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HK-51: Minimum of 1 Empire and 1 Republic Toon On Same Server to Unlock

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I think BogyOne is just presenting his view on the topic and it's just as valid as anyone else's.


Let me recap it for you:


- BogyOne created 8 alts on republic side

- BogyOne maxed out professions on these characters and played with those

- All this before cross-faction item transferring was made possible (justification for not having an imperial)


I think he is entitled to feel somewhat dubious about a hyped new companion when he, without sacrificing a character of potential, can't achieve it. This of course, unless character limit is upgraded.


This is an example of how "achievment" is not well thought as the requirement poses many possible negative effects. Instead of this, make a good use of Legacy: HK-51 could require a higher Legacy level and it might actually feel like an achievment or something players would know is coming and proving they have played -a reward of sorts. This instead of forcibly making people grind an alt on imperial or republic side, where they do not want to play to begin with and in worst case scenario, forcing people to delete one of their established characters.


Me, I couldn't care less about companions but I do understand many would like to get a new one. Few seconds after I typed my idea, it started feeling like one that people would dislike just as much as this one. And no, I don't see any resemblance of entitlement on BogyOne's post, just a problem he is facing if that is the requirement with HK-51.


Yours, Ruswyn of Nightmare Lands


So what happens when the new race is released. Will he come on the forums and QQ because he already filled his 8 slots and now 'can not utilize content that was released by the devs' so then he can demand more character slots.


MMOs are evolving and growing ALL the time. Being 'set in your ways' is only going to hurt yourself.


All it shows is that he feels entitled to get stuff 'his way' and if he can't, then 'raaaaawr this is the worst game evar!'


I wouldn't be surprised if he was one of them complaining about white saber crystals being 2.5 million credits. I mean, if he doesn't have 2.5 million credits then he can't get stuff 'his way' right? This generation of gamers feels they are so special that they should be essentially given everything in the game, else 'the devs are cheating me out of content'.


SWTOR is filled with too many star wars fans, and not enough MMO fans. That's what killed this game.

Edited by FourTwent
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I would make a distinction between new race and new companion. You obviously don't and you are entitled to have your opinion. I do know this BogyOne character and he's not one to feel entitled and I merely made a point about character limit and this in connection with achievment to earn a companion. It's not black and white and I don't think he ever suggested it was. However, it seems that half the people in this forum see things black and white.
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Ruskaeth, you got my concerns right, thanks. :) I want to not be locked out from any new content and I have not stated anywhere that I want to avoid working for this companion.


If anything, I was expecting the suggestion to have this companion bought by cash raise more controversy than statement that new content should be available to everyone without being forced to destroy anything what has been achieved so far.


FourTwent – stating opinion different than yours is not qualified as QQing and ranting… I have checked few of your posts and have good opinion on you. What is the basis to write such crap about me?

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They did, at the Guild Summit developer panel in March, say that they were actively looking for things they could do to encourage players to have characters in both factions. Legacy was meant to lead the way in this regard, but was never the whole plan. Dulfy.net has a summary up still of what all was said. Surely there are full transcripts out there somewhere, but honestly, I am not making this up.


Yup in March 2012, I'd been paying and playing since December 2011 by then, and playing before that.


They changed the rules with 1.2, before that there was NO HINT that playing Imperials on one server and Republic on another server was going to be a really bad idea.

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FourTwent – stating opinion different than yours is not qualified as QQing and ranting… I have checked few of your posts and have good opinion on you. What is the basis to write such crap about me?


Because you're not satisfied by the way BW has set this up. Maybe there's a reason why you need a character on each faction(story wise), who are you to tell them they're doing their job wrong and expecting them to change how they want to deliver content to you?


You feel entitled to have it done 'your way' with zero compromise, other than 'let me spend my money on it'(which lets face it, HK will more than likely end up in the cash shop). But even then, you're excuse is 'i dont want to miss out on content' yet you're willing to purchase the companion from the cash shop. . .letting you SKIP ALL THE CONTENT lololololol


It's a game man, delete a character and level one up on the opposing faction. It's not like you're killing one of your own children. You use 'but i have 400 crafting on all my characters' as an excuse, yet there isn't even 8 unique crafting professions, you could easily consolidate.




Wait until F2P hits and purchase an additional character slot. If you dont have an issue paying for the companion flat out, this shouldn't be an issue.

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Theres only six professions so how can he have 8 toons with all max out professions unless he's doubled up on two professions? if thats the case then whats the big deal of erasing one of them in order to start a imperial toon...


Also I would guess that the cash store will offer additional character slots when it comes out....

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Because you're not satisfied by the way BW has set this up. Maybe there's a reason why you need a character on each faction(story wise), who are you to tell them they're doing their job wrong and expecting them to change how they want to deliver content to you?

I am sure both Bogy and I understand where you are coming and respect that. It's an opinion, educated at that, from player perspective. BioWare has over and over stated they want feedback on things, constructive criticism and feedback. I don't see how BogyOne's criticism was unfounded -and neither have you made that point. I am sure BioWare respects the type of feedback BogyOne has given because it was not slanderous, nor was it simply attitude but actually it had logic behind it. In this, I think FourTwent, you are doing more harm to BioWare than BogyOne or I am.


You feel entitled to have it done 'your way' with zero compromise, other than 'let me spend my money on it'(which lets face it, HK will more than likely end up in the cash shop). But even then, you're excuse is 'i dont want to miss out on content' yet you're willing to purchase the companion from the cash shop. . .letting you SKIP ALL THE CONTENT lololololol

He does not feel entitled. If you would stop and think, you'd notice he has worked eight (8) characters. That is not entitled. That is playing the game and not skipping the content. I am not sure if you are a troll, but it seems that not even a hugely pointed out sarcasm of cash shop could reach you.


It's a game man, delete a character and level one up on the opposing faction. It's not like you're killing one of your own children. You use 'but i have 400 crafting on all my characters' as an excuse, yet there isn't even 8 unique crafting professions, you could easily consolidate.

You still haven't given one single argument or actually discussed the topic BogyOne presented, you've just felt entitled about your opinions being the only truth. Thus, sir, you are a troll.




Wait until F2P hits and purchase an additional character slot. If you dont have an issue paying for the companion flat out, this shouldn't be an issue.

Like mentioned before, you missed the "not so subtle" comment meaning exactly the opposite what you are QQing about here. Double confirmed troll.


I honestly wish BioWare would clean this forum from trash.









Theres only six professions so how can he have 8 toons with all max out professions unless he's doubled up on two professions? if thats the case then whats the big deal of erasing one of them in order to start a imperial toon...


Also I would guess that the cash store will offer additional character slots when it comes out....


He has eight characters and all of those have professions maxed out and out of six possible professions. This could very well mean that he has biochem twice for an example, or even thrice. I know I have 5 level 50 characters and two of those have biochem. I am lazy that way. I know that if I had 8 characters, at least three would have biochem.

Edited by Ruskaeth
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He has eight characters and all of those have professions maxed out and out of six possible professions. This could very well mean that he has biochem twice for an example, or even thrice. I know I have 5 level 50 characters and two of those have biochem. I am lazy that way. I know that if I had 8 characters, at least three would have biochem.

You just agreed with everything that Monoth had to say. It's noteworthy that some people can't part with these "dupes"

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You just agreed with everything that Monoth had to say. It's noteworthy that some people can't part with these "dupes"

I think you are missing the point why someone would have Biochem with more than one alt.


I for an example use Biochem with two characters I actively use. Guess why?


One is sentinel, one is a shadow tank. I like to use adrenalines to DPS or an absorption adrenaline when tanking. I don't want to craft or buy those but I want to play those characters and make it easy. Those are always there and good enough for me. Get my drift? Biochem stims, adrenalines and health packs are not consumed on use if you settle for Rakata ones. So having biochem three times might have a very solid reason other than hogging all the professions but a case of comfortability when playing.


I am seriously starting to doubt people in these forums play this game at all.

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I think you are missing the point why someone would have Biochem with more than one alt.


I for an example use Biochem with two characters I actively use. Guess why?


One is sentinel, one is a shadow tank. I like to use adrenalines to DPS or an absorption adrenaline when tanking. I don't want to craft or buy those but I want to play those characters and make it easy. Those are always there and good enough for me. Get my drift? Biochem stims, adrenalines and health packs are not consumed on use if you settle for Rakata ones. So having biochem three times might have a very solid reason other than hogging all the professions but a case of comfortability when playing.


I am seriously starting to doubt people in these forums play this game at all.


Of course, your insight must be all-encompassing. We all just pay $15 bucks a month to troll the forums. All of us.

Rather that going on the defensive immediately, perhaps consider the fact that we, lacking the telepathy required to know that you are rolling with Biochem, (well, I can speak for myself at the least) were simply trying to share our insights into the supposed "problem." No, not every solution will earn your personal stamp of approval, but how is that anyone who is sharing their input in a reasonable tone's fault?

Edited by AboB
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They've been saying for months you will need 1 level 50 on one faction and a "mid level" on the other faction.


The reason for this is that they have said that we will have to assemble HK-51. The parts will be scattered over the planets. I "think" based on the one high level and one mid level of another faction some of those parts will be on republic balmora and imperial taris, hence the need for a "mid level' of another faction. It was also said that there would be minimal "combat" in this quest line and they had "new technology" to allow for more interesting quests (some have suggested "Myst-like" puzzles).

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They've been saying for months you will need 1 level 50 on one faction and a "mid level" on the other faction.


Yes, you are correct - seven months after game launch, which is the point. And yes, I duplicated Biochemy and some gathering CS.


I also see that I gave too much credit to some folks who comment and complain in their own way on these fora but do not miss opportunity to bite and bark at others too (discussion on the other hand needs arguments).


@Rus: do not argue with troll, buddy, he will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience. ;)


Kudos to all other folks who state their opinions and DISCUSS stuff.

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He has eight characters and all of those have professions maxed out and out of six possible professions. This could very well mean that he has biochem twice for an example, or even thrice. I know I have 5 level 50 characters and two of those have biochem. I am lazy that way. I know that if I had 8 characters, at least three would have biochem.


aka 'he wants to do stuff his way and how dare anyone tell him other wise'. it's like telling a kid 'no, you can't put this square peg into the round hole' yet they continue to try and squeeze it into the hole over and over.


it really makes me question the intelligence of people here sometimes


to each their own though. you'll either cry until you get your way, like your mommy taught you. or you'll pay 5 bucks and get an extra character slot

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Pretty sad I wont be able to get HK until they give us paid character transfers :(


I guess at the rate their adding stuff like another quickslot bar, I'll be able to transfer my toons in 2-3 years.


Stop QQing semi intelligent kid of the internet anonymity and be content with game content like you told me to.

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Of course, your insight must be all-encompassing. We all just pay $15 bucks a month to troll the forums. All of us.

Rather that going on the defensive immediately, perhaps consider the fact that we, lacking the telepathy required to know that you are rolling with Biochem, (well, I can speak for myself at the least) were simply trying to share our insights into the supposed "problem." No, not every solution will earn your personal stamp of approval, but how is that anyone who is sharing their input in a reasonable tone's fault?


There are perfectly valid reasons to have the same proffesions on more than 1 toon on the same legacy though. :csw_yoda:

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They said and confirmed in another post that more character slots are comming, Bogy (sorrty if I misspelled your name) will just have more work as he will also be leveling up an imp character on the server he plays on. Good luck with that :)
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There are perfectly valid reasons to have the same proffesions on more than 1 toon on the same legacy though. :csw_yoda:


I can get down with that, but this person was gettin' all up in mah grill about now knowing beforehand that he was running with 2 biochem characters. What wasn't mentioned were the other 2-6 slots that are still open to being deleted in favor of an alt-faction character to earn the reward that they so badly want. Again, not attacking this fellow, just offering input. Input that is being resisted ferociously. He himself stated that the choice of professions was purely for comfort. If he wants this companion so much, there really isn't anything keeping him from doing so when the opportunity arises. It isn't as doom-and-gloom as he paints it out to be.

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Well thats flat out crap. I have a Republic server and a Imperial server, simply because whats the point of cluttering up a server with alts that can't help each other in terms of crafting/items/money?


You know you can mail things cross server, right?


I do it literally all the time.


Oh hey, my smuggler needs some gold


-Does dailies on sorcerer and marauder, sends 200k to smuggler-


Seriously though? You didn't know that?



Man do I bet you feel like you've wasted a ton of time.

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And you might want to check the date when that guy posted....June 6th...


Now, my memories may be fuzzy, but I am pretty sure that was before the interLegacy mail service began.


Your memory's fuzzy.


I stopped playing long before then, 1.2 was somwhere between march and may.

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I can get down with that, but this person was gettin' all up in mah grill about now knowing beforehand that he was running with 2 biochem characters. What wasn't mentioned were the other 2-6 slots that are still open to being deleted in favor of an alt-faction character to earn the reward that they so badly want. Again, not attacking this fellow, just offering input. Input that is being resisted ferociously. He himself stated that the choice of professions was purely for comfort. If he wants this companion so much, there really isn't anything keeping him from doing so when the opportunity arises. It isn't as doom-and-gloom as he paints it out to be.


If you want to offer input: Do you think the speculated way to earn the HK-51 is the best possible one or could it be fine tuned. Forget BioWare, forget character slots, forget everything said before. Do you think there could be an alternative way, other than leveling characters on both factions? Personally I couldn't care less about companions -honestly: I was just surprised at the zeal "that other guy" attacked BogyOne for questioning the suggested method of BioWare in this and the way he announced that he should be content for anything offered. In plain logic, it just feels silly to offer a reward that would require any single player who has made all alts on one of the sides to delete one. Instead of having a discussion about this, it's just been declaration of player X just "feeling entitled". I haven't painted anything doom-and-gloom, you are mixing people up, nor has BogyOne painted anything doom-and-gloom, you dramatic you.

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If you want to offer input: Do you think the speculated way to earn the HK-51 is the best possible one or could it be fine tuned. Forget BioWare, forget character slots, forget everything said before. Do you think there could be an alternative way, other than leveling characters on both factions? Personally I couldn't care less about companions -honestly: I was just surprised at the zeal "that other guy" attacked BogyOne for questioning the suggested method of BioWare in this and the way he announced that he should be content for anything offered. In plain logic, it just feels silly to offer a reward that would require any single player who has made all alts on one of the sides to delete one. Instead of having a discussion about this, it's just been declaration of player X just "feeling entitled". I haven't painted anything doom-and-gloom, you are mixing people up, nor has BogyOne painted anything doom-and-gloom, you dramatic you.


I am usually a purist when it comes to game with factions however, since the forced transfers, I ended up with a mixed server with the right combo of characters to potentially complete this quest.


From what we know, we will have to assemble the droid. Some of the parts will be in places that only one faction can get to, some in areas where both have access. Perhaps, if this was changed so that all the parts were available to both factions that would satisfy purists.

Edited by Urael
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