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Does TOR still have a viable playerbase?


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Yes there are still plenty of people playing, add all of the EU servers, US servers and Asiatic servers together and you have close to 500 servers. If you only have 2000 people on each server that is a million people.


How many people on fleet is only a small percentage of people playing the game.


What server has 2,000 people playing on it? LOL


If you take all the servers you mentioned and added up the entire player-base you would not even come close to having 2,000 people playing this game.

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200 servers x 50 people in fleet on average + 17 planets x 10 people on them average + say 100 people in flashpoints/ops/warzones and ships = 200*320 = 64000 and that's a generous one.


actually the concurrent is closer to 78,000. Concurrent does not equal subscriptions though. WoW only has 200k-250k NA concurrent. They have way more then 200k-250k NA subs.

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As the the title says. Does TOR still have enough players to keep going? Now I'm not trying to start any arguments, I'd just be really interested to know how many ppl still play.


Take right now for example, it's around mid-day on sunday and on the top 5 eu servers there are like 10 ppl in fleet. Funneling ppl together with the coming char transfers might make the few destination servers a bit more active, but can the game keep running with the current subscriber amount?


While I was in England recently I found it intresting most of the gamer mags and game info pretty much stated for the most part that the game consumers there have moved on or were fast losing intrest in SWtor . After talking to a few gamers they also confirmed it as well saying the populance was drying up fast. I was amazed how blunt the writers are in the mags about games .Something we just dont see in North America gamer mags. I cant even do any quotes because the filter on the site would block it all out.


EA's finacials will tell the true numbers later on in the year (4th quarter) Current quotes are just fluffed up numbers they dont include a true count of people that are paid up 6th months but have walked away and are not playing.Sadly that number is a bit high.

Edited by Kreedlore
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Speculation is pointless, by the end of June the active player base will be known. At the end of June, any server that does not reach at least Standard in Prime time can be considered to be a dead man walking and should be discounted from average population surveys as it would be safe to assume that accounts on those servers are unsubbed.


Actually after August ,dont forget all the free months added in to the 6th months. Some are up in July but there are many that run out in August. After the extra bonus's handed out. Ea's 4th quarter finacials will tell the true count of their numbers they are currently pushing now.

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Hi OP:


Sure, it has enough to be viable, but the business model may need to change from pay per month to F2P.


There just aren't that many people actually playing the game any longer, not by comparison to launch.


We can all argue about populations, but I'd be surprised if they had 500,000 active subscriptions right now.



Before launch they said that they needed 500,000 to stay afloat.

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In my opinion? Yes. I also play "The Lord Of The Rings Online". I have since it launched about five years ago. I can safely say that while I play on one of the most popular servers for that game, the server that I play "SW:TOR" on has way more players then that of the "LOTRO". I just started levelling a new character on the Jedi Covenant server. Dromund Kaas had 125 people on it on Saturday morning. I actually had to wait for some spawns, saw dozens of players out in the wild, and grouped several times. How many people do I see outside of instances in "LOTRO" and not in the main hubs? If I am lucky I'll see someone maybe once every 10 minutes. So yes. I think "SW:TOR" is still going strong. The game has only been out for what... 6, 7 months? I played "SWG" for 8 years. Give the game some time to wear itself in.
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Sigh, can people stop using the numbers in fleet as a measurement of the game? I have seen first hand a low number in fleet and a high number in the starter planets.


I am level 50 on my Jedi Knight and I am rarely on the fleet.


This game is not like WoW. Not everybody just sits and does nothing like people do in Org/Storm in WoW. This game is heavily marketed as a MMO with story and focused heavily on people who like to make alts. That is what most of the people I talk to are still doing.


This game is just fine, we just have way to many servers. I do not care what anybody else says. Going from over 200 light servers to at least 50 standard servers will make a giant impact on the game.

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Hi OP:


Sure, it has enough to be viable, but the business model may need to change from pay per month to F2P.


There just aren't that many people actually playing the game any longer, not by comparison to launch.


We can all argue about populations, but I'd be surprised if they had 500,000 active subscriptions right now.



Before launch they said that they needed 500,000 to stay afloat.


Agreed. "LOTRO" has a great F2P model. F2P with the option of P2P. Obviously you get more perks with P2P then you do with F2P, but the option to become P2P is there. That and the use of micro transactions still brings in a steady revenue, yet the ability to play for free is an option for everyone.


Either micro-transactions, F2P, or some form of reward system for staying subscribed (monthly rewards) would entice players to continue playing and paying.

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As the the title says. Does TOR still have enough players to keep going? Now I'm not trying to start any arguments, I'd just be really interested to know how many ppl still play.


Take right now for example, it's around mid-day on sunday and on the top 5 eu servers there are like 10 ppl in fleet. Funneling ppl together with the coming char transfers might make the few destination servers a bit more active, but can the game keep running with the current subscriber amount?


Anyone spewing that SWTOR has 1.3 million subs is hog wash and completely delusional. Just like BW tried to feed us crap that people are just not logging in as much since the launch of the game and everything is fine and dandy. That's why we saw the massive layoffs at BW.


1.3 will be the test, lets see how many people will jump ship once 1.3 rolls out.

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Yes, in my opinion there is no doubt that there is a very viable player base. A serious error was made very early on. The management in an effort to apease the chorus of people complaining about server ques set up way too many servers, this led to a reduction in players to server ratio.


With upcoming server transfers there is a good chance this problem will be greatly lessoned.


This is my view, there is a viable player base, its just spread over 200+ servers when it should be spread over 40 or less.

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Sigh, can people stop using the numbers in fleet as a measurement of the game? I have seen first hand a low number in fleet and a high number in the starter planets.


I am level 50 on my Jedi Knight and I am rarely on the fleet.


This game is not like WoW. Not everybody just sits and does nothing like people do in Org/Storm in WoW. This game is heavily marketed as a MMO with story and focused heavily on people who like to make alts. That is what most of the people I talk to are still doing.


This game is just fine, we just have way to many servers. I do not care what anybody else says. Going from over 200 light servers to at least 50 standard servers will make a giant impact on the game.


People use the fleet numbers as a gauge, if I had 250 people on the fleet prime time a month ago. And I only saw 50 last night, that's a pretty good gauge that the server has lost players. Add in also that it went from a heavy / very heavy status, to light / standard.


Only 2 servers are rocking 100+ players on the first couple of starting planets, Fatman and Jedi Covenant. And that's because everyone is re rolling off there dead servers, trying to find other people to group and play with.

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Yes there are still plenty of people playing, add all of the EU servers, US servers and Asiatic servers together and you have close to 500 servers. If you only have 2000 people on each server that is a million people.


How many people on fleet is only a small percentage of people playing the game.


I agree, we just need to get those people together, in a few less less servers, there are allot more people playing this game than allot of people think, I can't be on 24/7 so I have no idea what other times of the day looks like on all servers.

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O great another doom and gloom thread. Will people please stop doing these they get old.


Yes SWTOR has enough people playing just too many servers 1.3 mil subs last roll call, and yes they might of gone down by now so it should be sitting either at 1mil-1.1mil.


And it will easily attract more people because there is so much you can do with the IP that is SW like pazaak, 3d space, guild capital ship, etc.


There is more you can do with the IP, though until there is gameplay footage and announcement it is coming out its all wishful thinking.


And futher its a wonder if any of it will arrive in time to keep attention on the game- or if any of the "horizontal" content will even ever arrive at all.

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you know today I stopped by the local McDonalds at lunchtime and there were only 10 people in there... a few months ago when I was there there were 20 people or more there at lunchtime... therefor it is safe to conclude that the population of this city is dropping fast and it will soon be a ghost town
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you know today I stopped by the local McDonalds at lunchtime and there were only 10 people in there... a few months ago when I was there there were 20 people or more there at lunchtime... therefor it is safe to conclude that the population of this city is dropping fast and it will soon be a ghost town


Or that the people found something much better to "eat".

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