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Regarding server queues


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You guys are such whiners. The amount of indignation seen in this thread is insane. You all act like 60 bucks is so much money to spend and that to have to wait 30 mins is such a deal breaker. If 60 bucks is a lot of money, get a new job... If 30 mins is too long to wait, pick up some friends and do something else.


Also, stop threatening to cancel your subscription. Not that I suggest you don't cancel it's just that no one really cares if you play this game or not. Just like in real life no one likes complainers and everyone is going through the same thing so make peace with it.


Nah, you're wrong.


This is a game-breaker for many people. These queues go way, way beyond what is acceptable.


You've got delusions of grandeur. No-one gives two ***** what you think, mate. I'm not complaining so people like you can comment: I don't care what you think. I'm complaining to Bioware so they know, categorically, that I will not pay to subscribe to their game if this continues.

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The thing that is really puzzling me is why Bioware feel there is no need to issue updates to tell us what is happening, what their plan is, when they will fix the situation etc. It really is Customer Service 101 stuff and I expected better from such a well-established company.
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I don't have much time to play, as I am working and I have a 4 months old daughter. When I finally get to play, I cannot wait hours to get in, I just have to quit as its too late. I have created characters on 4 servers just to try to get to a light load server, but as the days have passed, all the servers I am on are now full at peak, a couple of them are full even at 06:00 in the morning!.


Free character transfer will help fix this for many. Make it happen.

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People can call 'Its still Launch', but in all honesty that isn't a good enough excuse.


I was granted EGA on the second Wave of Day 2, my guild was assigned to Server X. Server X was classed as a 'Light' Server. Server X is now classed as FULL almost 95% of the time. I've queued since 4:30 PM today (Its now 8:30pm and I am still 750th in the queue)to play a game that I have paid £59.99 upfront, and a further £8.99 per month to sit and stare at a number counting down for so far has been 16-20 hours in the last few days. No game should ever have queues of this magnitude, its just another example that BioWare have no idea what they are doing, and this staggered launch has done more damage then good.


I've spent over 70hours on my character already, I've forged friendships across the board on my server through levelling up, the whole point of playing an MMO. Why should I have to reroll to another server because BW have total screwed up with the allocations to the realms.


BioWare need to come up with solutions and fast. These pointless posts of 'oh were looking into it, we'll have an answer shortly' are frankly not good enough. People have paid out alot of money to play your game and your just spitting in their faces at the moment.


Sort it BioWare, before its too late.

Edited by Rebslack
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Spanish comunity and Italian comunity are falling apart, thanks to your indecent and fail guild-alliance deployment.


We spent months, tryng to rally up everybody (spanish rally up more than 2k and italians almost 800).


now people are tired of your stupid queue and who can't stand in queue for 6 hours is going there and there...


we all asked for free transfer or soemthing like that...silence...


you are just a bounch of incompetent!

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I understand that MMO's are messy at the beginning... but if there is always going to be a que time just to play then forget it.

BW assigns my guild to a server and I cant get on to play? why? just cause they want ppl for me to play with? THATS why I made a GUILD!!


I know that Iv never made a MMO or a VG before, and I understand that it IS a LOT of work, so I understand now... but ques cannot last past launch week....

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I actually have the collectors edition too but didn't feel the need to mention it :). Either way, most people have probably, hopefully, spent more on a solid night out and the complaining is still old.


My solid night out is ordering Italian or Chinese and kick some Imperial *** over candlelight with my Wife! Sometimes we even bust out the $5 wine that was on sale, you know, that fancy stuff in a box!


So ya, there you go! This IS my night out! 300 bucks is a few months worth of peoples "regular" nights out I would think.

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Why did Bioware even do something like the guild deployment and server designation schemes if all it means we end up on overfilled servers with horrible queue times. I thought the guild pre-deployment was put in place to help out server balancing and population issues while it seems to have only made it worse.


They must have seen this would happen and the fact that they seem to have no contingency plan in place to resolve it seems rather weak.


If you wanted full guilds to land upon the server YOU assigned them on Bioware, then you should also make it possible for those whole guilds to move to another server. You cannot expect people that have normal lives and workschedules to spend either X hours of their playtime waiting for a damn queue counter OR forget about their guildmates and invested time in their characters and just re-roll somewhere with no guarantee that the server you end up on will not suffer the same queue times a few days down the line.

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Nah, you're wrong.


This is a game-breaker for many people. These queues go way, way beyond what is acceptable.


You've got delusions of grandeur. No-one gives two ***** what you think, mate. I'm not complaining so people like you can comment: I don't care what you think. I'm complaining to Bioware so they know, categorically, that I will not pay to subscribe to their game if this continues.

Since I agree with him I do give two poo's what he thinks.


Welcome to an MMO launch, queues will calm down in a few days, and in the long run they're for your servers benefit.


Quit whining.

Edited by Jett_Skirata
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I know you guys said you're taking this queue issue seriously.. but cmon 2 hrs+ (sometimes even 4hrs) of queue time just isnt reasonable and NEVER will be! I havent been able to play for 2 days cause I get tired of waiting in the queue - either DISABLE the opportunity to make new toons on the servers that are full or open for free server transfers so people dont have to start over with leveling when almost lvl 50. Its sad to see that youre not prepared for this since you obviously have known how many preorders and copies this game has sold.. and you even monitored how many people got early access etc. so this cant come as a surprise for you guys.. so I really hope you fix it ASAP before loosing loads of players due to INSANE queue issues.. cause as it is right now none of the queue times are resonable. :confused:


I agree with you but i dont think the amount of players came as a surprise to bw i think the fact that people want to play with their friends did tho. Free transfers would help me a lot i want to play i dont want to watch a progress bar go down if i wanted to do that i could spend my days installing and uninstall things on windows.

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I can deal with having to wait in queue, but waiting in queue for hours, and then 10 minutes before gaining access, receiving the second 1003 error while waiting, my patience wears out.


NOT a satisfied customer right now!

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Why isn't there any grace period after a disconnect? I wait for ~30 minutes in queue, and then I'm only able to play for 5-10 minutes before getting disconnected, and forced to wait in queue once again. I can only imagine this being far, far worse for servers with even longer queue times.


Besides I honestly think that the implementation of a grace period after a crash/disconnect could help on the overall server queue times, since people won't have to sit and wait each time the get d/c'ed.

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Why isn't there any grace period after a disconnect? I wait for ~30 minutes in queue, and then I'm only able to play for 5-10 minutes before getting disconnected, and forced to wait in queue once again. I can only imagine this being far, far worse for servers with even longer queue times.


Besides I honestly think that the implementation of a grace period after a crash/disconnect could help on the overall server queue times, since people won't have to sit and wait each time the get d/c'ed.


A grace period is basic for online games. for gods sake, even starcraft2 have it and its an strategy game. : /

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Not to add to the negativity, but I certainly won't be playing past this month if there are queues to enter servers (well, just mine actually, I don't care about the others). I do enjoy the game overall, but there are multiple things I don't care for game design wise. Certainly not enough to put up with waiting in line for ANY length of time. Especially as there are a multitude of other games out now or coming out in the near future that don't require a wait before being allowed to log in. And those game will most likely have a mix of wasd and point to click movement. Those games will most likely have the ability to change/set keyboard key commands. Etc, etc, etc.
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Spanish comunity and Italian comunity are falling apart, thanks to your indecent and fail guild-alliance deployment.


We spent months, tryng to rally up everybody (spanish rally up more than 2k and italians almost 800).


now people are tired of your stupid queue and who can't stand in queue for 6 hours is going there and there...


we all asked for free transfer or soemthing like that...silence...


you are just a bounch of incompetent!




Can we plz have something OTHER than complete SILENCE!?!?




Thank you. plz ;;;;;;;;;


PS: Waited 3x3 hours in qeue yesterday then finally got in on 3rd attempt after waiting a total of 9 hours.


Today I have now again spend 3x3 hours in qeue getting kicked with error code 1003 when im finally about to enter server. Now on 3rd attempt today i didnt get in either and I am officially giving up.


BIOWARE needs to BREAK the silence now please...

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I got 700~...


How this is possible? Whats the limite of players on the server? Had 700 player in the queu, but how many was playing on the server?


I think that Bioware was needed to be better prepared for this issue.


I saw big queus in 5 years of WOW, something like 150, 200, 250... but 700???:mad:

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What's annoying is WHY THEY KEEP 2 HOURS estimated queue on Tomb of Freedon Nadd server.




Display the correct queue timer for this server, maybe new subscribers will not join on this server - PLEASE.

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I know the ques exist and that the other day they were up to about an hour. But Im looking at the server selection page right now and the highest Que says 20 min estimated wait time.... So I clicked it to check how accurate it was and it was actually only 17 minutes before I got on. Are Ques different for everyone depending on location, ISP etc? Because Im simply not seeing these ques people are reporting up in the 2-5 hour ranges. Like I said right now on my screen the max is 20 minutes.


EDIT! Just looked at the European side of things. Lets see if North America ends up like that in a couple hours once everyone gets home from work/school.

Edited by zsavk
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The only real solution for this problem is very simple and it worked like a charm on WoW so I don't understand why BioWare is dragging it's feet.

Free server transfers.


I know companies look at that and think oh but that's giving away something for nothing but that's not true I paid to play the game not sit in queues for hours.

Also don't say opening new servers without this is going to aleviate anything because people that have leveled a character to even 20 aren't going to start on a whole new server.

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Just doesn't feel like there was any advantage to EGA.

I have characters now on servers with queues that are 30+ (at the lowest) minutes long. I specifically joined Light Load servers so that I could avoid the queuing, but even these are full now.


I really couldn't be arsed to redo the quests I've done now for the third time already. Its the type of thing that would drive you away from a game.

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