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Regarding server queues


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Will we be granted any time back for having to queue? As you have named my server as a choked up one to which new players are still able to join.


Possible but I doubt it, you can play if you want you just got super attached to your character in a week or less. It's especially ridiculous if your queue time is as much as your play time. The only exception to this would be something like the European English speaking RP-PVP server where there is no other option.

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First of all sorry if any of this was mentioned before, but I absolutely do not have time to read 1500+ posts (btw, seriously, why no search function?).



I'm wondering what the thought was behind having a dynamic population count vs a static one, it's not really useful at all.


Any new player looking for a server might look at the population status, which at the time they create their character might be normal, low, etc.

There is NO way for them to know that when they log back in at another time they'll be stuck in a queue for x amount of time.


After x number of players register a character on a given server, it should be closed for further new players (not add'l characters for already registered players.) Some slack could be configured to allow for things like friend referrals maybe.


Then at some point when things have balanced out, free character transfers to lower population realms could be offered ( as Blizzard does for WoW continuously to manage server loads).


Also, what's with that big disparity between East Coast and West Coast Servers (counted only the PvP ones, East 27, West 15). West Coast gets to enjoy even more queue time?


I haven't even played cause of this issue, really don't want to put time into leveling a character that I then can't play cause I'm stuck in queue the majority of the time I have available to play, and as of yet there's no way for me to know which server will be "safe" to rely on.

To make it even more frustrating, in order to scroll the list of servers to see if you should decide on starting on another one, you have to leave your queue first.

Add to that, if you crash, you'll get placed right back into queue- especially epic when you're in the middle of any type of group activity.




Oh joy, and stuck in queue again as I log in just now.....

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Bioware, Congratulations on your release of a truly amazing game. As a Star Wars fan, a MMO player, and a former beta tester, I could not be more excited to play. I am sorely disappointed in the lack of response you are giving towards this issue. I know that your formal statement is that the game was only officially released on 12-20-11, but we all know that to be only a half truth. This game has been online for over a week. Call it what you want but you have had more than enough time to see that there are some servers that are beyond the point of no return.


We need to see some server transfers (free of charge) being initiated. Telling people to be patient is a slap in the face. The people who you are asking to be patient have been waiting for YEARS with postponed release dates and extended beta testing. Now you release the game and they have to wait 3+ hours to play EVERY time they log in.


Do the right thing guys. Let us really enjoy the amazing game that you all worked so hard to finish.


-A Concerned Fan.

Edited by LidoMF
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"While we can’t promise that there won’t ever be queues, we can promise you that we are taking this matter seriously and constantly reviewing them to make sure that they are manageable and reasonable."


You all better be making this and the lag / FPS issues your top priority. I would expect a queue on a free-to-play game but not on a subscription game.

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So.. how does one avoid the queue's?


Poor man's method:


[1] Log into the game at off peak hours [usually this will be early in the morning around 5am PST]

[2] Go to your personal spaceship [or anywhere nobody will see you]

[3] Grab yourself an object about the same size/weight as a Size D battery

[4] Place battery on the UP ARROW key so your character walks/runs forward

[5] Go do whatever you need to do [work, eat, sleep, etc].


Technogeek method:


Build a USB powered motor with a round object mounted offset from center of the motor so it hits the space bar every few seconds.

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I am still being placed in a queue. I get disconnected after loggin and placed in a queue, re-enter and disconnected in a higher queue count.


Queueing is getting worse not better and BW seems to ignore solutions.


The fix is simple, those that are suppose to be on the server stay and are in the population pool. Those that have no guild and should not be here on a specific server need to be moved to another server. All others creating a toon are run through questions. Like WHAT GUILD IS THE REASON YOUR PLAYING ON THIS SERVER? If they can't answer or answer wrong they are spat out to another server to create a toon. This way it ensure those that are suppose to be there are not in a queue while others play on other servers of non importants.


Why piss everyone off, just piss off the single individual trying to play on a full server. He looses nothing playing on some other server, and the vast majority are happy playing with their friends as it should be.

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So.. how does one avoid the queue's?


Poor man's method:


[1] Log into the game at off peak hours [usually this will be early in the morning around 5am PST]

[2] Go to your personal spaceship [or anywhere nobody will see you]

[3] Grab yourself an object about the same size/weight as a Size D battery

[4] Place battery on the UP ARROW key so your character walks/runs forward

[5] Go do whatever you need to do [work, eat, sleep, etc].


Technogeek method:


Build a USB powered motor with a round object mounted offset from center of the motor so it hits the space bar every few seconds.


Heh. You forgot option 0.5 (takes precedence); Scream and gnash your teeth, whine on the forums until you log in!

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There are plenty of servers. Most have no queue. The problem is that BW has done ZERO to ensure/promote roughly equal numbers of Republic vs Imperial players. If you studied the guilds, you would know that there are roughly TEN TIMES more Imperials than Republic. So what happens to all these Imperials? Well, they can either play on a random server and NEVER EVER meet Republic forces (outside of arenas)...


They swarm to servers with large Republic guilds (which are very few in number). The latter is what is causing queues.


The SOLUTION should have been to decide on a server limit, say 3000 then say ok, your characters can only be ONE faction per server. If you want to play the other faction then make those characters on another server. It's too late for that prolly.


So the next best solution is to BRIBE players to play republic. Ask yourself, how much of a stat increase would it take to make the MAJORITY of players start playing Republic...I'd wager 10% higher stats than their Imperial counterparts and the populations will start balancing out. So if a SW level 50 has a base Strength of 300, then a JK level 50 would have a base Strength of 330.

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The simple solution for me and the people I play with is to let us transfer to another server. There are other servers we would be happy to move our characters.


I just got booted because of a power surge and now I have to wait half an hour to get back into the game. This is not a good plan. I have played several MMORPGs and I have not seen wait times like these.


Please let us move our characters to another server.

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There are plenty of servers like Cho Mai and Infinity Gate that could use more people.


But no, let's all sit on full servers and complain.


You do realize that a ton of people went where their friends and guilds went, right? I'm one of those. Guild got pulled onto Canderous Ordo, I've created multiple characters there, and they'll be adjusting server capacity (wish Canderous was a bit higher on the list, but at least I see it happening to other servers...).


Don't be a douche. People are complaining because the reasoning provided for the staggered launch was so they could adjust capacity to keep queues to a minimum. a 5-hour queue is ridiculous.


Personally, I have gotten in a few times with no queue, and 3 times I can think of with a ~20 minute queue. No huge deal, but still needs work.

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So.. how does one avoid the queue's?


Poor man's method:


[1] Log into the game at off peak hours [usually this will be early in the morning around 5am PST]

[2] Go to your personal spaceship [or anywhere nobody will see you]

[3] Grab yourself an object about the same size/weight as a Size D battery

[4] Place battery on the UP ARROW key so your character walks/runs forward

[5] Go do whatever you need to do [work, eat, sleep, etc].


Technogeek method:


Build a USB powered motor with a round object mounted offset from center of the motor so it hits the space bar every few seconds.


SHHHHH!!!!! DUDE don't freakin tell them their Anti-afk program is as juvenile as the swimmers in my teabag!!! You'll ruin it for the rest of us....

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Don't be a douche. People are complaining because the reasoning provided for the staggered launch was so they could adjust capacity to keep queues to a minimum. a 5-hour queue is ridiculous.


And what would be your solution? Keep increasing capacity on full server until a few servers have hundreds of thousands of people, and others have a few hundred?


The only good solution I can think of is free server transfers, and I am wondering why Bioware has not allowed them yet.

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Once again I can't play and there is a 1000 queue. Looks like the servers can't handle the capacity. Id like a free transfer or free game time because I literally cannot play and BIOWARE WAS THE ONE THAT PUT ME ON THIS SERVER I DONT WANT TO BE TOLD TO REROLL AND WASTE TIME BASED ON YOUR ERROR.
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There are plenty of servers like Cho Mai and Infinity Gate that could use more people.


But no, let's all sit on full servers and complain.


Hey, I'd love to be able to get the hell off my server and move to one where there are no queues. But BW launched with NO mechanism to allow server transfers (nice one, btw). So please, feel free to keep up the snarky and completely unhelpful comments. Being informed is one of those things for "other people" right?

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I was out of town for a few days, come back to enjoy some Star Wars that I PAID FOR WITH MY HARD EARNED MONEY, and I cant even play it now because of a god dang server queue.


Class Action.




Thank you for ruining what would be a fantastic game.

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What about servers that have massive guilds on them like Sith Meditation Sphere? There are two different guilds that have two chapters on the server. Server Expansion definitely needs to be done because it doesnt matter what time of the day you are trying to log in there is always a queue. And then once the queue is up you get a server fail message and have to start the queue all over again.


Signed, EXTREMELY frustrated!

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Yah they say they are developing a transfer tool.

Its pretty damn sloppy that they didn't have one ready.

I wonder how much they will charge for us to use it?

Well, in a few months they will probably have this all fixed up and proper.

Thats when I'll actually BUY this game and start paying them.


Don't feel bad devs.

Yah sure, sloppy *** launch and plenty of bugs.

But that just makes you like every other MMO out there.

Too bad a lot of those are free now.

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There are plenty of servers like Cho Mai and Infinity Gate that could use more people.


But no, let's all sit on full servers and complain.


Yes, let's leave our characters that we've been working on and go make new characters.

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Just waited 30mins to get in, played 20mins then got dc'd and now i have to queue again! this is insane, really doubt im gonna get a subscription , what a waste of $80, maybe i can get a refund since im not able to play the game i paid for
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Honestly the problem can be fixed easly all they really need to do is make a system where a certain amount of people can join 1 server ok and have a character there. so like a server should each have like 100k subscribers and thats the limit then noone else can create a character in that server so the server will alwayz be opened for those that already have a character there. It might be hard to understand but i hope i made it understandable:o
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