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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

State of the Game: My Opinion (Please share your thoughts)

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It actually is a very high priority. Identity is incredibly important in an MMO and we're always looking at ways to help players better express themselves and facilitate strengthening that identity.


You list some very thoughtful suggestions, and while I can't promise any of those things will ever happen, we definitely appreciate your feedback and take it seriously.


However, I'm happy to let you know that we do have plans for extra customization coming in the near future. For instance, companions will have all the match to chest options (as well as hide helmet) that a player has, and those settings will store per companion. Obviously some companions won't get the benefit of this feature (i.e. Khem Val, SCORPIO, etc. - anyone who doesn't really wear the armor you give them), but you won't have to stare at multi-colored Aric Jorgan anymore - that's gotta count for something. :)


Thank you tons for speaking up Matt, I really enjoyed hearing you speak up as AdeptStrain on the SWG forums & am glad that you are finally talking here , I hope to see more of your posts in the future.

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It actually is a very high priority...


Make it higher...alot higher. Like so high it doesnt cost me hours of grinding to have the cosmetics of the outfit I want...what you have now can NOT even come CLOSE to comparing to the ease, appeal, flexibility, and customer satisfaction of an appearance tab... TOR isnt even a poor cousin. Translation...it sux.

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It will also save some pointless mod-swapping for those of us who like to see our companions' faces without having to do weird stuff like getting a Jedi "headband" and modding that for Elara Dorne, Tharan Cedrax, Nadia Grell etc., ...


Thumbs up, and hope this man gets his code live, and gets a pay rise too!


I didn't mind getting the jedi headband on the Pub side, but dear sweet Sith....the Imperials have some terribad headslot options if you have any desire to see your companions' faces. I was seriously considering the viability of Social 5 on all my Imperial characters so I could um....get slave collars for all my companions. As, sadly, the most unobtrusive headslot option available, since I couldn't quite see several of them in either the Ulgo circlet or the Hoth headband. Malavai Quinn in the Hoth headband.....HAH! The slave collar, on the other hand......he might end up in the that, regardless of headslot options ;)


The companion options can't come soon enough! Whoohoo to hear confirmation on them!

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5) Giving players the ability to change appearance in-game after the character creation scheme.

7) Giving players the ability to change character and legacy names?

I personally think these are quality of life features that would most rival 1.2's customizable UI in terms of overall positive impact on personalizing the gameplay experience. Edited by GalacticKegger
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-Remove the credit costs to unslot modifications, allowing us to change out pieces of equipment for free.

-Remove faction and weight class limitations from all armor.

-Make all armor become adaptive, so that it acts as the highest weight class available to a character, (allowing anyone to wear any armor, provided they meet the lvl. requirements and whatever.)

-Make an orange Custom class version of ALL models of armor available.

-Create some kind of dye system that allows us to choose the colors of our armor, and if possible our weapons. (This needs to happen as soon as possible, at least for armor.)

-A larger number of options at character creation would also be appreciated. For example why are Humans the only ones with facial hair options? A separate facial hair option would be nice for cyborgs and any other species that can have it.

-Oh and of course the ability to put any hood up or down.


Could not agree more with this list of changes. The character creator is so inredibly limited its just completely frustrating. Its people's first impression of the game and the connection with the character is probably one of the most important aspects of the game due to the story element.


Then, once the character is created, actually making them wear what you want and be the way you want is near impossible. The entire game of customising your character is about making the best compromises and getting what you're least displeased with, as opposed to having a vision for a character then being able to create it.


Armor dyes need to happen. The match-to-chest option is so incredibly limited. Yes, i get it - the chest piece is the hardest to get, but its irrelevant. There are so few coloured variations of different chest pieces that chances are you wont be able to get the colour scheme you want anyway.


There are also far too few orange armours. We should be able to get the appearance of every single piece of armor in the game. There are so many green lower level items that look awesome that just dont have an orange version of them. Likewise the NPC's all throughout the game wear some of the best armors in the game and the players have absolutely no access to them (the marauder PVP set without the scuba-tank and spikes, for example), as well as numerous colour variations that we cant access because of the limited match-to-chest option.


Lastly the set bonuses need to be move-able for ALL tiers of PVP/PVE gear, not just campaign/warhero that the majority of level 50 players wont have. The second a new player hits level 50 if they dont want to sacrifice stats they have to suffer through several tiers of some of the worst looking end game gear in history until they can get to a point where they can look like what they want (a point i would bet very few players are at atm).


All in all the entire time playing when wanting to make the character how you want - for me anyway - its always been "oh this looks awesome... too bad i cant look like that for one of a dozen different reasons... ill just have to make do with this as it looks ok and not completely terrible".

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I personally think these are quality of life features that would most rival 1.2's customizable UI in terms of overall positive impact on personalizing the gameplay experience.


Provided they don't cost some insane price in the Legacy tab. No haircut ever cost me thousands of dollars, and I've had some nice hair cuts.

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It actually is a very high priority. Identity is incredibly important in an MMO and we're always looking at ways to help players better express themselves and facilitate strengthening that identity.


You list some very thoughtful suggestions, and while I can't promise any of those things will ever happen, we definitely appreciate your feedback and take it seriously.


However, I'm happy to let you know that we do have plans for extra customization coming in the near future. For instance, companions will have all the match to chest options (as well as hide helmet) that a player has, and those settings will store per companion. Obviously some companions won't get the benefit of this feature (i.e. Khem Val, SCORPIO, etc. - anyone who doesn't really wear the armor you give them), but you won't have to stare at multi-colored Aric Jorgan anymore - that's gotta count for something. :)


I want to share my thanks as well for you taking the time to reply to this thread, it is much appreciated. I am concerned that the focus on character customization seems scattered. Customizing a pet should be very low priority compared to better customization for my playable character.


Again, thanks for the reply!

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Character Perks!


Why in the world do we pay all these credits to unlock the character perks and they aren't even GLOBAL! The point of having a legacy system is that it effects all of your characters, why would you make the ones that effect them the most be individual!!!? I"m extremely disappointed that the perks you unlock aren't for all of your characters. I just spent most of my credits on the perks on my main, b/c she has the majority of my credits. She's not going to use all those perks i unlocked until there's more leveling to do. It just makes sense that the character perks would be global, b/c otherwise you are spending the credits you need for a speeder, leveling up skills, and buying better armor on all of your characters. Also, and this should just drive it home: if it's part of the legacy system, isn't that supposed to help and tie all of your characters together?? I thought the whole point of a family tree was so they were all affected by each other, not just by chapter buffs and the "OTHER" tab for the characters is not impressive, i've yet to use any of those b/c they're so expensive and do not aid me in any way that i would want for my characters. I was looking forward to the character perks b/c they would "help customize the leveling experience for your characters."


Make character perks global!!!

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Make character perks global!!!


I'd like to second this, but do realize that they're not global so we can purchase them at a cheaper price. I may not want all of my characters to get the PvP XP bonus unlocked - just one or two of them. This method allows for that to be done at a cheaper price.


However, I think it should be offered as an option (at the appropriate price).

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any chance we could customize the "acquire focus target's target" keybind? right now its locked to CTRL+F, and there is no way to change it in the Keybinds menu. would really like to be able to rebind it to something a little easier to press


Hey Cashogy,


Matt pointed me in the direction of this request, and it’s very easy for us to do! I've asked that it gets added to one of our upcoming patches, so keep your eyes on the patch notes!





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I'd like to second this, but do realize that they're not global so we can purchase them at a cheaper price. I may not want all of my characters to get the PvP XP bonus unlocked - just one or two of them. This method allows for that to be done at a cheaper price.


However, I think it should be offered as an option (at the appropriate price).

I like this idea -- an option for a (probably hefty) "lifetime" price to unlock a perk for your whole Legacy, vs. per-character purchases. Perks like the XP gains make a lot of sense for individual characters (if you play them differently), but stuff like quicker speeder acquisition? Who wouldn't want that across all characters (if you're going to buy it at all)? :D

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Ctrl+something shortcuts get massively easier to use by swapping the Ctrl and CAPS keys. (Some games get this wrong by having broken input handling, but luckily SWOR gets it right.)


Make character perks global!!!


They're called character perks, and IMO, most aren't even that expensive, all things considered. Making them global would devalue them immensely, since a single L50 char casually running dailies and a few flashpoints for a week or two could easily unlock all of them.

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Good post.


I'll add a few notes on some of the issues:



- Overall, I'd give it a 2 on a scale of 1-10. For Jedi, a 1 one would be generous. You can look like Obi-Wan Kenobi... or if you save all your pennies and work really hard, you can look like.... Obi Wan Kenobi.

- I'd give the quality of the artwork an 8. The problem is that we have very good artwork of very bland and repetitive designs.


Crafting (Synthweaving and Armormech specifically):

- Why are purple resources so hard to find? Even blue and white resources sell for more than the items that they are used to make.

- Many high level items look exactly like low level ones. There are often (always?) generic vendor trash items that look exactly the same as what you can craft.

- Crafters should be able to make gear comparable to the best gear in the game, and be able to make looks that can't be purchased. This should have been rule #1.


Social Points:

- A completely fubar system. Very high numbers are required to reach ranks above 1, yet most "group" content gives a handful of points, sometimes literally none at all. The fact that Esselles/BT farming is the only moderately reliable way to get social points should have set alarm bells ringing in developer meetings.


this is my problem with the game as well plus

no housing

ships are static and have no personal touch

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Hey Cashogy,


Matt pointed me in the direction of this request, and it’s very easy for us to do! I've asked that it gets added to one of our upcoming patches, so keep your eyes on the patch notes!






the fact this should have been in the game from start makes one question the powers of management. and the fact its easy further makes one roll their eyes.

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any chance we could customize the "acquire focus target's target" keybind? right now its locked to CTRL+F, and there is no way to change it in the Keybinds menu. would really like to be able to rebind it to something a little easier to press


I cannot help but be sad about the group finder. While the idea is sound, there is a problem within the server that I am on. You see everyone transfered out with the free server thing and now there is is no one on TerroBlood, the acution house is empty. Now I have eight toons and have got all the crafts covered. However, only three are topped out and can supply the others. But this is a real issue because I cant get things for the other toons. Also it is a joke and I repeat a joke to que up for either pvp or this new group finder. Simply because there is never more than 2 or 3 at the fleet and rarely anyone but your self on a planet. I have spent the last week alone in the black hole. Something needs to be done. At least in world of warcraft they pooled the people for the dungeon finder from all of the servers. Not that SW should copy from world of warcraft but there has to be an answer for the group finder. Maybe you should not have so many server because most of the time when I do look most all servers are light. So the percentage of people playing are servers is not good. Come on we need answers here.

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I want to share my thanks as well for you taking the time to reply to this thread, it is much appreciated. I am concerned that the focus on character customization seems scattered. Customizing a pet should be very low priority compared to better customization for my playable character.


Again, thanks for the reply!


aggre with this as well we want dyes we want them ausome useless green gear to be able to make gold sets of them ect my pet dont matter i matter im the one playing the game trying to relate to my toon not your pet that u premade

options plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

his reply was to the devs responce

Edited by TheLordMagnus
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Great post, but I did not see any references to the inclusion of sandbox elements. Crafting, social interaction and open-world PvP could be greatly enhanced with the addition of sandbox elements.


Hybrid MMOs are the future.

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Great post, but I did not see any references to the inclusion of sandbox elements. Crafting, social interaction and open-world PvP could be greatly enhanced with the addition of sandbox elements.


Hybrid MMOs are the future.


maybie when they have a grip on the game engine we can see that

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Swtor Devs: I love this game, but there are many things you need to do in order to bring in more users.

1. Add more npcs: review sites have said that the game worlds in swtor feel empty do to lack of npcs. For example: some say that courscant should be more heavily populated due to the fact that there is a large city.

2. Add more pvp and warzones: I don't care for pvp that much, but many people do. Lack of pvp really drives gamers away. If you want more users, don't go light on the pvp.

3. Add more (and longer events): many people are saying that your events are too short (the ragnark one I believe-excuse my spelling.)

4. Add more endgame content/raise level cap: many people leave swtor because they say there isn't much to do after they get to lv.60.

5. Make enemies move around: Some review sites have complained about how enemies just sit in one place instead of moving around and "patrolling".

Thanks for your time, and I hope you take my ideas into consideration.

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Disclaimer: As noted in my Sig, I am still very disappointed in the 1.2 Changes to BH healing which caused me to unsubscribe from the game. However, that is one tree of one advanced class, so I do not think its fair to paint the whole game based on that even though it still needs to be fixed.


I think Bioware has made huge strides towards fixing the major problems this game has had. So much so that combined with rolling a new healer, I may re-enable my subscription.


Server Consolidation followed immediately by LFG and Ranked warzones (even though I dont PvP) is HUGE. Probably should have been done sooner, but better late than never.


Going forward, I think they need to focus now on quality of life issues. I know there is new content coming, new level cap, etc., but really the major pieces are here now.


Fix some of the stuff that drives us crazy. Examples:



  • Can we PLEASE, PRETTY PLEASE, get a Ready-Check? Especially in 16 man Ops, I am so tired of "OK, Everybody jump if you're ready" and other similar workarounds. PLEASE give us a ready-check.
  • Gear Preview. Can we get a zoom and rotate?
  • Hots/Debuffs Need to be easier to see and incorporated into the Raid Frames.
  • GTN: Option to filter by stat. Eg.: Show me only heavy armor with AIM on it.
  • Space missions - Ability to quit when objectives are complete. Nothing like having almost 3 minutes left when my main and bonus objectives are done...
  • Show/Hide Companion head pieces.
  • Dromand Kaas: Connect the shuttle paths. You are telling me that in the CAPITOL CITY they couldn't figure out how to connect the shuttle paths? Every time I have to meet with The big bosses, no matter which class, I have to shuttle to the outside of the city then speeder to the middle in order to take another shuttle to my destination. Seriously? Fix it please!



There are plenty more.

Edited by TempestasSilva
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The transfers made a huge improvement, and especially 1.3 is really a very solid patch that delivers many small things that have been troublesome, but there's still my one major grief with the game: simply put, there still is no PvP. This is supposed to be an MMO, and the setting lends itself to epic battles like few else, so having to put up with four tiny small-scale sandbox battles really doesn't cut it, and got old around April (if you dragged out leveling for a while).


PvE is suffering from a similar problem. Look at the hilarious zerg encounters offered, e.g., by DAoC's ToA. Compared to that, even the operations or world bosses in SWOR are tiny appetisers. Don't get me wrong, PvE content is fun and well-written most of the time, but there's nothing that rouses a lot of people to work towards a common goal.


Then there's still crafting that feels hollow and, quite frankly, a bit like pimping your companions. Send five people to go get stuff, send someone to go make stuff, RE stuff, curse, repeat.


I cannot help but be sad about the group finder. While the idea is sound, there is a problem within the server that I am on. You see everyone transfered out with the free server thing and now there is is no one on TerroBlood, the acution house is empty.


I can't quite tell if you're being serious.

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Hey Cashogy,


Matt pointed me in the direction of this request, and it’s very easy for us to do! I've asked that it gets added to one of our upcoming patches, so keep your eyes on the patch notes!






awesome! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

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Hey Cashogy,


Matt pointed me in the direction of this request, and it’s very easy for us to do! I've asked that it gets added to one of our upcoming patches, so keep your eyes on the patch notes!






Hey Erin. While your talking to Matt about the CTRL+F thing, throw on the list CTRL+A (I'm not sure if it was mentioned or not...too lazy and tired to look it up, truth be told).......With my Jedi, I have that bound so it casts my freeze target ability, but at the same time, it turns on and off Ambient Sound. Thank's, and Keep up the great work!

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