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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Regarding server queues


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How about the time we spend waiting in the queue is taken off our subscription fee at the end of the month?, lets say $1 for every minute we wait... after all we pay to play, not wait around. Yes I bet Blizz are ROFL and melting Bio's faces.
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why not give a 5 minute period after a d/c to get back in without a queue (you can disable this for people who got booted because they were afk)? even 2 minutes would stop me and several guildies from having to again and again wait in a 1+ hour queue just because of a momentary collapse of our connection.
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Still no answer from BW :(


Yes I know it's still the weekend but come on lets be realistic here;


1 - Look at the amount of preorders this is a massive indication as to how big this game is.


2 - A little thought - ooo we got 1 mill preorders lets open 6 servers and set a low pop cap = bad thoughts from your soon to be paying customers.


3 - Wow this is gonna be a big game with all these pre-orders in I think we need to have a team active over the EGA weekend who can respond to questions raised, fix server issues but more importantly be honest with us.

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Freedon Nadd que: 2h 35m

Hex Droid que: 1h 55m


Since these are the servers my guildmates are on I will not roll a toon on different server, especially since I am a freaking guild leader!


So far this early access has given me nothing but frustration and irritation. If things will not change this week I will not buy subscription and will do everything I can to take my guildies back to the game we were playing previously.


I'm mad as hell because I spent my hard earned money on product I can't even access.

EA/BW should start refunding ppl.

After all they had all the data regarding numbers and server capacity a long time ago.


Very frustrated customer

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There trying to slow you guys down so that you all don't hit 50 by the 20th. On a serious note people keep saying "create an alt on another server" well that would be cool and all if all the servers didn't say full and have large que times but yea thanks for the suggestion seeing as most of us got place on our servers by Bio-ware them selfs.
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The biggest problem with this is that if you have your guild on full realm you just can't start playing on another....you want to play with your guild mates.


So why Bioware allow non guild players to overload servers with guild sets....make guild servers separated until you solve queue problems.

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Based on what Jeff wrote in his short "tweet" you can be pretty sure that he is so far removed from reality that this is the best he can do. The alternative would be that he simply didn't care or take it serious, so I am giving him the benefit of doubt.


Any Live team leader worth his lick would surely have said something like the following:

- Telling us that they are aware of the problem

- Telling us what the problem is, with numbers

- Telling us that it is their #1 priority right now

- Telling us that they have some suggested plans already, and are working on others

- Telling us what those plans are

- Promising to keep us updated every day with the progress on what those plans are

- And following through on this promise


We are not interested in knowing how "Sorry you are for any inconvenience caused", unless it caused you physical pain every time a customer had to queue we couldn't care less. We are interested in SOLUTIONS and FACTS, not UNDERSTANDING and APOLOGIES.


Monitoring the queues is what we the customers are already doing - for hours every day - cause we are stuck in them.


Telling us to create characters on lower population servers, where no other guild members or friends are located, for an MMO isn't a solution, its an insult.


Well said my friend, it certainly is coming across that they don't care about us.

They have their game sales but they don't have our subscriptions yet, so if you can hear us BIOWARE get a grip and sort this out.

Do you think SOE are sitting in the background dictating their PR team, as i recall they didnt give a S*** about their player base either.

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In the last thread some troll was saying people shouldn't complain because it is the weekend.



Nice point if it was valid in any way shape or form.


The queue's started on day 1, they haven't responded or fixed a thing all week, even going as far as even slowing down the opening of new servers, earlier this week, while each and every EU EN PVE servers was full for hours, filling up any new server they finally bring online within 45 minutes.


Besides that, they released some patch addressing an obscure crash problem last night. So they are actually working.



But again, the only 2 solutions to this mess is to either start giving realm transfers right now (and put new realms online if needed) or expand the capacity limit on the servers right away, rather then delaying it any further (which is something they planed to do anyway)




Bioware is spitting, slapping, kicking and scratching in the face of the players that gave them money even before the game was released and are most likely to play for the long run.




If this wasn't happening, I would likely have switched from WoW to ToR completely and right away, pushing and proding everyone I know to join me.


Now, I'm forced to go play wow, because I can't even enter this game and with these queue's, there's no way in hell I'll recommend the game to anyone else anytime soon.



My grumbling about the queue's, already turned some people away of considering to join in.




And another thing, why oh why allow the pre-registering of guilds, put them on realms and then make it so that they can't play together!

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Just to pin out one opinion ...


"If you don't have a super stable internet connection, or a fast internet connection, you don't need to be playing games like this. This game wasn't made for everyone, ESPECIALLY if you can't even bother to pay for an up to date internet connection."


I just cant understand this statement ... not for everyone? Strange! If I invested hudge amount of money, I want them back ... delivering mass enterteinment product! And that what MMO is! MASIVE Multiplayer Online! Concluding, this part of opinion is kinda sick!



"#1: this game IS NOT LAUNCHED. You're in pre-launch mode. EXPECT PROBLEMS!"


Agree, definitely agree ... but on 20th ...


"#2: You're not PAYING for a 'subscription' (yet). Again, you've got nothing to whine about. Yes, you paid for a GAME, but that GAME doesn't entitle you to play with guildies, friends, besties, girlfriends, wives, sons, daughters, parents, etc.... That GAME entitles you to play a GAME, which CAN be done, very easily, without queuing. I've been doing it all weekend long. Don't like the queue? MOVE ON, at least until it's fixed."


1. Dont know how others, but I have payed for the pre-launch! It was 8 euro or something like that .... fairly expensive "subscribtion" for 5 days, but OK! I wanted it even I expected problems ... so pre-launch is NOT free!


2. The game doesnt entitle you to play with friendz? What a ********!!! What than the MMO is about!!! MMO is in common a social network gaming!!! The author of this thoughts probably grew in forrest and suddenly got an internet connection. This part is probably the worse of all I have so far read! Total nonsence!


At last, my statement is quit simple ... its pre-launch, which means testing and running up. This means a lot of problems. I can bear with this even I payed for it and waited longer than 4 hours. Luck it is a weekend ... on regular day, I wont be able to play due to real life obligations ... SHAME!!!


But on 20th, I wont stand more than 5 mins que ... just simple as that. One que longer than that, and I go cancel my subscription ... Why? Simple, I do busines and I also have to deliver perfect service or product if I want to collect money! The same rule I apply anywere else ... If I am ready to pay for something, I expect it to be perfect ... otherwise its senceless to do any business, even MMO.


BW, EA and LA should bear this in mind, otherwise they lose hudge money and if I was the owner of this project, the responsible people would have realy hard time than after ... And I am pretty sure, those responsible people are very aware of this!

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just like to add imon legion of letto and i dont mind having a que


BUT wen it says thers a 1.30 min que and you hav wated 4 to 5 hours to get in this is very annoying



i also hav to move around thru the day so carnt use the same conection as im in a difrent location this is very iritating and ver annoying



mayb if it showed ther was a 5 hour que people wouldent stay in the que and just log for the evening but people think they will get in within an hour andd half so its worth sisting in the que this isent the case



spelling sucks sry and im mad and i carnt be botherd making effort if bioware dosent make an effort

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considering that this is only the early access players at the moment and queues for each server is ridiculously high some times, i don't want to know how it will be on release, the server population capacity is to low in my opinion and a solution would be more servers or update the server capacity, this early access wave queues are one thing but a launch date tsunami would be a problem.

Good luck Bioware :)

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They should at least disable new character creation for accounts that does not already have a character on the heavy populated servers. It does not help that more and more people join up on the full servers.




Atleast split the queues between Empire/Republic & showing the population of each Faction, i havent seen ONE republic yet at 31.

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if they don't fix this soon i'm out, cancelling my sub and going back to WoW. I bet Blizzard are lmaorofl'ing right now!


Fix it ffs! Been in a queue in five hours now and counting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


They also said they couldn't ever promise no queues at all. If not, then i'm out.. You obviously don't know what a good launch is, and you obviously don't know that people wouldn't want to wait even five minutes for a game they pay for, not to speak of FIVE HOURS

Edited by Aoussar
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Guys, try be realistic for a minute. And yeah, i play on Tomb of Freedom Nadd and i'm now in the 6th hour of queue with 360 more to go in front. So 2h more prolly.




Why? Couse they have ZERO CONTROL on how many preorders REMAIN. You could preorder, get a key and get early acces but in same time CANCEL your order at the store... so you get basic free game for 7 days, after that game over. Bioware acts in this belief, atm they have ZERO ideea how many of curent players are legit players and not jumpers for couple of free days .


They extended grace period for EA to 22 witch in my oppinion relating to this queue mess it's a big error and i'm 100% sure they will DO NOTHING till 23 december. After that they will see how many players they actually have. And maybe then they will rise server cap.

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well i paid for a 6 month sub started on the frostclaw server first day was fine, come the 2nd and third day and today and had queues ov over 900 to get in the server been waiting since 5.30pm to get on.


if this continues for much longer i will be cancelling my sub i aint paying to wait to play a game.

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