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HK-51: Minimum of 1 Empire and 1 Republic Toon On Same Server to Unlock

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so in essence you don't want to do something to get a fluff item.



guess what, you won't be getting the fluff item if you don't do it.


To get this fluff item (as you put it) in the game as it stands currently, I would have to delete a character.


I shouldn't have to delete a character to become eligible for said fluff item.

Edited by Ignicity
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they mentioned the probability of needing level characters of high level months ago in order to get high end rewards like companions or the like. when they announced this idea I started working on opposite faction characters. I have been able to get a level 50 trooper and a level 40 jedi in that time, in a very leisurely pace. We were warned and I think it is cool that you have to work to get some of the cooler stuff. My one complaint with this is no cross faction guild chat. having a guild on both sides would make the game a lot more social and would solve the problem of re rolling toons on the other faction.


High level characters are fine... But we shouldnt be forced to roll both factions. I tried the republic first and hate it... Went to the darkside and empire and havnt looked back. Forcing us to roll both sides also ruins the hate that factions in mmos should have for each other (mind you the pvp in this game doesnt really build on tha hate like it should but thats another argument) .

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High level characters are fine... But we shouldnt be forced to roll both factions. I tried the republic first and hate it... Went to the darkside and empire and havnt looked back. Forcing us to roll both sides also ruins the hate that factions in mmos should have for each other (mind you the pvp in this game doesnt really build on tha hate like it should but thats another argument) .



I don't think having to roll both sides is the issue so much as not being able to (without deleting something).


The whole situation is slightly schizophrenic, in that on the one hand Bioware clearly want us to play both sides, but then don't provide a system that really allows people too (i.e. at least 12 slots per server and ideally someway to get 16 slots per server - I'd be fine having to unlock extra slots through Legacy for example).

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You can transfer money and items



His point is that, during the time in which he made his characters (i.e. before 1.2's features were announced), it was impossible to mail anything to anyone on the other faction, including your own alts.


So ... learn to comprehend? L2c?


Anyway, I always thought it was a given that there'd be some way to share items with alts on the other faction. It was never announced, though, so I could see how people might think that the lack of that functionality might be an ongoing concern. I still want that Legacy cargo hold tab, though.


I can sympathize with the Segregationists. But I don't agree that they have a problem that is not easily solvable now, let alone once transfers are implemented.

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I made 8 characters on one server and started leveling them each by doing 10 levels and then switching to the next. This has repeatedly screwed me under Bioware's system, including legacy rewards/unlocks, the amount of my legacy, a free month of swtor, all the legacy inheritance stuff, unlocking new races for certain classes, and a host of other issues that have been implemented or changed since inception.


The major complaint I have about this game so far is that Bioware seems to be riding the rails of a narrow gauge train in their perspective. There is no flexibility in their approach for people who want to play the game differently from the way they envision it and implement it. The quests, the stories, the leveling process, legacy, factions, dialogue choices -- *everything* is incredibly linear.


Linear is boring. I enjoy being able to play Star Wars, but there are cracks in the foundations here that need to be fixed before they get larger.

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To get this fluff item (as you put it) in the game as it stands currently, I would have to delete a character.


I shouldn't have to delete a character to become eligible for said fluff item.


my god, how many more times..



they repeatedly said that a) you would need chars on both sides to get certain things. your own fault for not listening and b) they are working on giving us more char slots!!!

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High level characters are fine... But we shouldnt be forced to roll both factions. I tried the republic first and hate it... Went to the darkside and empire and havnt looked back. Forcing us to roll both sides also ruins the hate that factions in mmos should have for each other (mind you the pvp in this game doesnt really build on tha hate like it should but thats another argument) .


Tru, I can't stomach the idea of having to roll a greasy little imp just to get HK-51, but maybe all the imps I kill with him will make up for it.

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Well thats flat out crap. I have a Republic server and a Imperial server, simply because whats the point of cluttering up a server with alts that can't help each other in terms of crafting/items/money?


Actually you can. As long as they are part of the same legacy you can send whatever back and forth to each alt EVEN across enemy lines so to speak. I do this daily.

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my god, how many more times..



they repeatedly said that a) you would need chars on both sides to get certain things. your own fault for not listening and b) they are working on giving us more char slots!!!


They told us that before early access, did they?


And if they said it so loud and clear, it's a wonder so many people are in the same predicament as myself.


BTW, i have toons on both sides, just not on the same server.


Also, it might serve you well to read the thread, not just one single post. You seem to go off half-cocked a lot.

Edited by Ignicity
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Well thats flat out crap. I have a Republic server and a Imperial server, simply because whats the point of cluttering up a server with alts that can't help each other in terms of crafting/items/money?


you actually can send stuff to any toon in ya legacy beeing imp or pub

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As for the standard of getting HK-51... Take a character of the opposite server and spend a week lvling him / her to 50. I get you might not have any spots open so take a spot and open it. Then when the character slots do open remake em. I think Bioware put a lot into HK- 51 and want you to see the full range of story lines associated with the character. I'm not saying I'm entirely happy to be having to lvl a Republic dude to 50 but if I want to see the bot then it is what it is. I would like a little more confirmation on this before I do though. Edited by LexiCazam
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They told us that before early access, did they?


And if they said it so loud and clear, it's a wonder so many people are in the same predicament as myself.


BTW, i have toons on both sides, just not on the same server.


Also, it might serve you well to read the thread, not just one single post. You seem to go off half-cocked a lot.


just because you don't like what I write doesn't mean I didn't read the whole topic (you will find my first replies quite a few pages back, thanks for playing)

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just because you don't like what I write doesn't mean I didn't read the whole topic (you will find my first replies quite a few pages back, thanks for playing)


I certainly don't remember anything about having to have toons on both sides or indeed much at all about Legacy in any respect being said in Beta or Early Access.


Really it was 1.2 and after where this really became clear that it was sensible to only play on 1 server with 1 Legacy.

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Greetings folks!


We've had to remove several posts in this thread because the discussion had veered into real-world politics and such. Please remember that discussion of political, sexual, racial, or religious topics is prohibited on the forums.


Thank you!

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Yeah, but as many people who quoted my disappointed statements keep forgetting I said: I have a REPUBLIC server and a IMPERIAL server. I set up alts and the like way back when, and I just like to keep them consistent, is all. So I have 8 Imps on one, 8 Rep's on another. Increase the number of character slots on the server and I'll be more happy, hell, I might just condense everyone on one server if they go to a full 16.
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On no they give you a incentive to try out the other side, Bioware is so evil !!!!


The reason this game is boring is because everyone wants EVERYTHING handed to them on a silver platter.... Here's a thought, maybe, just maybe you'll have some fun playing the other side....


I have all roles covered by now. That is DPS+healer+tank.


Story or no story, I have no use of a lvl 50 on the other faction. I have two, at low levels, however, as "pet projects", that were never meant to go higher any time soon. You decided to play this as a Single Player RPG. Good and it was your choice. I decided to play it as a MMO, where story is irrelevant at max level and where roles trump pretty much anything.


I also cannot have fun playing the other side, because my Guild isn`t there and because I don`t want to join another one.. is, really, that simple.


Bioware should make it as hard as they like, but make it so I don`t have / need to interact with the opposite faction, past the PvP aspect.


[EDIT]While I am also aware that it might be a Legacy unlock, for money.. I am talking about the "normal" way of unlocking it. Which is highly discriminatory. And also lacking the needed ingame tools.


To get this fluff item (as you put it) in the game as it stands currently, I would have to delete a character.


I shouldn't have to delete a character to become eligible for said fluff item.


It`s not fluff. It is either a ranged tank, or a ranged dps. Also a potential 6th crew sent for crew missions.

A tauntaun is fluff. A rakling is fluff. A new color scheme for a race is fluff.

Edited by Styxx
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Is there a link to this stuff? :confused:


^ I second this. I would like to see an actual link and not a link to something vague. I mean a real link that shows us exactly what we need to see without having to scroll through a boatload of other stuff that is completely unnecessary. And then not finding anything solid because nothing solid is there.


EDIT: Hey, I'm already covered. I have at least 2 50s on each side, so I got no probs getting HK when they implement the content. I just want to see someone post actual proof for a change. :D

Edited by Captain_Zone
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They told us that before early access, did they?


And if they said it so loud and clear, it's a wonder so many people are in the same predicament as myself.


I did provide the quote from Blaine Christine back in 2010 that alluded to playing the storylines on one server. As for it being "loud and clear"... Well, the internet's a big place, hard to do that. Although that interview was all over this forum pre-launch.

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[EDIT]While I am also aware that it might be a Legacy unlock, for money.. I am talking about the "normal" way of unlocking it. Which is highly discriminatory. And also lacking the needed ingame tools.


Really? So the "normal" way of unlocking species for the other faction is likewise "highly discriminatory"?


That's kind of a sensationalist word to use in this context...

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I'm guessing you don't NEED people on both sides, what you will need to get HK-51, a legacy unlock, is a HIGH LEGACY LEVEL.


Even if it requires a character on both sides, I doubt it would require a level 50 on each side. More like you need a certain amount of legacy unlocks some of which maybe be on different sides, or easier to get on different sides.


That being said, with HK supposed to be a hard to unlock legacy item, I'd almost like to see it require Legacy level 50 and a 50 of each Class or Race.


And that's after being screwed out of merging my legacy since half my toons are on an RP-PVP server and the others aren't. ( Hopefully this will change)

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He is cited as saying "you probably need to go roll somebody on the other side."


probably need to <> have to


There may be some alternative. Patience.


This is true. You don't have to play a Twi'lek to level 50 to unlock their race for access as an Agent. There's probably going to be a money sink where those who actually have gotten 1 character through each side, will get the companion essentially for free.

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