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    Fort Worth TX
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    School Bus Driver
  1. Wow, I think this whole discussion is on the verge of off-topic. The OP said GREEN gear. Are we really going to sit around a table before heading out to play and have diplomatic talks about GREENS?!? It's my opinion that, this not being a perfect world, use the given need or greed buttons and move on. There are many factors for a player "needing" a green, including RE it for crafts. Some people might not agree with needing greens for RE, but it's a green. It's also my opinion that if a green is going to be that useful, get on the GN and buy some! Gear yourself up, don't get in a fight with someone else that feels they have a need. Also, the crafting system is great, either get on trade and get what you need or make it yourself. The whole need/greed thing is a tool and like all tools the work done with them is dependant on the skill of the user, and not all people use tools well. That truth is never going to change. In fact, you can try to streamline or improve the tool (making primary stat a different color) but you have to be careful making a tool difficult to use because when someone finds a tool too difficult, they just don't use it or they use it like a hammer (pressing the same button for everything in this case). As far as blues and above, the simple rule before starting a group is just to say up front that when a blue drops, discuss before choosing or to ask if you don't know how to use the tools, or just let things happen.
  2. I'm thinking that the flag is supposed to designate servers in which you have a character that belongs to a guild, either in the pre-launch guild program or that you've physically joined in-game. There may be some bugs with that functionality (in cases where you don't have a character on a server with a flag, so long as that's not your pre-launch guild server) but I think that's the intent of the flag.
  3. My experience is that crafting is worthwhile. I agree it's time consuming and can be costly, but the time consuming part is what's great about the crew system. Especially once you get your ship, the only reason you shouldn't have your droid either farming materals or making items is credits, and if you are doing it fairly well, you will be making credits with at least some of what you make. It's work to be sure, but I love crafting and it's nice to be able to craft while I do other things as well as make some things that I can use and others I know can use. I don't think it's broken at all. I worry it will be broken in the future, but until then I am pretty happy with it.
  4. It's my understanding that if you didn't receive the e-mail for some reason, you can go log into your account on Origin and go to the account info (gear looking shape top right of Origin's page after you log in) and you should be able to find the code there somewhere in your account information.
  5. No problem, that's what the new player help forum is for. Not everyone is a conceited jerk.
  6. If you are having trouble finding any vendor, open your map and lick the Vendor focus on the left side of the map, then hover over all vendors to find the one you want. That saves a lot of running. If you don't find it on your home world spaceport then it is definitely at the fleet, as well as the ship upgrade merchant where you can spend the space mission commendations, so you need to find that person anyway for future reference!
  7. Go to your fleet and in the center is a cantina. In the four quarters next to the bar, there are triangular shaped lifts. Take one of these up. Anyone can go up there. The CE vendor is against the wall. I mention this because there are vendors up there that anyone can use that don't have much of anything special, so you might get confused once you find the place.
  8. to my knowledge it takes a few hours. This stinks but it happened to me on Saturday when I got my code. Because of the queue I didn't try again until Sunday and they were there. Good luck and may the force be with you.
  9. For one, there should be a spaceship upgrade vendor in the spaceport where you first boarded your ship, and there is one in the fleet. Find this vendor and purchase every level 1 upgrade that you can. Be mindful that some of them have level limits so you may or may not be able to use them, so buy them all and store the ones you can't use in your cargo hold for later. Then open your character sheet and you will have a ship tab. Be careful installing the items because if you drag and drop them sometimes it things you want to destroy them and you may accidentally click through the box asking if you are sure. This will help, but otherwise it will take practice. I personally don't have any trouble and haven't failed a mission yet. I therefore assume you don't understand the controls. When not firing blasters, your shields recharge. The shields are the blue semi-circles around the bottow left window. The red line is your hull. You can use WASD to manuever even while using the mouse to point and fire. If you are not using WASD, the ship will go towards the pointer. You can use <space> for a barrel roll. This may help dodge some attacks. At certain points in missions, you will see dots of light ahead. These are approaching spacecraft. Shoot them now and they won't hit you at all! Probably very important point, you just put the cursor on the target and hold the button for auto-fire. Do not attempt to lead or you will miss! That may be your problem right there. To fire missiles, right click once to target and right click again to fire. Alternately, hold down right click and "paint" up to four targets. When you release the right mouse button the missiles fire. At the bottom right of the window is a picture of 4 missiles. When these are lit, the missile tubes are loaded. The number is how many you have to reload with. Therefore, there is a delay after firing before a tube will reload. You can hit targets before they show up as a highlighted, or bracketed, target. For example, if there is a capital ship looming in the distance but you can't see the turrets yet, you can fire on it and even concentrate on known positions and you will hit those targets. If nothing else, it will soften them up so it takes less hits to destroy them. The screen can get very busy. Practice will make the frantic chaos of explosions and blaster bolts slow down and allow you to see what's happening. Don't give up. Good luck and may the force be with you.
  10. I'm picking light. My inquisitor will be dark. Oddly enough, the game allows you to kill people for profit without any change (the entire class quest line). The only time you have to worry about light/dark is on specific dialogue options so I am custom tailoring that part for my own less than nefarious purposes.
  11. It's a little late for this suggestion but maybe new players logging in would have a pop-up explaining the server differences and asking them to pick the style of server they want and then suggesting a server (this has been done before) but then offering a small reward (500 credits for example) for making the first toon on the suggested server. All other things being equal, you will get a lot of people playing on that first toon on the suggessted server, allowing Bioware to more easily control population. Granted you will still have some trying to get into specific servers because of friends and guilds, but the players who don't have a particular reason to pick a heavy server will more easily be routed where they should be.
  12. I agree, this afternoon and evening is going to be absolutely awful.
  13. I agree about the Space Combat. I was sorely disappointed to hear that there would not be open space. Like most gamers, I know more of what I don't want than what I want! Having played the missions, it's a nice diversion. I get rest XP, I can send my companions on missions (they don't help during space combat missions) and I can run space missions for a change of pace and break from the other grind. And the missions themselves are very neat. Granted they can get monotonous but I've already seen there are different ways to tackle them and different strategies to try, though this is limited by the tunnel aspect. One question, I believe that when you see capital ships and other targets in the distance, you can fire on them even though the targets don't light up. In this way you can improve your mission success during otherwise "downtimes" during the flight. Is this the experience of others?
  14. The bounty hunter should have a shark companion that has laser beam in it's head. It's a shame there has to be game balance and design decisions.
  15. I'm thinking that you're focusing on one target too much. Granted there are times you have to watch aggro, but your spammable AOE is a blaster skill and your heat controlling rotation includes blasters. There is even a strategy on some of the tougher bosses to use hammer shot while using your heat to heal while your companion does the heavy lifting. I guess what I am saying is that you appear to be backing yourself into a corner. It's true that tracer missile is a missle and it is intended to be spammed but only against a single target and you're not always in that position. Even when you are, heat is an issue and requires blaster fire to control.
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