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Black Talon Loot

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Yes, LS/DS options depending on what you pick sometimes change the outcome or happenings of the flashpoint real time..


Ex. Black Talon.


You kill the Captain, the end result is you kill bots in engineering, board the enemy ship, kill two more bosses and get the General and then watch as your ship's second in command gets killed as well.


If you don't kill him, I think (Because I always wind up killing him in beta) they do like a full out attack on the Black Talon and you defeat all the bosses that way then board then ship to fight the last boss and capture the general.. I could be wrong on that though.


Anyways, it does change the loot as well to what I have seen and heard.

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I ran the Black Talon last night and got an awesome orange SI Robe, as well as a decent orange SI lightsaber. My buddy also decent Juggernaut armor, but not orange.


Me too there where 3 of us total. I was delighted though I did feel bad for the other SI who didn't get much at all.

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I ran BT in the 2nd to last Beta weekend 3 times. All 3 times one of the bosses(first or second) dropped a medium armor chest piece that was great for my IA. I just ran it yesterday looking for the upgrade again, and it was all light armor stuff.



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I solo'd BT four or five times as a jug and the first boss (sabotage droid) *always* dropped jug gloves, second boss *always* dropped jug boots, padawan *always* dropped jug/dps single bladed saber. Optional droid boss *always* dropped jug shield generator except for the one time I didn't solo and had a merc with me and it dropped something else.


It's either bugged or only drops loot relevant to the current party... which stinks b/c I didn't get anything for my companions.

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Just ran Black Talon, all boss loot that dropped was Aim gear, with the exception of the loot from the Padawan. I remember seeing posts regarding possible loot bugs last build of the Beta, just wanted to see if anyone else ran into this problem. (And I'm a BH so its a valid issue).


I ran it this morning and it was completely random,

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While random loot is random, there is a choice to be made (Capt live/dead) that determines the loot drop for gear too.


Alive: The rebels board and there is a Warr/Oper loot chance

Dead: The Droid in the engine room insquis/BH drop


I ran the BT all day looking for my Jugg chest and never saw it only Jugg gloves for that instance all day (50 commendations worth btw)


Also anyone noted no pants for the armour sets? I suspect its the Security Chief but its only ever credits from him

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you also have to understand people have a skewed veiw on what randonme looks like, randomeness tends to generate clumps and so even if you have 3 instences in a row with the same gear that does not tell you if the loot is not randome, or if it loot is skewed toward one class for that matter.
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  • 1 month later...

Lost count the amount of times I've done BT. Not once did I see a Leg/Head drop.


All those people saying its not broken its just random...

Do you know anyone with a BT leg/head drop?


If so, we want screenshot proof. If not, just be quiet


Love to see what a dev/mod has to say about this.

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Lost count the amount of times I've done BT. Not once did I see a Leg/Head drop.


All those people saying its not broken its just random...

Do you know anyone with a BT leg/head drop?


If so, we want screenshot proof. If not, just be quiet


Love to see what a dev/mod has to say about this.


energized legs dropped for my sith warrior twice. as far i know...a head doesn't drop in bt

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I too am trying to get the full set of BT gear. I'm looking for the rest of the BT Hunter gear for my Powertech. I just need the Grieves and the Headgear. Unfortunately right now my Powertech is still only level 13, so I cannot quite solo the instance. I can only get as far as Sergeant Boran and his goons. :( So at the moment, all I can do is hope they drop. I have never seen a single head piece drop in the BT though.
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