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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Regarding server queues


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In my new ' im a casual gamer' stance. I log on and queue all quite happily being the great customer that i am. I get to 120 in the queue and internet drops. 'Ach' i say to myself and quickly get back on. ERROR your already logged onto this server. hmm, ill wait a while. Log back into queue at 430.


This casual gamer stance just isnt working for me. 3 hours play time, an hour and a half in a queue.


I would laugh if i was paying for this. Oh wait.....

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what and then I cant play with my friends?


That would simply come down to communication, start all together on the same server ect or if they started before you then server space will come free later after people leave or accounts become inactive. There are always server transfers to solve that problem.


It's simply my personal preference and it wouldn't effect pre-launch guilds as they all got server allocations.

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I'm doing my best to be understanding and keep telling myself "it's pre-launch, this can't be an issue that will continue beyond a couple of weeks into live game launch", but it gets harder everyday.


A queue of 5-10 mins is understandable and reasonable. A queue starting 20 mins to an hour that increases as you're waiting and ends up being 30 mins to 2 hours is unreasonable by any standpoint, even during pre-launch.


Do something about the queue's...more than just saying you know about it.

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That would simply come down to communication, start all together on the same server ect or if they started before you then server space will come free later after people leave or accounts become inactive. There are always server transfers to solve that problem.


It's simply my personal preference and it wouldn't effect pre-launch guilds as they all got server allocations.


That's the problem. Unless I missed an announcement there aren't server transfers.

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Do something about the queue's...more than just saying you know about it.

They ARE. Have a bit of patience

They've already nixed one of the afk cheats, they'll get more as they go about it.

As they do so, queues will start to go down more and more and more.

Of course, they'll have to bring more servers up and force transfers, but they'll get there.

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This is stupid I logged off because I just got the security Key and it was activatign the vendor, tried to log back in and I have a 30 min wait!!!! thsi is stupid what game is there where you have to wait to long, it is total BS the excuse Bioware give about gameplay, it's pure penny pinching!!! I will not subscribe to a game like this, either support your PAYING customers...

Rant rant...

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The server wait times are there because they terrified of a bad launch, and I think technically a little bit inept, so they have kept the server caps very low.


Same what Rift did to make sure they had a stable release.


What gets me 7 years ago (roughly) when lotro came out they had 20 times on the server than what we have today.


This will cost them more money than they saving by penny pinching, but like most MMO developers, they NEVER learn lessons.


Just think its lot to do with laziness where BW are concerned, tons of lazy coding in this game, but hey ho we will see.

Edited by Nemeses
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Personally, I think if queues are needed, a server is overpopulated. From my experience, packing tons of people on one server causes bad gameplay experiences instead of good like bioware claims, and I've seen this in TOR too.


1. Lag, lots of people causes more lag.

2. Rampart killstealing, people blatantly run around killing bosses on timers instead of grouping together

3. quest stealing, lots of people causes problems with others stealing quest objectives in the world


and thats just the top three. I really hope in the future biwoare considers the ramifications of making every server Read heavy. Maybe some people like 100s of people fighting over mobs, loot and quests instead of grouping but thats the reality of it. Most people arent the decent, Lets group up since so many people are here types.

Edited by LenaMarie
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OK, let's have a look at TOFN (yeah, Tomb of one great sith) server.



Estimated wait: 1h 05m.

Real wait: 3h 30m.


In game:

IF (Imperial fleet): 150 ppl in, lags, say 20fps when about 50-60 ppl are around.

Nar Shaddaa: 140ppl in (1 shard of 2), 60fps when about 40 ppl around.





Corriban, starting area, 120ppl in (1 shard of 3), about 80ppl around at Sith Academy entrance and... 50fps!


I don't know...

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How about designating some EU servers to Russian, Spanish, Italian Etc Etc communities? That way the ENGLISH EU realms will be in English language and the queues will shorten as these communities go to their OFFICIAL servers, because right now all these UNOFFICIAL 'Insert random country' Servers are to blame. It will only get worse with launch because these communities have already distributed the server names for their countrymen to head to.


I've rerolled on another server from LoL because of the queues and because of the lack of english spoken in general... least now I can play in English and have no queues :)

Edited by Zennor
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How Many Posts and People Complaining will it take to get you guys to fix the Que Problem and over populated server problem?

I think the answer is when you see your customers get fed up and leave your game.

Sad because your game is great but the people running the servers are another story.


Not only does this effect players that have payed but 3 people from my office at work now said they wont buy the game because they herd the ques are a joke and the server lags because of over population. ( and they didn't hear the this from me )


I think its a very bad move on BIOWARE/EA's part to let there great work go to crap because the server techs don't know what there doing.


Heres a hint.... People are not going to pay to sit in ques... Period.

Edited by Damrath
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Today I waited in queue for 40 minutes then the connection to the server died and I had to start all over again. Once I finally got in, the connection died again after 5 minutes and I had to requeue all over again. Ridiculous... Fix the damn random diconnections practically everyone is having or give us a 5 minute grace period to skip the queue once we get disconnected.
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thats the sad thing...a LOT of people are finding ways to just stay logged in, cheating the system. people like that, people on winter break, etc will just stay logged in so they'll pay the subscription. people that are huge star wars fans will most likely pay in hopes that things WILL get better in the future....


i think BW has made it clear that they don't really care which is hard to believe being the huge company they are. I'm thoroughly surprised at how BW is not addressing the issue with REAL answers. Its ok if you weren't ready for launch...things happen...just tell us what you're actually doing to fix it and how long it'll be until things are ok.

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I wait half an hour to get in (That's a miracle compared to some) and then I find the game is borderline unplayable due to monumental amounts of lag. This was on the Ravager server. FIX THIS NOW.


And no it's not my computer my specs easily surpass the min reqs. by a country mile.

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