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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

What does your crew do to pass time?


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Jorgan- testing weapons. Window shopping for weapons online. Rummaging in my ftrooper's unmentionable's drawer. trying not to get nagged by dorne.


dorne- also goes to brony forums. Secretly has holovid conferences with a jedi shrink about her OCD.

ill think more as they come

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Ok, I thought some more about Ayang (smuggler) and her crew.


Corso - just makes out with her all the time. They're both young and kinda immature, though they do really love each other. They're sort of like April and Andy from Parks and Rec. I think he probably likes having Ayang show him pictures and stuff from her past, he seems like he would think that was sweet.


Bowdaar - "Oh Ayang I was a slaaaave!" So was she, and mostly she gets annoyed that he harps on it all the time - but sometimes they get drunk and cry about it.


Risha - All girl talk, all the time. Taking apart the ship droid. I feel like she reads a lot, too...probably says she's reading something deep and literary but really it's whatever the galaxy's equivalent to Twilight is. She's Team Edward. Ayang is totally Team Jacob. They fight about it.


Akaavi - Teach everyone how to swear in Mandalorian.


Guss - Watches the equivalent of trashy VH1/MTV reality shows - Teen Mom Calamari, It's A Trap...Of Love, etc.

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[ in order of the character companions i have so far]

Sith Marauder:

Vette- searches for leads about her missing family, pesters Quinn, then girl talk with Jeasea.

Quinn- polishes medals, laments about the man who ruined his career, yells at Vette, keeps clear of Jeasea and Pierce.

Robot Butler- clean, and whatever else people tell it to do for fear of being dismantled.

Jeasea- spazes out due to her mental instability, girl talk with Vette, obsess over why her current master doesn't "want" her.

Pierce- rigs bombs for personal amusement, upgrades weapons, day dreams about stuff to blow up.


Sith Assassin:

Khem Val- sharpens his weapons, thinks about how things have changed since his time.

Pirate[forgot his name]- gambles, drinks soda, polishes his blaster pistols.



Rattaki[ again i forgot her name]- booze, sabac.



Javiac- drill practice, and broods.



Corris: Booze, refuel jet pack, gamble

Robot Butler: cleans the ship.

Rhisa: plans the next big heist.


:D:cool: Raidan:sy_lightsaber::sy_lightsaber: Icarus-Kender :sy_empire::sy_consular: Monatzuma :wea_09: Doyon:sy_blaster: Wan-Jin:sy_armor::sy_havoc:

Edited by SAM_WOLINS
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Well, for my Imperial Agent it would be:

Kaliyo: Drinks herself silly, uses money from my bank account, tries to remove Ensign Temple's innocence, whores out on Nar Shadda and tries to contain Vector in a jar.

Vector: Huddles in a corner and talks to himself. Avoid Kaliyo at all cost.

Lockin: Makes lot's of monkey alien space zombie invaders. Lots. Tries to invent more potent bug sprays to get rid of Vector. Plays with my crimson rakghoul.

Ensign Temple: Paces around practicing the most witty things possible for those republic scum, while still being proper of course. Likes to associate with Kaliyo. Likes my Legacy Taun Taun.

Scorpio: Watches "1000 ways to die." Often.

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T7 screws around playing Super Star Wars.

Kira bugs Doc.

Doc is fending off the constant teasing of Kira and also hangs out with my Smuggler sometimes.

Rusk acts as guardsman, sometimes playing Pazaak with Lord Scourge.

Scourge just bugs everyone about sith rules.

Finally, C2-N2 is secretly plotting the downfall of his master via Alderaanian nectar, but however T7 and soon enough, HK-51 is keeping him in check.

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Smuggler: facepalming himself over telling his wife risha that she should try finding her friend vette (when he did there was a really awkward moment when vettes husband turned out to be that sith that the smuggler regularly beets the crud out of in huttball)


Corso: putting clumsy moves on akaavi who is really anoyed by the "i'll protect you" bit corso specializes in. also loves playing with my smugglers weapons while he isnt looking. also likes playing sabacc with guss and bowdarr.


Bowdarr: anoying c2 with regular and unreaonable demands for alderaanian nectar. sort of weary around my friends trandoshian companion named qyzen.


Risha: anoying smuggler with constant finacing issues. Has a problem with running up smuggler holo bill with constant calls to her old friend vette. Basically any old houewife.


Akaavi: reading mandalorian childrens books (smuggler took a peek and was a little disturbed by the graphic detail it goes into) and acting annoyed around corso when he tries to flirt with her.


guss: getting an online certificate of force mastery (not going well) playing sabaac with smuggler bowdarr and corso

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Smuggler: facepalming himself over telling his wife risha that she should try finding her friend vette (when he did there was a really awkward moment when vettes husband turned out to be that sith that the smuggler regularly beets the crud out of in huttball)


I just pictured that meeting and laughed my butt off :D

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Doc spends most of his time giving my Fem!Knight very in depth *ahem* physicals. ;)


hehe it's a given most toons spend copious ammounts of time doing things like that ;)



on all my ships, wednesdays are clothing optional days. no exceptions. fridays are the drinking nights. once a month we hold silly hat days.

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Khem Val: Polishes his vast collection of Yn and Chabosh relics when he's not working on his memoirs of Tulak Hord.


Andronikos: Pilots the ship when needed, spends the rest of his time drinking and playing Pazzaak.


Ashara: Hangs out with her man, when she's not angry at him for being such a Darth sometimes!


Talos: Catalogues all the artifacts and other priceless things we've acquired! Also helps Khem Val with his writing.


Xalek Spends his time honing his skills and coming up with new tactics to dispose of his Master's enemies (and quite possibly his master! He's Sith after all!)

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Captains log 13/June:

Gault has me concerned recently. He has been sulking in his cabin a little too much. I know that he was very saddened by the events on Quesh and he does try to show a brave face since then but he's lost his sneaky verve. He has taken to carving a new horn from a chunk of carbonite he chipped of our latest bounty. The horn has me worried, I still have scars on my Butt from the Mistress of Pain.


Captains log 14/June:

My darling Mako has cabin fever I think. Tired of endless games of "I spy with my little eye" as we sit next to each other travelling the lanes of Hyperspace she has gone to sulk around Torian. I had to request the driod move to a chaperone position, I don't intend to let that Mandalorian get his paws on my Mako. So far the droid reports it's been innocent, mainly the dumb lug doing sit ups and various other workout activities.


Captains log 15/June:

The Droid was quite eager to tell me about weird little noises coming from Torians bed. Blizz was apparently searching his room for salvage, caught red-handed trying to do something to the Mandalorian's pillow. We have confined the little guy in the holding cell for a few days, the noise is quite unbearable on this tiny ship. The nice thing is with Blizz and the Driod now watching Mako and Torian she is less at risk.

Edited by Bhaers
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Khem:Trying to figure out how to bring tulak hord back into the living .


Xalek:Plotting to kill me and Ashara


Andronikos:Trying to figure out why talos collects and gives artifacts to muesuems when he could sell them for credits



Talos:At a digsite looking for ruins


Ashara:Trying to figure out how to use force lightning



Ship droid:Has no free time because he is my slave.

Edited by Zanderwright
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Well for me it's:

Zash: Plotting to kill me.

Xalek: Plotting to kill me.

Khem: Plotting to eat me.

Ashara: Plotting to make me a Jedi.

Andronikos: Plotting a course on the ship.


As for my Agent:

Kaliyo: Gambling over the holonet (like on one of those poker sites), watching bad action movies and finding "friends" to lose a couple of hours with.

Vector: Communing with the hive and maybe talking to diplomatic contacts.

Lokin: Researching, managing his secret resources and listening to holonet radio for audio dramas and classic music from Dromund Kaas.

Temple: I spend most of my time with her as my DPS, but I'd imagine when I'm not there, she could be reading romantic novels or looking up the Imperial version of Yahoo; it has casual and serious news, along with various articles on lifestyle (such as romance and relationships).

SCORPIO: Also plotting to kill me.

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Well this is all i know so far about my troopers crew:

Elara Dorne: Buys Kolto, Heals the other troops, Keeps pictures of me under her bed.

Aric Jorgan: Keeps weapons loaded, Does other weird cat things.

whatever the robots nave is: talks to himself about things i dont want to say

Tanno Vik: I have no clue what he does and i dont care as long as he doesnt blow the ship up

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Corso: Plays sabbac with Bowdaar for hours on end. If he isn't, then he's getting drunk on whiskey and reminiscing about his times back on the farm, and if he isn't doing that, then he's sloppily playing a generic string instrument and singing corny folk songs in a drunken manner.

Bowdaar: Either playing sabbac with Corso or penning his memoir, titled: "I WAS A SLAAAVE".

Risha: When she's not hacking into comm channels to eavesdrop on rich people, she's relentlessly filing every single piece of loot my Smuggler brings home and calculating the profit from each mission vs. the cost of medical and repair bills, the total effort it took, stims, travel costs, food, water, laundry, etc. or coming up with complex schemes to earn vast quantities of money and power. These activities are occasionally punctuated by furious fits of cleaning.


Haven't gotten ships on my other two characters yet.

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