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My Problem With Character Transfer


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To preface this, I am a guild leader, on a pre launch server. I am also completely behind the success of The Old Republic. I am enjoying the PVE aspect of the game and finding Explosive Conflict challenging and fun. I haven't pvp'ed much because the server I am on is pretty beat up. If we are lucky, we might see 60 at Imperial Fleet during Prime Time hours.


I was very excited about the prospect of server mergers or transfers to help boost the population and save the game. From day one Bioware has kept Community and Player experience in the top three of it's goals for this game. What I am very unhappy about is the new server transfer option. It takes a TBD number of servers and designates them as Origin Servers and point them to an individual Destination server. If you are on an Origin server and wish to transfer, if your Character Name, Legacy Name or Guild Name is already in existence, you have to change them to something else.


So in one fell swoop, my digital identity can be rejected and I have to start over with some new name, legacy name and/or guild name? That's unacceptable. Some people might not be bothered or care about this, I do. I would rather delay transfers and have them take a step back and work on a Guild Transfer Service. Where they could find you a destination server where you can keep your guild name, character name and legacy name, along with the members of your guild. I would be willing to limit the naming parameter to your two top characters. Would it take more time, yes. But if I have to change any of the above, transfer is just not an option.


In the meantime, Cross Server Warzones would alleviate a lot of the lack of pvp on my server. As for PVE content, we have a strong guild and two ops groups running weekly. That hasn't been a problem, yet!

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To preface this, I am a guild leader, on a pre launch server. I am also completely behind the success of The Old Republic. I am enjoying the PVE aspect of the game and finding Explosive Conflict challenging and fun. I haven't pvp'ed much because the server I am on is pretty beat up. If we are lucky, we might see 60 at Imperial Fleet during Prime Time hours.


I was very excited about the prospect of server mergers or transfers to help boost the population and save the game. From day one Bioware has kept Community and Player experience in the top three of it's goals for this game. What I am very unhappy about is the new server transfer option. It takes a TBD number of servers and designates them as Origin Servers and point them to an individual Destination server. If you are on an Origin server and wish to transfer, if your Character Name, Legacy Name or Guild Name is already in existence, you have to change them to something else.


So in one fell swoop, my digital identity can be rejected and I have to start over with some new name, legacy name and/or guild name? That's unacceptable. Some people might not be bothered or care about this, I do. I would rather delay transfers and have them take a step back and work on a Guild Transfer Service. Where they could find you a destination server where you can keep your guild name, character name and legacy name, along with the members of your guild. I would be willing to limit the naming parameter to your two top characters. Would it take more time, yes. But if I have to change any of the above, transfer is just not an option.


In the meantime, Cross Server Warzones would alleviate a lot of the lack of pvp on my server. As for PVE content, we have a strong guild and two ops groups running weekly. That hasn't been a problem, yet!


What your asking is unreasonable. Look you can either stay on dead server, can take the free xfer, or pay later for xfer to the server of your choice. What did you expect? This is common in mmorpg. If you xfer to a server and your character or guild name is take you lose it.


Either you move to a populated server through the free/pay transfer or you can stay on the dead server your on. If you pay or use the free transfer in both cases you will most likely lose your character name/names and guild name. No matter what BW does some isn't going to be happy for losing their name whether BW implemented a different approach to consolidate servers. The loses in terms of subscription would probably be the same no matter what method was chosen. Thus, BW should continue with the current free transfer method.

Edited by Knockerz
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I would say do your research on what server you are going to before you decide to trasnfer, Make a few toons and see if you wil lose your names, same with guild and so forth. Since they have told us basically what is going to hapen, I would wait and see exactly how it will work. Naturally, you can stay on a dead server and hope for the best. Your choice man. The name or the game?
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I would say do your research on what server you are going to before you decide to trasnfer, Make a few toons and see if you wil lose your names, same with guild and so forth. Since they have told us basically what is going to hapen, I would wait and see exactly how it will work. Naturally, you can stay on a dead server and hope for the best. Your choice man. The name or the game?


Yeah...it is the name for me. Not moving. I play TOR mainly as a RPG and changing my char's names is not a option. I agree with the OP. If by the time my sub expires next month, the game is still in the state it is now..I will move on. Too many other good ones out there to waste anymore time and money on one which is not cutting it. And no!..you cannot have my stuff. I may come back again sometime in the future. :rolleyes:

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A game is a game, if you unsub, you unsub. Things are what they are. And this thing isnt important.


Really, in a role playing game where you are creating your hero names aren't important?


Unique names is a terribly out of date concept, players should have an unique identifier that allows them to pick any name they want and have the identifier to fall back on like an address.

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Then don't transfer until they open up transfers to more servers. Obviously if you try to transfer to a server where someone else already has your name, then you're not going to be keeping it. Not sure why anyone would expect otherwise.
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Can we dispense with the "transfer" euphemism?


A character transfer implies the user has a choice to move to another server.


This is NOT a transfer - it's a merger with a half-*** opt-out. You can only go to one server - the one your entire server is being merged with - and if you don't go you're going to remain on a somehow even more dead server than you have already - until they turn the lights out.


That sounds like a merger to me. To be considered a transfer they'd have to give you some choice - however restricted - of more than one destination server. I know they don't want to call it what it is because "server mergers" have negative PR, but it bothers me when people just bend the language to the point of breaking. These are the mergers a lot of the forum-goers were asking for, but they're going to be semi-voluntary so they can gauge how many takers they get in the initial rounds.


All that said OP, it sounds like your server won't be anywhere near the front of the line when this process starts rolling and you might be a candidate for a destination, rather than an origin. I wouldn't worry about it until the day comes.

Edited by jgelling
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Either you stay on a dead server, that's only going to go down quicker with the transfers, or you risk losing your name. If your name is that important, then by all means stay and enjoy being 1 of 5 people on fleet during prime time.
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Slap in the face, they haven't been listening to any of the concerns at all. The destination servers are just going to whither and die out as well.


they are going to merge 3-4 servers into one,if not more...why do you think this will fail?

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Slap in the face, they haven't been listening to any of the concerns at all. The destination servers are just going to whither and die out as well.


I doubt it. If the destination servers + untouched (fatman, etc) are the only available servers for new customers to join, those big servers should remain big especially when the f2p crowd comes in.

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Then don't transfer until they open up transfers to more servers. Obviously if you try to transfer to a server where someone else already has your name, then you're not going to be keeping it. Not sure why anyone would expect otherwise.


I donot expect to keep my name if I transfered. I am not going to transfer, because I donot think it is the answer the game needs for doing group content. Until they add a feature to let ALL the players on ALL the servers experence end game content in a timely manner, they will continue to lose subs.

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To preface this, I am a guild leader, on a pre launch server. I am also completely behind the success of The Old Republic. I am enjoying the PVE aspect of the game and finding Explosive Conflict challenging and fun. I haven't pvp'ed much because the server I am on is pretty beat up. If we are lucky, we might see 60 at Imperial Fleet during Prime Time hours.


I was very excited about the prospect of server mergers or transfers to help boost the population and save the game. From day one Bioware has kept Community and Player experience in the top three of it's goals for this game. What I am very unhappy about is the new server transfer option. It takes a TBD number of servers and designates them as Origin Servers and point them to an individual Destination server. If you are on an Origin server and wish to transfer, if your Character Name, Legacy Name or Guild Name is already in existence, you have to change them to something else.


So in one fell swoop, my digital identity can be rejected and I have to start over with some new name, legacy name and/or guild name? That's unacceptable. Some people might not be bothered or care about this, I do. I would rather delay transfers and have them take a step back and work on a Guild Transfer Service. Where they could find you a destination server where you can keep your guild name, character name and legacy name, along with the members of your guild. I would be willing to limit the naming parameter to your two top characters. Would it take more time, yes. But if I have to change any of the above, transfer is just not an option.


In the meantime, Cross Server Warzones would alleviate a lot of the lack of pvp on my server. As for PVE content, we have a strong guild and two ops groups running weekly. That hasn't been a problem, yet!


I suggested, a while ago, middle initials for names so as to allow one to maintain their name, but be distinctly different for chat and mailing purposes. The "experts" shot it down with the usual doom and gloom arguments. ;p

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Really, in a role playing game where you are creating your hero names aren't important?


Unique names is a terribly out of date concept, players should have an unique identifier that allows them to pick any name they want and have the identifier to fall back on like an address.


You would really want to see (potentially) hundreds of people with the same name?


Many times I have seen myself play a heroic and recognize a players name and realize we just did a heroic together 30 minutes ago. Its nice when that happens and build communities.

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Then don't transfer until they open up transfers to more servers. Obviously if you try to transfer to a server where someone else already has your name, then you're not going to be keeping it. Not sure why anyone would expect otherwise.


Never used this saying before, and I enjoy the game very much, but that would be the only "game breaker" that I can imagine. I've had my name in every game I've played for the last 15 years. I'm here with guildmates from my previous server. I'd take a middle initial, but losing the name would end it for me.

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Really, in a role playing game where you are creating your hero names aren't important?


Unique names is a terribly out of date concept, players should have an unique identifier that allows them to pick any name they want and have the identifier to fall back on like an address.


I completely agree with this.....the design is flawed and there are so many ways you can have a hidden identifier to uniquely identify you and then add on the concept that name+legacy name is probably unique, there are lots of things they 'could' have done in design phase to avoid this silly 'single name taken' problem.....but it's not like they are going to change it so unfortunately people are going to have to live with the rage

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I completely agree with this.....the design is flawed and there are so many ways you can have a hidden identifier to uniquely identify you and then add on the concept that name+legacy name is probably unique, there are lots of things they 'could' have done in design phase to avoid this silly 'single name taken' problem.....but it's not like they are going to change it so unfortunately people are going to have to live with the rage


Once again, a simple middle initial added between the main name and the legacy name (letters "A", "I" not withstanding), may have worked.

Edited by Blackardin
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I suggested, a while ago, middle initials for names so as to allow one to maintain their name, but be distinctly different for chat and mailing purposes. The "experts" shot it down with the usual doom and gloom arguments. ;p


Was a really good suggestion. :)

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