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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Regarding server queues


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well im realy pissed with this server **** , got to lvl 17 on my server which i might add i was on the 2nd day of early release , got fed up with being 1300 in the que , so bit the bullet rolled another server and started from scratch on a light server guess what logged on today to find ive got another 400 people in front of me :mad: sort this **** out on the english servers pls
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20 minute Queues before noon on an East Coast server?


Even the West coast servers have some 30 minutes queues and its only 8:22 am there!


This is called forcing people to start on the new servers when the existing ones are probably all at regular pop at this time. Now get back in line or join a new server like a good subscriber.

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So i spend 1 hour in q just like every1 else , then i finaly get in .

I log in doing quests in Taris ! thats the most bugged planet i ever been so far and i get dc after 20 mins of game(freezing every 2 secs for 1 sec) and now iam back at waiting to log in ! OPEN MIGRATIONS OR FIX IT !!!!!!!!!!!! as simple as that !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Wow BIOWARE, do you not realize how ugly this is going to turn on you? I'd put a leash on @rockjaw twitter acct.. he'll do nothing but inflame the customers.. and please, stop focusing on managing customers exceptions by closing threads.. I believe fixing the queue issue should be your #1 priority right now..nothing else...thanks..
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For a game that just came out to have 2 hour queues, while the developer is opening new servers every day, is ok.


For a game where the developers pre-determined that a guild of 50+ players was assigned to a server and then let that server have a 2 hour log in queue is just BAD PLANNING AND **** EXECUTION!


Reroll is not an option for a guild with 50+ players some of them above lvl 30!



. increase the server pop cap while blocking further players from joining that were not in the pre-deploiment plan

. start offering guild wide transfers ASAP!


Do something! Everyone is on holiday and has been waiting to play your game and throwing money at you so step up and fullfil your part of the deal!

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Yeah this is pretty stupid. I know it's launch day and all but, really, I see a TON of "Light" population servers on the list while I'm in queue, how about locking some of the "early release" servers down to FORCE (haha, bad pun) some of the release day players to go to other servers completely instead of clogging up already full servers? Edited by Pegg
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Stephen Reid @Rockjaw


Queues are a natural part of a big MMO launch - and we're very big. Expect them to be around for a while. Back to email, see you in Forums!


Expect them to be around for a while?


Not good enough. Not nearly good enough.


Well he certainly wont see us ingame at this rate so most of his player base is on the forums at the moment. And in 30 days time if this continues his playerbase will be subscribing to different games not Tor

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So, it is Dec 20th and the game has finally reached stores. Has anything been done to ease the wait on queues evidently not. Trying to log into Shadow Hand at 11:27am (an East Coast server) and I was number 240 in a queue. There were several servers that showed a light load that would have been easy to jump into but, my guild and all my friends and I have been placed onto Shadow Hand.


When is there going to be any relief?:mad:

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Queues are a natural part of a big MMO launch - and we're very big. Expect them to be around for a while. Back to email, see you in Forums!
via Twitter



This isn't going to work. You will have to have a work around put in place pretty quick to allow transfers off the high pop realms towards lower pop realms or raise the population cap extensively for those realms (which are most of the realms). Its not even noon and i am looking at 30 min queus on the 5 servers i have made characters on.



I repeat, that statement isn't going to cut it.

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So i spend 1 hour in q just like every1 else , then i finaly get in .

I log in doing quests in Taris ! thats the most bugged planet i ever been so far and i get dc after 20 mins of game(freezing every 2 secs for 1 sec) and now iam back at waiting to log in ! OPEN MIGRATIONS OR FIX IT !!!!!!!!!!!! as simple as that !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Yeah Taris has an issue with freezing when opening the map, or getting/completing missions. Annoying, but doesn't happen elsewhere... Wouldn't reboot your pc over it and face queueing again.

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I find this all worrying as it does not bode well.


Firstly .. they knew how many pre-orders there were and in which regions so its no surprises on how many servers they actually needed ... that is not rocket science and very simple maths ... but they failed .


Secondly ... now I am a paying customer ...... I am paying to sit in a queue! I may as well have just burned my money instead , at least it would briefly produce somthing for me in a little heat!


Thirdly... Guess i'll just have to wait 1 month then the queues will vanish when people don't renew their subs!


And I am extra annoyed as my game client now refuses to work....

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BW actually caused the problem themselves - at least partially. We can't put all the blame on the new commers.. Let me explain:


The whole point of EGA was to try and get as many people in before the big launch event on the 20th. This was to try and get people onto servers and try to spread them out. Thus why they were inviting in waves. This worked (mostly). People were spread across the already in place servers and most were fairly populated. Also, they introduced the server status page (where the problems began).


BW then encouraged people on the 20th, who did not have EGA, to roll on a Server that was Light / Standard to avoid long queues and get into game sooner. Excellent idea. Then, poor BW, KICKED EVERYONE OFF THE SERVERS right before launch. Thus, when someone new logged in, they see guess what - ALL the servers show Light... BRILLIANT.


So now you have people who already have characters on certain servers, competing with people creating new characters on these same servers. I logged in this morning at around 12:30 AM EST (-5 GMT) and for the FIRST time since EGA started, was placed into a queue (only 15 people) - no biggie as I was in in under 5 minutes. I logged in for kicks before I went to work (~ 6:30 AM), and was met with a 600 person queue. Meanwhile there are A LOT of servers showing "Light."



Now, we can blame new-commers also. We understand people want to play with other people - it's an MMO. But having that server status page, people could see which servers are populated and most, not all but a good portion, are choosing servers already populated. Granted, people want to play with guild / friends / family, etc... which are good reason.. But that's not EVERYONE; which says many are choosing the servers with a population that, from EGA, were already nearing their limits anyways.


Currently there are 46 servers showing as Light, 4 showing heavy, 1 showing very heavy, the rest are full. And - OH MY - the 46 servers are the new ones they Just opened up for Launch (US servers). That there should tell you something - NO ONE USED THEM - rather very few did.


While we all expected queues, it's getting out of hand. And EU is having more problems than the US due to fewer servers



I think the only way to get people to use those other servers is to.....


1. Lock the servers for character creation.

2. Have an NPC that sells a server invitation

3. If the server you want is locked, you have to know someone on that server and they have to INVITE you to it (spending their own in-game credits)

4. Allow server transfers for those who wish to move to a lower populated server


Unfortunately, there is no quick answer. Guilds already placed on servers Could have had a place holder character for them under their account even - tied to swtor.com login info, so that they would already be placed on that server. many different ways it could have been done.

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