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Regarding server queues


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all you people whining about 90 person ques you have it easy. try 1500-2000+ ques anytime of day over on US west coast servers The Swiftsure and Harbinger.


Bioware placing US guilds on same server as where all the Aussies declared they were headed = FAIL

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It's hilarious people are complaining about 20 minute queues. Theres a 1200 queue on Swiftsure right now and thats small by normal standards. Yay for an 1h 20m listed queue which is probably more like 2-3hrs.


Why wouldnt ppl want to complain about it its bw who placed our guilds on servers basically too spread ppl out. Then ppl guilds find out they dont want to stay on those servers assigned so they moved their guilds to servers more populated.

BW should not have let them done that , that is also why we now have queus.


Still best mmo.

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Please, for the love of God, open another set of RPPvP-servers. Currently there's only one server to choose if you wanna head that direction, as many of us do, and of course that'll stuff up the server.


Currently in 128th place in Lord Calypho, EUs only english speaking RPPvP server.

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And the sage continues.......



They said anythign about actually doing someting about these INSANE queues?


Going to work now and already see I can forget even playing today, seems to me like they are avoid the issue for now.

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7:00am GMT here and waiting to get onto Bloodworthy ROFL


Thats madness for there to be waiting time.


Come on sort it out, I may as well go to work and wait on the login screen for when I come home as cant wait to see what its like at 17:00 / 18:00 GMT probably a 4-5hr wait like I have had most days of early access.


Ohh and if people have to wait, at least get your times right Estimated wait 10mins yer right i been waiting 20min and now 43rd out of 77 ROFL

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Please, for the love of God, open another set of RPPvP-servers. Currently there's only one server to choose if you wanna head that direction, as many of us do, and of course that'll stuff up the server.


Currently in 128th place in Lord Calypho, EUs only english speaking RPPvP server.


Not to belittle the situation, but 128?


That sounds like a vacation. I see 360 at 7am on a weekday for ToFN, during prime time the queue is about 3.5k now with people having waited over 6 hours to get in.


See, I wouldn't mind a small queue of 20-30 minutes during launch provided it got better. But anything over 4 hours is beyond unreasonable.

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200 ppl queue on Frostclaw EU at 8am. I'm speechless really. Fear not Bioware, you don't have to lift a finger to fix this. Leave it as it is and it will correct itself in no time. Just take pictures of the server loads to remember how it was when ppl were still playing your game. Incompetent monkeys.
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****... just woke up and couldn't get back to sleep so I thought... it's early and people wont be awake so there will be no queue, it's 7.30am on a weekday after all...


150th in the queue with a 15min wait!!!!!! are you ******** me?!!!

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200 ppl queue on Frostclaw EU at 8am. I'm speechless really. Fear not Bioware, you don't have to lift a finger to fix this. Leave it as it is and it will correct itself in no time. Just take pictures of the server loads to remember how it was when ppl were still playing your game. Incompetent monkeys.


Till now I gave EA/Bioware the benefit of the doubt. But as it is now, the game is going to crash and burn unless they fix the queue issue TODAY.


My only hope is they messed something up when they brought the servers back up, and the queues are only to limit the number of people logging on at once and entering the starting zones.

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Adding new servers is great for launch. But what about the people that spent the money and pre ordered the game for early access? Hour and half after servers back online and The Swiftsure has 1200+ queue.


Maybe BW needs to think about its followers and realize people been playing and dont wanna reroll on a new server. Fix the current stuff first please.


I have a lot of playtime on my character because have free time on hands with holidays. I will not reroll on another server, not to mention you placed my guild here with 50+ members. So what does adding new servers do for the majority of people that were guild placed etc..


Fix this or allow guild transfers soon, your post about launch is completely useless for existing players which is more then half of you players probably. Saying we will experience queues still for awhile..Great (sigh)

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Seriously Bioware allow us to transfer our characters. I play at the "T3-M4" German PVE server and we experience waiting times of up to 2 hours! It's not that difficult to write a script which moves one character from a server to another! I opened up a ticket ingame where I asked for a character transfer on December 18.. Guess what: I did not receive an answer at all until now.


And I'm sorry to put it this way but if you don't do anything against those queues you'll probably loose hundreds of players because they don't want to pay every month for waiting in line.

Edited by Cyclonit
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No end in sight, Ok its 07.26 GMT hardly peak times and there is already a q on Freedon Nad

which means short of staying logged in this server will be unplayable later today. Good Job got placed on this server with my guild so it was originally populated by BW and then now its overpopulated get told to roll a new toon or tough.


Here are my ideas:

1. Offer a free guild migration so people can spread out and keep toons and friends.


2. Clone the server people so twice as many people can play on it.


3. Increase the server cap (if this was done last night it didn't work)


any of these would help alleviate the q problems and make for a lot of happy customers, it's a sad situation if we have to leave the toons we have got on Nad and move to another server ourselves it would leave a bit of a bitter taste in my mouth after paying for early access.


So come on BW the balls back in your court.

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I'd say it's time something is done about this.


I was fine waiting till today to see if they would up the server capacity


Clearly something is wrong if there's queue's (ok relatively small when compared to sat/sunday) this early in the day. Most people are working today, what is gonna happen over Christmas when everybody is at home???


I'd like an explanation about what they're going to do to combat these queue's.


Also... what is the first impression of anyone who buys the game today and tries to join his friends on some server.. yup.. WAIT


not good

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One of the biggest issues that cause the Que's are actuarly the comunity of guilds. The server "we" where assigned to by bio. dident suit our needs. That ment "we" all had to move to another server with allis. ect. That in turn now means sometimes up to 4 hours que. Bio had no way to know this would happen.


Its just that some E.U comunites dont respect using English in world chats or in pvp chats or group and raid for that matter wich means it ruin the game experience...hence a lot of other players move away from thiese comunites.

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I've played and tested over fifteen MMO's and I've never had to wait longer than a minute to log in to my server, until now... That combined with the high system demands for what is essentially an outdated engine, ... Technically, BioWare seriously dropped the ball. The story is good and the game nice, but even there conceptual flaws (everyone running around with the same companion, same ship, more or less the same cloak/armour, the lack of character customisation at creation, the ill conceived lvl10-50 pvp zones, ...) sort of start eating at the fun. Really hope the company realizes al this. I'd very much like to play the game I was promised.
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I`m playing on ,,The Ravager`` EU / PvP.


At the worst time during early access , we had a queue of like 400 people max , at the peak of the evening. It was just bliss !



This morning , I log , and see myself in a 200 people queue , but with 10 servers below mine ( all English PvP and PvE ) on ,,Low`` population...


Now , I really dont want to delete my lvl 30 , and just toss off to another server... Because if nothing dammit , I was there first !



So I second the request to open free Guild-vise migrations , or simply -LOCK- the servers that were at full capacity in Early access , and FORCE new people to go to the Low ones.

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i mean srsly...its 7:38am london time and queue is around 200ppl who dont want dc/leave... make larger capacity instead adding new server god dammit.. or give us free transfer to other server. i mean really nightmare land is crowded like .... i wont swear here. grr!:cool: Edited by RaptorClown
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I wonder, how do you expect them to fix it? I doubt they can magically lift the limit on the amount of people that can be on whenever there's a queue? Atm I see most of the new servers at "light", but nearly all the old ones on Very heavy or full. That means the majority of new players is going to the old servers (I know, they probably have friends there). If everyone wants to play on a full server to avoid being stuck on an empty on, this will go nowhere, bioware can't fix that.
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7AM GMT - Red Eclipse. Been in queue for 40 mins now and still some way to go. This is just not acceptable. Where did your smooth launch go?


Today is going to be hell on alot more servers. Close the servers for new accounts or offer a guild transfer please!!

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