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[ Space Combat ] - dont play it if you dont like it


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It's nice to see people having an epiphany about things, yes not doing something you don't enjoy is a good start.


First, you can focus on things you enjoy and 2nd, it helps companies know how much liked their products are.


You can even expand that thought and not buy at all things that don't match your tastes.



As for the current space content, I just do around 40 missions while leveling a new character and that's all. It works somehow as a little bonus on my way of leveling but it's definitely not something I would do for long.


It needs a huge rework to interest me beyond that, I was hoping for something a lot better.



You have to do some while levelling to get the item you need to run the L50 dailys, also for social stuff...... whether you enjoy it or not.

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Only this :

Space is still heavily utilized by our playerbase, according to our metrics. That being said, there aren't any significant space advances or tweaks in patch 1.3. However, we do have significant plans for space additions that are well underway, both something smaller for a future Game Update, as well as some very large, long term plans that we can't wait to talk about.


Funny how one little omitted part of a quote can send a poster's rant on its ear. Too many around here seem to think that because they don't enjoy something, a huge chunk of the game's playerbase doesn't enjoy it either. For every one of you who doesn't like it, there could be one, or five, or ten who do, or there could be one, or five, or ten who do not. Either way, you don't know and likely never will unless Bioware tells you what they are seeing (which they did, and people promptly tossed on their tinfoil hats, stuck their fingers in their ears, and screamed "You are wrong, Bioware, no one likes your space combat.")


Metrics are all Bioware really has to gauge how well their content is being used. They sure as hell aren't going to take the word of a few angry forum posters on whether or not the content is being enjoyed.


Would I like to see tweaks to space (free roam and the like)? Certainly. Am I going to rant and rave about the current iteration of space combat? No, because I enjoy that too.

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Funny how one little omitted part of a quote can send a poster's rant on its ear. Too many around here seem to think that because they don't enjoy something, a huge chunk of the game's playerbase doesn't enjoy it either. For every one of you who doesn't like it, there could be one, or five, or ten who do, or there could be one, or five, or ten who do not. Either way, you don't know and likely never will unless Bioware tells you what they are seeing (which they did, and people promptly tossed on their tinfoil hats, stuck their fingers in their ears, and screamed "You are wrong, Bioware, no one likes your space combat.")


Metrics are all Bioware really has to gauge how well their content is being used. They sure as hell aren't going to take the word of a few angry forum posters on whether or not the content is being enjoyed.


Would I like to see tweaks to space (free roam and the like)? Certainly. Am I going to rant and rave about the current iteration of space combat? No, because I enjoy that too.


Two words: In-game polls. Stopping polls after betas is just stupid in this genre (despite the fact that everyone does it).

Edited by Gungan
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"They just need more polls. There used to be thread upon thread about open world 3d battles. But an in game poll would really get the opinion of the players. Not sure why games don't do in game polls all the time. "


That is a great idea in my opinion ,

maybe they could announce polls true the launcher while the servers are down for maintenance.

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is this for real? BioWare can't really be this stupid.....


no wonder people keep leaving...BioWare has no common sense.


Space Missions give cash, rewards as you lvl, decent xp as you lvl, and even daily comms if you're doing the final one at lvl 50.....


I do the last 3 space missions for the cash and comms..not every day..but now and then..I also do them as I level.


you gotta be all kinds of stupid to think that because people are grinding through something must mean they automatically enjoy it and it doesn't need fixing.


so I guess all the criticism they recieved and plea's to change/alter space combat they just ignored...and instead look at some idiotic "metrics" system that only shows people are doing them...so they assume that means space is ok?


dear GOD EA..fire these morons and get some people with some sense in charge over here!!!!

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Yeah, and metrics are only reliable to show whether people are or are not doing something. There's two finite choices.


Metrics don't show why they are doing it, or whether they like doing it or not.


A lot of people don't hate their jobs, they still do them because of the money they get.


Then it still is a feature used a lot. I donot like the space combat in TOR and thus I donot do them. The best effective way to send a message to a company a part of thier product feature is not good is to not use or buy that product. Continuing to use a feature only sends them a message it is a good feature. This is common sense. WoW for example saw the percentage increase dramatically of thier player base using the Looking for Raid tool and thus experencing the end game content in spite of the hundreds of threads they got from players on the forums complaining about it.

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Polls are often useless; subjective questions and non-participating Players often the source of why stats are ref as the third lie.


Do you enjoy X is still valid. Non-participation is easily solved with short, mandatory polls at the launcher for example where it wont let you press "play" until you have filled in the check boxes.


Key points in the setup is short, maybe 5 questions, mostly yes/no questions with selection boxes, and you only need to fill out the survey once each time a new one is pushed out. That way you are not forcing players to blindly pick any option on every startup.

Edited by Gungan
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I enjoy space combat ALOT more than i thought i would when the game was still in development.


But, i dont play it anymore, purely because the designers are so poor that they repeat the same 4 missions several times. And piss poor art department who use the same designs for objectives in the mission.... all starbases look the same? sure.


Would i take full 3d space? ideally yes, but i have no faith they would implement it well.


If they kept it on rails would i be happy? fine by me, just dont make it one HUGE repetitive grind of the same content.

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Then it still is a feature used a lot. I donot like the space combat in TOR and thus I donot do them. The best effective way to send a message to a company a part of thier product feature is not good is to not use or buy that product. Continuing to use a feature only sends them a message it is a good feature. This is common sense. WoW for example saw the percentage increase dramatically of thier player base using the Looking for Raid tool and thus experencing the end game content in spite of the hundreds of threads they got from players on the forums complaining about it.


None of which negates the fact that quality is just as important, if not more, than quantity.

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The only reason I do the space missions is because I can't afford not to. Crafting costs so much to work up --sending companions out on missions-- I just can't stay even without the credits I get from space missions.


I don't like the rail shooter. I don't want to play the rail shooter. I'd rather have a better free flight space experience.


Metrics isn't going to show you squat about why people are behaving a certain way. It just tells you what they're doing. Depending on that for your main input from the community is just as foolish as when the CIA stopped investing in on the ground intelligence and thought it could figure out what was going on just from electronic surveillance. And we all know how well that worked out with 9/1/1, the Iran hostage situation, and the Beruit Marine Baracks.

Edited by Star-ranger
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None of which negates the fact that quality is just as important, if not more, than quantity.


Hehe....BioWare is no different than any other MMO company..they have thier product to make money. I do like your idea of a poll when you logon to get a more accurate opinion of how well players like thier product/features..but I donot see them using that. But there is so many issues with the game....the polls would have to be different each day. And for example for me, the space combat is not even on my totem pole of reasons I will more than likely not resub when mine expires. The message is being sent to BioWare why the game needs some changes to get players to come back. They do afterall have the player list the reasons they are canceling thier sub when they do. :cool:

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"Space Combat" is a complete embarrassment, but no matter how many polls and protests we conduct, we're probably stuck with it. The resources to give it the rethink and rewrite it needs are long since out the door. More missions is our best and only hope.
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The only time I play Space Combat is when I need a bit of xp to hit a new level. I don't think I've ever played it on a character after hitting L50 though.


The only toon I have equipped with decent ship gear is my Cybertech, and that was just something that happened while I was leveling Cybertech.


IMHO, the current version of Space Combat is a waste of resources that could be better spent on resolving other SWToR issues.

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One part of me thinks BW knows the majority of people doesn't like space combat but do it because of the quick XP or extra daily commendation.


Another part of me thinks BW is just that dumb.


Or you are employing a logical fallacy of mind projection (I believe, therefor it is), in assuming that the "majority" of players do not enjoy them.


I, like others, enjoy them just fine. Every one of my leveling characters do them.


I do not enjoy doing dailies, I could extrapolate that out to the assumption that people would not do dailies if not for the rewards, but I'm not expecting them to reconfigure the entire system to suit me.


In essence, they are correct. Do them if you enjoy them or get something out of them.

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If you're going to tell the story - tell the whole story. They are working on something for the long term that is different than what we currently have. Lets hope its worth the wait. Here is the full quote:


IGN: How about space combat missions, will those be receiving any attention in 1.3? Do you find players still run these missions in-game and how much room do you feel there is to develop the system further?


Daniel Erickson: Space is still heavily utilized by our playerbase, according to our metrics. That being said, there aren't any significant space advances or tweaks in patch 1.3. However, we do have significant plans for space additions that are well underway, both something smaller for a future Game Update, as well as some very large, long term plans that we can't wait to talk about.

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:DI still have fun in the actual space missions. Sure, like most other players, I'd like to see full 3d space battles implemented and I know it's just a matter of time. We'll get them. I have no idea when, but we'll get them. I totally understand that it isn't a priority and it shouldn't imo. Edited by Sammm
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:DI still have fun in the actual space missions. Sure, like most other players, I'd like to see full 3d space battles implemented and I know it's just a matter of time. We'll get them. I have no idea when, but we'll get them. I totally understand that it isn't a priority and it shouldn't imo.


Ok, you. Stop being rational and reasonable or we will kick you right off this board!

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After reading through the thread, there is some blatant trolling going on here. It stinks of the Blizzard Viral Marketing team. First, the OP doesn't make any direct quotes, and assumes a lot by intentionally mis-interpreting the Q&A session. Then, someone with the name PandaMonk (obvious WoW reference is obvious) intentionally shortens an already short quote to mislead forum readers regarding the topic.


This thread is useless, and misleading. These trolls are doing nothing but pissing people off with a lie. It is very clear to me that competitors and players of the competitors are scared of what SWTOR is trying to accomplish. That's a good thing . . .

Edited by Jesseria
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After reading through the thread, there is some blatant trolling going on here. It stinks of the Blizzard Viral Marketing team. First, the OP doesn't make any direct quotes, and assumes a lot by intentionally mis-interpreting the Q&A session. Then, someone with the name PandaMonk (obvious WoW reference is obvious) intentionally shortens an already short quote to mislead forum readers regarding the topic.


This thread is useless, and misleading. These trolls are doing nothing but pissing people off with a lie. It is very clear to me that competitors and players of the competitors are scared of what SWTOR is trying to accomplish. That's a good thing . . .


The answer you treat as misleadingly shortened is my mistake and i admit it.

But the full answer and the short one, to me are the same, just the full has a little more PR to it.


However, i did take into consideration the full answer when writing the original post.


And reading the "full" answer, same like the short , i firmly believe that BW will be making more missions like the current ones , because people play them and it shows up in metrics.


For me this means, more content i don't like.

And somehow it seems that i gave them the wrong idea, true metrics communication.


BTW. I don't work for Blizzard. :)

Wish i did do, in my opinion its a cool company.

Edited by PandaMonk
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The answer you treat as misleadingly shortened is my mistake and i admit it.

But the full answer and the short one, to me are the same, just the full has a little more PR to it.


However, i did take into consideration the full answer when writing the original post.


And reading the "full" answer, same like the short , i firmly believe that BW will be making more missions like the current ones , because people play them and it shows up in metrics.


For me this means, more content i don't like.

And somehow it seems that i gave them the wrong idea, true metrics communication.


Sir, if it weren't considered trolling - I'd post the video from Billy Madison with the guy saying that we are all now dumber because of what you said.


They have announced that they are working on long term plans to revamp Space Combat. You admit to knowing this. They have also announced that in the short term, they will continue to release new Space Missions on the rail. You don't have to like the new space missions on the rail - but a lot of players, including myself, actually like the rail space combat.


MMORPGs have to meet the needs and interests of a varying group of people. I personally cannot stand huttball. I hate huttball like the devil. But I'm not going to ask BioWare to remove it, or get mad at them because they spent precious time developing it. A lot of people like Huttball, and there is nothing wrong with that.


Yes, they will continue to develop space on rails, a feature that I really enjoy. However, I agree that Space Combat is not what it can be. I agree that it requires a huge over haul. They promised us this - and they are working on it. They just can't release any details about it because of the politics of MMO gaming. They are going to wait to release space combat news when they need to strategically reclaim players - and there is nothing wrong with that.

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I think I've only ran two space missions ever. They were both on the 1st week of release.


After what I saw I had enough. Never again will I play it.


If I wanted a on rails space shooter, I would play Star Fox 64.


At least Star Fox is fun, and was a great modern game when it came out in 1997.

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