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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Regarding server queues


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Ahhh, Jung Ma. I know a 30 minute que inst as bad as the hours long ones some people have but a 30 minute que at 11 am CST. I really think they underestimated the amount of rp-pvp'ers.


I hope they offer a free switch to a lower pop server, even though all rp-pvp servers have a que right now.

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Been in a queue for 1 and a half hours so far, with 288 people still in front of me, and an estimated wait time of 1 hour 35 minutes (which we all know is an awful estimation by this point).


On Sunday I was in a queue for 3 and a half hours, with over 400 people still in front of me, when my router packed in. That really annoyed the hell out of me, and it's taken my provider until today to get a new one installed. I was hoping the queues would be fixed by now, but NOPE. Queuing for hours on end is still a requisite to play this game.


If we still have this issue after the first month, I WILL be counting up every hour I'm queuing and demanding it back as free game time. I may even double the amount for the inconvenience it causes. And no, I do not think that is the slightest bit too demanding. I bought this game and willing to pay monthly fees so that I can play it as advertised, NOT sit in queues for ungodly lengths of time.


If anything, it's too demanding of Bioware to assume we'll be okay with queuing without any compensation. Get off your *********** backsides and fix this issue. You've had plenty of time to get this sorted, and all you've given us is a statement saying 'sorry'. Action helps, words do not.

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This Q stuff is ridiculous. I don't care what excuse or reason they give something is very very wrong. This is not a good sign of things to come. They have to make lots more servers or this game WILL fail. Nobody is going to wait in a Q for an hour every time they want to play. I have only one thing to say to Bioware..... FIX IT!!!!
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Im glad I havent put my product key in for game time. These queue times dont stop being rediculious I wont play it after christmas. An online game is only as good as how fast I can login and play. I dont buy games to have to wait to play them for hours.
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The queues are a big problem but there is a much more complicated reason on why the queue's are so big.


I have seen loads of people auto-running against a wall or a tree and most of them choose corners or places that people cannot see, they do this to avoid the auto-disconnect function in SWTOR.


Queues go down so slowly because more and more people are doing this. In my opinion even though this is not a genuine bug, it's something players are abusing and more and more and more people doing this means longer in the queue because they are simply not being disconnected.


I think Bioware needs to look into this and any person doing this to beat the system should be punished severely and almost certainly they need to look at the disconnect function and change it to physical actions, like talking or doing a command rather than just walking. Obviously they will have to make there own minds about this, a possible suggestion is if a player does nothing, as in talk, kill or interact with anything in the game after 10-20 mins, they should get booted. I know this will probably get some backlash, but there is no other way I can think of, to stop people abusing the system, people are getting annoyed at the queue's but they should not be mad at bioware. They should be mad at idiots trying to beat the system. I am also certain many other players will have seen someone auto-running to beat the system.

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They should of locked already full servers to new accounts. That would of forced new players to other servers.


Hell no. Terrible idea. Like I said a few pages back, I got in on the third wave of early start, but I have friends coming to join me now. Should I be separated from my friends and punished because I started early? Should I have to abandon my EA progress to be able to play with my friends? Kind of defeats the entire purpose of EA doesn't it?


This has been botched and the only way to fix it at this point is free transfers. No two ways about it.

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So you should just abandon your early start progress because Bioware didn't plan well? That's a ridiculous argument.


You could continue to wait in a queue. Complaining about it isn't going to get you anywhere. If you think that they're not aware of the problem you're dillusional so you can sit here and ***** and moan or you can start over. I think most people would rather complain, which is typical.

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So you should just abandon your early start progress because Bioware didn't plan well? That's a ridiculous argument.



Agreed. The Early access people should not have to choose between their EGA progress and starting over. Totally unreasonable for anyone just starting to force the issue on us as well.


We paid for EGA, we got it. You didn't you don't. Now we should lose all the progress? some people in my guild are almost level 40, they should give that up?


New folks need to be "encouraged" to join light servers... forcibly if needed.

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So when are the queues gone?


Aint that the single most asked question?


I have chrs one two servers now ...both FULL ... both with hour long queues.


My guild was assigned to Tomb of Freedon Nadd (EU) the average queue is 1800+ from 15.00 hours CET and on ward.

Then I thought I change to our US chapter on The Fatman ... also queues .. not as bad .. but average 400+ at 17.00 CET


Have SWTOR become "The Game of Queues" ?


Im just wondering ... Im useing more game time in a queue than playing ... that's kinda bad .. isn't it? or am I mistaken?


What about cloning some of the High Pop servers ...instead of just opening new???

Edited by Pallana
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To summarise 500+ pages


I've played every MMO ever and this is the worst launch


Stop people joining my server, I got there first


I only get 10 hours a day to play video games and this is seriously cramping my mojo


I have no choice which server I play on, you made me join guild xyz so I had to join server number 1 and play with my cyber amigos


If you dont fix it by 13.48am EST I will cancel my subscription and kill my cat


Think that just about covers it all. Chill gang, all will be good.

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Hmmm! I'm extremely disappointed in Bioware and this launch. I'm a long time gamer. Been playing MMO's for about a decade and everything else in between. I have grown and have a family and only have a certain amount of time to play. The Q seems to take most of that time away if not all. I've played many Bioware games and they have been great til now. Your in a different type of game now (MMO). Since I'm on vacation for the holidays I figured I would get some gaming in. Boy was I wrong.


As far as gameplay til now (lvl 14), eh. Some cool things but same ole. Kill 4 of those get 3 of these. Like the storyline and look forward to many upcoming features.


Well I hope they figure something out quick. I don't even want to think about Q time once all the Christmas presents are opened and millions more try to log on.


What do you want them to do? Do you even have a vague notion of how to fix this problem?


There are severs that are light, while others that are jammed full. Do you want Bioware to just alter the basic psychology of the apparently dim witted culture we live in? Because the only way to fix this is if people are both patient and also smart and go into servers that aren't full. Stick with them, stop jumping around, and help with stability.


Also, the only other solution is to basically say 'sorry, we're phasing launch day, so you might not get to play until next week'. Thats the only way. To phase in literally every person playing, which definitely isnt gonna happen and you dont want it either.


Finally you might say "raise the pop cap" and to which I reply: There are so many people joining raising the cap won't do much to help the congestion, meanwhile the cap has to stay where it is to encourage people to go to lighter pop servers. If the cap gets too high then it could crash the server and then you're all in a queue while you post about how you cant stand the crashing.


Any solutions they make are literally short term marginally effective for today or this hour only kind of things. The real issue is just traffic. You gonna walk into city hall and say "Do something about this traffic, or I'm not paying my taxes", you really think that they're holding out a solution on you?


Really, if you guys stopped feeling entitled or stopped thinking entirely about YOUR situation and took a more global view of things you'd realize that this is just rush hour traffic on the New Jersey turnpike. Its impossible to fix it without culling the population.


The upswing is that in a week or two it wont be like this because there won't be people jamming to get in like today.

Edited by P-Funk
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well i thought the server queues would be sorted at release, just get home from work and guess what queues now on the main server i started on and the secondary that i started on so i wouldnt have to queue on the main.


So what am i supposed to do roll on a third server ? and keep moving servers because i work and having to restart from square one every time i log in until i find a server so grossly underpopulated there is noone to play on ?


I stated in the post beta questionaire i WOULD NOT pay for a game where i have to queue and i guess a lot of other people would be the same.


Not impressed with release but then should i be surprised by this any more.

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The issue is understandable.


They attached pre-registered guilds during the beta to specific servers to try and spread out the load. They accounted for the number of player in those guilds. What they didn't account for is all the "hey I know those guys from <insert other mmo here> I want to play on that server". That population of "migration players" ended up being larger than they anticipated.


Just a guess

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Agreed. The Early access people should not have to choose between their EGA progress and starting over. Totally unreasonable for anyone just starting to force the issue on us as well.


We paid for EGA, we got it. You didn't you don't. Now we should lose all the progress? some people in my guild are almost level 40, they should give that up?


New folks need to be "encouraged" to join light servers... forcibly if needed.


Exactly....my Guild was placed by SWTOR on a full server....only became full today.....I truly hope they remedy this situation, i'm not moving my guild (60+) characters to a different server!

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As a Sr System Administrator for a Fortune 200 company, I have quite a clue.



lol.... mr clueles.... still dont get it.... such a shame


You seriously comparing a office network with this ???


MR failadministrator....


You have any clue how much spare "hardware" a company like this have ??

Complete servers are just standing and waiting in storage.... your talking about a multi billion company.


Come work with me @ Intel for a few days you might learn something, who knows.


Any game has queues in the start yes i know.... the reason they wait so long for resolving this queue issue has NOTHING to do with not having the hardware u num nut !

Edited by Crysicko
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i totally get it that u may have to even out the numbers of players to get the best solution between a solid base of players per server, and decent performance and therefore , on launch it gets a little messy.


But what i don´t get is why you didn´t anticipate that ? why do stresstest and not estimate a totally run for teh servers... with Guild programm u had another estimate of how many players would come and could DECIDE on which server they go ( ok suggest, but it´s something u can plan with server side)


But having a disconnect ... and not having a grace timer ( 3 min would be totally sufficient) to reconnect and continue playing is just p***poor, f***king stupid and utmost annoying design.


i simply don´t get how u could not predict that... what is it again ? EA ? A Billion Dollar company ? oh well we just didn´t had a single head that could come up with THAT idea.


I know u can´t make it right for everyone, there´s always someone who will complain about the silliest of things, i get that. But i´m not asking for the 8th worldwonder, i just want a smart and flexible Log in System that has a freaking Grace timer implemented .

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