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1.3 nerf notes, alrighty then


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Oh snap. tankasins will have to wear tank gear and tank accordingly.


Got it.


What's the problem again?


The changes actually make that route less competitive than it is today because the other two tank classes are comparatively better suited to the dedicated tanking roles in PvP.


It actually will push more people to run dps gear or change class/spec entirely.

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The changes actually make that route less competitive than it is today because the other two tank classes are comparatively better suited to the dedicated tanking roles in PvP.


It actually will push more people to run dps gear or change class/spec entirely.


Agree. What does BW have against tanks in PvP anyway?

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We all knew it was coming- marauders were saying that sins were on par with them, BW took note and are doing what they can to fix that problem.


By doing what? Having maras/sents be the only class that matters? Why not buff classes? I don't get it.

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The biggest changes are how not having adrenals and relics will effect each class to varying degrees. For example a class that is based on sustained damage like a annihilation marauder will be effected the least. While classes that are based entirely on burst damage like a concealment operative will take a massive hit to their effectiveness.


Longer ttk's also devalue cooldowns and CC a bit for classes that rely on those sorts of things.

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Well Powertechs took a huge burst nerf.


The burst powertechs had was from stacking adrenals and relics with their 100% crit chance skill.


You wont see powertech run in a smoke someone in 5 seconds with those changes and without the burst powertechs will run huge ammo issues.


Longer fights will hurt certain classes like troops more than the classes that build up resources to spend.


watcha talkin about? I don't see anything like this in the notes

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I think they went about nerfing tankassin/shadowtanks in the wrong way. IMO, their passive survivability as tank-spec is pretty on par other tanks. Yes, the healing received from dark charge attacks that proc and HD force lightning was excessive, but HD procced force lightning will usually get interrupted (via stuns, knockbacks, other counters, etc.), so it's pretty rare to get full effect from it - and while the amount of healing received from dark charge's procs can certainly be significant, I think the reduction to its value is too great (not only for pve, but also pvp due to the healing received debuff applying to heals that aren't %-based and if a sniper/slinger or mara/sent applies their healing received debuff in addition to the pvp trauma debuff the healing from dark charge procs is already almost useless).


In my opinion, they should be nerfing the damage output from tankassins to be more in line with that of other tank specs and/or reducing some of their incredibly effective talent-improved abilities.

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Read all the notes and understand PVP. They basically got rid of biochem adrenals and activation relics in pvp. Meaning no more popping cooldowns for sick burst. That in itself will make powertechs and vanguard damage far more managable than before. It means you will see more 3700's and no more 5k+


If you guys want to know what the strongest class in the game will be post 1.3 it will be healing operative/scoundrels.They were already running around beast tanking all this damage. Now all the burst is falling off.

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Read all the notes and understand PVP. They basically got rid of biochem adrenals and activation relics in pvp. Meaning no more popping cooldowns for sick burst. That in itself will make powertechs and vanguard damage far more managable than before. It means you will see more 3700's and no more 5k+


If you guys want to know what the strongest class in the game will be post 1.3 it will be healing operative/scoundrels.They were already running around beast tanking all this damage. Now all the burst is falling off.

Pretty much says it all. And they will benefit nicely with battlezone adrenals just mitigating damage. Without burst they are going to be pretty tough now.

Edited by Vycwulf
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Why do people assume healers don't use adrenals/relics? Do you seriously not notice that sometimes a healer will suddenly start healing for crazy numbers and that's probably from the same source as your burst DPS?
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"BW nerfs sorc and all those healers"

Assassins: LOL told joo guises ar sooo OPied, BW has metrics they clearly know about their game than you noobie sorcs and healers.


"BW nerfs facerolling tankasin"



Such hypocrisy.


Yea sorcs are argubly over nerfed but as you have noticed the good one still pwn u in the face

We will see whos the "better" Sins after 1.3 since the baddie ones will probably quit (or reroll a marauder and suck harder).

Edited by warultima
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"BW nerfs sorc and all those healers"

Assassins: LOL told joo guises ar sooo OPied, BW has metrics they clearly know about their game than you noobie sorcs and healers.


"BW nerfs facerolling tankasin"



Such hypocrisy.


Yea sorcs are argubly over nerfed but as you have noticed the good one still pwn u in the face

We will see whos the "better" Sins after 1.3 since the baddie ones will probably quit (or reroll a marauder and suck harder).


+1 Internet for you sir.

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So they drop tankasin's mitigation by a fair bit AND lower their healing by a fair bit. Pretty severe. It's actually going to be a pretty meh spec now. Assassins will now have 3 meh specs to choose from.




Yeah, they made them more human instead of demigods now. No more 1 v 3 for tankasins and winning. To quote Rocky IV "You see, hes not a machine, hes a man!"

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Your mad that Tankassins are supposed to Tank now ? GOOD Im an assassin and even I say that they are abusing the system.... Tank specs are SUPPOSED to tank not wear dps gear and be unstoppable. and Btw I was able to kill dps geared tankassins as well as a madness sin so hows that for a meh spec.... Maybe try learning how to play your class before you QQ on the forums all day....but I guess thats asking too much



lol.. i will see how you will «Tank» in PvE after 1.3..

Ah.. you dont care for PvE? good for you..

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ummm no. It actually pushes tankasins even further into DPS gear.


Sure it does, but now they will be reasonably squishy, so a good change. You can argue they didn't do enough with the classes the masses think are op, but I think they did the smart thing leaving them alone and seeing how the changes to adrenals and relics affect class balance first.

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Yeah, they made them more human instead of demigods now. No more 1 v 3 for tankasins and winning. To quote Rocky IV "You see, hes not a machine, hes a man!"


You think something changed in PvP for SinTanks? lol.. how clueless you are..


in PvP sinTanks still faceroll you as it now..


Problem that 1.3 will destroys PvE for SinTanks.. Completely.

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So basically what I see is that they are trying to bring in line the other 2 unbelievable and unstoppable tanks that are Vans/PT's and KC/Tankassins with Guardians/Juggs. I love all the complaining though, please dont stop.


I find it quite amusing that people are upset about how guardians have been all along lol. This is great, and guardians got a buff too. I almost crapped a live chicken. Who held a gun to the devs head to make that change I wonder? Musta hurt the person just typing the buff let alone acutally doing it, musta damn near killed them to buff guardians considering we have been the red headed step child of the tank and dps world since launch.


Never thought I would see this day, but it is here at last, and it is good :D

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Such a disappointment to see the twofold nerf on assassin tanks.. PvE and PvP shouldn't have to affect each other in this way.


According to the dev's blog post the nerf had less to do with PvP than PvE. Tank sins were more survivable than intended in PvE.

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You think something changed in PvP for SinTanks? lol.. how clueless you are..


in PvP sinTanks still faceroll you as it now..


Problem that 1.3 will destroys PvE for SinTanks.. Completely.


I heard this before too.


"Naa Sorcs super healing nerf is fine, they will be just fine in PvP and just as good in PvE. Well for the good sorcs that is"


So I guess I will use the same arguments that everyone said its fine for all the nerfs that happened to sorcs and healers.


"Naa Assassin will be fine, they will still faceroll you in PvP and they will still face roll in PvE. Well for the good Sins that is, not the super baddie ones thats calling sky is falling rightnow"

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CCCCCCCC YAS!:sul_tongue:

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Assassins/Shadows are nerfed because they provided better active tankiness (when they attack, not while running) in PvE and PvP, and a tank-specced, but dps geared sin/shadow just put out too much dps considering their tankiness, they nerfed the tankiness, but the dps stays the same.


Writing is on the wall for certain now for anyone on the fence, gear-wise. Shadows are just racing for DPS like every other melee class. Gearing for Tanking in PvP is just a complete waste of time, if it wasn't already.


We need'd a nerf guys & anyone who's any good knew it!


Shadows didn't need a nerf, but I'll roll with the punches. No biggie.


At first look, the changes look to impact endgame Raid Tanking for Shadows more than PvP play. Glad my Shadow doesn't bother with that anymore.

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When the game went live Marauders / Sentinels were somewhat popular but not hugely and Ptechs / Vanguards were no where to be found. However, with little buffs or nerfs to these 2 classes they have become hugely popular with rerollers and even if you don't say they are OP they are very much FOTM in the view of players. This rarely happens without a class being extremely OP.


However, BW nerfed a couple very popular classes in 1.2 and lost many people. Now they are also dealing with low pop issues and a large playerbase considering quiting. They don't want to nerf the current FOTM class. You can believe it is OP or not but it should be obvious that the 2 classes are at least FOTM.


My guess is that in 1.4 after server transfers have been going on and the population isn't in freefall we will either see buffs to some other classes or nerfs to marauders and Ptechs.


The tankassin nerf is great though I hate playing that boring OP spec.

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