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Regarding server queues


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guys guys.


i know you are trying to solve this but please try harder


we really have little time to play and now to wait most of that time is..........................


hope to see this resolved or at least let us change servers for free, not to start from the beginning. to loose our invested hours is really not acceptable and please respect that.


not so happy customer...............................

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Its nice that BW are trying to help the "new" people that wanna play at launch. 2 bad the "old" people who already built up their chars need to start over.


Simple sollution would be having the NEW PEOPLE JOIN LIGHT SERVERS. Close the full servers. Let the people play the characters they already created and continue the epic adventures they already started....


Terrible solution.


Some guilds, mine included have members that didn't pre-order, but will be joining the community today and on the 25th.

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Tomb of fredom nadd iv spent all day in the que first erly this morning for 4hrs only to be kicked 15 mins l8er when i was in pvp, requed another 4hr que only to be kicked again 20 mins l8er when questing entering personal zone, and yes u guesed it now 1600 in the que another 4 to 5 hr w8 this is becomming a real joke.. yes i know ppl say its free to play at the moment but iv payed my bucks i sould at lest exspect some play time :p


ffs back with error 1003 when was in the que Screeeeeeeem

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I feel like crying when I see people moaning about 15-30 minute queues. Christ, I would be insanely happy with 30 minute queues on launch day. Try creating a toon on Frostclaw EU-PVE. Cya in three hours. And no Bioware, I'm not rerolling. I rolled there on day one of EGA when it was light. Fix this ****. Lock the realm(s) and increase cap.
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The fact is, that bioware completely messed up on estimating the amount of players that would be wanting to play. A mistake that a respectable company like blizzard wouldnt make. I cannot believe how shoddy the early game access aspect was and the state of the servers at the moment. sort it out now, or you are not going to have any players left in a few weeks time. Its not even that its hard to sort, enable free transfers to low pop servers for a limitated amount of time, there you are, sorted everyone is happy. But no lets make it really awkward and fob the people that decided to invest money in us off constantly with hollow pathetic quotes.


Good job bioware.

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And they dont even offer a free and fast Server-change? Haha.. Here I pay for CE, I pre order.. and what do I get? Queues for 30-40min .. Stupid EA.. They should have created one or two more RP-PVP servers! Dont EA understand that they cant have one server of this uniqie server-style?
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And they dont even offer a free and fast Server-change? Haha.. Here I pay for CE, I pre order.. and what do I get? Queues for 30-40min .. Stupid EA.. They should have created one or two more RP-PVP servers! Dont EA understand that they cant have one server of this uniqie server-style?


Seriously, get over your 30 minute queue. That's nothing. There are queues 4-6 times longer than that.

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And they dont even offer a free and fast Server-change? Haha.. Here I pay for CE, I pre order.. and what do I get? Queues for 30-40min .. Stupid EA.. They should have created one or two more RP-PVP servers! Dont EA understand that they cant have one server of this uniqie server-style?


30 min i wish i had 30 min que try 6hrs if your lucky not to error 1003 when your in the que and have to start over

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Pathetic launch, just pathetic. How can a launch be successful in 90% of the players have over an hour queue time during every log in.


How can 90% of the players have a queue time that long?


If we managed to have nearly a million in EGA playing at once with few if any queues then lest see... there must be 9 million people trying to play this game right while 1 million are happily in game...


Boastful exaggerations are silly. Many servers are full, but not all of them have 3 hours queues. Its only the ones who have them that come here to complain. If you are like me and have a 10 minute wait on the queue then you just laugh at the doomspeaking.


In the mean time lets chew on what BW has said since you guys seem to demand some kind of broken silence, even though they've made a few comments over the last few hours.


Character transfer is a common request for these servers. The ability to transfer your characters is being worked on, but there is no ETA on when it will be available.


Finally, we are also aware of the issues some have experienced where they have been disconnected during a queue due to internet issues, and had to restart their queue once more. This is a high priority for our server team and we'll be deploying a fix as soon as possible.


SO there, they're working on it. But the full picture is that they have to see where everyone lands before they can properly address it in a broader way. You just can't fix this stuff on launch day. Its not a fixable problem that doesn't screw up the longterm population health of the servers.


They said they're working on player transfers. They're working on fixing the net code issue that drops you in the queue. What more do you want?

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How can 90% of the players have a queue time that long?


If we managed to have nearly a million in EGA playing at once with few if any queues then lest see... there must be 9 million people trying to play this game right while 1 million are happily in game...


Boastful exaggerations are silly. Many servers are full, but not all of them have 3 hours queues. Its only the ones who have them that come here to complain. If you are like me and have a 10 minute wait on the queue then you just laugh at the doomspeaking.


In the mean time lets chew on what BW has said since you guys seem to demand some kind of broken silence, even though they've made a few comments over the last few hours.


Character transfer is a common request for these servers. The ability to transfer your characters is being worked on, but there is no ETA on when it will be available.


Finally, we are also aware of the issues some have experienced where they have been disconnected during a queue due to internet issues, and had to restart their queue once more. This is a high priority for our server team and we'll be deploying a fix as soon as possible.


SO there, they're working on it. But the full picture is that they have to see where everyone lands before they can properly address it in a broader way. You just can't fix this stuff on launch day. Its not a fixable problem that doesn't screw up the longterm population health of the servers.


They said they're working on player transfers. They're working on fixing the net code issue that drops you in the queue. What more do you want?


Cake or death! :D

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Server: Basilisk Droid PVP EU

Server status: Full

Quene: 1120 -> 1h 10 min

After 1 h I got disconnected, and had to requene again for another 1000 ...


This server has been FULL from start, im here since the guild Im playing in was PLACED here. I see loads of normal and light populated servers.

Many of the members in the guild is 25-32+ and sure, transfer is ok but paying for it? Hardly.

Reroll? Ive rolled TWO characters already ...what server is RELIABLE to play on without any 1 hour + quene times. This aint bareable.


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How can 90% of the players have a queue time that long?


If we managed to have nearly a million in EGA playing at once with few if any queues then lest see... there must be 9 million people trying to play this game right while 1 million are happily in game...


Boastful exaggerations are silly. Many servers are full, but not all of them have 3 hours queues. Its only the ones who have them that come here to complain. If you are like me and have a 10 minute wait on the queue then you just laugh at the doomspeaking.


In the mean time lets chew on what BW has said since you guys seem to demand some kind of broken silence, even though they've made a few comments over the last few hours.


Character transfer is a common request for these servers. The ability to transfer your characters is being worked on, but there is no ETA on when it will be available.


Finally, we are also aware of the issues some have experienced where they have been disconnected during a queue due to internet issues, and had to restart their queue once more. This is a high priority for our server team and we'll be deploying a fix as soon as possible.


SO there, they're working on it. But the full picture is that they have to see where everyone lands before they can properly address it in a broader way. You just can't fix this stuff on launch day. Its not a fixable problem that doesn't screw up the longterm population health of the servers.


They said they're working on player transfers. They're working on fixing the net code issue that drops you in the queue. What more do you want?


Just BS and hollow promises to shut us up.

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The ques are understandable. What isn't is offering Char Transfers to make it easy for those of us who have chars over 30 to Transfer to a light load server to play with our incoming friends. Instead incoming friends have to pile into the ques. There really isn't any good reason to not offer a free character transfer button.
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I'd like to know why the game fails at maintaining or managing player sessions.


I spent a few hours in a queue, which isn't a problem, only for the client to crash upon logging into my character (In the middle of the Imperial Fleet). I immediately start the game back up again and log in only to be placed in a 1300 long queue. This seems ridiculous to me.


What is worse is that if you do get to come back in without a queue you are completely prevented from logging on any other character or creating a new one. You are told that you have to log on the character that you were last on because their session is still active.


This is absolutely pointless and very bad session management. It may not be an issue later on when the queues are lower but if you are in a position where logging on your main character causes crashes (known to be happen in MMOs on occasion) you are actively prevented by the game from logging on any other character for an indiscernible amount of time.

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Dont really see whats funny mate, like it or not Blizzard produced the most popular game of all time. would of thought BW would make a tad bit more effort to stand up to them, oh no i know, lets " pour our heart and souls " into this game, then forget to buy enough server space. * high five *

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Dont really see whats funny mate, like it or not Blizzard produced the most popular game of all time. would of thought BW would make a tad bit more effort to stand up to them, oh no i know, lets " pour our heart and souls " into this game, then forget to buy enough server space. * high five *


^ totally this






This game hasn't a hope of standing up to WoW with the piss-poor development put into it. Basic features such as items stacking aautomatically when put into banks haven't even been considered. It feels rushed. Not to mention MASSIVE queue times and piss-poor handling of them.


Wonder how many people logged onto WoW tonight to raid and spent the night ranting about the state of this game. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a WoW fanboy. In fact I detest the game. Which makes me even more pissed that Biowares failures will line Blizzards pockets.

Edited by Macshane
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@BW fanboys in this thread.




Many of you who are already playing on these servers are asking for solutions, and we understand your frustration. At this time we can only ask for your patience. Population caps are being gradually raised on these servers, but raising them too fast will create an influx of new players and perpetuate the problem. We do not expect the queues to alleviate on these servers for the foreseeable future. If you do not want to queue, you should consider playing on another server, many of which have very low or no queues.




"We do not expect the queues to alleviate on these servers for the forseeable future"


Right then.

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