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    Atlanta, Ga.
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  1. Ya, I got my ashara is full Slave Girl. Moved a full set of rakata mods into it and when i put it on her... she's wearing this grey/black suit under-neath... I previewed the Dancer Outfit and it showed the same grey.black suit.
  2. Anyone else try putting on either the dancer or slave girl outfits on either of these two companions and notice that there new skin texture looks like a black body suite? If so, did we get jipped?
  3. Whoa there, your wrong on many accounts here lol 1: Companions CAN wear any orange item thats within there class limits. 2: I disagree, an Assassin shouldn't look like a Juggernaut. Customization is nice but there needs to be SOME limits. 3: There solution to linking the Set Bonus Pieces to the Armorings was actually an efficient solution for most. Although Some armorings are sub-par for the class in question (IE, a DPS armoring with High End/Low Main Stat) Giving the power to CRAFT set bonuses would only reduce the value of raiding. 4: Even though I don't "like" the Valor Resctrictions on the BM/WH Schematic Orange pieces, it makes perfect sense. Those items are a reward for the people willing to put in the effort to reach that Valor Rank. If you don't put in the work, you simply don't deserve the reward.
  4. My assassin in Rakata/Black Hole/Campaign can still tank EC SM with ease. Their nerf to armor only made a 5% increase of damage reduced by armor alone (40%-35%), and the self healing from Dark Ward Affect, it was nerfed by 50%.. meaning instead of healing myself for about 450 every 4.5seconds, I heal for 250..every 4.5seconds.. and the Heal nerf to Force Lightning(w/3stacks) still heals me for 8% of max HP (Down from 12%) This **** has made a near negligible difference in my ability to tank SM EC. My Base stats are 24k HP (Fully buffed) 23% Defense Chance, 60% Shield Chance (w/Dark Ward Up), and 61% Shield Absorption. The threat changes made holding aggro almost too easy now, but not complaining. Less too worry about lol. This is my personal experience.
  5. Lol, well thats nice. So i get a free day from maintence, free month for having an active account w/a 50 and now 3 days from getting nailed by the pre-mature launch of 1.2 causing a complete download (11gig) and a lost day of play... Could be worse. Thx Bioware!
  6. Lol, I'm sorry but wait... you WANT more grind? I can't stand it, not after plying Aion to 55... you want to a grinding game thats all about killing repetitive mobs over and over and over and over and over.. oh wait, Ding!, and over and over... haha, nty. TOR has it's issues, the game is still young and was rushed by the ******es at EA to a pre-mature launch, Grinding is not one of them lol
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