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Everything posted by Dmiddiucw

  1. These must be changed its far too long. please sort this asap!
  2. HI all, Just like to ask if we can have this achievement applied to characters which reached 5 prior to the Strongholds patch. Characters that i have recently leveled have been awarded 50 circular sings to represent their class however my other prw strongholds toons have not got this achievement and therefore don't have the signs . Here's hoping that you guys at Bioware sort this
  3. As it says, if you can could you let me know so I can message you in game. Thanks
  4. Eric thank you for this opportunity to have some good honest dialogue, Force Sprint needs to remove all movement impairing-effects and grants immunity to all movement-impairing effects for the duration. Overload should root up to X targets in its cone of fire and this should not be broken upon direct damage for 4 -6 seconds. Force Barrier this was a good idea but with the level of focusing going on towards sorcs it doesn't do the job. we need something that will allow us to cast/move and reduces incoming damage. So I would like to see the force barrier be changed to at the very least allow us to move and cast. I would find it acceptable to reduce the length from 10 seconds to 6 this might at least give us time to provide something meaningful to the pvp team. Lightning tree This tree has great burst but is too reliant on long cast times (Thundering blast) there should be either a way of reducing the cast time or adding a proc that when active allows for an instant TB. TB should also have its damage improved it is just not on the same par as other classes big hitters. I regularly get smashed in pvp for 8-9 k I get blown up by grenades from commandos in the region of 8-9k ravages for 8+ k by marauders the list goes on...... and that is in nearly full 67 gear. Best I can do with TB is 7.5k ish at a push. Most of the biggest hits I get are around that at the end of pvp match but if you look at other classes their biggest hits are much bigger ! Currently most melee classes have far more tools for gap closers than Sorcs do. We therefore need better ways of getting away/ slowing rooting targets. I would even consider having overload not break on damage this at least would give us a chance to do damage and keep the enemy at bay. So I guess removing the breaks on direct damage for overload would be a step in the right direction. We would still be interrupted etc but it would allow us to get away and do some damage. I also find it strange that after specking into the Lightning tree I still get a cool down on Force lightning just increase the force cost and reduce the cool down that would help hugely with our damage. I appreciate that this sounds like a lot but all I am asking for is more crowd control (which we should have being a weak armour caster) and a bit more utility on our defensive cool down. If you also couple that with a little more damage on TB and less cool down on Force Lightning it would make for a much better experience. I play pvp a lot on my sorc (Lightning)and assassin(Deception) and have played since Beta, I do more damage on my sorc (due to aoe and dots etc) but I enjoy much more the abilities and cool downs of the assassin in pvp. Most of the time in arenas I get focused down fast and I am extremely difficult for a healer to keep up so I feel like a bit of a liability whereas with other classes (assassin) I play I don't get that feeling. I love this game and I love the Sorc / Sin classes but I just get so tired of being the first target everyone goes for. People will say learn to play but if your playing against a team with half a brain once they have spotted you the experience changes from being one of contributing to the team to being a total liability. Many a match I get 2 Marauders jump straight to me hitting me with instant cast abilities, barrier goes up they waste time hitting it manage to get away and then straight away they both jump on me and it goes on being a cat and mouse game for the Lightening sorc. Basically I just want to see some kind of improvement in the quality of life for Sorcerers. Eric, if your reading this I am more than happy to discuss further but please, please don't let us down! No matter what happens I will continue to play a Sorc/Sin even if I have to go in with just a wooden stick! Just give us back our dignity (Brave heart music playing in the background)
  5. I have been playing a Sorc since Beta, at the start I played healer then Madness and now Lightening, Yes Sorcs are hard to play and require a lot more special awareness and skill I think that argument has been done to death. However when playing against other played in PVP we simply are at a disadvantage our burst damage for lightening takes to long in comparison to other classes and we can so easily be shut down. Our damage mitigation is very poor and lacks utility compared to other classes and there is nothing to balance or make up for this. Perhaps if we keep raging on these forums Bioware might finally do something about it. They have changed Pyros because they whined so lets keep up the pressure until they do something about it !
  6. There are now some very nice gear sets and people have mixed and matched to get the exact look they want. It would be superb to allow us to transform this gear into legacy gear so that we can share this look without having to remove tons of mods etc. We already have alot more legacy gear in the game so please allow us to make the choice. Sell legacy costume packs which we can apply to items.
  7. Thanks for all the ideas guys keep them comming. Bioware, if you are reading this, please give us a ranged spammable attack and a slight Boost to our DPS.
  8. Yep i have had this bug with TB AF and CD i wish they would fix it however they are probably recolouring another existing armour to flog in the cartel market rather than fixing class bugs.
  9. If you like playing PVP i would go assassin they totaly own in PVP however in terms of PVE i don't see assassin DPS in demand.
  10. Barrier still takes you out of combat ! your clearly missing my point. At the very least they could allow us to heal while in the bubble. As far as our DPS goes in PVP its madness all the way and PVE lightning just doesn't compare to other classes. Our class needs to have a spammable basic ranged attack and a better force barrier system.
  11. If you can fit it in then I don't see why not especially if it procs twice. Saying that I would priorities it over your other abilities.
  12. In comparison to other classes force barrier as the extra ability is in my opinion not that useful. Yes it can be used in PVE effectively and is useful to allow healers time to top you up but the single most negative factor is that you are unable to do anything while this is active. This may be fine in some situations however in PVP other classes stand around and simply wait until it is gone and then kill you. You are reliant on another healing you or the dps changing target. I would argue that there is nothing more attractive a target than a sorcerer and especially a sorcerer with low hp. Therefore in comparison with other classes additional skills I think we have been short changed and I am surprised that so many sorcerers out there are happy to accept this ? You only have to look at sabre reflect, electro net and phase shift to see that other classes have gained abilities that either slow, increase damage or allow fast movement and what do we get......... I assume that there are people out there that will swear blind I am talking rubbish and that this ability is fine however when you also consider that we are the most squishy class with the weaker dps I just don't feel that I want to sit back and accept this as our lot. Also Please continue to post reasonable changes and try to avoid childish silly comments asking for the earth. Thanks to all the posters who have given constructive ideas.
  13. I would like to see the following additions/ changes please post tour own....... Remove saber strike and make lightning strike a basic auto attack that we can spam. For dps Sorcerers having a meele auto attack is pointless. Also re think the shield, using the shield delays certain death and can sometimes save us however during this time we are out of the combat pointless tbh. Either allow us to cast and reduce the duration or give us phase shift. Thanks
  14. Bioware can we please he the schematics for the level 40 pvp armour that you can get from the vendor. I think they look cool and go well with Rakata (Sorcerer) gear. At the moment there is no research chance and no way to buy the plans that i am aware of . Thanks
  15. Dmiddiucw

    The State of PVP

    We all know PVP is not quite there yet however there are some things in PVP that are starting to get a little boring. 1. Pre mades, versus these groups you might as well not bother as a solo PVP er you can easily experience 10 losses in a row to these groups. This does not make for a good playing experience. Either prevent pre-mades from playing in PVP or give a premade option and an incentive for pre-mades to go up against others. 2. Stuns and Knockbacks make the PVP experience frustrating, the resolve function feels bugged. Every class has a knockback or stun this is retarded! Increase the resistance to stuns through PVP gear ? Expertise should reduce this possibly. 3. Rewards, the grind times as a solo player are far too long, 1000 of each commendation i think it was for a Battlemaster bag with only a chance of Battlemaster tokens! You must be joking. This tedious grind is killing PVP. Those newly turned Battlemasters have an impossible task. You should give gear at every 10/20 levels this should be obtained with reasonable time and should not be down to chance. 10 BM bags and no commendations and still counting it’s a joke and the worst reward system I have ever encountered. Remove the valor ranking system and give valor for warzones open PVP and allow player to spend that valor on PVP items. This would make it simple and reward players who achieve higher valor in warzones and such like. 4. Illum, far to big objectives are redundant the spawn rate of the armaments is a joke when you have 6 plus farming them. Remove the quest scale down illum and make it worthwhile to go there. Oh and sort that lag out for the love of god ! I would suggest that when gaining an objective you give players some commendations and valor and additional for defending these objectives. This might make it slightly more appealing. 5. Healing in PVP is also terrible, this is due to every class having stuns and knockbacks and also because the healers shield (sorcerer) is so poor that up against a well geared player it barely lasts a second. Buff shields through the PVP set bonus. Oh and the set bonus for All sets is that same ? why ?????? They should be far better and the noble sacrifice bonus lol what is that ????? Really come on if you expect players to grind for gear at least give them a better set bonus one that scales with the number of BM or Champ items a player has and not keep it static across all tears of gear. 6. It is good to see that you are finally recognising that the way in which medals are gained is unbalanced and that you are addressing that issue however limiting this to the first 4 medals is again a poor choice. Once players have gained these commendations there is no further incentive to play at their best other than the win. Medals should be worth far more and should be far more class specific. This would encourage players to adopt tactics/play classes as intended in warzones. Although this is a rant regarding the current state of PVP i hope that over time these issues are addressed to for benefit of all players.
  16. Hi, Is anyone else experiencing messed up loot in Hard modes on EV and HH? The other night we cleared up to Soa and not every boss dropped Rakata where as before you would get at least 1 piece. It has also been the same story in EV. Also a plea to Bioware.... please put Rakata tokens for gear on the bosses just like you have done for the other sets.
  17. First off I would like to say that I do enjoy the current PVP offering in terms of war zones. However the reward system for level 50's gear is a little daft. So you get a win approx 70-80 commendations, 30 war zone commendations can be exchanged for 10 mercenary commendations (why, god only knows) so you eventually get 200 of each and exchange them for a Champions bag etc 2-3 champion tokens in side. so far over complicated but not to muc of a problem. My biggest issue is the possibility of winning champion gear from the bag. On several occasions I have had duplicate items which is annoying. Also the cost of removing the mods is annoying 27k ish. What I am sayNg is get rid of the different types of commendations for war zones and just have one then scale the costs accordingy and have a separate system for world pvp. And please remove the random bag thingy, I would rather have more tokens from the bag than another set of gloves/ head etc..... Reward system is over complicated and far too random. Man thanks
  18. Bioware guild pre launch = Epic FAIL nuf said. Give us guild server migrations and I will be happy.
  19. Assigned a server through the guild pre launch only to find that I am waiting stupid times to get on. Great organisation there! Bioware please sort this it's laime.
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