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Does TOR still have a viable playerbase?


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Considering the game has 1.4 million subs and they stated they only need 500k, I think it's fine.


Oh look biodrone trying to lie to himself.


Last honest population report said that there are at most 1.3 milion active subscriptions. After they added 30 free days.

Edited by Adderdin
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Considering the game has 1.4 million subs and they stated they only need 500k, I think it's fine.


While there "maybe" that many subs, on my server last few times I have bothered to log in, the total server populations has been less than forty. So NO this game does not have a viable playerbase,


I know when my six-month sub (yep, I am an idiot) runs out I will not be counted, and I am sure many other people who subed for six-months have no intention of resubbing to swtor. Then I guess the fanboys will have to count the f2p players to pad the number of subscriptions.

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Considering the game has 1.4 million subs and they stated they only need 500k, I think it's fine.


this number was inflated 3 months ago when it came out. its way below this now,i wouldnt be surprised if it was below 500k by now

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Speculation is pointless, by the end of June the active player base will be known. At the end of June, any server that does not reach at least Standard in Prime time can be considered to be a dead man walking and should be discounted from average population surveys as it would be safe to assume that accounts on those servers are unsubbed.
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Does TOR still have a viable playerbase?

The serious concern for me, is after all these years of people overusing the word "viable" in 95 different contexts, is can I even take you people serious anymore.


Viable viable viable viable viable lol lol lol omg omg omg viable nerf buff viable zomg.

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Considering the game has 1.4 million subs and they stated they only need 500k, I think it's fine.


1.3m at last call, personally I'd be surprised if they currently have more than 500,000-800,000 actively played subs (which isn't the same thing as active subs of course).


But more importantly it isn't what the next official subs number is, it's more the trend....... have the put enough in game to stabalise subs and then have then done enough to start growing subs a bit.

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Yes, in my opinion there is no doubt that there is a very viable player base. A serious error was made very early on. The management in an effort to apease the chorus of people complaining about server ques set up way too many servers, this led to a reduction in players to server ratio.


With upcoming server transfers there is a good chance this problem will be greatly lessoned.

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Yes, in my opinion there is no doubt that there is a very viable player base. A serious error was made very early on. The management in an effort to apease the chorus of people complaining about server ques set up way too many servers, this led to a reduction in players to server ratio.


With upcoming server transfers there is a good chance this problem will be greatly lessoned.


These are my exact thoughts, also the news of Super Servers, has me excited.

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that was before they launched the game in 38 new countries, keep up with the doomsaying please:rak_03:



This launch in new countries doesn't say anything.


They could've purchased the game from the release on via download platforms or something like that.



I doubt the 394 new copies sold there make any difference.

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Yes there are still plenty of people playing, add all of the EU servers, US servers and Asiatic servers together and you have close to 500 servers. If you only have 2000 people on each server that is a million people.


How many people on fleet is only a small percentage of people playing the game.


It's 1000 at the utter most on my server, and most that I know. If not lower... if I was to take a specific guess I'd say my server runs with about 600-700 active subs.

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I understand the economic implications of not making the theoretical 500k, but much of the hype seems to revolve around a need to be playing the most popular MMO.



nothing theoretical about 500k BW said it

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This launch in new countries doesn't say anything.


They could've purchased the game from the release on via download platforms or something like that.



I doubt the 394 new copies sold there make any difference.


No, you're probably right. As you keep writing over and over and over and over again into every single topic at the German forums: this game is dead.

Edited by Cretinus
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200 servers x 50 people in fleet on average + 17 planets x 10 people on them average + say 100 people in flashpoints/ops/warzones and ships = 200*320 = 64000 and that's a generous one.


but see.. that would be the number of people playing...not the number of subs...


that is a huge difference in numbers..how many people are still currently subbed but cant log in everyday?


i know i cant.. my wife cant.. we wouldnt be included in your averages ... its a false number as well.. which is why estimating is completely impossible to get an accurate number..its always way to high or way to low

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Its only what 6 months after launch? We have yet to see the major content updates that im sure they are workin hard on once we start seeing big updates we will probvlably see tons of players returnin and there alot of subs that simply dont play 24/7 i play like 2-3 hours a day. Problem is the market has been over saturated with mmos this past couple years we got WoW,DCUO,Lotro,AoC,Rift,,Tera, and GW2 right around the corner possible neverwinter nights incomming . there alot of MMO's out there and they are simply forcing smaller player bases upon these games.MMO are not meant to be jumped back and forth too pick one like it stay loyal to it.:rak_01:
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but see.. that would be the number of people playing...not the number of subs...


that is a huge difference in numbers..how many people are still currently subbed but cant log in everyday?


i know i cant.. my wife cant.. we wouldnt be included in your averages ... its a false number as well.. which is why estimating is completely impossible to get an accurate number..its always way to high or way to low


I completely agree, it's just a way of saying that 1.3 million is no longer a case.

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nothing theoretical about 500k BW said it


Not theoretical they said it, but theoretical what they need to sustain. Is that a worst case scenario number for them or a comfortable number? Was that a figure with their pre-nerfed staffing or post-nerf? ;)

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