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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Regarding server queues


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How hard is it to understand, the servers ARENT full, the queue is whats full.


Get on the actual server, check the areas for both sides and theres 200 or less in each area, even under 100.. (and thats up to the level 20 or so so areas, not sure on the rest).

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ahahah .. i've given up on hoping for a fix.. it's been 5 days now, we gave very very specific instructions on how to fix the problem 5 days ago on the official forum topic for this issue.. no one even cared to reply us or implement the problems.


its 12:12, i just got home from work for lunch, wanted to do some crew skills... 200 people in the Q before me on nightmare lands... pathetic.. 5 days horrible launch and still no one cares to touch base with us personally to handle our frustration and refund us for all this wasted time (which we paid for)..


Sorry I hate to sound so upset, i LOVE LOVE LOVE this game, it's so fun, but the tech support is .. just .. horrible.. worse then wow so far, which i didnt think was possible. I've had a ticket in the q for 5 days due to this issue, no reply.. We've posted this issue on the forum with very easy and fast solution, not a one was applied ... 5 days still the same problem.. actually its worse today .. even at lunch, q to login .. it sucks, i really wished a good launch on BW .. maybe the EA that is pulling the strings on this.. boh ><

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How hard is it to understand, the servers ARENT full, the queue is whats full.


Get on the actual server, check the areas for both sides and theres 200 or less in each area, even under 100.. (and thats up to the level 20 or so so areas, not sure on the rest).


Yeah, my server was showing full and there were like 12 people on Alderaan at that time. If that's full, than something's wrong. I'm on a PvP server and you have to wait up to 5 minutes to join a battleground even though the server is full...




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First of all, sorry for my bad english.


I hope they solve the problem, but they know how many ppl pre-ordered the game, and they would work with and estimate number of players that will buy the game, and play it.


All companys make a market study before launch any product. I think they do it wrong. Other wise, they dont do their work fine. More servers, more servers capacity...


I only have time after work to play, and not too much time. For this reason if i have to wait that time to start to play... i ll left the game. (Ironic mode on) Other way its logg in the game before i go to work, hoping that when i return at home, i only have to wait 10 mins or so to start to play (ironic mode off)


I have a question for BW/EA. They will refund money to ppl that cant play/have 5-6 hours wait time to play?? they will extend the game time for that players as a compensation?? Because i can understand, be patient, and that kind of things, but... we have all pre-order time passed/wasted, and that problem unsolved.


Free transfers arent a solution, because u transfer to a light population server, and in just few hours, u have the server full...


Im playing with my friends since pre-release, and we are waiting more friends that enters the game today. So, if we had a problem, now, we will have a very very big problem, because, more ppl on a full server... and all guilds have the same problem i think, because many ppl didnt buy pre-order and start the game today. What can we do??


I hope the solution isnt to create a new toon on a new server to play, over and over until u create the correct number of servers/server capacity...


Thanks and as too many ppl waiting for a solution.

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Well, I'm skeptically optimistic after the server cap bump.


The test will be prime time tonight. While some queue is probably unavoidable at this stage, 15-40 minutes is unpleasant but realistic, 5+ hours would be a cancelled sub.


Looking potentially good at the moment though.

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OK so its the day of release, its 11am atm. Never had a problem getting into server this early in the morning, but now im placed 600 in a queue. If its like this on a weekday in the morning, then what will it be like on a weekend at the most busy times?


I am disgusted in how bioware has gone about this. Launch day is going to have many many ppl annoyed and regretting buying the game. I have 1 month free for pre-ordering and if this issue isnt sorted by the time my month is up then i wont be renewing which is a shame because i absolutely love this game.

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Relax guys and girls, the game has officially been out a couple of hours :)

They sure have something up the pipes, any person who's been in a mmo launch knows this is what happens.

Not even everyones dearest WoW got away from that, yet people tend to use that WOW is so great when a lot was not there for the first day :)



See this as a chance of "freedom" before you're stuck in swtor forever! =D

Edited by tullrn
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@ 10 AM GMT+1, attempted to login...


"Position in Queue 68"


ok, not bad... @25, it crashed.... fucin hell...


Relog, attempt again.


"Position in Queue 338".. whaaaaaaaaat..... gah, fine, go take a shower meanwhile..


Comes back to an Error 1003... awesome..


Attempt to login a 3rd time... Error 1002.. woopdefucindoo!


After spamming server select another 25 times, "Position in Queue 3"... eh??



Wheres the fraggin free server transfer....

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The queues are crazy, ***, i have to plan my gaming, so i can have someone else logging me in 3 hours before im done at work... Enjoyable game ,but this **** is getting me angry. They have to be *********** stupid to let the serves fill up that much...:mad:


Are they gonne adjust the server capacity or do i have to consider jumping back to a game with more experienced developers ( Blizzard) ? If they use for example 2 weeks on fixing this, and you play , lets say 10 days( prob 14 :) ) and the queue time is average 3 hours it will be 30 hours of queue ... thats just insane. :mad: This have to be fixed ASAP, and at least they should give us some answer on what they are doing to fix this! Cant seem to find anything from the developers on this topic, or am i wrong ?


Did you launch the game and went on christmas holliday or what?

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That EGA delivered in spades eh Bioware? Not only did it not piss anyone off but it also guaranteed proper population spread across the servers. Oh wait, see what I did there?


Actually, it had the exactly opposite result, just to rub it in a bit cause I feel like it. You opened up very few servers at first, the initial waves of people had no choice but to go to them. Their friends who couldn't join them for a couple days due to your sheer brilliance of the EGA system had no choice but to follow them to that initial wave of servers and their friends followed them and so on.


YOU did this travesty of the queue system and it all started with the other travesty of EGA. You can't expect players to leave their friends and guilds behind and go reroll solo at [insert random server you just opened up]. Opening new servers now is NOT a fix. Even if I wouldn't mind rerolling and losing my current chars, I would not leave my guild. And I can't force everyone in my guild to reroll.


Raise population caps, open up free migrations, give up and pray, just man up and say something. Incompetent, shortsighted monkeys.

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You've all got 30 days play time, if enough people cancelled their subscription until the situation is fixed, it would send a clear message that we're not happy. My server said a 15 minute queue, thats not bad i thought to myself... 45 minutes in and I'm still more than 300 behind according to that annoying little message that sits there counting down to play a game that's been paid for.
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Yup, I sure am having 'fun' sitting in a qeue for hours and hours. Thrill as the qeue counter shifts by 1 every fifteen minutes. Gasp with amazement as my gaming time for the night slips away, thus wasting my free month's subscription time. Revel in the exitement that is the SWTOR waiting room!!!!! :mad:
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here we are on launch day having moved the whole of our guild from the server you put us on to a server we could all get access to and not have 1000+ queues on and what do i find a queue which ive now been sat in for an hour started at 187 and now im at 91 what the hell are you doing bioware you really really need to get this sorted and fast not next week, not tomorrow but today im not going to pay to wait you are now under contract to provide a service that service is access to a game i have paid money for you have my money now where the hell is my game

and dont you dare say reroll on another bloody server been there done that not doing it again

i love this game really enjoyed playing it over the last couple of days without queues but if we are starting with the queues again i will stop playing and certainly wont be paying either

i saw the funniest joke as i logged on btw recomend this game to your friends how can i do that with a clear concience yeah come and play this game ahh no wait come and join this queue im in instead hohum

please just get it sorted i think youve had plenty of forwarning about how busy this game is going to be increase the capacity or whatever you need to do to sort it but get it sorted


ooh finally got on maybe you are listening to your customers lets see what happens tonight when i swap to my other computer


see you all in game evenually

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I don't know what to say to be honest. I thought I chose a perfect little server for my characters. Up until today there were never any queues. It was a normal populated server which you could log on to instantly and play the game. That's what I was aiming for, that's why I decided to keep my characters on the server. Today, I log onto Kellian Jarro server and TADA - 260th in queue. In the middle of the week, in the morning. Al right I say. It won't take long. Well almost half an hour later I am 170th in queue.


So let me sum this up. Now I have to wait for about 1-2 hours to log on onto a server that had no queue since the launch of Early Access, because the people that never bothered to pre-order, decided to fill up the server in a few hours after the launch. So basically whenever I want to play I can pretty much count on 2 hour long queues even though I intentionally chose a low populated server during Early access to avoid the queues? Or my alternative is now to create another char on a different server, forget my level 20 toon and level a sith juggernaut for the third time on a different server, because you let too many people in on Kellian Jarro server after launch? (third time, because I tried a juggernaut during beta and decided to roll one in early access and would now go through the same story line for the third time in last 2 months).


Are there any plans to address this issue or shall I just create a character on one of the low populated servers and re-level it? I really don't fancy doing that, but it seems that's the only option I have right now.

This sucks tbh.

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This is so pointless.


If they want to control the number of people playing on a server, why are they forcing people who already made characters on those servers to sit in waiting queues?


Why not simply close the server for anyone who doesn't have a character on them?


Because you want to play where your friends are playing? Well, you didn't preorder, didn't get early access, so I guess you have to suffer the queues and waiting 2-3 weeks for this to "sort itself out".


For those of us that paid for a preorder, and started in the early access, there is no reason whatsoever for us not being allowed to play the characters we created already.


Why should we be forced to make alts on lightly populated servers just to be able to play at all... alts which we then leave and never play again once this problem has "sorted itself out" and we can play our actual characters on the servers with the rest of the guild / friends that preordered.


Again, I understand they want to even the balance across the servers to make them all playable in the long run.


I do not understand why those already established on a server should suffer queues and be forced to play elsewhere.


Also, the explanation put forth as the OP of this thread is so lacking in information and solid reasons for the queues that it has to have come from either a) a politician or b) some lawyer.


Give us a better, detailed, technical reason for these queues instead of diverting the questions with a vague OP.

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I remember my first mmo launch...... Let bioware wave their magic wand and keep millions of people happy. How many employees do you think they have ? It's not 1 for each of your tears, give them a bit of grace you all whined about getting your grace period after launch and they did how about doing the same. Yea I get a Que also, I was trying to log on for 10 hours on Sunday.


Harden up people seriously, they said they are working on it.

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I almost havent been able to play at all during early access, When i get home from work The queues are simply too long, having to wait 10-15minutes could have been acceptable, but 4-6 hours forget about it... Im not taking this development seriously, if u want subscribers for this game fix this problem ASAP!! and in my opinion ASAP, means before january!!!


IF u can't fix it alone, ask blizzard for help, they haven been doing this without any queues for years on end, that service is needed for this game to be any kind of success...!!!



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IF u can't fix it alone, ask blizzard for help, they haven been doing this without any queues for years on end, that service is needed for this game to be any kind of success...!!!


Surely you didn't play WoW during launch and first expansion....

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