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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Regarding server queues


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Why in the world would you put all Eu guilds that are PvE on the SAME server?? ALL other EU servers have light load, whilst the ONLY server you decided to put pre-launch guilds on has now longer queue than ever.


Did you calculate that this guild has xx number of members, this guild has xx - That means we can all put them there and it will be fine? It didn´t occur to you that they might incourage their friends to play, who in turn gets another friend and so on?


I have been place there because YOU decided it, thats where my friends are, my gear, everything build up so far. So no, changing server to start over isn´t an option, unless a) YOU BIOWARE fix the queues or b) allow free transfers to less populated servers for entire guilds.



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Yesterday I was in the queue for 4 and a half hours. Then when my place was down to 14, I got a random server disconnection error. I got sent back to the start of the line when I retried with a place at # 600, forcing me to wait almost 3 hours more.



Spending an entire day in anticipation of getting to play is kind of crazy. I'd rather do something else with my time. Especially considering this is something we'll be paying for.

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It's not so much the number of people in the queues that's the issue, but more the fact that the queues are moving so slow.


This is a classic result when faced with the server queues where people will implement all types of measures to prevent the server from logging them out for being afk/idle, even if they're actually not playing they'll keep their account logged in just to avoid the queue.

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Well hope bioware something must do about it.We all have pay for this game and all we want to have fun. But to stay and wait 2 hours to play well ..thats insane.

From my point of view, now the game has released,to have an option to move the guild or the characters we have already create to other server.My half guild cant log in because of this situation.We must have an option to move the guild as it is to other servers.Most of the people become angry with that.

So please bioware,make an option to move to other servers so all be happy and enjoy the game.

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"Bunch of whiny self-entitled kids. Rift had horrific server queues, Warhammer had horrific server queues, Age of Conan had horrific server queues. "


Yeah, and i left all those games, for queues... SWTOR didnt be diferent. If they not solve the problem before first month, ill forgot SWTOR and see to another side/game.


All of u know we are paying for a service. And they can say, they are giving the service. U guys can play the game, not always on the same server, so u must to restart your toon every time u wanna play with out queues. That a joke.


And yes, i start playing on release time: WoW, age of conan, warhammer, rift... 2 month after release DAoC. And i have to say, yes all have too many problems, and not all solve the starting problems as soon as desirable. But developlers that solve the problems as soon as desirable, win the race. I hope SWTOR win that race, because they have a good game on their hands. We must just give time to they.

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So who here knows how to develop MMO Infrastructure to support thousands of players online at once on a single sever?


If you can do a better job, I suggest you go and make your own MMO and stop ya ************


Insightful, not. These games aren't run off a single server but series of them.


This issue was predicted, and foretold long before early access. The main complaint is that the publishers knew this would happen and apparently did nothing about it. Whether they did or not isn't the issue, but whether we see if they did.


Every AAA MMO has this problem, which begs the question, if everyone knows its going to happen why don't companies mitigate against it? IS the negative publicity worth saving a few dollars on extra servers at launch?

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I´m as pissed as most people about being in a q at noon, but I´m not pissed at bioware, since there are like 20 server with low population. Thought the fact the server statesshows only the actual number of plays, I´m pissed at the people who keep creating chars and joining the ea servers.


I do understand there are people who already have friends playing on these servers, and I´m not adressing them at all. But that can´t be 100% of people who are actually in the game. And I´m not just saying this for launch day, but for the whole EA phase. I myself was lucky enough to join the first day and randomly selected one of the servers, aware that this would most likely effect my whole guild and friends. But as far as I´m concerned all the eight billion people joing the heavy loaded PVP servers (not only in europe) are just a bunch of *******.


*WHY* would anyone wonder why there are so many light populated servers at launch. Everyone seams to think: HEY, lets join one of the servers that are already heavyloaded at noon. When the working people isn´t even home.. ow wait... I see correlation there...

Edited by Cassiopea
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Whoever came up with the guild deployment procedures wants shooting. Then hanging. The Idea was great, the implementation was terrible.


The problem now, is that just bringing up new servers is not going to solve the problem.


I went through the guild deployment phase with some of the WoW guildies that pre-ordered the game. There are many more of my guildies that decided to wait till launch before buying the game and joining us. They are now faced with a choice... Join a server that is posting 30 - 60 minutes wait time, thus exacerbating the problem, or join a server with light population and no wait time but kiss the guild goodbye.


Surely it wouldn't take much brain matter to realise that people have friends who may have been waiting for launch before joining.


The problem seems to have occurred because Bioware thought it a good idea to cram all the pre- made guilds on to as few servers as possible to cut down on costs / problems during early access. A better plan would have been to bring up all the servers and deploy the guilds more evenly, thus allowing space for release data joiners to choose the server their guild mates are already playing on without causing hour long waits.


I know hindsight is a wonderful thing but surely Bioware has people who are paid to think about these things.


So, now we are faced with a decision. Put up with massive queues, along with the loss of guild mates due to them not wanting to wait for hours to play, or switch our guild (and our allies and adversaries guilds) to a less populated server and start our characters all over again.


I am only a lvl 23 at the moment but the prospect of starting again does not fill me with love for this game. God only knows how people at lvl 40 - 50 must be feeling.


I don't think free server transfers will solve the problem either as this will cause issues with allies and adversaries, and you just know that as soon as they announce it, every guild on a heavily populated server will migrate elsewhere and leave the current server up the creek.


I am pretty sure that wait times such as these along with all the other issues this brings about will cause people to cancel subscriptions. In my opinion Bioware has only 2 options to stop this.


1. Shut down all the servers, redeploy the guilds across enough servers to accommodate them AND the extra people those guilds will be getting now the game has launched. It would be advisable to do this sooner rather than later as the lightly populated servers will fill up fairly quickly. The longer it is left the harder it will be to redeploy.


2. Select specific guilds on the servers (probably the largest guilds with no allies and adversaries would be easiest) and offer free guild transfers to lightly populated servers for those guilds and any allies and adversaries. Unless this is going to be done without the consent of the guild master and members, this would take some time to take effect as approval will be needed first.


Please sort this out asap so that my friends don't have to choose a server with huge wait times over a lightly populated server just so they can join my guild as planned.

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Bioware have ****ed up launch and ega. The damage is done now, and the silence from the devs have only made a bad situation worse.


This game will be free to Play within six months. The guys at blizzard must be laughing their arses off.



Oh so true

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i recon at start of WoW blizzard faced the same problem with queues


they solved it with raising the caps, and much later on the offered free character transfers


which basically killed a lot of servers where you had a huge balance difference


im really against transfers. like said in previous post increase cap and place extra servers to encourage new players to use the new servers

Edited by Alegoss
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Let me just tell you this...


Once I am in game...


... I am using every tool I have to avoid idle/afk logout.


Forcing character to run in circles while mousebutton is getting clicked randomely or any other tool I can come up with to keep me logged in, I will use.


And I'm keeping my character logged until the next time they do a server maintenance, because I am *NOT* allowing myself to be put into new 1-5 hour login queues.


Sorry if that means some of you will be forced to sit and wait because people aren't logging off the servers, but that's just the harsh reality of it.


I want to play, not wait. So once in, I am not leaving the server.


Luckily my PC is strong enough to play other games on at same time SWTOR client is running, so even if I do need a break and want to play something else, I can remain logged into SWTOR.


Might not be politically correct to do so, but with these login queues it's dog eat dog until they fix it.

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Let me just tell you this...


Once I am in game...


... I am using every tool I have to avoid idle/afk logout.


Forcing character to run in circles while mousebutton is getting clicked randomely or any other tool I can come up with to keep me logged in, I will use.


And I'm keeping my character logged until the next time they do a server maintenance, because I am *NOT* allowing myself to be put into new 1-5 hour login queues.


Sorry if that means some of you will be forced to sit and wait because people aren't logging off the servers, but that's just the harsh reality of it.


I want to play, not wait. So once in, I am not leaving the server.


Luckily my PC is strong enough to play other games on at same time SWTOR client is running, so even if I do need a break and want to play something else, I can remain logged into SWTOR.


Might not be politically correct to do so, but with these login queues it's dog eat dog until they fix it.



Although in the most recent update they added lines of code that would stop people being able to do this =D good luck!

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Fellow BioWare,


What you did here is a fine piece of art, buckets of kudos for you all and grats for a excelent job in creativity and picking a winning franchise and one if not the most famous IP around and briiliantly putting it in form of a multiplayer game.


Now, Christmas is coming, you have millions of players from around the world wanting to play your most precious "baby", im sure you aware of the queues we have, wich is obscene despite that i find it quite normal cause everyone wants to try this outstanding game.


It will be unfair if you guys have to skip time whit your families just to try to manage all these playerbase, and wold be unfair to us to wait hours to play even if we dont mind cause we love the game.


Please please please, and whit lots of sugar on top, work around the hours of queue time we have, cause since its vacations for ALOT of people i see dark times for at least a month ahead.


I will not quit, i will not rage, i will not stop to believe, just make it work for both of us parts so we all can have a good Christmas and can spend the most time possible juggling around the galaxy and striking enemies whit our lightsabers.


Best regards and a huge christmas hug for you all, love ya guys and never stop to believe, may the force be whit you all :)

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It does seem odd to be in a queue this long at this time, even on launch day.


But.......are they really full? Or are they just saying full to make new people go to other servers?


and yes, new people trying to log into Full servers are still idiots.

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Let me just tell you this...


Once I am in game...


... I am using every tool I have to avoid idle/afk logout.


Forcing character to run in circles while mousebutton is getting clicked randomely or any other tool I can come up with to keep me logged in, I will use.


And I'm keeping my character logged until the next time they do a server maintenance, because I am *NOT* allowing myself to be put into new 1-5 hour login queues.


Sorry if that means some of you will be forced to sit and wait because people aren't logging off the servers, but that's just the harsh reality of it.


I want to play, not wait. So once in, I am not leaving the server.


Luckily my PC is strong enough to play other games on at same time SWTOR client is running, so even if I do need a break and want to play something else, I can remain logged into SWTOR.


Might not be politically correct to do so, but with these login queues it's dog eat dog until they fix it.


Hm i dont want to see your energy bill mate.... ;)

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Fellow BioWare,


What you did here is a fine piece of art, buckets of kudos for you all and grats for a excelent job in creativity and picking a winning franchise and one if not the most famous IP around and briiliantly putting it in form of a multiplayer game.


Now, Christmas is coming, you have millions of players from around the world wanting to play your most precious "baby", im sure you aware of the queues we have, wich is obscene despite that i find it quite normal cause everyone wants to try this outstanding game.


It will be unfair if you guys have to skip time whit your families just to try to manage all these playerbase, and wold be unfair to us to wait hours to play even if we dont mind cause we love the game.


Please please please, and whit lots of sugar on top, work around the hours of queue time we have, cause since its vacations for ALOT of people i see dark times for at least a month ahead.


I will not quit, i will not rage, i will not stop to believe, just make it work for both of us parts so we all can have a good Christmas and can spend the most time possible juggling around the galaxy and striking enemies whit our lightsabers.


Best regards and a huge christmas hug for you all, love ya guys and never stop to believe, may the force be whit you all :)


Well said, +1


A more realistic response than ragequitting an excellent game.

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Although in the most recent update they added lines of code that would stop people being able to do this =D good luck!


Even if they do it can't be too hard to find a mouseclicker with randomized function to run in the background.


I understand they can log repeated user input such as character only moving forward and left to keep running in a circle for 3 hours.


There's no way they can log randomized user input and then kick you off based on that, as randomized user input is exactly what you are doing when playing.


When facing login queues in the magnitude of 6 hours at the worst, trust me, I'm going to find ways to bypass their idle logout system.

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queue on a highly loaded server is ok. and its just the first day of the game, actually.


and it feels like BW are dealing with this problem on fly - couple of hours ago i was stucked in a 100ppl queue (Trayus Academy), and right now its all fine, and i was in without any waiting.


To those, who were remembering WoW - i remember almost 1k queues in 2009 ;)

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Why is it I could stay connected to SWG all day and all nite in a pet grind group and never lose connection but get kicked from TOR at leats 2 times a day? I think they kick people to get people waiting in the game, not to help the issue but to try and pacify people so they dont complain.


You think too much.

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