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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Regarding server queues


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I understand that it is launch day and you need to figure out how many people want what server, but if you are going to keep me in a queue for (X) time, then give me (X) playing time back for the time I have paid to wait.




You obviously DO NOT understand it is launch day based on your request.

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and another day where i have to wait 2-3 hours to see my guild on the right server... this is realy not funny anymore. i guess all hoped for the last night, but nothing changed.

this is realy annoying. are there any plans to cut the queues soon or make it posible to change server with the whole guild or do we have to life with it?

and i realy bought the CE ... omg...

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This gotta be bad for buisness! Worst costumer info ever no info what so ever.

Thousands of players payed for a game they cant play just cause some lame



They stole many players , but they will be a fast loss if this isnt fixed asap.



Bloodworthy still has 1,5 hour est waiting time. They should be given a cap increase fast...

Edited by Puritanical
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Really hope they introduce free transfers relatively soon. I started my first character on a server with friends and got to level 15 before the server filled up and now has ~1h long queues. So I re rolled to a Standard pop server, got to lvl 15 again and now that is full too. I don't want to waste more limited time if this problem doesn't get sorted out before the billing date.


I understand that it is still early in the launch. However I feel that "what did you expect?" is a flawed argument. They should have been more prepared. Sure the game and servers are stable. That isn't much use if you cant join them to play though...


Aside: As for lack of certain in game features, those don't bother me too much, however comparison to other games lack of features at launch is a poor argument. Unless Bioware have been living under a rock for the last 7 years, they should have been learning from their competitors games evolution and developed Swtor accordingly.

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I agree with Aram, if my whole guild could move to a different server easily I could care less about your low maximum server size. Max population per server is ridiculously low - that's why we just saw about 3 dozen new servers relative to last night. But I am not going to play this game without my friends. And at this rate I will never get to log on, so ti does not even matter.


Pirates of the Carribean allowed the players to move to a different server dynamically, in game. Maybe this is worth looking into?


I could overlook the gameplay issues for a few weeks (which I will post elsewhere) if I could at least log in without needing to create new characters on a brand new server.

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15:39 CET (Central European Time)

Server: ToFN (Tomb of Freedon Nadd-PvP English-EUROPE)

Estimated Wait < 1h35m

Position in Queue: 1442


Do you really think I will be in after 1h35m? I bet for 3 hours


  • 16:39 CET (1 hour after logging)
  • Position in Queue 922



  • 17:39 CET (2 hours after logging)
  • Position in Queue 560



Whoever has designed the 'Estimated Wait' formula should reconsider his/her aptitudes ¬¬

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They have the thresholds set low so that the players just now joining, get pretty much forced onto the empty servers. By this time next week, or shortly after the holiday inrush of players who got the game for christmas, they should increase the server sizes and will have ensured that the populations are as evenly spread out as possible.


There's no news here. It's a pretty common way to do this type of thing.

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Call me crazy but...


Something tells me they lowered the cap on servers last night when they did maintenance so players would get spread out across all servers.


Yes, while right now there are a lot of light servers and a lot of full servers, on the 22nd after their next maintenance the problem will be fixed because they will raise the caps on the heavy servers.


What do you think new players would like to see when they log in for the first time? A few heavy servers with a crap load of light servers or a lot of medium servers where they won't feel like they have to get on the heavy server to play with others.


Ya, it sucks now, but after the next maintenance things will be fixed.

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B - Give us a grace period with direct server access for when you crash. Going back in queue is not acceptable.

I agree on that. I've got a disconnection and now I'll have to wait for one hour or more to get back in (started at 300 20 mins ago, I'm 200 now). I can feel the pain of people in more busy servers.


Also, I don't think that this is all BioWare's fault, as they recommended to roll on free servers and people keep rolling on FULL servers. I don't believe that there was that much people from our guilds still waiting to join our server today. Yesterday that same server had no queues at all, and the light servers speak by themselves too. Are they masochists or something?



Edited by Lethemback
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Not much point posting on page 299 or something here.


but its a little after 8:30am PST and i am on a west cost server, been 20minutes in line already.. and still 219 in line before me. this is 8:30am PST?!?! i guess its a 10 hour wait when prime time hits? (say 4pm)


(sigh) time to start on a new server and throw my guild and friends away...

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There are plenty of things you can do while waiiting, how about you scrub your toilets.


Prolly a Generation Y baby with entitlement issues who expects everything handed to them. Grow up.


The only thing I expect to be handed to me, is **** I pay for. I don't clean up my own hotel rooms when traveling because "The cleaning staff has a lot of other rooms too". I pay those *********** to do it, just like my $60.00 PAID Bioware and EA to fix this goddamn problem. You are in the minority here. 99 people are complaining about this for every one of you *******s who thinks it's ok. Begone.

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started playing in the EGA and had no issue since Friday loading in on the server i chose but now as of this morning i can't load in while there are light servers showing.


been waiting 10+ mins and the numbers in line have not decreased


why are you going to be forcing moves upon some of us that picked servers after waiting to get into EGA but no can't play any longer?


BAD FORM as they say

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They have the thresholds set low so that the players just now joining, get pretty much forced onto the empty servers. By this time next week, or shortly after the holiday inrush of players who got the game for christmas, they should increase the server sizes and will have ensured that the populations are as evenly spread out as possible.


There's no news here. It's a pretty common way to do this type of thing.


If this is true, then my hats off to them. I don't mind waiting in queues these first few days in order to get less queues in the long run.

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Lol try 3h+ then come back



Scene: Home


Time: Sometime between 6-7


Mission: Log into TOR


Ship's Log: Login process begins


7... 2000 quene

8... 1500

9... 1000

10... 500

11... yay!


Brain ponders the fact that must get up early for job and those damnable early morning meetings..


sadly logoff - but we did make it to the character screen!! My excitement could be bottled.



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Does anyone remember WoW launch? Because I sure do. And you know what? It was pretty similar to this. Server queues were epic the first couple of days as hundreds of thousands of players slammed the network. Did you all know the the Beta weekend over Thanksgiving had 750,000 players sign up for testing?


What I remember was comming home from midnight launch, installing the game, then logging in and actually playing the game. On launch day.


Today I'm looking at 2-3 hours (easilly) of my 5 hour playtime wasted in a queue.

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