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Regarding server queues


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Lol and yet another WoW fanboy. WoW IS NOT THE GREATEST GAME! It's for people who cant afford good computers. Oh that's right. NEWER GAMES REQUIRE HIGHER END COMPUTERS! so if you can't get with the program, go back to WoW and your low end pc.


Thank you sir for your advices, I'll now know that in order to bypass the 4 hours queue I've been in since I got back from work I need a better computer.


Truly you sir are a genius.


Now if only more people were like you and would join in on those forums and not be complete fanboys this would be a much better place.

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Dear Bioware,


it is nice to read that you take the problem of server queues seriously. It is, however, not something I would want to read. I only read it, because my server - the server Bioware put me and my guild on - has the usual 20 minutes server queue.


Please fix that. Fix it quickly. I don't care how you do it, but I will not pay for a game that has me wait for 20 minutes before I can even do something. It makes the social aspect of the game rather awkward ("Let's meet at eight and do a flashpoint. Or maybe let's try to log in at eight and see if we get 4 people around nine."), and it makes me wonder if you really are able to handle the technical side of running an MMO.


I'm sure that this are problems that will be fixed. But if you take too long (and too long means: Not before the holidays, when people really have time to play), you will start losing customers.

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If there are server queues, it means that more people made characters on a given server than it can reliably handle in a rotating schedule. Say, you have a thousand slots and ten thousand players with one or more characters on this server. Some play on the weekends and some play on the weekdays, some in the morning and some in the evening, but at some point there will inevitably be a moment when at least half of them will try to log on AT ONCE.


The big weakness is that for all the Early Access people, there were ridiculously few English Euro servers, and the first few waves all got shunted into all of them. I see a server list right now which is more than half made up of LIGHT load servers, but I the one I am registered on as an Early Accesser is way beyond FULL (300+ queue that isn't really moving ATM) and I do really not want to re-do the 13 levels of my Trooper on a different server simply because someone didn't do the math right.


Server transfers that DO NOT require you to survive the login queue would be an instant "everything solved magickally" solution without significantly increasing the server load. In fact, the server load will drop because the players will get smeared more or less evenly across the servers instead of the Gaussian distribution you have right now.


NOTE: This is not a real problem, math-wise. This is a problem, however, PR-wise. I'm aware that 'normal' early adopters aren't the pre-orderers (and therefore, Early-Accessers), but those that buy the game on Launch Day, and they are A-OK right now, what with the amount of LIGHT-load servers. But since the people who pre-ordered (and therefore, gave financial backing so that there would be a better, sturdier launch) end up shafted, and that is not nice. I do not feel any of us are entitled to anything because some of us were Beta-testers (I only got into the definitively last Weekend Beta, for example), but as pre-ordering paying customers, yes, I do feel that we are. Sorry.

Edited by Noelemahc
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Ok im about tired of you and people like you. It is people like you that ruin gaming for people who want to come and not think about real life. Yes you are a fanboy cause you think any game that is not like WoW, is stupid and should not be around. Sorry but I am speaking the god awful truth. And no i do not have bad grammar. this is a forum. you can speak in any tone you want. i didnt think this was an english class. go to hell. im dont preaching the choir on this subject. this is why the community will falter cause of idiots. nuf said.


Finaly somone shut up the Spelling police!!!

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I'm sorry but I have to say the way MMOs manage server data sucks.


Characters can't take that much data and I'm sure most servers are all stored in the same facility based off of geographical location (East/West coast servers).


Giving us the ability of creating a character on one server and playing it on any of the servers located in the same facility as your server, could solve a lot of problems. The issue with friends and guilds is simply answered by having limited access to features such as guilds on a server that is not your "home" server. The way this works on other no budget Korean MMOs is simple and not could easily be replicated by anyone with half a brain.


It's not like additional bandwidth is needed to send data via a networks intranet, so cost is barely the issue. There are many many ways to go about doing a system like this, all of which are easy to do and don't require spending vast amounts of money that would cause them to not be cost effective.


If you REALLY wanted to not have long wait times, something truthfully could have been done.


Do I have any sympathy for taking all the crap Bioware is getting? Nope, and I also don't think much of anything was done to avoid this. Especially when this was pretty much just one example of what other no budget companies have pulled off to avoid issues where users couldn't play their character at all.

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double as to when i can transfer characters.


as a pre-order customer, with my early access, my characters were made on what is now the top PVE guilded server on USWest....


as a solo player, i'd very much like to move to a solo server.

Edited by Sonicgundam
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Kicked and re Q ed, waited 54 mins in a Q played for 2 hours and then re kick and Q 44mins once again, good work people, i would go to a less pop sever but my guild is here. we pick this when it was lite. But now everyone in a full server with 44 mins Q am i hearing this right Qs ? Old school wow people are trying to get away from this long time ago, and now it here,hope you guys are working on it because its geting realy OLD....
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If there are server queues, it means that more people made characters on a given server than it can reliably handle in a rotating schedule. Say, you have a thousand slots and ten thousand players with one or more characters on this server. Some play on the weekends and some play on the weekdays, some in the morning and some in the evening, but at some point there will inevitably be a moment when at least half of them will try to log on AT ONCE.


The big weakness is that for all the Early Access people, there were ridiculously few English Euro servers, and the first few waves all got shunted into all of them. I see a server list right now which is more than half made up of LIGHT load servers, but I the one I am registered on as an Early Accesser is way beyond FULL (300+ queue that isn't really moving ATM) and I do really not want to re-do the 13 levels of my Trooper on a different server simply because someone didn't do the math right.


Server transfers that DO NOT require you to survive the login queue would be an instant "everything solved magickally" solution without significantly increasing the server load. In fact, the server load will drop because the players will get smeared more or less evenly across the servers instead of the Gaussian distribution you have right now.


13 tropper maby you shouldnt have made a char on a allrdy full sever ? maby you didnt do the math right!!

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I support that statement. I would even pay for a transfer of my char to another server with less population /-:


Do you really think that if everybody got to move chars around that it would be any better than with the constant re rolling on different servers? It'd be worse, people would be moving all over and then there's no guarantee that it would be any better.


Look at it this way. You have a full server, you only need to drop so many people from it to make it normal again. What if everybody leaves? It becomes a light server, the new one becomes heavy, and everyone says they need 2 free server switches.


Fully at least 1/3 of all servers are Light load right now in NA. This is just people being stupid.


Wait it out. Sticking with your server will be beneficial for the most part. If everyone keeps moving then the problem follows the mob.

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Plus there's no grace period if you DC or at least it's too short for a typical PC if you get BSoD or something, so I just got booted during a flashpoint and now not only I wait in the queue, but also the clanmates, that are with me on the flashpoint are waiting too. Seems the queues are also in-game. Really nice.





Just happened to me... lost connection (first time ever) and back in queue... 1000 to go... 1½ hour wait. This is after having 2 error 9000 and one error 3...


Any chance that Bioware have an update on the server loads... I know you are opening servers, but people that are situated on a server, with guilds and what not... they are not likely to go...


Specificaly I'm refering to The Red Eclipse (EU)


Thank you for a great game, hoping for less error 9000 in the future :(

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I'm not starting over. I will wait in a Que for a little bit.





How bout offer a free one time transfer from a heavy pop server to a light pop server, but limit the request to only a few hundred per heavy server... OR open up the cap on the heavy servers a few hundred :)



Yes, no, maybe so?

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1 in 5 children are at risk of going hungry in America... and you all want to complain about your que times? Time to rethink your priorities...


1 in 5 children are starving and you feel the need to reprimand strangers on a forum. Nice example.

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Just Qued for 2 hours and just as i choose wich character to play i got an server error and went right back in a 991 people que again.... fix now please, it couldent have been that hard to realize that this would be an issue is been this way with every major MMO ever published. Get a grip BioWare you created the hipe around the game and now WE suffer the consequenses not you, do you realy think this is fair to paying customers? I would like to see what happend if a car manufacturer made a car only 20000 people could drive at any given time and dont piss me off by telling me there is no comparison BS.
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Please read the terms of service. There will be downtime and you agreed to it.


This isn't downtime.


The server they assigned our guild to is up and running.


The problem is they assigned way too many people to one server and didn't account for human nature/random people also joining the servers Bioware already assigned multiple full guilds to.


Despite what it is you see from your highhorse, your didactitc outlook has no bearing on the fact that they would actually like to keep customers, and when this many customers aren't enjoying your service, it's likely you won't see more money from them.


Whether there's a clause in the EULA or not regarding server down times.


Poor service is poor service.


Obviously a lot of people enjoy the game, but are having a hard time justifying continuing to pay, especially considering the feeble attempts to amend the situation that began a week ago - one which they had years to plan against.


I'm sure you're under the illusion they'd prefer one strong forum warrior such as yourself to paying customers, but luckily the majority of us have the luxury of knowing you're wrong.

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If there are server queues, it means that more people made characters on a given server than it can reliably handle in a rotating schedule. Say, you have a thousand slots and ten thousand players with one or more characters on this server. Some play on the weekends and some play on the weekdays, some in the morning and some in the evening, but at some point there will inevitably be a moment when at least half of them will try to log on AT ONCE.


The big weakness is that for all the Early Access people, there were ridiculously few English Euro servers, and the first few waves all got shunted into all of them. I see a server list right now which is more than half made up of LIGHT load servers, but I the one I am registered on as an Early Accesser is way beyond FULL (300+ queue that isn't really moving ATM) and I do really not want to re-do the 13 levels of my Trooper on a different server simply because someone didn't do the math right.


Server transfers that DO NOT require you to survive the login queue would be an instant "everything solved magickally" solution without significantly increasing the server load. In fact, the server load will drop because the players will get smeared more or less evenly across the servers instead of the Gaussian distribution you have right now.


What make things worse is, that BioWare was notified about this problem already in beta run - FAR to few English servers.


I stand here rather confused - how can a game, 4 years underway, several heavy beta-test load + Pre-Access load fail this much?


Instead of focusing all BioWare's team on pre-access party, get to your whiteboards and draw a solution that will last.


All the best to all of you.

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