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Adaptive Social Gear in Action!


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I haven't had time to read the entire thread. But isn't this new addition a bit long winded and retarded?


Other games have a way of giving people the stats they want with the look they want...


Wear one set for the stats. Wear one set for the the looks.


It's called a fricken APPEARANCE TAB. :rolleyes:


It's a right pain in the arse having to swich between the low tier outfit I love the look of and the high tier outfit I detest the look of but have to use to stand a chance in combat.

Edited by Reksat
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i feel they are totaly going in the wrong direction for socal armour.

it would have been far easyer just to add an apperance armour slots to yr chr sheet and have that worn as apperance only and non functional for combat , in other words yr combat armour regardless of what type you are is still in effect in its normal slots . but also have an apperance armour slots that is what others see you wearing , that way it doesnt matter at all what armour type you maybe , the apperance slots have no bearing on what yr combat armour is so anyone can wear it with it not effecting your combat rating.


now the armour is going to self adjust to what YOUR able to wear, what if your a light user and still want social armour for you compaion that uses hvy armour, its still going to be set at light becouse thats what your able to use , so in effect no change.


hats off to trying to get it working but in my opion its in the wrong direction. just my 2credits worth


Yep totally agree this is what I thought they were going to do when I first saw the social gear. If I remember rightly that is from LOTRO. I hope that your wrong though and it scales to your companions armour class, have to wait and see.

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It's just annoying that as a WZ player, one of the most SOCIAL experiences in the game especially on Low Pop server that I'm sitll on Social II Despite having a Valor rank of 75. Soooooooooo I shant be able to partake in the social gear wonders... :( Love the idea but it seems social play is only considered social if you're consuming the PVE content over and over and over.
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Soo... is the only gear that can be used like this the Social Gear? Or will ANY orange piece be upscaled like the social gear will? I hope its all Orange pieces, as none of my characters have a significant amount of social points... since the game has pretty much been a single player game.
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Guess I'll be saving up those credits for social gear. :D


This is great!


The Slave Girl Outfit (Orange Light Armor set, & requires 750 Social Points to purchase at Nar Shaddaa), costs 1500 credits for the set of five pieces.


The Republic Dancer Outfit (same as the Slave Girl Outfit, except a different color & is available from the Security Key Vendor), costs about 30k credits.


Considering the fact that Orange Legacy Bracers alone cost 100k, I'd say Social Armor is a bargain!

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There's several problems with this.


Firstly all armour resrtictions on Orange Items need removing, comps can't wear em.


If someone like the look of a armour set but can't wear it because of its armour class they should be able to modify it to theirs.


Armour set bonus's and stat selection should be a function of crating on the armour panels and mods etc, having set bonus's on specific armour sets undermines what your trying to achieve, as it basically forces people to have to wear the same sets still to get the bonus's.


Valour rank resrtictions on PVP armour schematic boxes needs removing, their completely pointless in 1.3 as anyone with a toothbrush can augment off the peg armour and items.


The crafting system as a whole needs a major rethink and overhaul.

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With the inclusion of Adaptive Gear in Game Update 1.3: Allies, you and your friends will be able to wear any social item in the game, and add augments to let you use it in the most perilous battles. See some of the different social items that you’ll be able to wear in any Flashpoint or Operation in this video.


Watch Now


This sounds fantastic, thanks!

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  • 3 weeks later...
Hello. Does anyone know how to change the look of armor? Is there a guide for the steps of how to do it? I musta missed that memo. I've been reading pages of forums...and I can't find a "how to". Thank you~
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Hello. Does anyone know how to change the look of armor? Is there a guide for the steps of how to do it? I musta missed that memo. I've been reading pages of forums...and I can't find a "how to". Thank you~


Essentially you do not change the looks of armor, but instead you rip the upgrades out of the original armor and stick them into the desired armor.

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now that social gear is playing a larger role in game, could someone please spend some fix time on the republic dancer outfit. it is supposed to show as red. not pink. in cut scenes it shows the proper color, if i color match other armor to the chest it shows as red. if i put it on a companion it shows as red. but on the player it shows as a drab pink. Please correct this color issue. thx. :)
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There's several problems with this.


Firstly all armour resrtictions on Orange Items need removing, comps can't wear em.


If someone like the look of a armour set but can't wear it because of its armour class they should be able to modify it to theirs.


Armour set bonus's and stat selection should be a function of crating on the armour panels and mods etc, having set bonus's on specific armour sets undermines what your trying to achieve, as it basically forces people to have to wear the same sets still to get the bonus's.


Valour rank resrtictions on PVP armour schematic boxes needs removing, their completely pointless in 1.3 as anyone with a toothbrush can augment off the peg armour and items.


The crafting system as a whole needs a major rethink and overhaul.

Whoa there, your wrong on many accounts here lol


1: Companions CAN wear any orange item thats within there class limits.


2: I disagree, an Assassin shouldn't look like a Juggernaut. Customization is nice but there needs to be SOME limits.


3: There solution to linking the Set Bonus Pieces to the Armorings was actually an efficient solution for most. Although Some armorings are sub-par for the class in question (IE, a DPS armoring with High End/Low Main Stat) Giving the power to CRAFT set bonuses would only reduce the value of raiding.


4: Even though I don't "like" the Valor Resctrictions on the BM/WH Schematic Orange pieces, it makes perfect sense. Those items are a reward for the people willing to put in the effort to reach that Valor Rank. If you don't put in the work, you simply don't deserve the reward.

Edited by _Jokerz_
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  • 1 month later...
Set bonus isn't that necessary if you're not a min-maxer though, 2 seconds not removed from a cooldown won't be a gamebreaker

Uhm, more like a + 15% chance to crit on my Tracer Missiles and a 50% reduction in the heat cost of my Rail Shot. :rolleyes:

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Adaptive gear is a failure it costs too much to strip out mods and nobody is using it. Some classes especially healers cannot afford to lose the set bonus it adds 15% critical chance to their big heal. Unless you have campaign gear it's not an option.


Agreed, if it costs to mod gear at the mod station and it's the same price to d so away from the station there is no point in having the station in the first place. If social gear is to thrive they need to make it more affordable for ever level to use and mod. Not to mention come up with new sets and maby color variations to appeal to the masses I mean check even go with paint kits or something along those lines.

I love my social gear but it's old dumping money to mod every few levels especially when you do it to every set piece. The social gear is a great idea just needs more fine tuning.

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  • 2 weeks later...

All of my character use Orange gear so i can piece together looks that i like, I'm not an endgame raider so losing set bonuses to not look like a tool is OK for me. Some of this is just orange, some social or adaptive, mix and match sort of thing.


For the most part i am happy with the looks and have no issues pulling mods out of black-hole gear to drop them into my current set, it cost a bit, but for those 1 time swap overs each time i manage a new piece of gear it isn't a huge deal.


Where i think it does fall off is when something like the world events come up, you get some new set of fun gear which maybe I'd want to wear for a few weeks to play around, or maybe even switch to those pieces completely, THEN swapping over 4, 5 6 pieces of gear with mods, adding kits and augments, just costs too much to do so. Its affordable, but just too much for the sake of playing around with a new look.


During the recent event i picked up the bloody sand people gear set (and the speeder) and was having fun continuing the event on the busted up bike wearing the full set of gear, but whenever it came to a fight I'd get nearly killed and if i knew the fight was coming I'd switch back over to my normal gear to do it then back for the "fun" of wearing the new set.


I'm sure someone has said it somewhere (I'm not searching for it) but having a base "outfit" where you put your mods and augments and such, with an "overlay" of sorts of the the look of the gear would allow you to have your stats, change them, upgrade them, etc. and then when some fun or new set comes along you could toss it on and go have fun with your friends.

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This idea was a good idea, but it feels like there was not enough foresight before implementation. I think in the future there needs to be more cohesion when it comes to implementing idea's, as well as more communication between the various people in charge of area's within' the SWTOR world. Is one idea going to step on another idea? Have we implemented something that will be made irrelevant if we implement this new thing? How will what we are doing effect previous updates/changes?


There is no point in fixing things or adding to the game if you are going to cause old issues to crop back up by doing so.

Edited by Selvec
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