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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Same gender relationships clarifications?


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Sounds like it's probably time we started to rattle the cage again.


Honestly, I don't see the point, we got absolutely zero replies by making noise on the forums, we had to repeatedly send in questions on-line at the guild summit to finally get some information on it, so tbh I think the only thing we will do is gather more hate and be called 'vile, entitled and spoilt' as we have been referred as by many.

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I honestly wouldn't even know how to contact Bioware for clarification on this, but I do know what the reply would be:


Check our website for more information on up-coming content! Thank you for playing SWTOR! Did you know you can invite friends now? etc.


Or they'd be very patronizing and say they're awfully sorry, but these things take an awfully long time to develop and yes it really is a terrible thing that this wasn't in the game at launch and they've awfully sorry and blah blah blah...


Oh my god. They're politicians.


Bioware are nothing more than upper class toffs who think they can appeal to the masses. It's all so horrifyingly clear now. I require soap.

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Honestly, a bit of information about this would be nice. :/ They haven't given any updates for months and this year's not getting any younger. Any ideas on how we could go about this in a good way which won't make us seem like spoiled brats? Because it really feels like we've waited forever T-T
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Bioware are nothing more than upper class toffs who think they can appeal to the masses. It's all so horrifyingly clear now. I require soap.


See also; Mass Effect 3: the Extended Cut, aka Mass Effect 3: the Polished Turd.


Yeah, it's harsh, I know, but as as a fan it's certainly hard to feel appreciated when primary concerns are rarely if ever adressed...


Sounds like it's probably time we started to rattle the cage again.




See if you get my "subtle" double-meaning. <...<

Edited by HellbirdIV
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See also; Mass Effect 3: the Extended Cut, aka Mass Effect 3: the Polished Turd.


Yeah, it's harsh, I know, but as as a fan it's certainly hard to feel appreciated when primary concerns are rarely if ever addressed...






See if you get my "subtle" double-meaning. <...<


Yeah, maybe it's time we do something like the Retake movement for ME3: make some noise and hope somebody will come around looking what all the fuss is about.


SGRA it has been always on BW games, so it's definitively unthinkable why they're not fixing the issue asap; BW game should be all about story and lore, not only mechanics and game play: if all go down to mechanics and game play, SWTOR will be only another MMO in a game theater already full of options. And they will fail.

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The part about story content coming "in the next year or so" worries me, though. I know that time period includes the rest of this year, but if BioWare goes back on its statement that new story content and SGRs will happen this year, I'm going to be really upset. I understand that things don't always go as planned, but they shouldn't have made that statement if they couldn't back it up. We shall see. :(


that upset me a ton

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See also; Mass Effect 3: the Extended Cut, aka Mass Effect 3: the Polished Turd.


I really do get the feeling that they have stopped reading this thread. There's another alternative but it's a rather unsavoury thought, so I won't share it :/


Still no word from Comic Con? I thought it was over by now, it is Sunday after all.

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Which fansites are covering the information that Bioware/EA are providing? I want to get the Comic Con spin without the extra translation spin required to get this on the site (if they actually do put it on the site, which they won't).
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Still no word from Comic Con? I thought it was over by now, it is Sunday after all.


The companions panel is on later today and is scheduled for 11.45am local time. If you're in the UK, they're eight hours behind us (I think), so it'll be late evening.

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The companions panel is on later today and is scheduled for 11.45am local time. If you're in the UK, they're eight hours behind us (I think), so it'll be late evening.


No the US is eight hours behind us, wrong way round, the UK is Greenwich Mean Time or as it is now British Summer Time, which is +1 GMT, you are -8 GMT.

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Which fansites are covering the information that Bioware/EA are providing? I want to get the Comic Con spin without the extra translation spin required to get this on the site (if they actually do put it on the site, which they won't).


Someone will record it, every other panel has been.

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No the US is eight hours behind us, wrong way round, the UK is Greenwich Mean Time or as it is now British Summer Time, which is +1 GMT, you are -8 GMT.


I think I didn't word that as well as I might have. To clarify: I'm in the UK. By "they" I meant "the people at Comic Con in California", who will be eight hours behind GMT as you state.

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Best case scenario: look, companion customizations!


Worst case scenario: What's an SGR?


My hopes, they are high :/


I'd normally try and alleviate your pessimism, but I think I'll join you in some instead.


*gives you both a [Hug of Moral Support]*

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I'm really hoping for some progress on this, they've been telling us it's on the way since January or so. And 3 major patches later, still nothing. Not saying I'm unhappy with the Legacy system and such, but I would really like to see this move forward, as my Scoundrel is NOT interested in a boyscout like Corso in any way, shape or form =P
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I'm really hoping for some progress on this, they've been telling us it's on the way since January or so. And 3 major patches later, still nothing. Not saying I'm unhappy with the Legacy system and such, but I would really like to see this move forward, as my Scoundrel is NOT interested in a boyscout like Corso in any way, shape or form =P


Give me Dark Side Jaesa and the Fem!SW, I'll be a happy little bunny then.

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I'd normally try and alleviate your pessimism, but I think I'll join you in some instead.


Even if Bioware did care anymore, I'm starting to think that EA are leaning on them in some form or other. Maybe to be "less controversial"?


Sadly the only in-put we seem to getting on this thread is: Since the old one reached our post limit, here's a new thread! Gee whizz Bioware! Thanks for making a new thread, since you really paid attention to the last one! etc.


I'm just feeling bitter over the entire thing after I realised "this year" doesn't apply to a calendar, but rather an magical twelve-month period. And not the good kind of magic that summons rainbows, either.

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Best case scenario: look, companion customizations!


Worst case scenario: What's an SGR?


My hopes, they are high :/

Gotta disagree with you there. :o I say, best-case scenario is "SGRs are coming in (patch number), and here's the list of SGR-enabled companions." Worst-case scenario is "We're not doing SGRs." As with most things, the truth will likely be somewhere in between.


That best-case scenario would have me very happy, possibly with cheering and/or a happy dance if Mako and Kira are on the list. :D


That worst-case scenario would have me mailing out items I've stowed to my guildmates, saying goodbye to them, and quitting the game. :(

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Gotta disagree with you there. :o I say, best-case scenario is "SGRs are coming in (patch number), and here's the list of SGR-enabled companions." Worst-case scenario is "We're not doing SGRs." As with most things, the truth will likely be somewhere in between.


That best-case scenario would have me very happy, possibly with cheering and/or a happy dance if Mako and Kira are on the list. :D


That worst-case scenario would have me mailing out items I've stowed to my guildmates, saying goodbye to them, and quitting the game. :(


Same here to be momentarily realistic.

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