the AH. So here i am waiting another 35 mins (521) in queue after your crappy server kicks me...sweet. Can deffinately say that if this is a taste of things to come for the future, i wont be sorting a subscrition after my grace period is up :/
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Sweet.. Remote desktop home from my phone.. Started the game, 600 or so in line.. Think I'll just leave it like that the 3 hours thats left before i quit.. Just log back on a couple of times and make sure I'm still in line.. If in game, just log in and move around a bit.. Sweet. :p


:D i did the same in other mmos - i can recommend logmein (gave me less problems with direct x games):




Works well through any firewall.


I just wish they would lock the full servers completely...421 on Atho City.

Good i left Tofn - already a 2 hour queue there.

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Game was released, Early just gone.


This is inacceptable. We deserve to know how full are our servers and not this crap. If Bioware/EA wanna continue with testing and filling up servers...blablabla, is ok but this must be a free service til then. We are paying for this crap.


an Earlier poster had it spot on, they have 30 days from now to resolve it.

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I'm starting to get REALLY annoyed with these queues. It's 13.30 pm where I live, and there is a 35 min queue to join the server I am on.


This is NOT acceptable in any way, I don't give a rats *** about the fact that they need to get things started etc. I have never experienced such long queues in a new game in the 10 years of MMO experience I have so far.


I know they are working on this and blah blah blah, but then at least have the decency to let us change servers or something, because I am not going to pay for a game that has me waiting 20-30 mins every other time I have to log in.


I hope more of the community will support this issue, and force EA / Bioware to find some sort of solution to this, instead of the regular "We're working on it. Sorry for the inconvenience" ********.


This game is new and trying to settle on the market, if you wanna do this with succes, fix this issue, make a population cap or something, because if I'm gonna spend 30 mins waiting to log in for the next couple of weeks, I'll find somewhere else to place my money...

Edited by Raicc
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Well, if the earlier bump to server caps is the extent of what we'll see it's indisputably clear that it's simply not good enough.


25 minutes later and still around 900th in the queue.


I didn't see any impact on performance in the hour or so I actually managed to get in (seriously, why would you *not* implement a grace period for discnnects & crashes?) after the bump, it still felt like a ghost town.

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I'm kind of shocked that Bioware would only give us two additional days of grace period with all of these queuing issues. With all of the feedback they have recieved over server transfers I think they will give us a response soon. Imagine how awesome this forum would be if we didn't have to talk about queue times and server transfers.


This negativity is not good for business.


I'm still hoping for free server transfers to be implemented by the weekend.

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The problem solves itself, just bioware needs to implement it. More servers, much higher server caps and Character/guild transfers. Do those three things (done the first one admittedly) and the queue situation will resolve itself to a more managable level like nothing :)

Transfers aren't needed.


Server caps WILL be increased, they've said so but it would be ludicrous to do it NOW, only when the initial new flood is over will raising them achieve Bioware's intention: right now queues are inevitable and are REQUIRED for healthy populations once the launch period is over.


They added more servers and will continue to do so.

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Transfers aren't needed.


Server caps WILL be increased, they've said so but it would be ludicrous to do it NOW, only when the initial new flood is over will raising them achieve Bioware's intention: right now queues are inevitable and are REQUIRED for healthy populations once the launch period is over.


They added more servers and will continue to do so.


Agree on all apart from transfers not being needed, it should be added.

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I would still say free character transfers and guild transfers would fix alot. There are PLENTY of high lvl players in guilds on the original servers wich suddenly became extremely full. Its realy frustrating for those who actualy spent ALOT hours allready on their characters and the server become full.

Its also not fair.


This might be a risk to "kill an server", Well thats a chance you have to take if you want happy costumers. and since its "free transfer", those who are not happy with the server anymore can just move to any server they want for free.

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Waiting an hour already to join Niman EU server.

I wouldnt mind waiting..but I do mind waiting when I see tens of other servers light populated.


I will give one TIP to devs:

When You see the population on one server reached to HIGH or VERY HIGH, just cut access to this server and dont allow other players to join it. Cause if You dont do this, at some point more and more will join and server will become FULL resulting in queues.


Just my 0,5 credits.

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I have never experienced such long queues in a new game in the 10 years of MMO experience I have so far.

And which games were those where things went smoothly with no queues, no server crashes due to load, no massive lag due to load, etc?


Certainly it wasn't Rift, LOTRO or WOW, nor from my knowledge FFXI or Warhammer.

Edited by KerinKor
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Transfers aren't needed.


Server caps WILL be increased, they've said so but it would be ludicrous to do it NOW, only when the initial new flood is over will raising them achieve Bioware's intention: right now queues are inevitable and are REQUIRED for healthy populations once the launch period is over.


They added more servers and will continue to do so.


If they don't do it now, when it's desperately needed, why would they do it later when, and gauging by the atmosphere in game and on the forums, I don't think it'd be a huge jump to say many aren't going to wait around to endure this.

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Can You get a refund on the digital download . This is bollox, good game but to be frank im not waiting in line to play the damn thing. Thankyou very much, not.

Great, one less clogging up a queue .. and no, you can't get a refund, read the terms in your order confirmation e-mail.

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You can imagine feeling of my old friends round Europe.. we are old school international RPers and we decided to play on PVP-RP server.., and because we are at age 35+ and from all corners of old Europe, so time synchronisation between us is bit crucial..and also time of play is bit limited .. (you know.. wifes, work, childrens, timezones..etc) I dont want to talk .that we dont have much choices now. because in Europe just one english speaking pvp-rp server avaliable ...:eek:

So what we can do to be abble start to play at 21:00 when is marked as full in day of game release and out of peak hours , cant imagine how it will look in prime time? :( 1hour, 2hours? of waiting.. well this is almoust whole time we normaly playing.

I know .. we can do noting.. dont see much constructive ideas or some official informations about state or reasons behind waiting queues, but I still believe that developers are aware that waiting queue is biggest cullprit in their service now, and they are for sure aware of risk loosing part of community eg.. players.. eg. paying customers eg. money..

everything is about money.

Still believing in miracle.



Sorry for bad English ,, Iam not native speaker.


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Add up how many hours of lost gameplay you've had by sitting in a queue, the game you are paying to play. I've been quite lucky with only 30-40mins wait at a time, some people have waited hours, neither is acceptable. BW you have a chance to keep your subscribers right now but people are not going to do this for much longer, while you can fix this problem you can't expect your customers to pay for game they can't play.
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If they don't do it now, when it's desperately needed, why would they do it later when, and gauging by the atmosphere in game and on the forums, I don't think it'd be a huge jump to say many aren't going to wait around to endure this.


If you do it now we will continue to have more and more new players join the server, and it will queue again.


If you wait til the initial rush is over from launch, then the servers have a better chance of staying "medium" or "heavy" load, instead of "full".

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