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RP-PvP "Lord Calypho" - Excluded from Transfers...


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Before i go out for work i checked my lv 13 Vanguard at Tomb of Freedon Nadd .. 06.30 morning UK Time there was 68 people in republic fleet LOL ... i played 2 times 10-49 warzone then logged out. This is more then LC-Friday , Saturday nights ...


I want equal rights like everyone else. I am also customer even you dont solve our issue right now, i ll pay for transfer when it comes. In both cases your RP-PVP server wont last. Why you dont solve our issue now ?


My advice is give 2 options to make everyone happy :

LC ------- > PVP - Tomb of Freedon Nadd

LC--------> RP-PVE


or ;

Merge all rp-pvp servers, im ok with german and french words in chat in general.. voulez-vous coucher avec moi ? ... Raus Hans , scheisee bier bitte .... it is ok to me rather then playing on a empty server. We have russian that use kiril on general chat anyway, i wont bother :)


Noone from other servers are going to whine for 2 server choices you give to us. Our situation is exception and we are waiting an ACTION !!


Do not abandon us , all we want is to enjoy the an mmo game like everyone else, is this too much we asking for ? :(

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I agree with most of the posters.


We have a few possible choices:

RP-PvP --> RP-PvE

RP-PvP --> PvP



Merge EU rp-pvp servers together.


Don't make me play on a dead server where there is only 20+ people on the fleet during the PEAK time! (more and more are leaving... soon it'll be 10)

Also: Do I really want to reroll again?

If I'm paying for service... I'm waiting to get what I am paying for.


If you BW decide to make us PAY for transfer off this ghost town... You can count me out from the customer group, I will cancel my sub immediately.


I'm a polite person and I always handle my affairs politely... But now... I'm getting a bit concerned about your customer "service" for rp-pvp's.





I couldn't have put this better myself, so I'll just say: What he said!

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I don't see how this is a complicated issue. Just make Lord Calypho a destination server for BOTH RP and PVP servers, it'd solve everything, get both types of players in. Simple fix. Just do it. Please.


I bet their system doesn't support that option and they have no capacity to fix it now or anytime soon. OR some corporate suit is sitting on an approval...


Maybe would be easier to move us manually. The server's dead anyway. Not many people there to move.

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Tomb of Freedom Nadd report: Players running around naked and jumping over my character for 20 minutes and have stupid names like "i see fat people"... this is not a way i wanna play the game and i am sure people who came to LC are having the same opinion. Edited by al-mar
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Tomb of Freedom Nadd report: Players running around naked and jumping over my character for 20 minutes and have stupid names like "i see fat people"... this is not a way i wanna play the game and i am sure people who came to LC are having the same opinion.


i guess all mature and intelligent players are already gone. Sinking ship is sinking. Derp.

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Tomb of Freedom Nadd report: Players running around naked and jumping over my character for 20 minutes and have stupid names like "i see fat people"... this is not a way i wanna play the game and i am sure people who came to LC are having the same opinion.

Well yes not exactly what you want, even if you are not a RP player there are reasons why you roll on a RP server. Often the playerbase is more mature and more friendly. Even if im not a RP player myself, i appriate that you dont see to many "bad" names, it is more likely that there will be some events of any kind.

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Tomb of Freedom Nadd report: Players running around naked and jumping over my character for 20 minutes and have stupid names like "i see fat people"... this is not a way i wanna play the game and i am sure people who came to LC are having the same opinion.


I have a 50 on lord calypho. When server started dying i started a new on republics on freedom nadd. I see no difference in either RP or playing (php) or anything.


The game has been 100% utterly complete the same, on both servers. No differences whatsoever. There was no more RP going on at calypho unless you specifically SEARCHED for it, which i did not.

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I wasn't even aware of the existence of this thread until an hour ago. I just kept refreshing the eligible servers list, waiting to finally see Lord Calypho's name across The Tomb of Freedon Nadd and/or The Progenitor. It hadn't even crossed my mind that the only acceptable solution to the vast majority of our minority wouldn't be as obvious to Bioware as it was to me.


We signed up for a server with three properties: RP, PVP, and English language. Now it's impossible to create a sustainable community with all three of these properties. Personally, I don't mind giving up the RP aspect for the other two. Others may be okay with giving up the PvP aspect. Those who speak one of the other server languages may be fine with giving up the English aspect, I suppose.


However, among these three properties we have chosen, most of us are completely powerless to change only one: the language we speak. Merging the RP-PVP servers into a jumble of people who don't even remotely resemble a community, who can't or don't even communicate with one another and merely mooch off of each other just to get group content done is most certainly not an acceptable solution.


As with everything involving numerous people, you will of course never be able to please everyone. Yet no matter how long you delay the process, you will also never come up with a solution which pleases as high a percentage of players as the obvious one who popped into your head the moment you were faced with the issue (barring solutions which would require an absurd amount of work for minuscule differences).


I guess I really have to spell it out. Give players a realistic choice between keeping their preferred server attributes and remaining on an extremely low population server, letting go of the PvP aspect to move to a relatively higher population server, and of course giving up the RP aspect to move to a mega-server to play the game and use its upcoming features the way you intended them to be used.


Hit the nail on the head with an Ion Cannon, couldn't agree more.


My question to you all: as a community on one of these three servers, what ideal solutions do you folks have in mind? I'm not saying we have the capability of doing anything, but I genuinely want to hear your thoughts.Thank you!


With 19 pages of opinions since you asked yesterday what our thoughts are, I think we all would like to know what the developers actual opinions on the subject are.


I am very greatful that we finally got some acknowledgement from you guys that you were paying attention to this thread, but answering our questions with another question is not, what i think we are looking for.


Short of a definative answer on when something would be done, I am really curious to know as to why there is any difficulty in the first place. Is it a hope of yours to preserve the RP-PVP server because you do not think it is fair to the people who rolled on it to abandon it. Or is it just logisticaly difficult to have us all tranfer off to different servers.


What I am trying to say is that if we are not to get an answer soon on when something will be done because you're not sure what will make us happy is posible. How about telling us what is possible in your apinion and then gauge our reaction to it.

Edited by oathran
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I have a 50 on lord calypho. When server started dying i started a new on republics on freedom nadd. I see no difference in either RP or playing (php) or anything.


The game has been 100% utterly complete the same, on both servers. No differences whatsoever. There was no more RP going on at calypho unless you specifically SEARCHED for it, which i did not.


I have played on Lord Calypho since the 20th of December, now also reside on Tomb of Freedon Nadd server and I totally agree with Narblazu.


RP-wise there is definitely no difference, unless you are a die-hard Roleplayer. Playerbase can be considered a bit worse only because there are generally more people playing, thus overall there are also more vocal idiots and you hear random bull from them more often. That's just what you inevitably get, when you want to play with more people.

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My guess is that BIOWARE will open transfers to al servers in time. And once the new patches are launched the game's overall reputation will improve and more gamers will become interested.


Lord Calypho is not in the character transfer atm but its the only RP-PvP Englsh server in the GMT/UTC timezone - that is actually pretty promsing on its own in the long run.


Your guess is just that - a guess. My guess is as good as yours and it is that nobody (or not enough people) will decide to transfer/come back to an underpopulated RP-PVP server with no perspective of transfer out. New players will avoid it as well when they see the difference between populations in our server and current destination servers. If my friend was about to start playing the game my first advice would be "go roll on a high-pop server, the amount of people playing is far more important than server type".


If there are transfers in future and they are paid - many people will not pay a fee either because they have too many characters and it's simply too expensive for them or they will not support a decision to make us pay for something that everyone else is getting for free.


Lord Calypho is not going anywhere. if you are so committed to our specific type of gameplay (RP-PVP) nobody is forcing you to transfer. You may sit there and wait until you have a viable population thanks to something that may or may not happen "in the long run". But please allow transfers for all others who don't want to invest their time and pay their money for a shadow of a game they could be playing and make them count on something that is so uncertain.

Edited by vandana_
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Still waiting for news.


Lord Calypho is now utterly trashed when it comes to population.


We could use some answers and action!


I'm getting bored with the game here! :mad:

(And I'm quite sure that I ain't the only one...)

Edited by Aelrindel
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Hi folks,


I've seen a lot of back and forth from RPers that want people to stay on their servers and from people that want to option to transfer out to a different PvP server. There are, understandably, concerns on both sides.


My question to you all: as a community on one of these three servers, what ideal solutions do you folks have in mind? I'm not saying we have the capability of doing anything, but I genuinely want to hear your thoughts.Thank you!

Good to see this thread is actually being monitored :). I am on Lord Calypho (1xlvl50, 2xlvl13) and I've been reading this thread but haven't commented so far. Btw did a search through this thread and on a quick glance most of the references to the word "stay" seemed to be either people suggesting allowing those wanting to stay the option to do so, not them saying they wanted to or in relation to "stay on topic".


I don't know about the numbers on the non-English RP-PVP servers or the any of the European RP-PVE ones but suspect they are not the highest, so I suspect any option to consolidate some or all of them will not give a regularly full server (ignoring the possible language issues to get groups working well). So it may mean that those on these servers (standalone or merged) will have to accept a lower population than some of the others if they want to keep the RP part going not that I've seen much/any myself.


I'm not an RP'er but like a lot of the others I rolled on here as an new mmo player as I suspected they'd be a bit more mature/friendly and to get to grips with the game without being attacked by people constantly.


Like a lot of the others have already said, I would think the best option would be to allow those on the RP-PVP servers to move to a PVP server of that language, and then merge the rest in with the RP-PVE (which I suspect is more of a standard PVE server anyway) server of that language. It won't make everyone happy but as I saw 6-12 people on one of the fleets on LC early yesterday evening I doubt there'll be much choice soon. This way you can try and keep the RP designation if you want.


As an aside, I suspect there will be a slight surge in numbers on LC when 1.3 is released but I suspect it will only be a very short term one so please don't make any decisions based on server population at the point of the 1.3 release as it'll misrepresent the usual population and probably make those of us here who want something done even more annoyed/fed-up.



I think the area you'll see split between us LC players is those who have hit lvl50 and not re-rolling any new characters and anyone else. As people have said PVP isn't too bad on LC but I see it getting worse as numbers drop. The real issue I see is when you're playing through with a non lvl50 character and have no chance of getting groups together for the group area/heroic quests which discourages re-rolling and I suspect will shorten the time people will keep active subs.

Edited by TheRealEtw
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Hi folks,


I've seen a lot of back and forth from RPers that want people to stay on their servers and from people that want to option to transfer out to a different PvP server. There are, understandably, concerns on both sides.


My question to you all: as a community on one of these three servers, what ideal solutions do you folks have in mind? I'm not saying we have the capability of doing anything, but I genuinely want to hear your thoughts.Thank you!


My thoughts are that new players will not select Lord Calypho to roll a character on because they'll see its light population. Hence, its population will not grow after transfers have been executed. People will not transfer to LC for the same reason.


Because no transfers are allowed on or off LC, its population will only shrink as people exit.


The solution is to allow LC players to transfer to a PVP or RP-PVE server.

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This situation is a tough one, I love the server Lord Calypho, and all though the population is low the community is brilliant,there's always PVP going on and don't have to que for long, also filling a ops group usually isn't a problem. I wouldn't want to leave the server unless I really have to and wouldn't go to a PVE server but would like people to be transferred to the server instead. Id liked to have seen a set of PVP servers with there destination server as Lord Calypho adding population. I don't think the people from the PVP servers would mind this to much as Lord Calypho is still a PVP server(flame on if you must).


in a nutshell

Origin Destination

PVP server - Lord Calypho

PVP server - Lord Calypho

PVP server - Lord Calypho

PVP server - Lord Calypho

PVP server - Lord Calypho

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Originally Posted by laserbak

RP-PvP (Lord Calypho) --> RP-PvE (The Progenitor)

RP-PvP (Lord Calypho) --> PvP (Tomb of Freedon Nadd))

I'm onto it. That would be the best solution

...and only solution i see.

And PvP (Tomb of Freedon Nadd) --> RP-PvP (Tomb of Freedon Nadd) ;)

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This situation is a tough one, I love the server Lord Calypho, and all though the population is low the community is brilliant,there's always PVP going on and don't have to que for long, also filling a ops group usually isn't a problem. I wouldn't want to leave the server unless I really have to and wouldn't go to a PVE server but would like people to be transferred to the server instead. Id liked to have seen a set of PVP servers with there destination server as Lord Calypho adding population. I don't think the people from the PVP servers would mind this to much as Lord Calypho is still a PVP server(flame on if you must).


You can't make people from PVP go to RP-PVP. Believe me - they would mind and I can't even imagine how much QQ it would bring.


I understand you love Lord Calypho. I love it too and it makes me sad that I need to leave it. But you are in denial. Make a character on Tomb of Freedon Nadd and compare the population.


Accept the fact that our server (along with sufficient demand for RP-PVP) is dead. You can't hold people here by force (i.e. denying transfers) against their will. They will quit the game / those more patient will re-roll somewhere else.

Edited by vandana_
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