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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Regarding server queues


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I had a 1k queue a few times..but i didnt have to wait for 7+ hours like some of you claim, it was 1½-2 hours and im on Red Eclipse...and thats the longest i had to wait...Meanwhile do something, watch a movie..spend time with your gf...empty trashcans..walk the dog.. and it goes on and on...use your head.


Now i had a 800 queue and its already at down to 75% thats 10-20 mins ago i logged on..


Ofc its annoying, but its a new mmo and im pretty sure many of you are wow geeks, remember when wow released ?? All those complaints makes me wonder if everone in this thread is new to mmo's ??? If some of you are new to mmo's... u better get used to queue's or find another server or game.


And not only queue's...server crashes, unforseen maintainence...etc etc. Thats the life of a mmo gamer.

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It's a little late for this suggestion but maybe new players logging in would have a pop-up explaining the server differences and asking them to pick the style of server they want and then suggesting a server (this has been done before) but then offering a small reward (500 credits for example) for making the first toon on the suggested server. All other things being equal, you will get a lot of people playing on that first toon on the suggessted server, allowing Bioware to more easily control population.


Granted you will still have some trying to get into specific servers because of friends and guilds, but the players who don't have a particular reason to pick a heavy server will more easily be routed where they should be.

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The queues are pretty bad. Honestly Bioware did a great job with this games launch, EXCEPT they failed to open enough servers early enough. The servers that went online today should have gone online several days ago, hell they should have all been there on day 1 of early access.


Opening all these servers now shows us two things. 1) You had the capacity to prevent queues in the first place and 2) you had the capacity to get more people in faster for early access. Why did you not launch all these servers on day 1 of early access and invite like half the pre-orders, seriously. It would have spread the pop around more that's for sure.


I had queues earlier on Thurs/Fri for about 30 min now I dread what I will find tonight when I get home since my server is listed as Full at 9:30am!


So now you open all these servers today, I have to re-roll my character on a new server in order to avoid queues. That's pretty bad, should not be that way, RIFT didn't have queues because they launched enough servers. Which you should have done. Who cares if you then later maybe have to merge some servers, I don't.

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OMG you guys make me laugh. Honestly. This was to be expected. MONTHS AGO they even stated this was to be expected. MILLIONS of people are coming on. AROUND the world. Grow up and deal with it. While its loading, go play skyrim or something. You can leave the game open til your finally in. Good grief.
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Yeah right, I'd be fired if that were true. I've just been playing MMOs since EQ and been through more than enough launches to know how this works. I'm not disagreeing the queues are a huge problem, or that there should be a grace period for people disconnected, or that they should have more of a community response vocalizing what they are doing.


I do however expect they are busting there asses right now, and that they are working on some kind of reinbursement for players. Why? Because this is what happened with WoW. At launch, and every *********** expansion pack they released. Hell people, most major patches (non expansions) resulted in 20 hours of unexecpted downtime. And that was 4 years after WoW had been launched. This **** doesn't happen flawlessly when you have over a million subscribers on launch day.



I'm sure they are working on something. My gripe, is if you haven't got your product finished before you release it, then don't.

If I bought Assassins Creed and clicked on the desktop icon to play it to be met with "YOUR GAME IS LOADING, PLEASE WAIT 3 HOURS", I'd be plenty ******. I'ts even worse than waiting on a Spectrum or a C64 loading a game up. That's not progress is it?!!

Why should it be any different for this. I've paid my money, gimme my product.

I've only been playing MMO's since 2003, been at launch for COH, Champions, Conan, DCUO, and never had this nonsense.

Perhaps the full servers thing will sort itself out, once everyone cancels their sub!

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Its no so much the server ques although horrendous at the moment, for me its the fact that on alt-tabing I have 3 times experienced a Error 1002 which so it seems is a ghost image on the server when it 'thinks' your logged in and encurs a 30 minute wait to clear.


Surely this plus the ques says the authentication servers could do with a upgrade.

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Welcome to SWTOR......The DMV of which every major city was modeled after.


I understand Bugs, Class Issues, 10-15 mins queues, but I really don't have any understanding of how the issues like this made it to launch with a game that has been in production so long.


What should of happened is the EA guilds should of been moved to servers till low pop was reached and then locked till release. We were at high pop on the the second day of early access on Krayt Dragon and had queues by Friday. No matter what anyone says the ball was dropped on this one. I can deal with my light saber not displaying, or getting stuck in a wall, or not getting loot but really.....1-2 hour queue.


The average level of my guild is high 30's (and one 50, and some early 40s) and you really expect a whole guild to re-roll as a fix? The kicker for me is I have a job, by the time I get off and wait in a 2 hour queue its 830. I have maybe 2 hours of play time barring I don't have a wonderful error code 9000 that puts me back in the queue. This has limited me to only leveling on the weekends.


SWG's had a horrible sever lag release, WoW was buggy as hell, Conan had huge class balance issues, and I stayed through all of them. None of them though required me to remote desktop into my home computer just so I could get in line to play. Very disappointing out of one my favorite game companies.

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I honestly think they READ THESE POST! its like "We know theres a problem and were going to make you think that we are going to fix it but were NOT... Go post here to tell us about it." This thread exists to reduce traffic and complaints throughout the rest of the forums.




Of course they don't.. We are discussing for nothing. Do you think BioWare would read all this? They going think about thereselfs and think that the servers are fine. They won't read posts. Seldom they read one page of posts and reply on a useless post what won't fix the problem.

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does anyone know the current population of a standard server?


im currently in a queue for tomb of freedon nadd number of people in front of me in the queue 1900, as with alot of people i was placed there with my guild.


there is now currently no options to start again on another server to make everyone level their characters AGAIN! on another server, bioware are asking the impossible.


just split the largest servers in 2, keep guilds togeather and transfer 50% of the accounts that have characters on that server to Tomb of freedon nadd 2 or something, problem solved.


this option means ppl dont have to level again, they level with the ones they wan to, guild names are safe, character names are safe.


there is no reason why boware cant do this.

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I started to play the game with the headstart. 2 days ago I rerolled on a "light" server just because I could not stand the 3 hour queue on the server where my guild was placed.


Today I fire up the game just to see another hour queue on the "light" server I rerolled on...I mean seriuosly...


Do I have to reroll on a different server every 2 days to avoid the queue problem? So this is bioware's solution?


This is the price we pay for taking part in a game that has over 2 million people trying to log in right now.


Think about that many people. I've been to rock concerts with longer queues than I get here.


How about a little perspective people? You can't play? Thats the real reason you're upset? You're inconvenienced?


2 million people trying to jam into a few dozen servers... nothing will make that smooth. I could make a quip about there not being enough KY in the universe for this one, but I'd probably get my post deleted.

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Honestly people need to stop. THIS IS LAUNCH! The queues will die down in due time. This game has been waited on by MILLIONS of people. Expect this to happen. Otherwise, go back to your game you came from. See you in game.


Honestly, people like you need to back off and allow frustrated, paying customers to vent about what is giving them a problem. Unless you're interested in paying for their games, and subscriptions, mind your business.

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I'm sure they are working on something. My gripe, is if you haven't got your product finished before you release it, then don't.

If I bought Assassins Creed and clicked on the desktop icon to play it to be met with "YOUR GAME IS LOADING, PLEASE WAIT 3 HOURS", I'd be plenty ******. I'ts even worse than waiting on a Spectrum or a C64 loading a game up. That's not progress is it?!!

Why should it be any different for this. I've paid my money, gimme my product.

I've only been playing MMO's since 2003, been at launch for COH, Champions, Conan, DCUO, and never had this nonsense.

Perhaps the full servers thing will sort itself out, once everyone cancels their sub!


This doesn't have anything to do with a finished product. It's done. The problem is too many people wanting to play on the same server.

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Did it ever occur to you that not rerolling would lessen the issue? If everybody keep jumping then rather than people settling on their server people are jack knifing from one server to another, hundreds of thousands of you constantly shifting and moving.


Not only does this create erratic population, but its unpredictable for BW. Yes, by rerolling 6 times you are in fact making it nigh on impossible for BW to actually make any intelligent decisions. How can they? The data is really confusing, all these accounts keep popping up on other servers.


Wouldn't it be ironic if BW couldn't take any action to solve the queue problems because people like you by the hundreds of thousands create impossible to predict data which would be required to make sensible population management decisions?


Really, think about THAT before your next QQ.


Did it ever occur to you that rerolling was BIOWARE'S SOLUTION TO THE PROBLEM? It is exactly what they TOLD US TO DO. So I did. I have since deleted all but 3 of those characters, as I'll eventually try out those classes.


If it creates chaos and unpredictability and erratic populations, then why did Bioware suggest it? If what you claim is accurate, and I don't see any reason why it isn't, then it is simply yet another failure on Bioware's part...

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Sad that i play mornings and sometimes afternoon and nights...


why is there servers that are always full and servers that are light...


quite an inbalance of players playing on the guild forces servers it seems...


but what can you say when you dont test or cap servers from people playing on them...


I really feel that this game was rushed just like any other game...


lack of testing? good indicator would be when they let you pre-order way before relase date meaning either funds are low or they have been told 2 make a dead line no mater what stage is the game is in...


Hope to see great inprovement... see how the frist month or 2 goes.

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What about this?


- 15.44 CET (Logging in)

- Position: around 1404...


- 16.44 CET

- Position: around 1100...


- 17.44 CET

- Position: Connection lost.. ***? Not my internet that was down.


- 17.50 CET (-.-' New queue)

- Position: around 1880


- 18.42 CET

- Position: 1373...


Yaay for me.. Still not in.


Man, that hurts, I admit it. I won't play the next few days to see if this calms down, because I haven't paid for this mess.

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Just as an FYI I made a thoughtful and engaging post about queue times and it was closed within 5 minutes. Silencing the masses so we can have 101 pages of a sticky thread that no one will read the entirety of is an awful way to conduct yourself Bioware. I would offer a simple word of warning to any developer reading this message, if your customers aren't happy you WILL lose business. The queue times must be fixed and the "art and science" official message doesn't even make sense. Close the server to new players since it is FULL and the problem is FIXED. I don't see an art or science, I see common sense.
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There is still only single EN RP-PVP, the game launched with this sever already full...and no new ones were created. I can only pitty the guilds that were preassigned there, and are now stuck for hours in queue.........


I could understand queus, but SINGLE RP-PVP server I simply can't. The person responsible should be fired, because lacks common sense.

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Today is the day, and you still have not corrected the problem. Usually I would be more understanding, but in this situation you have completely FAILED.


While it appears that everything you have done in preparation for this game was to support your user community, you know that this is not the case. To start, you require that individuals register with your website, just to read the forums. While you act as if you are providing users with access to additional information and communication with other players, we both know the purpose of the registration was to gauge interest in the game.


Then you offered gamers the ability to create guilds. On the surface, it appears that your are helping us out, this again is not the case. You were interested in determining the number of guilds and the number of possible players for each guild (hence the restrictions on one guild per person).


If this is not enough information to calculate your user base, you also have the number of pre-orders - a hard and fast number telling you how many gamers were going to play.


Then you started preparing us for the game. You imported the guilds. On my server alone there were 421 guilds imported. This was not my choice. This was not my guild's choice. This was your choice.


Then we get early access for those players who pre-ordered. Although I am sure that this number was outrageously high (I know because places like Amazon ran out of the Collector's Edition), you were not prepared for the load placed by just this number of users. And unlike most new games, you had that hard number. But ok, I am fine with that. We were not paying for the game, and it had not officially been launched yet.


Now it is launch day. I am a paying customer. And as a customer, I have a couple of complaints.


1. Your response to the queue situation has been unacceptable. You posted that we as customers should go to another server if we did not want to wait. You picked my server. You picked my guild's server. And now seven days after pre-launch, I am expected to change, not you, the business. Not the group collecting my money, but me, the paying customer. Not to mention, your game is good, but it is story driven. Having completed seven days of play time, do you really think I want to replay all of the same content again?


2. Your solution to this problem penalizes those of use who have supported your game since the start. We joined your site. We registered our guild. We helped to test (which by the way was not for us, but to help you make additional money). We pre-ordered the game. And now the solution you prepose is that we (the loyal customers) change our server, move our guild, recreate our characters, or just suffer while all new customers can just go to a new lightly populated server.


3. Finally, this idea that you want to balance the number of players on a server and queue times is nice but it is a smoke screen. In reality, more servers requires more more maintainance that you are obviously not willing to incur. You try to act like you are helping us, but instead, you are just covering up your real issues, and putting the blame back on us.


I have high hopes for this game and your success. But just like all the other MMOs if you cannot deliver, we, the customers will leave.

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Again, a 10 minute queue can be lived with while waiting for world populations to stabilize, but the problem is when there's a disconnection and there's no safety net in place for those DCs - it's back at the end of the line!


Hubby has been having all kinds of issues. Despite having slightly "better" graphics and sound cards, more RAM, etc, MY computer appears to handle the game fine and he keeps getting blue screened, forced to wait a half hour to get back in. He will fix the problem and then they will do an update, and then he's back to blue screening.


Beyond frustrating. Very much regretting the $160 we spent on our two games. If nothing else would have waited until game stabilized more and just picked up the regular game for $50-60.

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Oh yes, they opened new servers isn't? Why they DONT open some MORE server's and SPLIT every SERVER that is full and got BIG QUEUE's? Why opening NEW servers if no one is going to join that server. It will only be a light server and being useless, a few peoples join it but the most not.
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I'd like to submit a suggestion. Hide servers from the server list when they've reached BioWare's determined threshold. However don't stop people from joining that server or creating new toons.


Instead make it a referral process where you can enter a server name into some field to get to the server. This would limit general player additions to the server but still allow people with friends on a particular server to play on that server.

Edited by Lanval
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Honestly, people like you need to back off and allow frustrated, paying customers to vent about what is giving them a problem. Unless you're interested in paying for their games, and subscriptions, mind your business.


Mind our business? What gives you the right to dominate the conversation? Since when did being P'd off give you the privilege to tell everyone to STF U and btw BW has to fix this NAOW blah blah.


You're frustrated? Great. Know what venting is? "Man this sucks. I wish I could get in. I'm really disappointed". Thats venting.


Going on about how this is ridiculous, and if they had good managers 2 million people jamming into the server on one day would be cinch. Whatever. You dont even begin to understand the logistics of managing an MMO launch with this many people. Go talk to WoW players who were there for their launch and every subsequent expansion.


This is normal.

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