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  1. Today I completed my legacy story. All I had to do was the Agent Kaliyo. Upon completing the quest and logging out, I was not able to login again to any of my imperial characters. I can select the character then I get the spinning page with no progress bar. After a few minutes it sends me back to the character screen. This only happens on my imperial toons. My republic toons seem to be fine. Anyone have any suggestions?
  2. Were you able to get a fix to this problem? I am having the same problem. It appears to have happened after completely the Agent's Kaliyo quest. Any additional information on this would be great.
  3. Well, I am all excited again for the new expansion, but I do have some questions. 1. Since we will be able to create new characters at 60, will we still be able to create characters at level 1 and play through the 1-50 content? 2. If we create a new character at 60, will that new character be able to do all of the level 1-50 content? 3. I almost always play with 2-4 people, please tell me that the personal phases from the Revan expansion are going away, and we can get back to the normal group phases. Can I get an amen? 4. Will we be able to create more than one level 60?
  4. Today is the day, and you still have not corrected the problem. Usually I would be more understanding, but in this situation you have completely FAILED. While it appears that everything you have done in preparation for this game was to support your user community, you know that this is not the case. To start, you require that individuals register with your website, just to read the forums. While you act as if you are providing users with access to additional information and communication with other players, we both know the purpose of the registration was to gauge interest in the game. Then you offered gamers the ability to create guilds. On the surface, it appears that your are helping us out, this again is not the case. You were interested in determining the number of guilds and the number of possible players for each guild (hence the restrictions on one guild per person). If this is not enough information to calculate your user base, you also have the number of pre-orders - a hard and fast number telling you how many gamers were going to play. Then you started preparing us for the game. You imported the guilds. On my server alone there were 421 guilds imported. This was not my choice. This was not my guild's choice. This was your choice. Then we get early access for those players who pre-ordered. Although I am sure that this number was outrageously high (I know because places like Amazon ran out of the Collector's Edition), you were not prepared for the load placed by just this number of users. And unlike most new games, you had that hard number. But ok, I am fine with that. We were not paying for the game, and it had not officially been launched yet. Now it is launch day. I am a paying customer. And as a customer, I have a couple of complaints. 1. Your response to the queue situation has been unacceptable. You posted that we as customers should go to another server if we did not want to wait. You picked my server. You picked my guild's server. And now seven days after pre-launch, I am expected to change, not you, the business. Not the group collecting my money, but me, the paying customer. Not to mention, your game is good, but it is story driven. Having completed seven days of play time, do you really think I want to replay all of the same content again? 2. Your solution to this problem penalizes those of use who have supported your game since the start. We joined your site. We registered our guild. We helped to test (which by the way was not for us, but to help you make additional money). We pre-ordered the game. And now the solution you prepose is that we (the loyal customers) change our server, move our guild, recreate our characters, or just suffer while all new customers can just go to a new lightly populated server. 3. Finally, this idea that you want to balance the number of players on a server and queue times is nice but it is a smoke screen. In reality, more servers requires more more maintainance that you are obviously not willing to incur. You try to act like you are helping us, but instead, you are just covering up your real issues, and putting the blame back on us. I have high hopes for this game and your success. But just like all the other MMOs if you cannot deliver, we, the customers will leave.
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