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Black Talon Loot

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If the loot is truly randomly selected, then it's perfectly possible to get results like this.


I don't know whether TOR has any loot bugs, but I would just make the advisement that random loot means RANDOM, and if the system is working properly, any patterns you may think you see are simply coincidental. "MY LOOT IS BUGGED, I GOT THE SAME DROPS FOUR TIMES IN A ROW" does not mean there's an actual bug.


Of course, maybe they have some non-random loot selection process in place, and I may simply not be aware of it. But I know that's how it worked for World of Warcraft, anyway.

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I know that it is possible that all Aim drops can occur...I just wanted to get it posted in case there actually is a bug and so it can get fixed. :p


Not a bug.


Ran Black Talon, only one Aim item dropped. The gloves.


2 Strength armors(boots and gloves, I think).

1 Willpower Robe.

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I only ran Eselees and Black Talon once each. 2 players each.

BT with a BH and Agent

ES with Trooper and Smuggler.


Both runs while the stats where all over the place. The Armour drops were always something appropriate. Not stat wise mind you. Heavy armour with Strength wasn`t that helpful. But it was armour for the Trooper in regards to the class type. The same was for weapons. All weapons dropped were always for a shooter. There was never a light sabre drop.


Stats seem random and I admit that my sample of dungeons is low compared to many. But for every boss to never drop an armour class type for a Force-User seemed odd. So that was over 2 FP runs.


So we drew a conclusion. that Armour class type will match the classes in the FP, but the mods or stat bonuses would be random. Just from our experience.

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Did you in all those runs pick the same LS/DS options? I seem to remember it being stated that the choices you make in a FP do affect what drops (unfortunately I can't look for a source for this as the beta forums got wiped :()


So, in order to get the set you have to go against your current alignment? If so, bad game design.

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No, someone from the "other" alignment just needs to win the roll.


I just won't select a convo option so they'll win by default.


On the last day of beta I ran BT 4 times in a row, and the different options were selected, but the same drops were given. Bh hands, BH boots, BH shield, and a lightsaber on the final boss.


We killed the captain twice, and spared the captain twice. Now, by what you have said, this should have changed the loot drops. We shall see now that we are in live.


I've ran the BT once being a warrior with a sorc. Hands, Feet, shield, and sabre dropped were all for me (jugg str gear). The sorc didn't get a thing. We killed the captain and I voted to save him. Next time we'll see if saving him drops other pieces of the loot set.

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I just won't select a convo option so they'll win by default.


On the last day of beta I ran BT 4 times in a row, and the different options were selected, but the same drops were given. Bh hands, BH boots, BH shield, and a lightsaber on the final boss.


We killed the captain twice, and spared the captain twice. Now, by what you have said, this should have changed the loot drops. We shall see now that we are in live.


I've ran the BT once being a warrior with a sorc. Hands, Feet, shield, and sabre dropped were all for me (jugg str gear). The sorc didn't get a thing. We killed the captain and I voted to save him. Next time we'll see if saving him drops other pieces of the loot set.


It might not be the case here, someone from BioWare could probably tell you if whatever you pick matters in this flashpoint but I'm pretty certain a dev said that the choices you made during a FP could impact your loot (alas, with the beta boards wiped I can't produce a link).

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The BH boots and gloves seem to drop the most, regardless of options chosen.


SW gear after that.


SI gear after that.


Ran 4-5 times on my main on Hyperspace Cannon, and haven't seen any agent gear drop.


Still looking for the SI lower. Seems like the loot may not be so random. There's a definite preference for BH gear over other gear.

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I ran both flashpoints several times BT and i forget the 2nd. First few runs of each I didnt see any loot drops for an Imperial Agent(me). But i also didnt win/dont recall winning any conversations. Seemed to me the more I won in conversations (meaning when My toon made the responce) Agent gear began to drop for me. Also i think you can get all the same gear from the BT/any other badge vendor of the same FP Edited by Mezzmeralda
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Results like the ones described in this thread is totally normal for a truly random system. Actually, if you would see a totally even distrubution of drop across the board (i.e. 1 Jugg drop, 1 Merc drop, 1 Sniper drop etc.) for almost every FP, chances are the loot system isn't strictly random but takes earlier drops into consideration. So yeah, random means a random distribution of loot, not an even distribution of loot (at least not in individual Flashpoints, it should even out across all FP's run by all players).
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Results like the ones described in this thread is totally normal for a truly random system. Actually, if you would see a totally even distrubution of drop across the board (i.e. 1 Jugg drop, 1 Merc drop, 1 Sniper drop etc.) for almost every FP, chances are the loot system isn't strictly random but takes earlier drops into consideration. So yeah, random means a random distribution of loot, not an even distribution of loot (at least not in individual Flashpoints, it should even out across all FP's run by all players).


Wouldn't be too surprised if they used a system like with the group conversations where they take into account how often someone has "won" or "lost" the roll in a conversation to boost the chance everyone gets the word eventually.


Then again, the instances are fun enough that I don't mind running them quite a few times (good way to gain Social and DS/LS points as well anyway)

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As many have said, the loot system is random. Some runs, -Nothing- but Inquisitor gear drops for my baby. Some runs all I see are Bounty Hunter heavy armor for a group that doesn't even have a companion that could use them.


Across all runs, the loot distribution will probably look more even.

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first tiem i ran it our inq was so happy.





and lightsaber


:p only iq in group allmost fully kitted at end of the instance :)



so eyah random l00t is random, although the inq had a flair for beeing a lucky **** grouped with her more often on heroic quests etc and everything that dropped was inq/sorc gear that she could use while i had to buy commandation stuff all the time to keep gear up to date -_-

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