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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

State of the Game: My Opinion (Please share your thoughts)

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Hey Erin. While your talking to Matt about the CTRL+F thing, throw on the list CTRL+A (I'm not sure if it was mentioned or not...too lazy and tired to look it up, truth be told).......With my Jedi, I have that bound so it casts my freeze target ability, but at the same time, it turns on and off Ambient Sound. Thank's, and Keep up the great work!


Don't the 1.3 patchnotes say that Ctrl+A and Ctrl+M were entirely removed from the game anyway? Not that I ever even heard an effect of Ctrl+A.


Now what I'd pay for is a "toggle voice" shortcut that also disables ducking, since the announcer in Huttball is a darn annoying *wad (the starred out thing would have been the front of a mosquito, but let's just say "idiot").

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It actually is a very high priority. Identity is incredibly important in an MMO and we're always looking at ways to help players better express themselves and facilitate strengthening that identity.


You list some very thoughtful suggestions, and while I can't promise any of those things will ever happen, we definitely appreciate your feedback and take it seriously.


However, I'm happy to let you know that we do have plans for extra customization coming in the near future. For instance, companions will have all the match to chest options (as well as hide helmet) that a player has, and those settings will store per companion. Obviously some companions won't get the benefit of this feature (i.e. Khem Val, SCORPIO, etc. - anyone who doesn't really wear the armor you give them), but you won't have to stare at multi-colored Aric Jorgan anymore - that's gotta count for something. :)

High priority to you guys is taking the servers down every night to deploy more patches, to continue to break the game, cause you guys can't seem to get it right on the PTS, and don't seem to listen to the valued customers at all. GG at failing BW:( I can't wait for tonight.. to see night 4 of maintenance and more crappy one liner patch notes..

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Hey Erin. While your talking to Matt about the CTRL+F thing, throw on the list CTRL+A (I'm not sure if it was mentioned or not...too lazy and tired to look it up, truth be told).......With my Jedi, I have that bound so it casts my freeze target ability, but at the same time, it turns on and off Ambient Sound. Thank's, and Keep up the great work!


Hmm... I seem to remember taking that out. Is this occurring in 1.3? I just checked the code and it appears to be nuked.

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High priority to you guys is taking the servers down every night to deploy more patches, to continue to break the game, cause you guys can't seem to get it right on the PTS, and don't seem to listen to the valued customers at all. GG at failing BW:( I can't wait for tonight.. to see night 4 of maintenance and more crappy one liner patch notes..


Ehm, what went wrong on the pts? I've found no problem in 1.3, it's been smooth and i havn't seen no buggs so far.

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1. Customization needs to be a higher priority.[/size]

-Specifically, we need more options and it needs to be MUCH easier to customize our characters. In a game with an actual storyline, we're supposed to feel an emotional connection to our character. In order to do this, our character NEEDS to feel like an individual. I currently don't feel this way. I don't feel that I have created my character's appearance. I feel like I have done the best I could with what is available, but I don't really feel unique. This is especially true in the early levels.


If I were to put the game's current level of customization on a scale from 1 to 10 with 10 being along the lines of APB (custom body proportions, face scaling, custom textures and other things), I would place SW:TOR at about a 4. I would like to see it at about a 6 or 7.


Suggestions to fix the problems with customization:


-I would also like to see a voice pitch feature, which would allow us to raise or lower our character's tone of voice.

-A larger number of options at character creation would also be appreciated. For example why are Humans the only ones with facial hair options? A separate facial hair option would be nice for cyborgs and any other species that can have it.

(Snipped to use the points I wanted and bolded where I wanted to focus more.)


You make some great points here!!

That first bolded point is a great summary for how the character creation leaves me feeling.

It's like being handed a box of 50 Legos of only 3 colors and being told "You can make anything you want!"


I have to agree that SWTOR would be about a 4 on the customization scale, especially when compared to something like APB or Second Life (or City of Heroes or... *GASP* ...Star Trek.

I mean, really... we're gonna let STAR TREK beat STAR WARS in something?!?!? ;)

I'd love to SWTOR bring it up to a 6 or 7, but I dream about it being a 10.


The voice pitch thing would be awesome too... I remember that being a sticking point for some people early on.

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High priority to you guys is taking the servers down every night to deploy more patches, to continue to break the game, cause you guys can't seem to get it right on the PTS, and don't seem to listen to the valued customers at all. GG at failing BW:( I can't wait for tonight.. to see night 4 of maintenance and more crappy one liner patch notes..


This is why we can't have nice things. Do people who honestly think responding to dev/community posts with this sort of stuff makes them want to get more involved in the community? Your post doesn't even have anything to do with this topic...


SWTOR has it's issues. The poster above summed some of them up very succinctly, and I am fully in agreement that we need more customisation, particularly on the initial character creation. Barber shop would do me just lovely, already meh over my initial hair choice.


Helpful posts like this that can be forwarded and red by devs can only improve the game as a whole. Jumping on every piece of yellow text going WHAAR IS MAAI CANDDIII doesn't get results.

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I cannot help but be sad about the group finder. While the idea is sound, there is a problem within the server that I am on. You see everyone transfered out with the free server thing and now there is is no one on TerroBlood, the acution house is empty. Now I have eight toons and have got all the crafts covered. However, only three are topped out and can supply the others. But this is a real issue because I cant get things for the other toons. Also it is a joke and I repeat a joke to que up for either pvp or this new group finder. Simply because there is never more than 2 or 3 at the fleet and rarely anyone but your self on a planet. I have spent the last week alone in the black hole. Something needs to be done. At least in world of warcraft they pooled the people for the dungeon finder from all of the servers. Not that SW should copy from world of warcraft but there has to be an answer for the group finder. Maybe you should not have so many server because most of the time when I do look most all servers are light. So the percentage of people playing are servers is not good. Come on we need answers here.


Wait... what's stopping you from transferring?


Your suggestion is that there be less servers, and the whole free transfer thing is expressly provided to solve this issue. So, go ahead and transfer?

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Thanks again for all the support and comments, and please continue to share your thoughts.


I wanted to add one more thing I thought of:


In the GTN when looking at an item to purchase, it should show an average price so you can tell if the seller is being fair or asking too much. Not only does this help stabilize prices, but I would like it as a seller so that I can know if I am asking a fair price for items I'm selling. I'd suggest that the average be based on all sales in the last three days, or at least the last couple hundred sales for items that don't get as much traffic (like specific pieces of equipment). Or maybe just allow us to specify how the average is calculated.

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Thank you for the constructive comments.


I started playing SWTOR on the Asia-pacific servers, 2 weeks ago all 3 were in the world top 10 populations, post 1.3, our numbers would not have gotten us into the old top 10 and we are outside the current top 20 and falling fast.


These numbers may be inaccurate as we lost 5 prime time nights play over the 2 week period. Shortly I will be rerolling on a top 5 US server and abandoning asia -pac. Almost zero pvp pops outside of 10-11pm local is not good enough to subscribe.


To my suggestion; Prior to the total collapse of the asia pac servers, please implement cross server pvp queues. We are not ever getting offered transfers back to the big servers, please consider us in your plans.

Edited by Elkirin
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Some of the crafting resource missions are very expensive when you consider the cost of the mission vs. the odds of you getting that rare resource you are looking for. In the 20's you could easily spend 10's of thousands of credits without getting a single rare.


You can also almost always simply buy that rare off the GTN for a couple of thousand.

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Say what you will about the game (and I know you all will...) but there is one massively shining beacon that has placed the SWTOR Team above the other MMO's I've been involved with in the past...


When I place a bug report, I get confirmation that it has been seen and not sent into the nether to float endlessly unresolved. Typically within 15 minutes I have either a brief conversation with a Live Agent in-game, or I have an email in my in-box.


Yeah, the email could be automated, but not the live conversations. And so far, each live conversation has been with someone who is knowledgeable about the game and about the issue.


Part of building something new is interaction with the customers. The voice of the customer is a powerful tool and gives a MMO company more than just an extra set of eyes to find issues but a unique perspective on those issues.


While I may not agree with a number of things about the game, I can not fault Bioware for not trying to make it better.

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I would love to have more customization options, especially post character creation and access to all those armor appearance via orange moddable gear that didn't cost a fortune to move mods around on. Maybe crafting could be all about making those orange moddable versions of gear?


I'd also love some chairs and couches people could sit on in cantinas and props they could use, place down, or simply hold. Chat bubbles to locate people easier in crowded rooms when they /say or /emote. Cross faction custom emotes.. and so on.


Ahh well, some day maybe!

Edited by ProsaicProse
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