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Character Transfer, Server Populations and You

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That's why I tend to use italics. In fact, I'm fairly certain that is the point of italics.


Anyway, you are more than happy to come here and give out (mis)information but seem unwilling to do something as simple as quote the origin of this (mis)information. Why is that?


Let's just say I've been doing this a long time. Also wait...... and see. ;)

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I guess there's just something different about the guilds that expect they will have game-ending problems and the guilds that expect that the problems are completely surmountable. /shrug Maybe we're just improvise-adapt-overcome types. Maybe we eat more fiber. Maybe it's a serotonin thing. Maybe it's because my guild tends to be a little older that the general pop on our server. I just don't know.


There's probably a huge difference between your guild and ours. My guild is a subset of a gaming community. We were founded in 2008 and have been through many games together. I'm happy yours won't suffer as a result of the server-transfer-on-rails, but I know mine will. We are focused on TOR, but TOR is not what keeps us together, gaming in general does that.


Since we have fun playing a variety of games together, we'll most likely take the path of least resistance. Since Bioware seems content on making TOR a path of resistance for guilds thanks to these transfers, guess what happens to our members' subs. Buh-bye. Onward to other games. :)

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It would be difficult, I imagine, to find a guild more casual than mine. Our average play time is 10 or fewer hours a week. I'm the GL and my highest level character is 36. People are only required to play and log into our forums monthly.


I don't think "casual-ness" is the difference between guild leaders that see no big problem versus guild leaders that forecast disaster.


Want a fiber bar?




I'm not sure what you're getting at. The reason why i thought it was important to say that my guild was casual is that we dont require players to use VOIP outside of Ops/raids, we dont require players to visit our forums and we have a 60 day absence removal policy. I don't ask my guild mates for anything other than dont give our guild a bad name and dont act like a jerk to people while wearing the guild tag.


So, we attract a lot of casual players. casual players typically do not read the message of the day, at least the ones in my guild. Casual players are also way behind in SWTOR news. So, I suspect that half my guild doesnt even know that there are transfers next week. So, maybe by Tuesday only 1/3 will still be in the dark about the news. I know the core group my my guild, which is not casual, is along for the move because they've already told me. The rest? nothing. they either dont know about it, or dont care. So, they wont be along for the ride. I have a message in the message of the day saying to check out the guild forums if they wish to remain in the guild. I've done all that I can.


So, in closing, i'm not going to be upset when a lot of people dont come over, because its there choice not to, and I have no interest in forcing/pressuring people to do things they arent interested in.



But, the core is going. The core of my guild is well known on my server and we are a good and functional group. As long as that core moves (which it already has confirmed it will) i am going to be happy. If the casuals want to stay, best of luck. No hard feelings.

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Sounds like they are going identify the servers that more population is likely to make successful and then open those up to the players on the servers that players most need to leave. They will run through that process and reassess and then offer transfers based on the new situation. It seems like you should be able to remain with your current playmates on the servertype you are currently on and end up in a better population situation. As for consolidating your character, changing servers types, moving to where friends are and other reasons to move that typically are charged for, you might get lucky but, will probably need to wait for the pay version of transfers to do it. It's a server balance fix not a free transfer for why ever you'd want one.
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Let's just say I've been doing this a long time. Also wait...... and see. ;)


As have I. That is how I know unless it comes directly from an employee of the game company, it isn't fact. Even when it comes directly from an employee it does not always turn out to be fact, but the chances are greater. That's also why it is so easy for me to spot people dishing out false or assumed information and calling it fact when it is far more in-line with opinion.


Look, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you aren't trolling and are actually trying to help alleviate people's concerns (despite all the evidence to the contrary). The problem with how you're doing it is you are offering opinion and calling it fact. People will take it as fact. Then, if it doesn't happen, the game company gets all the grief for the misinformation you started and the people who were misinformed become more distraught than before.


In other words, regardless of your intentions, you are not helping anyone. I would expect a veteran to know all of this though.

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I'm not sure what you're getting at. The reason why i thought it was important to say that my guild was casual is that we dont require players to use VOIP outside of Ops/raids, we dont require players to visit our forums and we have a 60 day absence removal policy. I don't ask my guild mates for anything other than dont give our guild a bad name and dont act like a jerk to people while wearing the guild tag.


So, we attract a lot of casual players. casual players typically do not read the message of the day, at least the ones in my guild. Casual players are also way behind in SWTOR news. So, I suspect that half my guild doesnt even know that there are transfers next week. So, maybe by Tuesday only 1/3 will still be in the dark about the news. I know the core group my my guild, which is not casual, is along for the move because they've already told me. The rest? nothing. they either dont know about it, or dont care. So, they wont be along for the ride. I have a message in the message of the day saying to check out the guild forums if they wish to remain in the guild. I've done all that I can.


So, in closing, i'm not going to be upset when a lot of people dont come over, because its there choice not to, and I have no interest in forcing/pressuring people to do things they arent interested in.



But, the core is going. The core of my guild is well known on my server and we are a good and functional group. As long as that core moves (which it already has confirmed it will) i am going to be happy. If the casuals want to stay, best of luck. No hard feelings.


What about a guild website. There are some that are free you can set up and use as communication. My guild is casual but we do use the website on a regular basis for communication. I will admit my guild is small but we do keep in touch that way at least once a week or once every two weeks.


You may consider that considering the mailing system for guilds isn't the greatest. Hope things work out for you.

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Hey devs I know it isn't being allowed with the initial free transfers to designated servers, but in the near future will there be an option of paid transfer to a server of our choice? I am currently on a pvp east coast server where my original guild was assigned, but that guild went inactive and I re rolled a character on a pve west coast server for better ping and focus on what I like more pve. I would really like to transfer my character from the pvp server to the pve server as soon as possible as my server is beyond dead and I find my willingness to continue playing this game dwindle. Please open up transfers from pvp to pve and vice versa asap!
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server transfers are incoming.


nobody wants them




the mmo community does this without fail. EVERY TIME. they complain unsub and moan about the problems then when the problems are solved. they complain about how the problem is solved.

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As have I. That is how I know unless it comes directly from an employee of the game company, it isn't fact. Even when it comes directly from an employee it does not always turn out to be fact, but the chances are greater. That's also why it is so easy for me to spot people dishing out false or assumed information and calling it fact when it is far more in-line with opinion.


In general, absolutely QFT!


I get a chuckle every time I see someone try to use apologetics by stating more than what a developer/publisher stated. For example, a community rep might us modifiers like "may be", "soon", or "most likely" to announce something positive, but a user will take those positives and treat them as if they're guaranteed to happen.


I wonder how many people reading the forums actually believe those people and are mislead by those false hopes?

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I wonder how many people reading the forums actually believe those people and are mislead by those false hopes?


I don't know why you don't believe that you're spreading misinformation when you clearly do in some of your posts in this thread.

Edited by psi_overtake
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I don't know why you don't believe that you're spreading misinformation when you clearly do in some of your posts in this thread.


And you still don't read...


So, I created a new character on a new server after I realized my original server was dead. Am I ever going to be able to consolidate my characters from both servers onto one server/legacy?

According to Bioware, no. Awesome "server transfers", huh?

This is simply wrong. Why do you spread misinformation like that? You're simply and undeniably wrong.

Before people start foaming at the mouth, let me remind you that these "free" server transfers do not allow character consolidation from multiple servers onto one server. Since "thendavesaid" was asking in this thread in regards to the recent news of free server transfers, the answer is no. If we're talking about the future, where we may have paid transfers, then the answer might be yes, but we don't know yet. So please, before the fanboys start attacking everyone, step back and look at the context.
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As have I. That is how I know unless it comes directly from an employee of the game company, it isn't fact. Even when it comes directly from an employee it does not always turn out to be fact, but the chances are greater. That's also why it is so easy for me to spot people dishing out false or assumed information and calling it fact when it is far more in-line with opinion.


Look, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you aren't trolling and are actually trying to help alleviate people's concerns (despite all the evidence to the contrary). The problem with how you're doing it is you are offering opinion and calling it fact. People will take it as fact. Then, if it doesn't happen, the game company gets all the grief for the misinformation you started and the people who were misinformed become more distraught than before.


In other words, regardless of your intentions, you are not helping anyone. I would expect a veteran to know all of this though.


You're right, I am trying to help alleviate people's concerns. Some people are very narrow-minded and will always see the "doom and gloom" no matter what the devs say. Whereas I tend to dig through every possible piece of information to get the whole picture on what is happening.


You don't have to believe what I say, but for the most part I'm usually right. ;)

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In general, absolutely QFT!


I get a chuckle every time I see someone try to use apologetics by stating more than what a developer/publisher stated. For example, a community rep might us modifiers like "may be", "soon", or "most likely" to announce something positive, but a user will take those positives and treat them as if they're guaranteed to happen.


I wonder how many people reading the forums actually believe those people and are mislead by those false hopes?




On the issue of future transfers, from what I have read about the situation, there WILL be future transfers as well as this one. There has NOT been any indication that these would be free or would not be free, as far as I know. However, I *am* quoting BioWare in saying there WILL BE future (perhaps paid, perhaps free) transfers as well.


In other words, I am not saying future transfers are free. I am also not saying future transfers are NOT free. I am merely stating that this bit of information has not been currently revealed. Anyone stating otherwise, I believe, is creating a piece of evidence that does not currently exist.


Here is my source for this course of logic:



Future versions of the Character Transfer Service may allow more options in your choice of destination servers
and may require a transfer fee


Source: http://www.swtor.com/blog/character-transfer-server-populations-and-you


(Bold added for emphasis) :rak_01:


Let the opportunity for people to try to misinterpret begin.

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I have a question not sure if it was asked or not already but if the character your looking to transfer is has the same now as one on a server. I'am guessing you will be able to change there name or they won't be able to? Do items in there bank and bags transfer also?
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Ok so i get the point of what they are trying to do but in a way it is BS. I am on a RP-PVP server and i swaped from a PVP server cause of the huge population on the RP-PVP server. So to me the whole server transfer is useless if i can't bring my toons from my old PVP server to a RP-PVP server or visa versa. If i can't swap my toon from the RP-PVP to my old PVP server makes the whole wait and anticipation worthless and with there whole stages or whatever so they are basically saying that maybe sometime in the future maybe by like update 10.0 i would be able to bring my toon to a RP-PVP server. When the whole time i have waited was to bring my other 50 from my old PVP server to this RP-PVP server.


And in general server transfer isn't the only problem with all the population the game has lost in total why keep the 50 servers open how about consolidate the servers to have more of a population then just keep swaping people to different servers. Having 10 or 15 servers with a couple thousand ppl instead of having 50 servers with like 200 on them. I am a morning player and i usually come on at around 6 am well i wait in que til bout 9:30 or 10 before the first que pops and even then there is like 5 people in the group. Well the RP-PVP server i came to at first had a huge population now it is gonna be just like the PVP server i left a ghost town.


Now that is just my opinion but i hope BW u reconsider the only RP-PVP to RP-PVP or PVP to PVP servers. Cause the only reason i have waited for a tranfer was to bring my 50 from a PVP server to the RP-PVP and i ain't gonna wait 4 or 5 more months to do it.

Edited by -Syn-
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I strongly encourage dropping the server type restriction for transfers while allowing selection of specific servers whenever possible based on capacity of the destination server.

1st- there is no open world pvp in this game. So playing on pvp server does not make any sense until redesigned.

2nd- not allowing transfers to your friends will result in even more quits. And I'll be one of them. Staying on a server with less than 10 ppl in the galaxy at any time - the only reason I'm still here is the anticipation of the transfers. There is no reason for me to stay if I won't be allowed to play with my friends. While I do love this game, not enough to repeat all missions for the 6th time leveling new characters. With no dynamic content and having the absolute zero impact on the environment the awesome story lines can do only so much...


Bioware... listen to your loyal customers for a change you will!!!

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Quote: Originally Posted by thendavesaid

So, I created a new character on a new server after I realized my original server was dead. Am I ever going to be able to consolidate my characters from both servers onto one server/legacy?


Quote: Originally Posted by cipher_nemo

According to Bioware, no. Awesome "server transfers", huh?


That is misinformation and simply not true. The question was will he ever be able to consolidate his characters onto one server. The answer is yes.


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I have a question not sure if it was asked or not already but if the character your looking to transfer is has the same now as one on a server. I'am guessing you will be able to change there name or they won't be able to? Do items in there bank and bags transfer also?


Items on your character should be fine, so I don't think there needs to be confirmation on that? I assume that's a no-brainer, right? And items in its personal bank I assume are fine, but I don't know for sure.


Items in your guild bank will not. You'll need to empty the credits and items in the guild bank first.


If you transfer a character with a duplicate name (of another character already on the server), you'll be required to change that transferred character's name. If you own the duplicates, you won't get a choice, you'll have to change the name of the transferred character. That is, if you choose to transfer at all.


But we don't know yet which servers are origins and which are destinations for the "many to one" server transfers. It is said that the server origins and destinations will be revealed on Tuesday.

Edited by cipher_nemo
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From the looks of it, this is simply a marketing move.


1. Offer transfers that are highly limited. Some servers (European RP-PVP) are presumably not eligible for transfers based off of information from BW.

2. This offer will make the fanboys and apologists glow with excitement, as they can now troll the forums with "i told you so", "BW cares!", "now you guys have nothing to complain about!" Etc.

3. People who have toons on multiple servers as a result of rerolls still will have toons on multiple servers.

4. Transfer system is intentionally limited in order to have a market for paid transfers down the road from now.



So, like clock work, the fanboys are doing back flips in joy, the casual player is either happy or not, and the people in RP-PVP servers get screwed.



but its ok. The same people who were saying "OMG JUST SHUT UP AND RE ROLL ON A NEW SERVER" are getting porked much harder than the RP-PVP players are. Congratulations. You advocated for people to reroll, and months later (in some cases almost 6) you still will have your toons scattered across dead servers.






Break out your wallets, boys. Get ready for it.

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He said "Am I ever"


I do read. maybe you can't :p


"Ever" is vague. It could be in the context of this free server merge, as in "is Bioware ever going to change its free server transfer policy", or in the context of all time as you assumed. There was no condition to narrow that word. If you want to pick apart every little thing, please feel free to join a debate forums instead. You're just arguing for the sake of arguing. You could have easily added onto my reply and mentioned the additional transfers in the future that may or may not be free instead of just argued with me over and over again in regards to your own limited views.

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"Ever" is vague. It could be in the context of this free server merge, as in "is Bioware ever going to change its free server transfer policy", or in the context of all time as you assumed. There was no condition to narrow that word. If you want to pick apart every little thing, please feel free to join a debate forums instead. You're just arguing for the sake of arguing. You could have easily added onto my reply and mentioned the additional transfers in the future that may or may not be free instead of just argued with me over and over again in regards to your own limited views.


Now look who's grasping at straws...lol. :D


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From the looks of it, this is simply a marketing move.


1. Offer transfers that are highly limited. Some servers (European RP-PVP) are presumably not eligible for transfers based off of information from BW.

2. This offer will make the fanboys and apologists glow with excitement, as they can now troll the forums with "i told you so", "BW cares!", "now you guys have nothing to complain about!" Etc.

3. People who have toons on multiple servers as a result of rerolls still will have toons on multiple servers.

4. Transfer system is intentionally limited in order to have a market for paid transfers down the road from now.



So, like clock work, the fanboys are doing back flips in joy, the casual player is either happy or not, and the people in RP-PVP servers get screwed.



but its ok. The same people who were saying "OMG JUST SHUT UP AND RE ROLL ON A NEW SERVER" are getting porked much harder than the RP-PVP players are. Congratulations. You advocated for people to reroll, and months later (in some cases almost 6) you still will have your toons scattered across dead servers.






Break out your wallets, boys. Get ready for it.


You hit the nail in the head!! thank you for this post

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From the looks of it, this is simply a marketing move.


1. Offer transfers that are highly limited. Some servers (European RP-PVP) are presumably not eligible for transfers based off of information from BW.

2. This offer will make the fanboys and apologists glow with excitement, as they can now troll the forums with "i told you so", "BW cares!", "now you guys have nothing to complain about!" Etc.

3. People who have toons on multiple servers as a result of rerolls still will have toons on multiple servers.

4. Transfer system is intentionally limited in order to have a market for paid transfers down the road from now.



So, like clock work, the fanboys are doing back flips in joy, the casual player is either happy or not, and the people in RP-PVP servers get screwed.



but its ok. The same people who were saying "OMG JUST SHUT UP AND RE ROLL ON A NEW SERVER" are getting porked much harder than the RP-PVP players are. Congratulations. You advocated for people to reroll, and months later (in some cases almost 6) you still will have your toons scattered across dead servers.






Break out your wallets, boys. Get ready for it.


I'm happy with it... I waited out the que times when they were 45min to an hour to get on because i knew something like this would happen, did they say reroll sure but did you have to? no, so again i go with its not BWs fault you have several toons on different servers YOU made the choice to reroll instead of waiting

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