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HK-51: Minimum of 1 Empire and 1 Republic Toon On Same Server to Unlock

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Not if you're playing the same class that have different roles, which you could be having 2 characters per class on each side. i.e.:


Jedi Counselor: Tank/Dps/Heals

Trooper : Tank/Dps/Heals

Sith Inquisitor: Tank/Dps/Heals



Personally, I think we should have 24 character slots per server. 8 is the minimum, but not at all ideal, particularly when we REALLY LIKE THE GAME AND WANT TO PLAY MORE ALTS. :D

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There's nothing wrong with this. They want you to play both sides and experience both stories. You don't have to get both characters to 50 either. Oh, and by the way.. You don't HAVE to do it. That's like saying it's crap to have to run Denova HM to get campaign gear. It's just a requirement. Also, though I haven't played many other MMOs, from what i hear, leveling is incredibly fast/easy in this game. No one should be complaining about it not being easy enough for them.
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  • 3 weeks later...
I really hope that there is an alternative way to unlock it I hate the Republic with a passion I have no problem with making more Empire alts I dont mind having 2 Sorcs or Agents but if not then I suppose HK-51 is a companion I will never have its just not worth playing a garbage character.
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He is cited as saying "you probably need to go roll somebody on the other side."


probably need to <> have to


There may be some alternative. Patience.


That most likely means is that if you dont want to pay even more than your current sub price you should have one toon of each side on the same server.

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  • 1 month later...
"The only thing we’re saying today is its going to take a serious amount of work, involves a galaxy-wide mission, introduces some different ways of playing the game and most people will need to have a 50 of one faction and at least a mid-level character from the other faction."
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On future content releases:


We’re going to be having a faster cadence of delivering content and features. There’s going to be around a six-week cycle where you’ll see something new, like there’s going to be the new operation, the new warzone, the new HK-51 Belsavis area, things of that nature.


from an interview with Principal Lead PvP Designer Gabe Amatangelo , source below




He lives in Belsavis :)


Cheers ,



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Why is TOR so heavily invested in Belsavis?


Some of the other planets were also really well made, but it seems as though Belsavis will have HK-51 on it and even more dailies.


Why not some dailies on Hoth? Tatooine? Etc.


Honest question, if someone knows an answer...

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Well thats flat out crap. I have a Republic server and a Imperial server, simply because whats the point of cluttering up a server with alts that can't help each other in terms of crafting/items/money?



erm, I mean, not LOL.

You can totally help out other faction alts via mail. Mail works cross faction with same Legacy characters. Also, BoL items can transfer mods and all that fun stuff.

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erm, I mean, not LOL.

You can totally help out other faction alts via mail. Mail works cross faction with same Legacy characters. Also, BoL items can transfer mods and all that fun stuff.


Be nice if mail would auto-populate for cross-faction alts like it does for same faction ones.

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Well thats flat out crap. I have a Republic server and a Imperial server, simply because whats the point of cluttering up a server with alts that can't help each other in terms of crafting/items/money?

...You do know that you can mail items and credits between characters on opposite factions, right?


I failed to see how long this thread was. Many others beat me to this.


I know some people are in the habit of playing factions exclusive to one server, having been accustomed to that in other games, but BioWare flat out said when asked about faction imbalance that they were looking for incentives for players to play both factions.


This is one such fix. If you want the perk... diversify.


You don't need the droid to play the game. Just like you don't need a VIP wrist band or authenticator. This is a perk, available to those who meet the qualifications -- qualifications anyone can meet, by the way, as anyone who plays already can make characters of different factions on the same server. They may not want to... but then it comes down to which they want more. Those are the breaks.


Another point to remember -- additional character slots are already in the plans. So there's your chance to do this without deleting a character. Just wait.

Edited by Uluain
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I know some people are in the habit of playing factions exclusive to one server, having been accustomed to that in other games, but BioWare flat out said when asked about faction imbalance that they were looking for incentives for players to play both factions.


They didn't.


It only became clear that it was daft to have characters on more than 1 server when Legacy came in with 1.2, that was when I had to abandon a few characters on a server (I was orginally playing Empire on one Republic on an other).


Before that there was NO clear indication (or no indication at all, for that matter) that it would be advantageous (never mind required) to have toons of both side on one server.

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Another thing to remember is that you only need a mid-lvl character on the other side to unlock it. There is no need to keep it around after that unlock. Have guildies who have no interest in playing certain classes but lvl:ed a toon simply to get the class buff. This is the same thing. If you really dislike having a toon on the other side, lvl it when HK:51 in released, unlock it and then delete it. My friends lvl:ed classes they did not fancy for the buff, you can lvl one for the droid and then remove it. Edited by SilentKitty
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People rolling alts on different servers is partial at fault for the population issues with have now. So I don't have to much sympathy for those players


You can't blame players for having characters on seperate servers: the first months of the game, Bioware didn't allow players to mail stuff to alts of different factions.



That aside... I am a rebel... always have been, always will be... I'll be damned if I join the dark side... This is a stupid, stupid requirement, plain and simple.


What sort of ''legacy'' is that, anyway?!? Your family has to have members on the light side AND on the dark side to command HK??? Who the hell came up with that ?!? Definatly not a Star Wars fan, that's for sure.

Edited by Yogol
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You can't blame players for having characters on seperate servers: the first months of the game, Bioware didn't allow players to mail stuff to alts of different factions.



That aside... I am a rebel... always have been, always will be... I'll be damned if I join the dark side... This is a stupid, stupid requirement, plain and simple.


What sort of ''legacy'' is that, anyway?!? Your family has to have members on the light side AND on the dark side to command HK??? Who the hell came up with that ?!? Definitely not a Star Wars fan, that's for sure.


I think it's fair to say that the light side/dark dichotomy isn't the conflict at hand in this game/era (the old republic)- it's more ideological/political. You don't have to join the dark side if you don't want to, you can still very much be a knight in shining armor to the galaxy as an Imperial.

Edited by AboB
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They didn't.


It only became clear that it was daft to have characters on more than 1 server when Legacy came in with 1.2, that was when I had to abandon a few characters on a server (I was orginally playing Empire on one Republic on an other).


Before that there was NO clear indication (or no indication at all, for that matter) that it would be advantageous (never mind required) to have toons of both side on one server.


They did, at the Guild Summit developer panel in March, say that they were actively looking for things they could do to encourage players to have characters in both factions. Legacy was meant to lead the way in this regard, but was never the whole plan. Dulfy.net has a summary up still of what all was said. Surely there are full transcripts out there somewhere, but honestly, I am not making this up.

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That aside... I am a rebel... always have been, always will be... I'll be damned if I join the dark side... This is a stupid, stupid requirement, plain and simple.


What sort of ''legacy'' is that, anyway?!? Your family has to have members on the light side AND on the dark side to command HK??? Who the hell came up with that ?!? Definatly not a Star Wars fan, that's for sure.


You have no idea how much you are losing if you are restricting yourself only to 1 faction, in Bioware games, u must experience both sides, whether good or evil :jawa_tongue:


And secondly there are no rebels here, because Galactic Republic is not converted into Galactic Empire yet, it's Sith Empire VS Galactic Republic; so you are republican, not a rebel xD (sorry had to say it :jawa_tongue:)

Edited by Aelther
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I think it's fair to say that the light side/dark dichotomy isn't the conflict at hand in this game/era (the old republic)- it's more ideological/political. You don't have to join the dark side if you don't want to, you can still very much be a knight in shining armor to the galaxy as an Imperial.


Knight in shining armor, fighting for very awesome imperial ideals of xenophobia, slavery and mass murder...


I'd say all those light side imps are very very naive... Any true light side imp would defect...

Edited by Aelther
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Knight in shining armor, fighting for very awesome imperial ideals of xenophobia, slavery and mass murder...


I'd say all those light side imps are very very naive... Any true light side imp would defect...


Yeah, I'm not too keen on all of the Imperial policies as a Rattataki Sniper, but what can I say, I really dig the shiny armor.

*Except that I don't have shiny armor. and I'm an evil. evil. man.

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If this is requirement is true then I wish it comes out with option to switch factions (i.e. retain level but restart class line) even more than with additional character slot.


I started to play in early access and since there was no option to cross faction goods transfer between my characters. Five months later when I had all advanced classes this option is implemented. Few more months later comes news that I need characters on both sides to unlock some future content. By now I have Crew Skills maxed out and I do not want to delete character and start from scratch.

What about folks who openly say “I hate other side” and do not want to spend time at all on that?


The new ideas should be implemented in way that is not penalizing to people who played the game beforehand. As it is now, the more you have invested the more you will lose and there should be some option to enable new content without frustration.


That, or this thing should be obtainable through cash shop. I have read replies that we “should make effort” to obtain this companion? Sure, I will gladly make it in dollars, BW salaries come from them so everyone will be happy.

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The new ideas should be implemented in way that is not penalizing to people who played the game beforehand. As it is now, the more you have invested the more you will lose and there should be some option to enable new content without frustration.


How is this penalizing people who play the game? I've been here from the start and this is basically a 'reward' for people who completed big chunk of content. Also leveling an alt is not so bad. I did not really have any imps when they announced HK-51, but when i heard it, I started leveling a sith sorcerer. I haven't been focusing on him too much, because of raids and stuff, but he is already lvl 47, so it's really not that hard, plus the story is very awesome.


Honestly it really seems like some people wanna get everything for free...


What about folks who openly say “I hate other side” and do not want to spend time at all on that?


Well i can say, sometimes I'd like to pvp, but i really can't stand all the grinding, u should not penalize me for being a pve mainly player, therefore u must put war hero gear in cash shop...


they already lowered some legacy perk requirements, that's enough...

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I think BogyOne is just presenting his view on the topic and it's just as valid as anyone else's.


Let me recap it for you:


- BogyOne created 8 alts on republic side

- BogyOne maxed out professions on these characters and played with those

- All this before cross-faction item transferring was made possible (justification for not having an imperial)


I think he is entitled to feel somewhat dubious about a hyped new companion when he, without sacrificing a character of potential, can't achieve it. This of course, unless character limit is upgraded.


This is an example of how "achievment" is not well thought as the requirement poses many possible negative effects. Instead of this, make a good use of Legacy: HK-51 could require a higher Legacy level and it might actually feel like an achievment or something players would know is coming and proving they have played -a reward of sorts. This instead of forcibly making people grind an alt on imperial or republic side, where they do not want to play to begin with and in worst case scenario, forcing people to delete one of their established characters.


Me, I couldn't care less about companions but I do understand many would like to get a new one. Few seconds after I typed my idea, it started feeling like one that people would dislike just as much as this one. And no, I don't see any resemblance of entitlement on BogyOne's post, just a problem he is facing if that is the requirement with HK-51.


Yours, Ruswyn of Nightmare Lands

Edited by Ruskaeth
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Knight in shining armor, fighting for very awesome imperial ideals of xenophobia, slavery and mass murder...


I'd say all those light side imps are very very naive... Any true light side imp would defect...


Strange, since for the two light-side Imperials I've leveled they were actively fighting AGAINST that and trying to change the empire.


They should lock this thread. It's a necro-post. Let's wait to see how you actually do have to unlock this droid.

Edited by Master-Nala
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