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Dead Server and I'm not transfering?


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I have a problem with being asked to transfer from a low pop server to one that's got a heavy population and which after all the transfers could become full. I don't want to have to queue, that's why I try and go for medium pop realms. Unfortunately for SWTOR there is no medium, it's heavy or dead.
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I have a problem with being asked to transfer from a low pop server to one that's got a heavy population and which after all the transfers could become full. I don't want to have to queue, that's why I try and go for medium pop realms. Unfortunately for SWTOR there is no medium, it's heavy or dead.


Man people do complain about everything... :rolleyes:


I've hardly even see actual queue's for servers. "Full" does not nesessarily mean at capacity.


And....what no one is paying attention to: Sever cap is being raised.

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I'm more worried about my friends that I hope will come back one day then myself, if I leave with a free transfer, and they resub 6 months from now, will I have to reroll on their server... yet again...


Well, my wife and I don't play much, but when we do so it's cooperatively and we like being left alone. From the looks of it, our server will get the wrecking ball soon, so those blissful days could be coming to an end.

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Well, my wife and I don't play much, but when we do so it's cooperatively and we like being left alone. From the looks of it, our server will get the wrecking ball soon, so those blissful days could be coming to an end.


My family plays together, so I consider being on lower population servers to be a good thing. Also, of the two servers we play on, one was a feeder to the other. When BW decides to turn off the lights, it'll just be time to move along to something else then. For now we've got the playground to ourselves.

Edited by AramusTor
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If your on a dead server and you do not transfer what happens? The way I see it the population is already small, if people start getting free transfers off of the server the population is only going to get smaller. Will they merge servers? Will they force me to transfer?


Yes, eventually (maybe weeks, maybe months) you will be forced to transfer because your server will be closed. There is absolutely no point in doing any of this if they don't eventually merge/close the origin servers. Not only that, there is also no point in doing this unless they turned off new/first time character creation on these origin servers as well. If they haven't done that yet, it's coming any day now.


Better to transfer now. You won't waste a few more weeks/months on a dead server, you will have a better chance of getting the name you currently have, and you are going to be forced to do it anyway, eventually.

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Eventually they would bring in the wrecking ball and evict you just like the little old lady in the old twilight zone episode. She didn't leave and decided to delete her character instead at the suggestion of Robert Redford (death). A cool episode.


Indeed. It sucks because its nice not dealing with brats interfering with your game but it can only last for so long.

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It might be my imagination but last night I thought they turned off some of the lights on fleet.


One upside is there is no camping orakeet egg spawns anymore. Stock up before you transfer.

Edited by Owsley
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Well as of now i am the ONLY person on Fleet, and there are 25 people on the entire server.


My legacy name is taken on Ebon Hawk as is my main char's name. I started playing in early beta to avoid this crap.


I can't stay, and I don't want to go. I guess the ride is over.


Was fun while it lasted.

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It might be my imagination but last night I thought they turned off some of the lights on fleet.


One upside is there is no camping orakeet egg spawns anymore. Stock up before you transfer.


On my original PVE server there are often only 12 people on the sever at any time now, maxing to around 25 during the evenings, and yet most times I log in and look to see, the unusual egg is not there.:rolleyes:


I am enjoying exploring all the imperial parts of the planets, although I do occasionally meet up with imperial players who stop and look twice. It is peaceful, it is fun.


And when I have had enough and feel like company I log into my other server which is Tomb of freedon nadd and chaotically busy.


I am still undecided whether to transfer to the Red Eclipse, we'll see. :) I quite like it as it is.

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You have been given a chance to move to a server that will have more population than your current server. And you will not take that chance for some reason (pride? laziness? fear of losing your "unique" name? etc.)


Of course you will be left in a "dead-er than dead" server.


Make your choice.


If you already had 8 characters on the server you'll be transfering to, you really don't have a choice. Either kill all the new servers characters or kill your old ones. That's not helping customer satisfaction at all!

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Well here's a situation I'm in that makes the OP's question a good one. I rolled several toons on Server A and got them to level 50 then suddenly that server became a ghost town. So I rerolled on Server B and Server C because neither were dead but neither were high population but both had friends I could join in adventures with. Now all 3 servers are transfer servers all with Server D as the destination server. So between Servers A, B and C I have 14 toons. All of which are levelled or geared enough that I'd still play any one of them. We can only have 8 characters per server, so 6 toons will be left stranded.


my same situation :(

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actually with the game going f2p till 15 next month where do you think most of those poeple will be trying the game out at. Also there are people who refuse to leave a server no matter how many are actually playing unless forced i saw it in wow, everquest and other mmos ive played people can come really attached to a particular server.


This is so true!! my dad won't move his characters and he's trying to rally up the last 22 people on the server to revolt and all should guild up and stay LOL pretty funny.... however, on the other hand, he can't move his characters since the server he's suppose to goto is already full with 8 characters all over lvl35

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You have been given a chance to move to a server that will have more population than your current server. And you will not take that chance for some reason (pride? laziness? fear of losing your "unique" name? etc.)


Don't want to be on a rediculously overcrowded server for no real advantage?


Pretty sure they are basically merging without saying it for PR purposes.


That, or because there are only 8 character slots but some people have more than that on the multiple origin servers. My money is on the latter.

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The transfer is not mandatory. Bioware had to implement it in order to appease all of those players who were screaming "My Server Is Dead, My Server Is Dead, Bioware Do Something, Serenity Now !!" So they made a good on the fly decision in my opinion. For those that PvP or need to PuG, the free transfers were a blessing. However, seeing the current technologies that are available and the emerging technologies, I think a lot of those that transfered because they thought they had to for some reason rather than because they actually had a need to or a desire to so, may end up doing a /facepalm why did I transfer.


First off, just because everone jumps ship and now the server has a low pop doesn't mean the server will be automatically culled. Look at WoW and how many dead NA servers they have in operation still.

Server Data Centers are not like what they used to be 10 years ago. They are very energy efficient and it is quite easy these days for a small group to manage a very large pool of servers with the admin resources they have at their fingertips which didn't exist 3 years ago.

Second, when they hinted at "Megaservers" I didn't think they meant cramming everone on to one monster of a server or even several monster servers. That would not make sense at all performance wise particularly over the long term with the periodic influx of new features and content.

My take on it is that "Megaservers" = "Distributed Hiarchael Data Centers" whereas a scalable cluster of servers appear to the end user as One Monster of a Server. There are serveral technologies already out there that do this.

Essentially what this will mean to the player is that the servers name list will someday dissapear. They will still be there but there will be really no need to display them to the end user except for perhaps a means to identifiy players in the UI from one another who may appear to have the same name. All the end user would need to see are the zones and server types such as West Coast PvP, East Coast RP-PvP, etc. and select accordingly only if they were rolling a new toon. Something like this brings a lot of good features to the table for end users. For example it eliminates any need for a cross realm LFG because all servers of a type and zone are part of the same same unified communications back end in the distributed hiarchy, The same with the GTN, you can have a huge and vibrant economy with this type of system. On your login UI, all of your 50 character slots would be grouped by zone and server type and therefore eliminate the need to add additional slots on a per server basis. With the distributed hiarchael system, load balancing will be a snap and dymanic population performance tuning will be much easier and would have the potential to virtually eliminate overall lag even on low end systems making the game more playable to a wider audience = more long term subs. A system like this also increases the likelyhood that you can have the character name and legacy name of your choice without having a conflict. Because the servers in the cluster have a unique ID all objects on that server are unique even if there is an object with the same name on a different server. When you go to create a character name or legacy name, the back end scans all of the servers that are part of the same zone and server type cluster for a match. If that name exists on all servers then it prompts you to pick a another name. If one of the servers in the cluster does not have that name then poof, name object created.


As for me and my crew, we are just going to remain patient and wait and see what happens. Hopefully we will get more hints what Bioware is planning as soon as they digest all of the post transfer data and feedback.

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I love when an admin kills my thread and says a similar thread is close enough.


Like the money I pay per month isn't enough to pay for a few extra web page bits !


MY POST : http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=4697804#post4697804


One of you actually said this was an opertunity to move to a server with more population.... Really because my server was one of the few that actualy had medium pop (not low like all the rest) !


So What Bioware you think this kind of CR@p is suitable behavior ?


Maybe I should create a new toon on each of your transfer to servers and spam in every channel free server transfers to my server.


So what next ? am I going to get server admin red text spam selling Viagra and other BS ?




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I love when an admin kills my thread and says a similar thread is close enough.


Well it is close enough. And there were some major errors in that post:


This server used to be fully functional, I had quick pvp Ques and lots of players to group up with.

Now it's empty because you stole all the players away. I haven't been able to PVP in 4 days. There are almost no items on GTN, and the items I post do not sell.


Exactly how fully functional? Did your server reach Heavy?


Moving our clan is not as simple as you make it sound. It's going to take lots of coordination between members. It also risks us getting split up into different servers as players move around.


No, there is zero risk of people splitting up. Everyone from your guild can only move to the same server.


Why would you pull the players from a sever with a medium level of traffic ? Why not one of the low traffic ones to here ?


Because a medium level of traffic is still a lot lower than a high level of traffic. They moved a lot of low traffic ones.


One of you actually said this was an opertunity to move to a server with more population.... Really because my server was one of the few that actualy had medium pop (not low like all the rest) !


The servers that became the destinations were medium (or higher) population ones. And now they are Very Heavy/Full.


So what next ? am I going to get server admin red text spam selling Viagra and other BS ?


What is next is that you calm down and transfer to the destination server you were offered, you will be able to do more PvP and the GTN will be full.

Edited by Arlbo_Nabbins
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I can't speak to the rest of the post, but Rubat Crystal was definitely a healthy server. The idea that you have to be Heavy to be healthy is new, strange, and wrong. (If it was right, then TOR has about eight healthy servers now.)


Servers have personalities, and it's a shame to lose them, but it's too late now.

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I can't speak to the rest of the post, but Rubat Crystal was definitely a healthy server. The idea that you have to be Heavy to be healthy is new, strange, and wrong. (If it was right, then TOR has about eight healthy servers now.)


Servers have personalities, and it's a shame to lose them, but it's too late now.


I'm sure there's a lot of wasted money in maintaining low to dead servers. Consolidation is smart. And now your larger, mixed community server has ever MORE personality.

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I'm sure there's a lot of wasted money in maintaining low to dead servers. Consolidation is smart. And now your larger, mixed community server has ever MORE personality.


Yeah, so MUCH personality it is hardly worth logging into.


I have one lone character on a server that was one of the highest population servers out there. It ended up as a destination server.


I still log into this character every once in a while to try and offload Underworld Trading and Slicing schematics on the GTN. (For those that might care, I am waiting to see if there is anything worthwhile to do with the character.)


It is such a slog to try and load this character now that the server is so full. Lag is horrendous, and even with only 200ish people on fleet. I guess the rest of the server is sooo stuffed, that the game has to chug to even load one character.


I don't get to see anything "behind the curtain," but from my point of view this is looking like either listening to the wrong players, OR poorly thought out and/or implemented. But that is from the perspective of someone who didn't see a problem with server populations before (this isn't saying there wasn't any... Just I had the fortune of playing on servers where I didn't see any problems), so take it all with a grain of salt.


Now... If they would just get around to solving my Legacy Name conflict, I could transfer and get away from the constant SysAdmin "warning" about server transfers available. Because after logging over 6 hours of game time after the transfers became available clearly means I missed the message, every half an hour to hour...

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From another thread:

if BW had given us free one time traditional transfers people would have popped all over to whatever they "thought" was going to be a good server and we would have ended up with with one or two decent servers with most of the population still scattered all over... a giant cluster **** if you leave it in the players hands and it would have ended up being the same as before the transfers...


I agree tho it would have been better to just do forced mergers but even then you would have just as many people complaining they were "forced" to do something as we have people complaining they are on dead servers because they don't want to move now


right now tho anyone who chooses not to move deserves no sympathy when they complain... it's like you being stranded on a desert Island, I land in my helicopter and say I will pick you up but only drop you off in NYC and you refusing the ride because you don't like the Yankees... people still on dead servers have no one to blame but themselves.

So much truth in this so much truth... But they'll still find a way to blame BioWare...

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