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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Please...just...Please stop...


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In the last several weeks people have been flooding Fatman from other servers. Many people have been faced with the trouble of re-rolling, learning new classes, levelling up once more, yadda yadda.


The issue is that so many of these people have absolutely no clue what you are doing in WZs. It's become absolutely toxic. You don't know how to play objectives, you capture nodes and then abandon them, you dps the tank and ignore the healers; simply put, every bad thing that could possibly be done in PvP, is PRECISELY what you do and it needs to stop.


Stop, please stop queuing. Sure it's fun to roll you for massive losses with the premade, or at least the few of us who know how to run objectives, but in all honesty, when queuing solo, it's simply a nightmare. You're terrible, and the fact that you get rolled while doing all the wrong things, then cap it by coming here and ask that every class save for the one that you are playing needs a nerf has simply poisoned the remaining comminity.


You were terrible on your original server, chances are you will carry it over to Fatman. It's simply not needed.


To all of you who have come to Fatman, gone thru the effort to learn your class anew, and to succeed once more on a thriving server, I look forward to pvping with you. To the rest of you who are just...just terrible at PvP who are smug about being Juggernauts who wear gear with AIM on it (and I mean with actual AIM on it, not just heavy armor), please take a step back, watch some videos; just learn your class and learn about the WZs before you queue ruin it for your own teammates, then turn it into a 4chan chat blowout.




There's nothing wrong with your classes (save for you few with actuall bugs..Commandos). The problem is you.

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funny you mention no one pays attention to objectives. i JUST had a huttball where a lvl 11 was boasting about getting top DPS as a low level. and you can't tell them that DPS doesn't matter because all they see is that they're doing more damage than a level 40 in the warzone.
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I can tell your good at pvp when you have excuses for your bad play in your signature. "their all hacking I tell you, all of them"


I can also tell your great at making friends, your on the most heavily populated pvp server and you still pug?

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I did a Novare Coast yesterday on my lvl 21 Sentinel and we got East then South. Went to attack West and got trounced. But somehow we lost East. I looked on the map when we died at West and NO ONE WAS EAST. I'm like we left 1 person there and no no one is there. Seconds after I looked on the map, we lost East. Nice call for inc?


So we go to tale West back, it's 5 on 3. So I start tapping, get interrupted. Start tapping again, get interrupted. It's now 4 on 1, I start tapping, I get interrupted. I look around and all the other fools are busy trying to kill this Jugg instead of tapping. If it's 4 on 1, 3 people should be trying to tap spread out.

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Other players have every right to play as much as you. How else are people to learn. If they have to reroll on fatman just to play so be it. If they decide they want to try out another class they have every right to.
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I can tell your good at pvp when you have excuses for your bad play in your signature. "their all hacking I tell you, all of them"


I can also tell your great at making friends, your on the most heavily populated pvp server and you still pug?


You didn't read the thread about the premades. Guild what? Also, you weren't getting nastygrams for reporting speed hacks, and Z-axis hacks with countless others during the first two months of the game.


Go to youtube, look up SWTOR Chiseler....enjoy.

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Other players have every right to play as much as you. How else are people to learn. If they have to reroll on fatman just to play so be it. If they decide they want to try out another class they have every right to.


I have the right to make-out with you, accept it or don't, but do you wanna make-out sometime?

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I did a Novare Coast yesterday on my lvl 21 Sentinel and we got East then South. Went to attack West and got trounced. But somehow we lost East. I looked on the map when we died at West and NO ONE WAS EAST. I'm like we left 1 person there and no no one is there. Seconds after I looked on the map, we lost East. Nice call for inc?


So we go to tale West back, it's 5 on 3. So I start tapping, get interrupted. Start tapping again, get interrupted. It's now 4 on 1, I start tapping, I get interrupted. I look around and all the other fools are busy trying to kill this Jugg instead of tapping. If it's 4 on 1, 3 people should be trying to tap spread out.


that really should be step 1. teach fatman to call for incoming

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You didn't read the thread about the premades. Guild what? Also, you weren't getting nastygrams for reporting speed hacks, and Z-axis hacks with countless others during the first two months of the game.


Go to youtube, look up SWTOR Chiseler....enjoy.


your the one that mention players ruining your pug runs.


Also, get to know someone who's hacked the game, TOR launched some kind of detection software thats wiped the majority of them out. Almost all the hacks since 1.2 are failures to understand the game, and what other classes can do. The hacking excuse now is worse than "nerf x threads", its just an excuse, or crutch for bad players now.


And four month old videos don't represent the current state of the game. Show me a cheat now. Show me one posted in the last two months?

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And four month old videos don't represent the current state of the game. Show me a cheat now. Show me one posted in the last two months?


Lol if you think the ones posted months ago still don't exist, I'll just sit back and giggle.

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your the one that mention players ruining your pug runs.


Also, get to know someone who's hacked the game, TOR launched some kind of detection software thats wiped the majority of them out. Almost all the hacks since 1.2 are failures to understand the game, and what other classes can do. The hacking excuse now is worse than "nerf x threads", its just an excuse, or crutch for bad players now.


And four month old videos don't represent the current state of the game. Show me a cheat now. Show me one posted in the last two months?


Yeah, I got a 3 day ban for reporting speed and z-axis hacks, and including videos of the hacks, and sending emails to CS.


My sig, isn't an excuse, it's a reality of a situation that may have passed, but their (BW) reaction at the time was essentially "Shut up, everything is fine here!!!" When it clearly wasn't.


The sig will always be there.

Edited by Ossos
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It's okay, they just announced today that server transfers begin June 12th, so the fatman will probably be light population once everyone leaves and goes back to their original toons.


If you were on the ledge, but cooking from a distance, the air quality would plunder over all the candy inside.

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I agree with you, but a lot of the fault lies with us vets. I was in a match last night where a guy with partial BM and level 10 or so valor was doing just as you describe. I /w'ed to him to see what the deal was and he had no idea what I was talking about. He had been playing that long and no one had bothered to help him learn a thing. I asked if he had tried to ask questions and he said that every time he asked he got called a noob and told to L2P so he stopped asking and juts hoped that he'd figure things out. I gave him some pointers and and links to some threads on here that helped me (since I experienced the same thing) and after a couple more matches he was doing much better. Sometimes it would behoove us to remember that we weren't born knowing what we know today, and without someone helping us out we may well have given up.
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I'm not even on fatman and I approve this thread. It's bad enough on swift sure already and I'm sure you're getting A LOT more rolls.


I had a guild by the name "Moderately Awesome" use their 3 players to farm our OWN end zone on huttball. Being 3 men down made the rest of the team near useless. I mean seriously... to all the kill happy people who don't understand objectives. At least farm mid, there's more action, and you are harming your team A LOT less than farming your own end zone. It kills me that things like this happen in 50 PvP... I would like to think the majority of people would have the objectives figured out by that point. Unfortunately... not the case.

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/runs off to roll a fatman alt to troll with


Seriously, it's the existing playerbase that brought this on by running to the forums every 5 minutes blathering on about how great The Fatman is... no sympathy I'm afraid.


This will be the new whine of the week going forward anyway "ohnoes we've been overrun by scrubs" on every destination server. Personally, I like scrubs, they're great cannon fodder for both sides. The "elite" players should be in the 50 bracket anyway, particularly if they've been on the server for ages.

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This is why I wish the level grind was a longer, tougher road to travel.... it would keep a lot of bad players out of 50 PvP. Of course it wouldn't keep them all out but if the level grind was twice as long or even 1.5 times as long... it would keep a lot of unknowing player out of it and MOST would figure out what an objective was by then.
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In the last several weeks people have been flooding Fatman from other servers. Many people have been faced with the trouble of re-rolling, learning new classes, levelling up once more, yadda yadda.


The issue is that so many of these people have absolutely no clue what you are doing in WZs. It's become absolutely toxic. You don't know how to play objectives, you capture nodes and then abandon them, you dps the tank and ignore the healers; simply put, every bad thing that could possibly be done in PvP, is PRECISELY what you do and it needs to stop.


Stop, please stop queuing. Sure it's fun to roll you for massive losses with the premade, or at least the few of us who know how to run objectives, but in all honesty, when queuing solo, it's simply a nightmare. You're terrible, and the fact that you get rolled while doing all the wrong things, then cap it by coming here and ask that every class save for the one that you are playing needs a nerf has simply poisoned the remaining comminity.


You were terrible on your original server, chances are you will carry it over to Fatman. It's simply not needed.


To all of you who have come to Fatman, gone thru the effort to learn your class anew, and to succeed once more on a thriving server, I look forward to pvping with you. To the rest of you who are just...just terrible at PvP who are smug about being Juggernauts who wear gear with AIM on it (and I mean with actual AIM on it, not just heavy armor), please take a step back, watch some videos; just learn your class and learn about the WZs before you queue ruin it for your own teammates, then turn it into a 4chan chat blowout.




There's nothing wrong with your classes (save for you few with actuall bugs..Commandos). The problem is you.


Haha, loved this post! I'm not the greatest at PVP, but I'm trying. At least I take objectives and try to keep them. But not everyone is perfect or going to be the best. I haven't rolled on fatman just because I think everyone's drawing towards there come transfers and I think it's a BIG mistake. There are enough players that we don't need to go to the ONLY big server. We need several big servers as destinations, for both East Coast and West Coast. C'mon community. Pick a server other then fatman and communicate it to eachother. Of course, this will help when BW actually releases what servers will be open for transfers.

Edited by Bewoulff
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I did a Novare Coast yesterday on my lvl 21 Sentinel and we got East then South. Went to attack West and got trounced. But somehow we lost East. I looked on the map when we died at West and NO ONE WAS EAST. I'm like we left 1 person there and no no one is there. Seconds after I looked on the map, we lost East. Nice call for inc?



I just love when people moan about nodes and guarding them... dude you can stay there and guard it or are you too busy jumping nodes and trying to 3cap... next time stop ************ about what someone else could have done and guard the node yourself. :D

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